
by Debonair

Chapter 8.

(Death Valley.)

Deep underground there lies a very dark place, the walls were made of cold metal. A cold air filled the entire complex, a young man tossed and turned in his bed he was having nightmares again. "Martin!" He could hear his mother's voice screaming for him. The last time he saw her was months ago, before he was taken. A loud blaring jolted him from his slumber.

"Proximity Alert," He rolled out of bed and ran to check the camera feeds. He saw nothing but desert and rocks. "Must've been another lizard, get my hopes up then shoot me out of the sky." He plopped down into his armchair then something caught his eye. The date stamp on the camera. 11/14/4012... "That's impossible forty-twelve," He bit his finger and thought, he looked down and found wires attached to his person. "I've been in suspended animation for 1820 years."

He quickly ripped them out and put on his headset. "This is Death Valley Outpost, HQ, do you read?" He heard nothing but static. "Is there any one on this frequency, Over," Nothing. "Answer me Dammit!" He shuffled through frequencies to no avail. "Goddammit!" He slammed his fist on the desk.

The screen next to him lit up. "If you are seeing this, then we lost the war." A somewhat familiar face appeared on it. "It may be possible that whoever gets this message, is not human."

"Not Human," Martin chewed at his knuckles.

"However if Martin is alive and is watching this, you must journey to Apalachia Outpost."

"Appalachia Outpost what could be there?" The video cuts out. "Well it's a long way to Appalachia from here. So I better get started." He shook off the whole not Human thing and walked to his closet. He pushed a button and the door slid to the left, and opened to his favorite wardrobe Black jeans, white t-shirt, and black leather jacket. He quickly slipped into his outfit, and walked to the door. He paused wondering if he really should do what the Professor asked. "Meh why not, he never steered me wrong before."

The door sensed motion and opened to a face full of sand. He spit out the gritty Death Valley Desert sand and found his old garage. "Please let it be here." He pressed his thumb to the scanner and the door slid upward. A tarp was draped over something. He stepped in and whipped the tarp off. "Thank God, did you miss me." He hugged his motorcycle. "Of course you did." He swung his leg over it and placed his feet in the rests. He slammed his foot and the motor began to pur like a kitten, no growl like a jaguar. "Hell yeah baby, Wagons East!" He tore out of the garage and whipped onto the highway.


A strange man in a cloak steps out of the glare of the sunrise. Tumble weeds crossed his path and he could hear harmonicas but he did not know what they were. One creature was brave enough to speak up to him. "What are you?" The small buffalo asked curious about the tall creature that entered her town.

"You could say I'm a wanderer, and did you just talk?"

"Well yes, I am known as Little Strongheart." She was taken aback by his lack of a grasp on the situation. "And you are?"

"Kai," The man towered above her by several feet, and his mouth never moved. A very light green stallion stepped next to Strongheart. "And this is?" He remained silent.

"Braeburn," She elbowed his side. "Be nice." He looked at her with a 'Really?' look.

"Wow you're quite the conversationalist." Kai shrugged his shoulders and scoffed. "Dammit Gilda."

"Welcome to Appleloosa Kai,"

"Thank you for your hospitality Strongheart."

"It is no problem,"

"Apparently it is for him."

"He's not used to outsiders, after all it took him a week to get used to me." She put an upward affliction on her sentence, which made Braeburn blush. This made Kai think, but the only thing he could come up with was 'to each their own.'

"Well I thought I could find a place to stay for the night and to find some food here,"

"Well we'd be happy to give you a place to stay for the night, and some food to eat. As long as you don't eat us."

"No strictly vegetarian,"

"Phew, that's good I was afraid you were a Wendigo,"

"A What Digo?"

"A Wendigo, Buffalo legends say that there are a few creatures that are cannibals, and they anger the Great Spirit so much that they are changed into monsters."

"Like Werewolves?"

"Kinda, but Wendigo's are forever cursed, day and night."

"It must be hard for them." Kai sympathised with the legendary creatures, he felt like every creature was afraid of him. But this one known as Strongheart, had the courage to ask his name. He knew if he were in her situation he'd try to run away.

(Las Pegas.)

"Las Pegas," Martin whipped around the sunset streets of Sin City, but he felt something was wrong. "No cars, no motorcycles, not even people." He scanned the neons for any sign of life and found one, El Caballo Boracho "The Drunken Horse? Sounds promising," He parked his Cycle in the alley. "Now Harley, don't leave this spot. I'll be right back." Martin still felt uneasy about Sin City being practically deserted. He put his hands into his jacket pockets and walked around the corner and into the bar. The atmosphere was typical for a place full of deadbeats.

"Give me another Jose," A female voice shouted as a glass slammed against a table.

"I think you've had enough G." The barkeep seemed to be a reptile hybrid of some sort and sported a lovely Spanish accent.

"Jose Cuervo?"

"That's my name, and how can I help you?"

"I need some information."

"What kind of Information fleshy?" His feeble attempt at an insult made Martin laugh.

"Why are the streets void of life?"

"It's still the week yet, this place ain't much for day life."

"So Sin City's still one for the night life."

"Gimme another dammit." The woman shouted catching Martin's attention. He turned not to find a scantily clad dunken woman, but a Lion Eagle hybrid, or Gryphon.

"You know what, fine but if I have to carry you out again, so help me."

"You'll what, take me home, Fuck you, I don't need your charity, I'm just here for the beer."

"Well put my fine feathered friend, one for me as well."

"What're you looking at punk, you wanna go a few rounds."

"Why should a beautiful lady like yourself be in a place like this, No offense."

"Some taken,"

"Try to smooth talk me all you want, I ain't soft."

"Let's start over with a name, I'm Martin Fredrico de la Deltore."


"Where are you from Gilda?"

"Oh here, there, everywhere, never found a place to nest."

"Could it be that maybe," Martin grabs her chin and pries her away from her teary beer to get a closer look in her eyes. "You've never found someone to nest with?" Her eyes did nothing but stare back into his. "I can tell you have a broken heart, but" He paused a moment to choose his next words carefully. "It wasn't broken by a loved one."

"How did you know?" She sobered up in an instant.

"The eyes are a gateway into the soul, however troubled it may be. You feel worthless, don't you?" She nodded. "You have no reason to sulk, everyone needs help eventually."


"Buts are for sitting." This comment made Gilda smile. "There's that smile keep your chin up, if you want I could help you with this."

"I don't think you could help,"

"Am I not cool enough, am I unfit to hang wit yo crew?"

"Well, if ya don't got anything better to do."

"Then it's settled you are coming with me."

"Woah there Speedy, at least buy me dinner first." She took that older sister tone Martin knew well.

"Well if you insist,"

"We'll see,"

"Ooh I think she likes me, I coulda danced all night, I coulda danced all night."