What Does It Mean to Be a Prince?

by Mike the Red

The Unknown Unknown

"SHOW YOURSELF!!" I thundered, my voice ripping the air like a chainsaw. I received no response. An eery silence fell, and the sky started to darken somewhat. I was starting to become very worried as there wasn't supposed to be something like this happening.

"YOU, WHO CALL YOURSELF TASAVIR!" a voice from nowhere boomed. The sky grew darker still, though there were no clouds. It looked like some sort of eclipse was occurring. I continued to scan using my magic, trying to discern the origin or nature of this voice. My magic proved fruitless on this attempt. I offered a silent prayer of hope, and briefly considered what Princess Celestia would do in such a situation.

"Remain calm," I thought to myself. "Keep calm. Negotiation is the order." To this unknown entity, I said, "Yes, what is it you want?"

"I have been watching you for a long time," came the voice, still very loud, but not as commanding as the first words I heard Him say. I deduced this entity was male owing to the Stentorian nature of His voice.

"May I inquire as to the nature of your business with me?"

"You have displeased me, Tasavir."

"In what way? And how am I to address you if I don't know who or what you are?" I was seriously wondering if Discord had managed to escape his petrified imprisonment, as this was seriously messing with my mind.

"You have the unmitigated gall to try to impersonate MY SON!" He boomed.

"What? You mean you ACTUALLY EXIST? I thought that was a myth!"

I couldn't believe I was talking to HIM at all! "Yes! I DO EXIST! And THAT is why I am displeased with YOU! How dare you think you can usurp MY power! How dare you think you can alter the rising and lowering of the sun! You are interfering with MY CREATION!"

"Please forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," I started.

"You were raised a Roman Catholic! You strayed from the path! And NOW you think you can achieve IMMORTALITY with your actions! You KNOW what I am capable of doing to you!"

"May I ask once again for your forgiveness? What must I do?"

"You must stop impersonating MY SON, for a start. Remain true to yourself, you should have been proud of the form I gave you when you were born. Instead, you chose to alter it."

"How does that explain the fact that about two weeks ago, I had woken up in the form of Twilight Sparkle?"

"I blessed you with that wish so you could experience something new. I had no idea you would enjoy it as much as you did."

"Yeah, it WAS pretty nice," I grinned.

"I will have to admit, that you performed admirably whilst in that form," He acknowledged. "You brought honor to the name of Twilight Sparkle. I was impressed."

I beamed at His compliment -- I had been praised by the Almighty Himself! "You have my deepest appreciation for your compliment -- although I knew I could not remain in that form, but I did indeed enjoy the experience fully."

"However, you violated one of MY commandments!" He thundered. He was referring to my killing of Chrysalis.

"That entity was going to KILL ME! I claim self-defense! I was trying to rescue my step-daughter and her two children!"

"Understood. That doesn't completely mitigate that action but I will forgive you on that one. HOWEVER," He started.

I remembered just then about Xaviera and her kids being encased in those slimy cocoons, and shuddered to think that maybe it had been too late when I rescued them. There was a gnawing at the back of my mind that they may have already been assimilated into Chrysalis' hive, and that they were already changelings themselves. "Almighty Father, I have a request. I know it is a bit presumptuous of me to end this conversation, but I fear my step-daughter and her children may be in greater danger than I realize. I beg your forgiveness, but I MUST check on them! Please!"

"I understand the nature of your request. Be advised that I WILL be watching you as I always HAVE been! Keep in mind that if you CONTINUE to act irresponsibly there WILL be serious consequences for your actions! Consider this a WARNING!" He boomed. His presence then retreated, and the sky cleared out again to reveal bright sunshine in a cloud-free sky.

Brenda came out of the Lottery headquarters shortly after that, grinning from ear to ear. She saw my look of concern and her smile disappeared. "Mike, what happened? You look scared, and I thought that in your new form, nothing could scare you!"

"You're not going to believe this, Brenda, but I just had a conversation with the Lord Our God in Heaven."

"Where have I heard THAT before," she grinned.

"No, Brenda, I mean for real-real, not for play-play. He said He was deeply offended by my actions."

"So what are you going to do?"

"He said I must act more responsibly. And I must stop impersonating His Son." I changed my appearance again, to match my original human form, just a bit more well-defined in the body, and younger as well. We got in the car to go home, Brenda having received a certified bank cashier's check for the lottery win.

"Analyzing driver data. Driver data confirmed. Good afternoon, Michael Walker!" came TS's cheery voice. "Analyzing passenger data. Passenger data confirmed. Good afternoon, Brenda Walker!"

"Afternoon, TS, we need to teleport back home," I said.

"Mike, what's the hurry?"

"I fear something really bad has happened to Xaviera and her kids," I said, a look of deep concern on my face.


"Do you remember when I freed her and her kids from those slimy cocoons I was telling you about?"

"And you killed the Queen of the Changelings in front of them? How can I forget? They keep telling me they have nightmares about what she did to them!"

"I am very worried about what may truly have happened," I said.

"Preparing to teleport, home location. Teleportation in progress," came TS's flat voice.