The North

by The Midnight Stalker

The Night Before

The North


The Midnight Stalker

(Remember I'm Watching You)

The Royal Summons. It was the worst thing that could ever happen to anypony. It always meant bad news for whatever pony was unlucky enough to be summoned. The how and why really didn't matter. Sometimes it was the death of somepony important or perhaps you had to testify to a crime. That in itself wasn't bad, but it often left a pony marked for life as a backstabber, even if that wasn't the case.

The worst case scenario however was if you were the subject of The Summons. Nopony wanted that. It meant you were an enemy of the crown. It often meant punishment and being labeled as a traitor. Never seeing those you love ever again, out of choice or banishment. Banishment was the worst. Having to leave your home? Why would you want that? Nopony ever did, even if they purposely did do wrong to the Crown.

These were the thoughts that ran through my head as I read the letter. I didn't know why or how, but I was to be in Canterlot by this time next evening, or face immediate prosecution. It didn't matter that I didn't know why I was being summoned; I simply had to be there. However, what was worse was how the Message was delivered. Normally when the Princess needed to send me something important she sent it through Spike. This time it came by the Royal Post. It was a scary trend. It was like she's trying to be distant about this whole mysterious situation. And all that did was worry me even more. Maybe Spike could somehow help me understand this.

"Spike! Come here!" I hollered. "I need to ask you a question!"

"Fine! It's not like I was doing anything!" Soon I heard sounds coming from the kitchen and then I saw him coming out. "This better be important Twilight, I was in the middle of a snack. And I it was really good too. It even had some of those sapphires Rarity gave me....."

"Sorry Spike, I didn't mean to drag you away from your snack, it's that I just received a letter from the Princess and...."

"Whoa there! No you didn't. I would know if she sent you a letter."

"Actually that's that thing I wanted to ask you. Do you know why the Princess would send me a Letter through the Royal Post? Because she did and it's really worrying me a lot."

"Why? Maybe she didn't want to disturb me for once. After all half the time she sends one of those it's while I'm napping or eating. You know how serious I take those two activities."

"Normally I wouldn't care, but this time I think it's bad." I turned to look at him better and get ready to tell him when suddenly there was a small flash of green and Spike belched up a letter.

"Huh? Well what do you know! Talk about her and she send me another letter. I wonder what it's about."

"Um, you could always read it Spike. But could you wait first. I was about to tell you something really important. Spike?"

"Huh. Sorry I was reading this letter. It says something about me having to stay in Canterlot for a while. Do you know why?"

"What do you mean stay in Canterlot? Let me see it!"

"Mum... It says for me not to..."

"I don't care just give it here Spike."

Before he could say anything I used my magic to snatch it from his claws.

Due to Circumstances beyond our own control I have decided that it is no longer viable, or safe, for you to stay in the care of Twilight Sparkle. She is to have to be at the castle tomorrow for a very important meeting. The result of the meeting will determine where you will live, but I'm already sure of what will happen, much to my regret.

Princess Celestia

P.S. Don't let Twilight see this letter. It will only alert worry her

I didn't know what to think. I was hoping that the Summons was only a begin affair. Perhaps only needing me there as a witness or even an expert or anything. Now this letter pretty much dashed any hope I had. Whatever was going on it had something to do directly with me. But at the same time it confirmed another of my earlier thoughts. The Princess didn't want to do it. Whatever It was. She felt it had to be done. So maybe she would listen to reason. But if she was going this route to talk to me, it was likely too late....

"Twilight? Equestria to Twilight. Hellooooo....."

I must have been silent for a bit after I read it.

"Huh? Oh. Sorry I was thinking."

"About the letter?"

"Yeah. It's worrying me. Like she said it would. I'll be honest, it sounds bad."

"Well that's not good at all, but I'm not worried. Just think of all the times you and your friends had to save the day...."

"Not like that. It's the Royal Summons, Spike! That's never good news. At the very least folks won't talk to me because of it. The worst thing though is she might banish me!"

"Stop! She won't do that. I'm sure of it. Think of all the other times you've overreacted to something, didn't they all turn out to be nothing?."

"Well yes, but..."

"The Smarty Pants incident ring a bell?"


"See nothing to worry about, besides she loves you. Nothing to sweat about!"

"Really? I mean the letters and..."

"Doesn't matter. I say we'll be okay."

"I hope so."


"I think I'll go get ready for bed. It's kinda late."

"Alright. I'll be up in a bit. I got a snack to finish."

"And Spike, Thank you."

So I went upstairs. It really didn't take long for me to get ready for bed. All I really had to do was removing my shoes and get my bed ready. Magic made it really quick and easy, one of the many perks of being a unicorn. I laid there for a bit not really sleeping at all. Soon Spike came up to get ready to sleep. All he did was climb into this basket.

"Good night Spike."

"Huh you still up?"

"Yeah. Probably will be for a while. Still thinking."

"Oh okay. Well I'm gonna go ahead and sleep now. Good night."

Soon he was asleep and fast. I was a bit jealous of Spike in the regard. Oh well. I'm sure he was worry for me. Not about tomorrow. But rather about me freaking out again. Sure it happened once... or twice, but he doesn't have to hold it over my head the rest of my life.