Punched, Pinched

by Infinite Badness


I can't see. I can feel my eyelids open and shut, but I can't see. Everything is dark. No. Everything is black, the absence of color. If something was dark then at least you can make out something very faint, but you can't here. The back of my head feels sore. I try to move, but I can't. It feels like I'm strapped down to something flat. It's not a table because I can feel that I'm at an angle.

I feel weak. Every muscle in my body feels soft. It's the same feeling that you get when you wake up first thing in the morning, only much worse. I try to struggle, but I can only muster up some light tossing and turning. Oh Celestia, where am I? Is this where all the missing ponies had gone when they disappeared? Was this all some nightmare I was having? I wanted to believe that I was still at home sleeping in bed, waiting for Pinchy to come home and crawl under the covers next to me. The pain in the back of my head made sure that whatever nightmare I was having was all too real. I started to contemplate whether or not I wanted to yell for help. Would anyone hear me? Would I have enough strength to even do it? What if who was keeping me here heard my cries? There were too many possibilities. I thought I about giving up, but the urge to see Pinchy again kept me from doing that. Now I thought about going back to sleep, but the possibilities of what might happen during that came back. I decided that staying awake might be best. Maybe if I did that long enough my eyes might adjust to the darkness. While I waited for that I thought of ways I could pass the time. At first I thought about playing I Spy, but I realized that would've been impossible considering the conditions. The thought made we smile. A joke about the darkness. I thought of other things I couldn't do in the dark. Jump rope? Nope, I was tied to a slab or something. A puzzle? Nope again. I wouldn't be able to see the pieces let alone use my hooves to put them in the right places. Ooh, I know! Chess! I don't have to move the pieces, I can tell someone else to do it for me. Wait, I'd still have to see the pieces and have someone to play with. Checkers would have the same problem, too. Heh, strategy games in the dark. Almost like Battle Clouds. Pinchy loves that game.

Pinchy. I almost forgot about her.

In my growing craziness, I almost forgot about my baby. No. She doesn't like to be called that. My little girl. Oh Celestia, what's going to happen to her? What is she doing now? What time is it? If it was late, then she would probably start looking for me around town, hitting every bar in Ponyville. All three of them. I've never liked the idea of her going into bars looking for me. It's bad enough that she has to be exposed to me when I'm drunk, I don't want her to see me when I'm drunk in public places. The challenges of preserving your daughter's innocence. I guess the only upside will be that when she doesn't find me, she'll panic and go straight to the police. Who am I kidding? All that'll do is make me a headline and show how bad their jobs the cops are.

I spy with my little eye...
I don't know how long I've been awake, but I think my eyes were starting to adjust. I started to see something in the dark. It was faint, but I could make out a figure. I think it was red. I started to focus my eyes on it. I was startled the moment I could make out a face. It was a mare with blue eyes. She started to come forward. With every step she took, I realized that she wasn't red at all, but pink. She was a foot away from me and her blue eyes were now boring holes right through me.

"Well done, Berry."

I had heard her voice before.

"Most ponies would've started to yelling the minute they woke up, but you've spent this whole time analyzing the situation. Maybe you should be sober more often."

That voice had so much joy in it before, bought so much laughter that it was hard to imagine that the coldness in voice came from the same pony.

"What's the matter? Are you too weak to to talk? Is that why you haven't tried to call for help? Do you want a drink of water? Maybe something stronger might get you going. What's your poison? Oops! I said poison. Get it? Poison? Because I'm going to kill you!"

Her laughter was so unpleasant to listen to now. It's hard to believe that she was going to kill me, even less so that she was responsible for all the disappearances.

"Still nothing? Wow, I don't know what to say."


Pinkie leaned in with her hoof to her ear. "What?"

"I said, 'Why?'"

She smiled. "Do you mean 'Why am I doing this?' or 'Why you?'"


"The old motive question. Well, I guess I do owe you an explanation, but I don't want to give you one. I don't have to give you one. It's just more cruel that way."

She was right. It was more cruel that way, but that's okay. It just made me more mad at her. She saw that.

"Ooh, there's fight in this one or maybe you'll just pussy out like all the others."

She was serious now. The twisted smile and maniacal stare gave way to something dead now. It was as if the coldness in her voice now took a life of it's own and took the place of the pink sadist that was before me.

"You're going to die here. I'm going to kill you very slowly and you're going to feel every minute of it. Not because I'm punishing you or something stupid like that. You're going feel everything because I enjoy it. and I want nothing but my own enjoyment."

She was very close to my face now. "I'm going to enjoy you." She smiled. I tried to take a bite out of her muzzle, but she moved out of the way.

"You have so much fight in you, so much hate, I think I'll let you stew in it for awhile."

She disappeared into the darkness. I was alone again.