Cutlass: Minerva Heartway

by Flutterwhat

Mission log: Project ghost

Log://heartway/S/02A/1:// This is setting….strange?

Mission log: Project ghost

Minerva Heartway, 1st officer reporting.

Well, it seems we have realized something quite confusing.When the admiral told us that a unidentified signal may be out first contact of the fabled Star Ponies, Canterlot may have just been lying to us to us. Sensors seemed to indicated a Equestrian vessel might be the source of the signal, but we can't identify it from here, but we should at this range.

I also can't seem to find a way to fix moral. The Captain seems to be brooding in his ready room about half of the time and the teams are growing tired from all of the sensor readings we've been trying to have done, which have proved inconclusive for the most part, lowering their motivation.

the captain doesn't understand that the pressure the science team is being put under for sharper readings is putting strain on two key ponies in the FTL devision, so we can't actually go and get closer readings for a few days.

Because the captain is aloof in his ready room, i've had the bridge more often then not.

Off I go for another shift of being in command because the captain is too busy with something else.