A Time To Remember

by ericpotter4


The Doctor had a look of fear in His eyes. The Daleks were on Gargameth. "I've defeated you time and time again, and I can defeat you this time!" The green Dalek stood there, thinking. Twilight, shivering with fear asked The Doctor, "THOSE are the Daleks?" The Doctor replied, " Yes that is a Dalek. The most feared species in the entire universe. Bent on destroying everything non-Dalek."

"COME WITH ME OR BE EXTERRMINATED!" The Doctor and Twilight did as the Dalek instucted. When they got to the Dalek Base camp, The Doctor was greeted with a familiar face.
"Davros. So you've returned. You've been alive far too long."
"I would say the same for you Doctor. Daleks! Put them in their confinement rooms"
"YES LORD DAVROS" Four of the Daleks emerged from the group and pushed them to their jail cell. "YOU WILL GET IN THE CELL." The Doctor and Twilight were shoved into the cell. The Daleks closed the door, and The Doctor started waving a strange metal rod at the door. Twilight wondered what he was doing. "DRAT! They sonic proofed the door! Now we have to think of a way to get out! Any ideas?"
"Wait, wait wait...sonic proof? What does that mean?"
"It means we can't use the sonic to open this door."
"And what is the sonic exactly?"
"Sonic is what I call this nifty device called a sonic screw driver. It makes a noise when I press this button." He pointed to a button and pressed it. It started glowing green and making a high pitched noise. "It opens doors and hacks into mainframes. It gives me a diagnosis of any disease. It can disarm a nuclear bomb, and it can tell me the exact species you are and what gender you are. It is the most important thing to me, and they sonic proofed the room!"
"Okay then. What's with Davros, I mean, who is he?"
"Davros is the creator of the dalek species. He is the most evil person aside from the daleks."
"Ah okay" There was a long awkward silence. "Whats with the bow tie?" The Doctor Smiled "Bow ties are cool."

Two weeks had passed. The Doctor appeared to be doing something with his head. He was putting both fingers on his head and seemed to be thinking. Hard. After a while, a small white cube formed. A few minutes later, there was a noise outside the door. The door opened. A figure stood there who was not a dalek.

"Hello swetie!"