When life gives you EXP

by FanOfSun

Mini Chapter: Who is Jack?

Vlad was sitting at the school's library with Spike, reading a book. He wasn't afraid of getting caught in his human form, since it was early in the morning. And even if he did, well, he would be able to figure something out. However, something was odd...

Spike stared at the human and rubbed his head, confused "So uh... Does it happen often?"

Vlad raised his head "What do you mean?"

Spike pointed at Vlad's shoulder "Well, this"

Human eyed the said place. Here, resting at Vlad's shoulder, was Dandelion's head, reading the book as well. She somehow managed to place herself on human's back, gripping him with her wings and hooves. Vlad instantly jumped from his place, forcing Dandelion to fly away from him. He, somehow, managed to both remain silent and catch the chair before it hit the floor.

Human looked towards batpony, flying a few meters off the ground "The hell?!" he was obviously irritiated.

Dandelion landed onto the floor and tilted her head "What do you mean?"

Vlad raised both of his hands and pointed them at her "First of all, WHY would you think that I'm OK with that? You know damn well that I'm-"

Dandelion interrupted him "Please Jackie, it's not like it will KILL you!"

Spike's head perked up, as he heard the name. He turned to look at them directly.

Vlad was silent for a moment, but then quickly manages himself "Anyway... How did you manage to ignore my upgrades? They were supposed to tell me whenever anyone is watching or is about to attack me!"

Dandelion raised her eyebrow "Was I trying to spy on you or hurt you?"

Vlad slowly lowered his hands "That... Makes sence" he then perked up again "But, how did you climb-"

"Who is 'Jackie'?"

Both Dandelion and Vlad looked down at Spike.

Vlad explained "That's a nickname for 'Jack'. "

Dandelion smirked and glanced at the human "He gets pissed a lot whenever I use it"

Spike tilted his head "Why do you have such a nickname?"

Dandelion slowly approached the little dragon and whispered "You see... Back when he was a bit younger, Vlad was REALLY good with the knives"

Spike sweated a bit "W-What..?"

The batpony looked really concerned "But... Not a single one of the his family knew..."

Spike was really terrified "K-Knew what..?"

Dandelion continued, with a lot of grief in her voice "That... He actually-!"

Vlad decided to bluntly destroy the whole atmosphere "I used to carve some good Jack-o-lanterns. That's it"

Spike was dumbfounded, while Dandelion groaned.

"You just HAD to break the scene didn't ya?!" she then was silent for a few moments "..Wait, I thought you wanted this to be a secret?"

Vlad nodded "Yup, because I was REALLY good at it"

"..You're weird"

Vlad snorted "Of course I am.."

They started to argue about whether being secretive about your talents is weird. Spike however, was not listening. He had put the book on the table, and approached Vlad "Uhm.."

Human looked down and lowered himself to be on Spike's level "Yeah?"

"Hey don't ignore me!"

Spike continued "Can you... Teach me how to carve 'em?"

Vlad stared at him for several few seconds "I... Sure I guess? Though I'm not as good as I used to be"

Dandelion then jumped on his back and smirked "Ah, then you just HAVE to teach me as well!"

Vlad huffed, but chuckled "Dang, ok sure!"

"Oh oh! I wanna too!"

The whole trio jumped and looked back. They saw nopony else, but Pinkid, standing in the entrance to the library. She was staring at them, with her usual grin.

However, she tilted her head, as noone answered her question "Hey, am I not allowed to be taught? I'm really good with the knives!"

Vlad exhaled "You... Can join us too.."

After all, it was Pinkie being Pinkie.