My Little Dashie 2: My Little Twily

by Joshweiser22


Hello again everypony! Joshweiser here. I'm writing this foreward to explain exactly what this is. When I read My Little Dashie, naturally, it made me cry. I just couldn't help but want it to continue. I began writing an outline for what would happen after My Little Dashie, as if I were writing a fanfiction for it. Then I decided, I WOULD make it into a fanfiction. Or more of a fanfanfiction. That's when I figured it would be a direct sequel to it and obviously called it My Little Dashie 2. Now I don't want to give too many spoilers but Twilight Sparkle is a big part of this sequel. That's part of the reason why it's not only My Little Dashie 2 and instead is My Little Dashie 2: My Little Twilight. You'll figure why it's "My Little" when you read the story. Also, I told the author of the original My Little Dashie (ROBCakeran53) that I was writing this sequel and he allowed me to create it although know that this is NOT CANON. It's not an official sequel to My Little Dashie and is my own ideas. I'll also be sure to give him credit at the credits at the end of this fanfiction. It's always fun to write fanfictions so thank you for reading as well!