The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

Tickle Attack!

While enjoying his day at Fluttershy's cottage, Gumball was looking out the window and wondering how the rest of his family is doing back in Elmore. Alas, it's not like he can ask the co-ruling princesses of this peaceful, majestic land. And he would rather die than face a very angry and furious mother like Nicole. Yes, she would probably ground him until he is ninety years old. Plus it was angry to see her angry or hear her scream like an evil vulture or a wicked harpy.

"Gumball, are you up there, sweetie?" called Fluttershy from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm up here, Fluttershy." Gumball called back to her. "What is it?" he stopped looking at the window to look downstairs.

"Are you hungry?"

Gumball heard his stomach growling and looked at it. "Yeah, i am." said Gumball. "I feel like my stomach is going to turn into a werewolf and pop out of my body to eat everything."

"What?" Fluttershy sounded confused.

"Just an expression." Gumball called.

"Oh! ok." said Fluttershy. "Well i have some watermelon for you to eat."

"Ooh. That sounds good." said Gumball. "I'll be right down."


So the cat boy went down the steps to look at the fruit. the red juicy fruit inside the watermelon looked literally ripe for the picking.

He licked his lips and couldn't wait to take a bite out of these strips. Yes, his taste buds were just ready to indulge in the juicy sensation this melon will give him. "Wow, where'd you get this?"

"I was growing some in my garden and this was the biggest one i grew." Fluttershy smiled.

"Huh, no kidding." said Gumball. "Look at this baby. I wish Darwin was here to see this."

"Well grab a piece and enjoy." said Fluttershy warmly.

Gumball did just that and helped himself with the biggest slice if watermelon he can get his mouth on. Yes, the taste was so amazing to his taste buds that they all cheered like it was a concert.

"Oh boy!" said one of his taste buds, "That was deeeeeelicious!"

"Come on!" said another taste bud. "Bring in some more!"

"How does it taste?" asked Fluttershy

"Very yummy." Gumball smiled. "I've never had one like this before." he licked his lips before opening his mouth for another bite.

"Ooh! here comes some more." said another taste bud before all of them cheered as they felt the sticky and soft skin of the inner fruit.

Fluttershy was glad Gumball like the watermelon she picked from her garden. "I knew you would love it." she said.

"I love it alight." Gumball remarked. "I have a feeling that the food here is better than the food at home. And you guys don't have hot dogs or hamburgers either because ponies are herbivores."

"What are hamburgers and hot dogs again?" then she made a gasp. "wait, you cook dogs and eat them?"

"No! No! no!" Gumball reassured her. "No, that is just evil. No, hot dog is just a name for a pig intenstine on a bun that you put ketchup, mustard, and sometimes pickle relish on it."

"Oh." the yellow pegasus made a look of disgust. "Those poor pigs though. I can't imagine the suffering they would go through. So what are hamburgers again?"

"They are pieces of round, flat meat that usually comes from cows that we put between two buns and have condiments, lettuce, tomato, pickle, cheese, onions, and"

"Mayonnaise?" Fluttershy added.

"Ugh! eww! no, i hate Mayonnaise." Gumball made a face of disgust. "in my world, we call mayo the devil's condiment."

Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh. "That us a little funny."

"Heh, yeah I guess it is. How did you know?"

"Because we have hay-burgers here." said Fluttershy.

"Ah, I get it. because you ponies love hay"

"Right." the yellow pegasus smiled.

"Yeah, I eat meat but I'm a cat and cats are carnivores... or omnivores."

"True. That is true." Fluttershy giggled some more. "I mean, your world is a little weird."

"a little weird would be an understatement." the blue cat said. "If you stayed there long enough, you would understand." then he took another large bite of a watermelon strip, and he never got tired of the juicy deliciousness. "you probably wouldn't like some of the weird things that happen in my home. Elmore is considered the only place in town that defies the laws of physics... and nature."

Fluttershy giggled some more. "Well it would make sense. your dad is a rabbit and your mom is a cat like you. Naturally, cats would probably chase and eat rabbits... if the cats are big enough."


Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Fluttershy went to answer it. "I'll get it." she sang before humming over to the door. She opened it and it was the three fillies Gumball met yesterday. "Hello girls." she greeted warmly.

"Hi Fluttershy." the three fillies said in unison. "Is Gumball here anywhere?"

"He is just in the kitchen table. Just mind where-" but unfortunately, she was cut short when the three rambunctious fillies ran past her enough to make her spin and be dizzy.

The three fillies stopped in front of Gumball and they smiled. "Hi Gumball!"

After he gulped down another chunk of watermelon, Gumball smiled and said: "hey guys. What's going on?"

"We wanted to know if you wanted to come to the clubhouse with us." said Applebloom. "We wanna give you something nice."

Gumballs' eyes perked up with some kind of hope. "A present? for me?" he said. "Oh you shouldn't have!" he clapped his hands in excitement. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise." said Sweetie Belle. "Fluttershy, can Gumball come over?"

"Oh of course. Just make sure nothing bad happens to him." said the yellow pegasus mare.

"He'll be fine." said Scootaloo. "Come on, let's go."

The blue cat boy did just that and followed the three fillies to their little clubhouse. When they got there, Gumball was amazed at how bigger it was in person. The last time he saw it: it was through a little camera through his drone to create the pranks he did.

"Wow, this is nice." Gumball looked around the interior. "So you help ponies without cutie marks find them?"

"Yep. And we're proud of it." said Sweetie Belle

"Very proud of our work." Applebloom added.

"So what's the present you wanna give me?" instead of a response, Scootaloo locked the door so the cat wouldn't be able to get out and Sweetie Belle closed the window shut before locking that. "Uhhh, guys?" he said

"Our present is right here." said Scootaloo. "Something called payback for the you did." she and her cohorts had evil smiles on their adorable faces and Gumball immediately became scared of what can happen next.

"Oh no, don't tell me this is revenge for the prank."

"oh it is." said Applebloom.

"Let's see how you like being pranked, Gumball." Sweetie Belle added.

Gumball just gulped in fear awaiting what would happen next and the girls walked up to him menacingly with Applebloom pulling out a long rope to bind him.

"Gah! Ow! Agh!" Gumball exclaimed as he was feeling himself being restrained by the fillies and the rope force his arms against his side. Sweetie Belle pulled another rope and used her magic to bind Gumball 's legs so he wouldn't be able to run away. "Come on! It was just a prank, a harmless prank!" Gumball continued pleading. "Can't we just call it even?"

"Not until we're done with you, we won't." Scootaloo sang. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle pulled out one orange feather from Scootaloo's wings and they had a feather in their mouth.

"oh no. You wouldn't." Gumball slowly realized what was going to happen.

"We would." said Applebloom

"You didn't!" Gumball's voice began to raise up.

"We did." Sweetie Belle sang.

"no! no! anything but that!" Gumball pleaded one more time, but it fell on deaf ears for the fillies. They walked up to him and tickled him with the feathers and made him laugh crazily.

Yes it looked like Gumball was going to face retribution for pranking the fillies.