The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

Sneaky Plan for Payback

Gumball was happy to be acquainted with the Cutie Mark Crusaders right now, even though they were pranked by him before with his little drone. These three fillies looked alright to him, even if they weren't really Darwin or his other friends from school.

"I'm Scootaloo." said the tomboyish filly.

"I'm Applebloom," the country girl added.

"And I'm Sweetie Belle." said Rarity's little sister to finish it.

"nice to meet you, I guess." said Gumball. "Look, you guys aren't mad at the prank I did?"

"Nah, it was just a prank." said Scootaloo. "I used to pull pranks on my aunts all the time."

Gumball couldn't help but chuckle at what fhe tomboy just said. "That sounds fun."

"Really fun." said Scootaloo

Applejack cleared his throat in a stern way. The fillies looked at the grownup mares, and Spike, knowing what they meant by clearing their throats. Applejack did it to tell the fillies not to give the cat boy any ideas to pull more pranks for his own amusement.

"Anyway," said Sweetie Belle, "We're not mad at the prank you did with that electric bird thing."

"You mean the drone?" Gumball pointed.

"Right." said Applebloom, "the drone. We all gotta laugh at ourselves once in a while."

"I do it all the time." said Pinkie Pie as she held a handheld mirror with her tail like she was a monkey or a lemur, and before everyone knew it, she was guffawing at her own reflection over and over again

"Pinkie, we get the point." Fluttershy looked a little annoyed with Pinkie's silly antics.

"Granted, we all make fun of ourselves once in a while." said Twilight, "but you always need to think about your pranks or whom it's ok to prank at."

"Somepony like a baby in the hospital." Rainbow Dash, "or a little foal in his bed."

"I know that." said Gumball. "Why can't you guys just trust me like Fluttershy?"

"No, no, we're not saying we don't trust you." said Rarity. "Quite the opposite."

"Yeah sugarcube." Applejack added. "We do trust you."

"So what's it like being in another world?" asked Applebloom.

Before Gumball could answer for her, he was interrupted by Sweetie Belle. "Yeah, and are there other worlds besides us?"

"You gotta tell us if there are other dimensions." Scootaloo also interrupted the cat boy.

"Hey hey hey!" Rainbow Dash intervened. "One question at a time, guys."

"Well yeah I come from another world." Gumball explained to them. "From Earth, and I am from a town called Elmore. It's a really weird place, trust me, when you see it, you'll be so weirded out."

"How weird?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Like really weird." Gumball answered. "Here let me show you on my phone." so he did just that: showed the Crusaders the weirdness of Elmore on his cellphone and the girls were intrigued by this kind of world.

"It looks so... odd." said Scootaloo."

"Many people in Elmore are so weird and they come in many shapes and sizes. People call it the most random town in the world."

"I'll say." said Applebloom. "A walking and talking banana with googly eyes?"

"A flying eyeball with wings?" Scootaloo looked disturbed by one of the students in one of the pictures. "that's just disgusting."

"And a large wingless dragon?" Sweetie Belle pointed. "Weird class."

"Technically, Tina is a tyrannosaurus rex, or T. Rex for short. she's a kind of dinosaur. But it would be cool if she was a dragon."

"Who's the ugly peanut?" asked Scootaloo, noticing Penny.

Gumball looked offended and said: "Hey! that's my girlfriend you're talking about!"

The three girls looked a little frightened at this reaction and took a step back. "Now now, Gumball, they didn't know any better." said Fluttershy. "And they didn't know she was your girlfriend."

"Sorry." said the three.

"No, I'm sorry." said Gumball, realizing his little outburst. "Penny is a one of a kind girl and the best kind of girlfriend any boy can have. And she used to be a peanut, but now she's more like a golden fairy who can turn into anything of any shape."

"Ooh." the three fillies sounded intrigued by this kind of information. "A fairy?" said Scootaloo.

"Or i think she is a fairy. I accidentally broke her shell, and I convinced her to not be afraid of who she truly is, on the inside."

"Wow. Are her family members fairies?" asked Applebloom

"I... have no idea. They chose not to get out of their shells." Gumball rolled his eyes. "But they're happy and I can't force it on themselves to do so. Believe me I tried and it failed."

"Well you can't give up for trying." said the cyan Pegasus mare.

"Oh ho ho, easier said than done, Rainbow." said Gumball. "You do not know this family like I do."

"What do you mean, darling?" asked Rarity.

"I love Penny with all my heart, and I would die for her if needed." Gumball clasped his hands with a breath from his nose. "But her family is crazy! I mean almost deranged!"

"That's not very nice." Twilight said

"Come on, you said Penny was really nice."

"Yes, but... it's like this old saying: it's always the kind ones you have to look out for."

"Story of our lives." said Applejack.

Fluttershy blushed and knew that every one of her friends were looking at her. Yes, she can have outbursts of anger once in a while and it can give thr ines close to her quite a scare.

"I know it doesn't sound very nice, Twilight." the blue cat said. "But you weren't there when it happened."

"When what happened?" asked Fluttershy

"I don't wanna talk about it." was all Gumball replied.

"Well, we have to help our friend Pipsqueak with something." said Sweetie Belle. "Nice meeting you, Gumball."

"Nice meeting you guys, too." the blue cat smiled at the three fillies before they walked off.

"See, they easily forgive you." said Applejack. "Nothing to worry about, Sugarcube."

Whike walking, the Crusaders were smiling and Applebloom said: "He's a nice guy."

"I know." said Sweetie Belle.

"Though I kinda wish there was a way to do some payback for the prank he did to us." Scootaloo wondered. Suddenly, they all looked surprised and got a rather devious idea with evil smiles on their adorable faces.