The Immortal

by Beats-Box

Tears Don't Fall

"What does 'tell us when you're able' mean?" The purple one asked Fluttershy.

"It means that when he's able to talk he'll tell us."

"Dearie, why do you think that it even knows how to talk?" The white unicorn inquired.

"After he was done crying he tried to say 'thank you' to me." He was ashamed that he cried.

"Are you sure about that?" The other pegasus asked.

"Yes I am" Fluttershy insisted.

"An' nothing's going ta change your mind?" the orange one asked.


"Okie dokie lokie then, let's go" the one apparently known as Pinkie said before bouncing away.

"Ughhh, fine, just make sure that it doesn't get in the way."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Twilight. I promise that he'll behave." Fluttershy looked at him "right?" He nodded.

'So the purple one is named Twilight' he thought, following them deeper into the forest. He had noticed that dark presence that he had felt earlier but it felt like it was coming from the trees now.

That was when he heard Fluttershy scream, he was in front of her before anyone realised, ready to protect the only creature that had shown him true kindness in centuries. That was until the one known as Pinkie started to sing a ridiculous song about laughing, a song so silly that he had let down his guard and smiled knowing that she was not in danger.

But then he saw it, a purple cloud flying out of the trees and away from them taking the dark presence with it. He realised this was the cause of the evil that he was feeling and he knew that this wasn't the last he was going to see of it.

He followed the ponies to a river, it took seeing water for him to realise just how thirsty he was. It felt like he had not had had anything to drink in centuries, even though it was probably longer than that. He ignored the rapids on the river and drank. It took several minutes until his body was satisfied but when he was he looked up to see one of the ponies speaking with a sea-serpent.

This white unicorn took a scale from the serpent and cut her own tail with it. All of the others were shocked when she did this, even more so when she tied the hair that she had cut off to the serpent's butchered moustache.

"Rarity, why did you do that?" Twilight asked the other unicorn. Now he knew four of their names; Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, and Rarity.

"Well dearie, it was simply the right thing to do, anyway my tail will grow back." The unicorn known as Rarity told her friends.

He walked over and picked up the scale, all of the ponies looked at him wondering what was going on.

"Fluttershy, what's it doing?" Twilight asked. He used the scale like Rarity slicing off a handful of hair before presenting it to her as an answer.

"It seems that it's trimming its mane" He nodded agreeing with Rarity.

"Do you want some help?" Fluttershy asked him.

He had to think about this for a moment, but he ultimately decided that, yes he would like help. He nodded to convey his decision to the ponies.

"Okay now, sit still and I'll do this real quick."

"Fluttershy darling, please let a professional handle this" Rarity insisted taking the scale with her magic.

It was over quite quickly and she had done a very good job considering she had never seen a human before. She had cut his hair short but not too shot and she had even shaved his beard but left him a moustache. The sea-serpent had convinced her to leave it.

But he still really liked the way that this pony had cut his hair. He decided to hug her as a thank you, only she had gotten quite embarrassed by this.

"You're welcome" she said blushing, knowing what he had meant with the hug.

"We need to keep moving" Twilight was a little irritated that they were forced to stop again because of this thing.

So they made their way to find and stop Nightmare Moon. The Serpent had helped the ponies cross the river, he had chosen to cross the river on his own because he had done nothing to help the serpent.

Soon after they were across the river they were able to see ruins, those of a castle. The ponies were quite excited, it seemed that this was where they needed to go. But the ponies didn't seem to notice that the bridge that would have led them across the gorge was down. Twilight raced towards the castle only to be caught by his arms inches before she would have fallen to her doom.

"Thanks" She told him.

He simply smiled at her.

"Well now what?" Pinkie asked.

The blue one flared her wings and said "Duh."

"Oh yeah." Pinkie said as the blue one flew across to repair the bridge.

That was when he felt it, the purple cloud, it was near but he couldn't see it. Then he saw these three new pegasai on the other side of the gorge with the blue one. He could feel their darkness even through the ever growing fog. He grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it at the dark pegasai, knowing that he wouldn't miss. They heard a loud yelp and soon after the blue pegasus came back over as the fog cleared.

"I fixed the bridge" She said triumphantly.

"Thanks Rainbow," Twilight said.

'So her name is Rainbow, these ponies have some pretty weird names,' He thought, 'Although I have had a few uncommon names myself.'

As the ponies crossed the bridge he saw that there was no way that it would hold his weight. He gaged the distance and there was no way for him to make that jump. If he wanted to get across he would have to use his magic.

His body was suddenly surrounded by some kind of purple aura that was lifting him over the gorge. He looked around and saw Twilight's horn was glowing with the same aura and figured that she must have been the one doing this.

He followed the ponies into the ruins to see them fawn over five nearly powerless stones.

"There's supposed to be six elements not five right?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes but, when the first five are gathered a spark will create the sixth." Twilight said as she was pondering something. "I want to try something."

"Come on now ya'll, she needs ta concentrate" The orange pony said to the others.

As he was leaving he saw the cloud again, only this time it was heading straight for Twilight. It absorbed the 'elements' as Pinkie called them, and became a cyclone. He saw Twilight jump into the cyclone and disappear, there was only one thought in his head.

"NO!" He screamed as he jumped in after her.

They had been teleported somewhere, but that didn't matter. The darkness of the alicorn in front of them was simply overwhelming. Twilight looked like she was about to attack this powerful evil creature, he couldn't allow that.

He stepped in between the dark alicorn and Twilight, "Go."

Twilight was bewildered, did this creature mean to take on Nightmare Moon all by itself? Wait a second did it just talk? "Wha-?"

"Now" He told her, never letting his eyes off of the dark creature in front of him.

"You can't be serious?" the alicorn asked him "Do you truly believe that you can defeat, me?"

He just nodded at her. That only made her angry.

"YOU ARAGANT FOAL, YOU KNOW NOT THE POWERS OF WHICH YOU MEDDLE!" She screamed before charging at him. He stepped aside and caught the alicorn's head in the nook of his elbow. He swung her into one of the walls giving Twilight a chance to get away. Only she didn't, she ran to the elements, and they were glowing.

"NOOOO!" Whatever Twilight was doing she obviously did not like it. He used this little distraction to his advantage, and tackled her in the side bringing her to the ground. Only she didn't stay down for long. She knocked him away with a single flap of her wings, and teleported next Twilight and the elements.

He looked up to see that Twilight had been thrown across the room and the alicorn had destroyed the elements. That was when he heard the others and he knew that if something didn't happen soon they would be in great danger.

"There are more who wish to stop me?" She had heard them too, this was not good. "They will all taste my wrath."

He would not let that happen, he would never let that happen. "YOU WILL NOT HARM THESE PONIES!"

This had made her furious; not only had this creature defied her and tried to harm her but now it was telling her what to do. It would not live to make another mistake.

She charged him again only this time he didn't have enough time to step out of the way. He looked down to see her horn embedded in his stomach.

She wretched her horn free and laughed "You had no chance against me, so your death is not a surprise."

He knew that he would survive, he couldn't die. But he was still losing a lot of blood and he could still pass out if he lost enough. And it seemed that he had. Everything was already getting fuzzy, he knew that the ponies were talking but he couldn't understand them. The last thing he saw was a rainbow then everything went black.

In the next chapter I'll announce his name and I'm pretty sure that all of you will like it.