Life of a Nobody

by Xinrick

Nobody figures out their future

I had to admit, exploring my parallel selves has been a lot of fun. I don't think Cript and I have spent so much time together like this outside of sex. Granted I am still banging various parallel me's.

“The fact that, no matter how many universe’s there are, the most common thing about me is that I am a super cuddle bug, and very horny.” I chuckled.

"Well I guess you being horny and cuddly is just a default for you." Cript shrugged as we ate at this one world where everything was basically Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

"Which is a good thing in moderation." I nodded.

"You definitely enjoyed that darkness version of you. One of the few times I saw you walking funny." Cript said with a chuckle.

"They were very good." I said happily. "And got to enjoy a whole lotta Milf."

"Self Milf." Cript added with a laugh. "In any case, guess after this we should see what other weird crap your parallel selves have gotten into."

"Alright…let's hope it doesn't get too weird.*

"That's probably too much to ask."

With that Cript and I got up, finishing our meals and heading off.

The next world we were in looked familiar… where have I seen this before…

Our current area was a large beach where in one direction was more beach and a large hill of sorts, and the other direction was a town.

"Looks cozy." Cript said, looking around.

"This…feels so familiar…"

"Huh. Big Bagal." Cript said. I turned, looking up and at a huge sign that was indeed a giant bagel, the words Big Bagal were also on it.

"That's…noo, this couldn't be…"

"King we are literally traveling Multiverses and alternative timelines. It all can be. Speaking of what be this?"

"So we're at Beach City…but which Steven Universe is this?"

"More importantly what kind of nonsense did your alternative get into ending up here?"

"Yeah…that is a good question." I frowned. "If its me banging a gem I wouldn't be surprised."

"You do that back home anyway." Cript said.

I nodded, remembering all the Gem mates back home… their shape shifting is always fun~

"True, so let's go find me.*

We walked around, I was getting a lot of surprised but unconcerned looked from the locals as we walked around.

We did find the car wash Greg works at but he isn't here.


"Right…maybe the beach house?"

We walked back towards the beach, only to see a fence around a fair chunk of it.

"Huh. So, breaking and entering?" Cript asked.

“The hell is happening?” I frowned. “So…maybe the Farm?”

And so, we walked to the farm, finding it empty, unkept and abandoned still.

"Well, that's depressing." Cript said.

“Okay, what the hell.” I frowned, looking around with my special eyes to try and find where I am specifically.

Scanning. Scanning… oh. Oh! Oh… well. White Diamond Steven… and currently he and Earl are running around through towns far away from here.

So, early in this places timeline… so, where the Fuck is my other… oh… ah, there I am… this universe me is a human, working with Greg in the car wash. And he and I are… off buying parts for said carwash.

The me here has a surprisingly simple life.

“Right, so currently, I’m working with Greg and getting parts for the Carwash.” I said honestly. “And it’s White Diamond Steven Universe so good to know.”

"Alright, so we're both early and nothing's happening here. All in all, it's a peaceful timeline."

“For right now, yes.” I nodded. 

"Cool. So, what do we do?"

“Well…we’re supposed to merge the place but so far nothing’s happened here…just people doing their own thing, and Steven and Earl shouldn’t be here for another…few days maybe?”

"So, wanna move on or wait?"

“Hmm, while we should move on, waiting to at least give a warning on ‘hey, you’re joining our kingdom and timeline’ should at least be said to proper people.”

"Fair enough."

The next Timeline was definitely more active. All around us was New York City, and I shit you not the first thing I hear is-

"Spider Man is a menace!" 

"Marvel world. Cool." Cript said with a smirk.

“Boy howdy is Jameson glad that Spider Man doesn’t file defamation claims.” I chuckled. “Now, which Marvel world are we in? MCU or Comics?”

"Or something in between?" Cript suggested. "Either way this is gonna be interesting. The you of this Timeline must have wanted to be a hero."

“That would be cool…or I could just be an average joe…or dead.” I said, trying to find the me of this timeline.

Let's see… no, no, no, no, no, no- wait yes that is me and holy crap! Okay, X-Men are in this universe and I'm a mutant.

“My mutant power better be at least okay…” I muttered, hoping that there’s at least something decent with me being a mutant here.

Let's see and my powers are… heh. Fitting. I can shapeshift my whole body or parts into wolf or wolf like parts, gaining all the senses and uses, and can swap between a human, wolf, or werewolf form.


“Alright, awesome.” I said with a smile. “My power is Werewolf…let’s head to Xavier’s school.”

"I guess." Cript shrugged.

It wasn't hard to get to the school. Arriving on campus it was actually really cool to see all the iconic places in person.

"This is nice." I smiled. "Sometimes I forget how I can actually visit the places I always wanted to as a kid."

"Okay, so anything special about this world you wanna do?"

"Well, we should go around and deal with all the actual pure evil beings before Grey gets their hands on them." I said honestly. "And wow, so far, there's been two of me that aren't super horny."

"Statistically speaking there has to be some."

"That's fair." I nodded. "But those statistics are really low so far."

"Considering the source variable…"

"I'm sorry eighty percent of the time I'm just a very lonely nerd who needs a hug." I pouted.

"In any case, go on in. I'll wait here."

“Alright.” I nodded, walking off to find my shapeshifting woof version of me. “Let’s hope it’s not going to be awkward if the X-Men get involved…”

I walked up to the door, knocking and after a bit, the door opened, and greeting me was…

"Sup doggy tits." Deadpool said.

“Sup.” I nodded to Deadpool, really not surprised to see him. “Getting kicked out again or is there an actual problem going on?”

"Nah I'm just here stealing food and pranking Wolfie. Er, a different wolf. Say, didn't I serve you Mexican in a void before?"

“Probably a different Deadpool.” I shrugged. “Continuity is a bitch when you’ve been working on something for half a decade.”

"Tell me about it. At least I got a cool live action movie with Ryan Reynolds. So, works for me. Anyway, I'm assuming you want the furry? And I don't mean the blue one."

“I am looking for the version of me here, yes.”

"He's probably in the lab with the blue furry."

“Not surprised.” I nodded. “Alright, and where would the lab’s be?”

"Downstairs. Take the secret elevator behind the the bookshelf behind the stairs and hit sub level three, walk til you reach the third si-fi door."

"Fair enough." 

I entered, following Deadpool's instructions and eventually finding the lab.

The me here looked like, well, human me. But my nose immediately picked up the scent of wolf on him.

“Hello.” I said politely to the mutant version of me.

"What the?" They said, taking a sniff. "You smell… kinda like me?"

“That is because I am you…from another Timeline.” I said sheepishly. “You think this worlds Multiverse was confusing, you haven’t seen or heard anything yet.”

"Oh, so does that mean you're another me that God gave an offer to?"

“Yes.” I nodded. “And I chose Nothingness powers from Kingdom Hearts.”

"Awh that's so cool… wait so how did you end up a werewolf? Or…" they took another sniff. "A hermaphrodite milf?"

“That is a very long story.” I chuckled. “And part of it stems from a question of, would you like to join my Family? Cause there are a lot of really cool shit you can do that not even some of the brightest minds here could come up with.”

"Family? As in… like, as a brother?"

“That's…technically correct.” I said honestly. “But that’s also a long and complicated and…extremely lewd conversation.”

"... Why is it lewd?"

"When your basically immortal, with a huge ass harem of other significant others and certain…things aren't a problem…plus also, the family is just super horny a lot of the time."

"Huh… well, you've clearly embraced that…"

“Believe it or not, me being a hermaphrodite wasn’t because of horny.” I said. “Just then…well, can’t really argue with hips like these.” I said, giving my bountiful hips a little shimmy.

"Yeah… sure it wasn't…" The other me said flatly.

“Do you think these hips lie?” I asked. “Cause I’m not, it was originally because of one of my spouses…was a little annoyed I wanted to stay a dude while literally everyone else was turning into a herm…so, decided to give it a try…honestly not my fault I turned into a Den Mother either but the more you know.”

"Den Mother?"

“Alright, time for a history lesson my little woof.” I said, pulling out one of the white boards Professor McCoy apparently has around here and pulled out a few colored markers. “And also a biology lesson…before I start, how interested are you in academics?”

“I wouldn’t be one of Professor McCoy’s top students if I slacked off.” The werewolf me answered readily.

“Good.” I nodded with a smile, before delving into the history of Wolves in the greater Multiverse.

I have to admit… teaching felt nice. Kind of nice to be on the other end of a lesson for once. After a two hour lesson of rather condensed and generalized info my other had questions.

"So, you don't suffer from genetic issues from inbreeding and you're always fertile?"

“Yep.” I nodded. “Den Mothers, and True Alpha’s for Males, are basically supposed to be nature’s way of having a fail safe for species if they get close to extinction.” I said honestly. “Plus, Den Mother’s Breast Milk is not only good for our young, but it’s also one of the strongest kinds of healing items around believe it or not.”

"And any species can drink it?"

“Yep, any and all races can drink it…I have a lot of experience to back up that claim.” I said with a proud motherly smile.

"Uh huh… and other species and such have their own versions of Den Mothers and True Alpha's?"

“Yep.” I nodded. “Every species has their own version.” I nodded. “And yes, all Den Mother’s are the define the term ‘MILF’.”

"Right… have you ever met a feral den Mother or true alpha species?"

“Yes.” I nodded. “They are…rather noticeable in the animal kingdom, but they have instincts to make sure it’s not just them taking every mate in a twenty mile radius.”

"And are you and they cross compatible?"

“I do in fact have a feral form.” I said. “And while bestiality isn’t really something I’m into…I did learn that yes, I can…did it both as an experiment cause I was curious…and a bet with someone…won that bet soundly.”

"Alright… well, what brings you to my timeline/dimension? Aside offering to join your family?"

“So, to start, a spouse of mine literally broke Time.” I said, seeing my mutant self comedically fall over at that. “And now, me and him are going around and getting as many Timelines under our banner as possible, starting with version’s of me.”

"Alright… and where are they?"

“Either hanging out, or going around and checking up on all the Villains and other truly evil cosmic entities out there.” I shrugged. “Wouldn’t be surprised if he bitch smack’s one of them…”

"Alright… so, what now?"

“Well, what do you think of my offer?” I inquired. “If you join the family, literally everything opens up for ya, all sorts of education, traveling, adventures await.” I said with a smile.

"I guess that would be helpful, but I'd rather not be a… mate."

"That's fair." I nodded. "Go at it at your own pace, you have an entire family to share time with, and an entire multiverse at your fingertips."

"No I just have a girlfriend and we're not into harems or polygamy."

"That's also fair. So who's the lucky lady and how much does she ask you to be in your wolf form to cuddle?" I inquired.

"All the time and her name is Doreen."

"That's good." I nodded. "And is she a student here?"

“What’s this about a fluffy milf version of my boy-” A female voice was cut off, turning around to see the girl of the hour.

“Hi there.” I said with a warm smile.

"Yes, uh, Doreen, this is King, King, this is Doreen. Aka, Squirrel Girl." Other me said, Doreen walking around the corner and I saw her large fuzzy tail.

"I'm…honestly not surprised you'd manage to date one of the strongest people in the universe…" I chuckled.

"What's that mean?" Doreen asked.

"She's probably referring to alternative versions of you." Other me asked.

"Oh you mean like that time when Dr. Strange accidentally…"


"Don't worry, it only gets worse and more exciting from there." I said. "And yes, I am referring to other realities where you beat powerful people like Thanos in a fight." I brought up.

"Okay, this reality is Left 4 Dead zombies." Cript said, shooting an infected. "Why do zombie timelines always make me happy?"

"Because it's an excuse to just grab anything strong enough and murder a bitch?" I suggested, splitting an infecteds head open with a baseball bat.

"Maybe." Cript shrugged, shooting three more. "Your Other should be alive in this world. Immune. Or, Asymptomatic, as this virus typically works."

"Which is surprising honestly." I brought up, cleaving through a charger, grabbing it's too half and throwing it hard enough to kill five more.

"What? That a version of you is asymptomatic to a zombie virus or that majority of the Green Flue variations only have either symptomatic or asymptomatic infected?"

"Both honestly." I said. "I mean, sure I'm glad I'm okay, but systematically…it's not gonna be good later when we start finding my corpse later on."

"You are asymptomatic meaning while you are infected you aren't one of the zombies so." Cript said, shooting several more of the undead. "You think your other you is dead or gonna die soon?"

"Either I'm hold up somewhere trying to play it safe, or I've got a little loony and just go around killing zombies for the fun of it." I shrugged.

"Or maybe joined a group and just surviving?"

"Also true, no excuses to be shut in when zombies need to be killed." I chuckled.

"Wonder who this version of you met up with?"

"No idea." I shrugged. "I don't know much about  who survived this nonsense."

"True. But given this world is basically one to one, with zombies, of your old one I got a good idea who has."

"Well, let's go see what girl I was lucky enough to get." I said honestly.

"While we're here, should we take our time and look around?"

“Sure, some harmless zombie murder would be nice while looking around the place.”


We walked around. Hoards attacked. We killed them all and for the most part we're just hanging out.

We found a few safe rooms but didn't bother taking anything. We actually left some stuff cause, why not. 

As we walked we checked out an abandoned GameStop.and I already have every game ever but, always fun.

“Always good to have spares ya know?” I chuckled.

"Eh. Well bright side it's gotta be easier to find a ps5 now than before the zombie apocalypse."

“Oh yeah, that’s definitely true.” I nodded.

"So, wonder what caused the outbreak?"

“Yeah, I do wonder what caused it, cause it’s not every day just a random ass zombie apocalypse starts that also has weird special variants.”

"Most likely man made." Cript said.

“Wouldn’t be surprised. “I nodded.

"So, anything good?"

“Well, God of War Ragnarok, Bayonetta 3, and a few other’s that’s pretty good.” I said honestly.

"Cool." Cript said, looking the various toys and plushies over. "Charger is coming near."

“You want to kill it or me?” I asked.

"I got it." Cript said, snapping their fingers as suddenly a very wet and squishy explosion went off in the distance.

“Yeah, that works.” I chuckled.

"Ever think that with all these post apocalyptic games and movies, people would have been smarter and not rapidly died off to the infected?"

“We need to remember, a person is smart, people are stupid, panicky creatures that go absolutely apeshit over a bunch of bullshit.” I said honestly.

"Fair. How many do you think are still alive around the world?"

"No idea." I shrugged. "But probably ranging around…couple hundred thousand maybe?"

"Give or take based on how well defenses hold up." Cript shrugged. 

We looted a few more stores then moved on, finding a huge, fancy hotel and going in. "At this point are we still looking for another you?"

"Probably not…" I shook my head. "But hanging out like this is nice."

"True. Wanna set up a place and just see how things go for us here?"

"Sure." I nodded. "Would be a bit of fun just hanging out and doing survivor stuff."

"Welp, for us that's not hard at all."

"Yeah, it would be very easy." I nodded.

"We could… help repopulate it."

"Oh really now?" I asked. "That's not something I've done…ever I think? Sure I created a town of plant folk on an endless mode rampage, but not repopulate a planet the old fashion way."

"Care to let me help you start your first?" Cript asked.

“Of course.” I smiled. “Would certainly scare the shit out of all the survivors here to just see a lot of hybrids appear out of nowhere.”

"Alright. Now, what about the rules?"

“Rules?” I inquired. “Like keeping it to a single species or something else?”

"It varies. Usually when my mates and I do this we have a few rules. Like are we just one male, one female, hermaphrodites, do we make a religion out of it, and if we're gonna tell all the kids much later on or soon about us being here and, well, just stuff for fun."

“I’m too used to hermaphrodites.” I started. “Never really liked how out of control religion can get…I mean…I don’t think we should tell them ‘oh yeah, we’re doing this because of fun’ and the like…” I hummed.

"Alright. So, with that I'll do that do. Wanna do same species or different species?"

“Hmm…we can do different species.” I shrugged. “Diversity helps a lot.”

"Cool. You can keep the wolf one and… what should I do?"

“Hmm…” I hummed. “Do you want to be something normal or want to just do something brand new?” I asked, cause if me and Eclipsa made Floof Noodles, then god knows what combo’s we’ll be creating.

"Dunno. Got any other favorite animals."

“Tigers.” I answered readily. “I don’t care if tiger’s are basic, they are giant fluff balls that are just straight adorable and are really cool and mythology agree’s with me.”

"Alright." Cript said, a flash and they were not a hot, fluffy hermaphrodite tigress about my height and packing all the Den Mother features. "So we're gonna tell the kids we're helping repopulate the planet then?"

“Yep.” I nodded. “Now, who wants to go first in our repopulation event?”

"Before we start that we should establish some more rules and such."

“What other rules do you want to establish?” I inquired. “If we accidentally breed another bonker’s strong race or something?”

"No, more rules for us. Firstly is magic or advanced tech allowed?"

“Hmm…” I hummed. “I’ll say…nothing really earth shattering, probably mid level magic and advanced tech, something that could help get the world back on track but have enough room for development.”

"Alright, good. Now then, weapons need to fit that tier too. Now what about when we encounter survivors. What's our rule there?"

“Well, it should be like any other, be kind and courteous, help the people that need it, and fight against those that would abuse or try to fight us.” I answered. “Just like we always do.”

"Alright then. Now, let's fortify this hotel and then we can get to the repopulating."

“Alright, let’s get to fortify, and then having all the fun.” I said with a smile. “Oh, should we also…offer a home here and also our own brand of fun if any survivor’s come this far and want?”

"If they want, yeah." It didn't take long to fortify the place. Once we did it was time to see who was first on the baby bed. "So, how do we decide who's first pregnant?"

“Flip a coin or rock paper scissors?” I inquired.

"Hmm… no coins around so, rock paper scissors." Cript said.

“Rock paper scissors.” I nodded, bringing up my hand at the ready.

A quick round and I won. Yes! "Heh, alright time is this gonna be a cut time jump or an actual sex scene?"

“We haven’t done porn in a while, so why not.” I shrugged.

"Alright then. Let's go find a room and make a mess of it."

(warning, there be porn here)

I smiled as I followed Cript up to a room with a large bed. Wasting no time Cript and I discarded our clothes and I got a good look at them in their Den Mother Tigress form.

They were very similar to my body type, save looking a bit smaller due to less fluff. Their long tail curling and flicking around as they laid down on their back.

“Ya know…I will never get used to how beautiful Den Mtothers are.” I chuckled, gently raising a hand up and grabbing one of the tigresses bountiful tit’s and giving it an affectionate squeeze.

They were squishy, soft and moldable and plenty bouncy. A small trickle of milk spilled from the teat as I fondled and played with the breast.

Cript cooed softly as they grabbed my other arm and placed it upon another. "Well, I am yours, just remember, make sure to cum inside and plentiful~"

“Have I ever disappointed in that department?” I asked with a sly grin, leaning over and bringing up the leaking tit and latching onto it, sucking their nip and fondling their other breast with all the wonderful experience I’ve gotten over these many many years.

It tasted very different from my own. Having a rather… nutty and cinnamon taste that I drank down.

I felt Cript caress behind my head as I did this, breathing deep as both of us began to show arousal.

Well, looks like both our members are the same size, if different shape.

"Ready to get to the main event~?" Cript asked, giving me a smirk.

“Oh yeah.” I nodded. “The time has come, and so will I.’

With practiced ease I got into position, aligning my tip into the proper place and finding the entrance to Cript's baby tunnel. With a slow, easy thrust I slipped into the warm, wet, tight organ. It was perfectly fitted into their hole, tip to base was all the way in and I felt it against their cervix.

Even my knot fit with perfect accommodations.

“Ah~, even with it fitting every inch, it’s still so blissfully tight.” I moaned in bliss.

"I did make this body with your, and my, pleasure in mind~" Cript said, clenching my rod as I began thrusting in and out.

I groaned at the clenching, loving the feeling of shoving my knot into my wonderful spouse over and over again.

"Ooh~ make me scream my King~"

“Of course my Queen.” I moaned, and considering how much I’ve done it with Cript’s Lyra, I immediately went to work pounding into my slutty kitty with practiced vigor.

With every thrust they got tighter and let out yelps and moans that drove me wild to hear. I wasted no time in trying to get deeper, lifting Cript's legs into missionary and planting a sloppy kiss as I climaxed, pumping hot seed into them as I kept thrusting.

Cript and I kept going for a while. My seed filling them into a hefty cum balloon before I finally swapped to another hole.

Their anus was tighter, hotter, and my cock slipped into it and stretched it.

Cript seemed to roar at that, feeling the same pleasures I was.

“How does my queen love being my personal cumdump?” I growled, dirty talk always getting out of me in heated moment’s like these as I kept ramming as hard and deep as I could without destroying the place.

"H-h-harder." Cript said, biting onto a pillow.

I shakily raised a hand and snapped my fingers, making the place an extra fuck ton more durable as I knew exactly what was going to happen. “As you wish.” I growled, grabbing both Cript’s wide, child bearing hips and slammed into the tigress hard.

They roared loudly as I kept up the speed and they clenched.

With glee I climaxed down their backdoor piping, feeling my seed flow all the way into their insides. I kept thrusting, feeling the colon walls become lubed and lose as I kept up the force and pumping of my seed.

When I finished with their rear my cock came out with a wet pop. I took a seat on the bed, Cript pulling me down and immediately began fondling my sack and licking up and down my rod.

I let them do their work while fondled and smacked their still red rear.

“Make sure you get every inch my love.” I said, squeezing their plump jiggly ass, always loving how Den Mother’s asses were just perfect.

Their reply was wet sloppy licks and kisses to my cock as they squeezed and fondled my balls. Soon the kisses and licks turned to sloppy, noisy deep throating as they bobbed up and down my rode, making sure to stuff my knot into their cheeks when reaching the base.

I moaned at their tongue work and lack of gag reflex.

“Ah~, perfect.” I moaned happily, lightly petting their head to show their doing amazing.

As they sucked and slurped, I felt the pressure build up. With a smirk I grabbed their head, and pushed them down as I came right down their throat and into their stomach. I watched as their now twice cum inflated stomach, first via the womb then by their anal organs, now grow more until their stomach leaked into their small intestine and met up with what I pumped in there from their read.

They pulled off my now limp cock, purring and full of seed and soon to be babies as they kept nuzzling and began to sleep using my crotch as a pillow.

(Porn end)

I gently pet my purring kitty, letting them rest after those many loads. “That…was amazing…”

"Hmmm hm…" Cript replied.

I chuckled, laying down and taking a breather. This will be… nice. We'll be helping a world recover and there will be lots of nights like this.

Hope Cript returns the favor when it's my turn to carry the babies.

“Sometimes…I forget the simpler things…” I muttered, staring up at the ceiling and just letting my thought’s roam, remembering how I had Grey Paladin, the earth pony stallion having a wonderful family with Applejack in Ponyville…that made me chuckle a little. It’s felt like forever since I started there…”I’m old…” I sighed.

Well, at least I don't look it.

It's been a month since we started our life here. All in all, it's oddly peaceful. Sure every so often a hoard tries to get in but they are easy to deal with.

With Cript pregnant and such I go out, grabbing food, or whatever.

The hotel has been renovated a lot. Fully stocked kitchen. Many gas tankers looted for heat. Solar panels rigged and modified. Eh, I wanted a project rather than rig up a basic Electronium generator.

Right now I was out looking through the various stores I have yet to loot. Hmm… still can't believe there were so many FNAF books.

I flipped through the page of 'Tales From The Pizzaplex'.

“How this game has been going from essentially a flash game to this is honestly stupidly surprising…” I shook my head, finding Scott’s idea’s of horror’s a tad novel if I didn’t already meet the Admin of Fear themselves…which I really hope some of my clones and the search parties find them before Void Key does.

I was packing up this load of books and turned to see four very wide eyed humans. One I recognized as me, the other three… I had no idea who they were.

One was a brown skinned lady, maybe… mid to late thirties in a yellow hoodie and blue jeans holding a machete.

The second was a red haired guy, tall, broad shoulders in a blue jersey and green cargo pants holding a shotgun.

The third guy was wearing a jean jacket, jeans, boots and was wearing a chicken mask. He also had a machine gun.

The other me had two handguns.

“Hello, I’m visiting you all today about your car's extended warranty.” I joked with a cheeky grin, hearing the three other’s groan as if they’ve either heard this joke before or know exactly who I am based on my shit taste in comedy.

"So, we aren't hallucinating the ten foot tall furry fetish?" The red head asked.

“And we aren’t hallucinating that you sound just like Ben here…just as a women with the same shit taste in comedy.” The African girl asked.

“Oi!” Ben huffed.

“You are not hallucinating.” I answered. “My name is King, what are your names?”

"I'm Donovan." The red head informed. "That's Katie." He waved to the African lady. "And that psycho is Cluck. He doesn't talk much but he sure can fight."

"He's also a walking meme I swear…" Katie huffed.

Cluck proceeded to pull up a tape recorder and hit play. "Bite my shiny metal ass!"

I blinked, looking at Cluck more closely. “Did your father go by ‘Jacket’ by chance?” I asked, seeing Cluck flinch a bit at me calling it. “Yeah…so either two things happened…Payday 2 happened, or Hotline Miami happened…” I shook my head. “Good to know, plus, meme’s can help better than spliced self help tapes.”

"Are you like, some alien or something?" Donovan asked.

Well… technically yes… hm… you know, I don't have to tell them I am an alternative version of their Ben. The goal here is aid in repopulating the planet and honestly I do wanna stay here and do that for a long time.

I can definitely play off as an alien. 

“Yes, and I’m here for a specific reason.” I answered. “Me and my fellow traveler were watching over your planet to see how you were evolving, how the Nephalim were causing a mess…and then the zombie’s happened.” I shook my head. “So, with an executive decision, me and my partner are here to help repopulate the planet between the both of us, rescue any and all survivors, and if they want, any and all survivor’s can breed with us as well.” I explained.

They all stared at me like I grew three heads. "So, you came here to… Fuck?" Katie asked.

“That wasn’t our first choice, but then ninety percent of the planet turned into the undead and are quickly dwindling by the day.” I answered. “First choice would have been, when you were ready, bring your people into the wider universe with all sorts of technology leaps and bounds ahead of your time…but again, zombies.”

“So there’s zombies in space?” Ben inquired, finding that bit a little weird.

“Zombies have many classifications, believe it or not.” I said readily. “But yes, thankfully the one’s we’ve met so far at least kept some of their higher brain functions to not be raging rabies monster.” I said, which was…technically correct with how most versions of Zombies are depicted, from the aggression and incessant need to bite things to spread.

"Okay… so, do you have a space ship or something?" Katie asked.

“Yes, yes we do.” I nodded. “It’s a pretty fancy ship due to it, originally, being a ship used for diplomacy.” I said, moving my hands around to give a vague shape of it while also using some magic to actually spawn the thing near our base. “In human terms, we would have tried to be the crew on the Enterprise in Star Trek, traveling the galaxy to meet new races and the like.” I answered.

“How do you know about Star Trek?” Human me asked.

“Space Hulu.” I said with a cheeky grin.

“I get that reference.” Ben pointed at me with a smile.

"So why bother trying to repopulate the planet why not just… evacuate people?" Donovan asked.

“Because, even if this is a zombie infested planet, it is still filled with life.” I answered. “Your planet is still kicking, nature is reclaiming a lot of what greedy corporations were doing to it, and this can be a good ‘second chance’ for it.” I answered readily.

"The living furry fetish has a point." Katie said.

Cluck played his tape recorder again. "Let's go already!"

“Alright, then follow me.” I nodded, turning on my heel and heading off to my place. “So, how long have you four been surviving around here?”

"Well, I'm from Ohio. Donovan is from Florida, Katie is from New York and we have no idea where Cluck is from. We've been together for… two months now?" Ben said.

"Yeah but Cluck and Donovan were already together when I met up with them in North Carolina." Katie said.

"Yeah, I woke up one morning a week in and Cluck was just there roasting marshmallows over my fire." Donovan said. "That was still in Georgia but more north."

“That’s fair.” I nodded. “Met any other survivors while traveling around?”

"Few we did meet died shortly after." Katie said.

"Infection is airborne. Not many are resistant or… whatever we are." Ben said.

"Ran into a cultist group once but they all died out when a Tank tore down their walls." Donovan said.

“Yeah, that sounds about right.” I nodded. “Either Zombie or Military hardware, fun ways to see a Cult taken down with a Tank.” I chuckled, shaking my head at some memories. “So, what were you all doing before the world went to shit?” I inquired.

"I worked in a Walmart." Donovan said.

"Starbucks." Katie said.

"Costco." Ben said.

Cluck did not answer.

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “Now, me and my partner will be teaching you more survival things, like farming and the like in our very safe place.”

"Fresh food sounds great honestly. Last time we ate something fresh was when we passed through an apple orchard. Was nice but too many infected." Katie said.

I led the group to the hotel, where once they were in they looked around.

I left them to it and checked on Cript. I know they're fine, but still.

My pregnant Den Mother Tigress was as I left them. Laid on the bed watching movies.

"Hey. Back already?"

“Yep, found myself, and three others, which one of them happens to be Jacket’s Son.”

"Pretending I know who that is, good. I take it they're exploring around?"

“Yeah.” I nodded. “And he’s the chicken mask wearing guy from either Hotline Miami or Payday 2.” 

"Alright. So, what did you tell them?"

“We’re aliens from another planet that were supposed to come here as a ‘we come in peace, let me show you the wonders of the galaxy’, then segwayed into ‘well, you fucked your planet up, so we’re repopulating it’.” I explained.

Cript shrugged. "Not a lie so, cool. Having fun with this app so far?"

“Yeah, it’s fun so far.” I nodded. “Keeping myself busy, using what I can instead of just magicking it up is always a good thing.”

"Plus the one on one time this gives us really helps us bond closer. And once the babies are born is when the real fun part starts." Cript said, rubbing their baby bump. "So, what did they say when you offered the interbreeding?"

“I brought it up once, they looked at me like I was completely insane, and then they acted like it never happened.” I chuckled. “Though I did notice this worlds me was staring quite a bit…not that I blame him in the slightest.” I chuckled.

"If they do decide it will probably take time. Unless they really want to screw. Either way, we will be here."

“Yes, yes we will.” I nodded. “I didn’t mention you yet, wanted it to be a surprise and…well, they were already reeling from ‘furry fetish’ as they keep calling me, probably didn’t want to mention ‘oh yeah, my partner is pregnant so be careful’.”

Cript chuckled. "We kinda are but, hey, in an apocalypse most people will take what they can get. Think they'll stay?"

“Considering this is a safe haven all around, I offered to teach them how to farm, and they were basically hoping for fresh food after so long, I have a feeling they’ll be staying.”

"Good. Now, think you can squeeze in a quickie before heading back out to catch up with them?"

“I can always squeeze in a quickie.” I chuckled.

(more porn, watch out)

Wasting no time, I dropped my pants and undergarments and Cript began giving soft wet kisses to my cocks tip. They kissed and licked it from tip to knots and base before giving my balls a similar treatment and finally making their way back to the top where they opened wide and began deep throating my rode.

I held onto their head and thrusted in and out of their maw and tight wet throat, feeling my tip squeeze down their throat and buldge in their neck.

I moaned as I had to be fast and trusted, feeling Cript's tongue lick and spread spit around my road with every thrust.

Their hands grabbed my sack and massaged my baby batter factory with general erotic tenderness.

With one last hard thrust and pushing their head all the way to my base I let a hot load down their throat into their stomach again.

Once it was done and Cript's stomach was bulged a bit bigger than earlier they made wure to suck and pop off my cock, keeping it clean of seed and only slightly wet from saliva.

"Thanks~" Cript purred.

(End porn)

I don't know why but Cript has really gotten into the role of… well, a Brood Mother… or, well, Den Mother. Often needy and wanting attention or pleasure… or both. I was happy to oblige but it was definitely a noticeable change.

“Your welcome, my love.” I said, gently giving them headpats. “Though, the shift to being a den mother is quite a change.”

Cript chuckled. "This is how I usually get when I'm the one who is mothering, pregnant, or in any way female with my loves." They stated. "I know it's a change from how I usually am but honestly I enjoy being the… submissive brood mother when I am the female in the situation."

Huh… good to know. Also, kinky/explains a lot.

“Nice.” I nodded with a smile. “Can’t wait for my turn in this though.”

"Told you this would be lots of fun."

I gave Cript a kiss before leaving to find the others. 

Eventually I did find them in the movie theater. This hotel had a large auditorium already I just put a desktop, projector and movies in here. As well as several microwaves and a lot of popcorn here.

They were all watching Zombieland funnily enough.

“So, how does it feel watching Irony play out on a big screen?” I asked the group.

"Eh. I guess it's similar to our own so, not too much to complain." Katie said.

"Only wish guns and ammo were that easy to find." Ben said.

"Same." Donovan said.

Click hit their tape recorder. "I'm low on bullets"

I'm noticing all his recorded voice clips are Bender from Futurama.

“So about you only picking voice clips from Bender?” I brought up to Cluck.

He clicked the recorder again. "Bender is great! Bender is great!"

I laughed a bit harder than I expected to at that.

“Good answer.” I chuckled.

"So, what are we gonna be doing?" Katie asked.

“Well, a lot of things.” I said honestly. “This is a safe haven, you can rest, relax, learn to do things like cook, farm, animal husbandry, and help us repopulate the planet if you so desire.”

"Now… what do you mean by that exactly because it sounds like you want us and you to…" Donovan started.

“Yes.” I said honestly. “I am what’s known as a Den Mother, a special part of any race that’s basically creations fail safe in the way of ‘in case of genocide, fuck the milf’.” I said honestly. “And currently, you are all facing a mass extinction event.”

"Okay… but… why are you a wolf and not… human?"

“So you think I’m a shapeshifter?” I asked.

"No, it's just, well, you said it yourself that these Den Mothers are natures/the universes way of preventing extinction so, where are the human ones?"

“Human Den Mother’s are…rather rare.” I said honestly. “Not due to a lack of trying, but humans tend to be so horny that half the time their not fully needed…though you’ll always know they are one when you see one.”

"Do they also have tits from neck to torso?" Katie asked.

“Nope, just a normal human body just…larger and the definition of ‘MILF’.” I said honestly. “Reason why I have this many tits is because of my race.”

"That makes sense." Ben nodded. "So, what are we learning first wolf milf from space?"

“Well, up to all of you honestly.” I said honestly. “Where would you like to start? Cause there is a lot to cover.”

"Well, I guess we should set up a means of letting people know where this place is and that it's safe. Your fortifications here are great. Tanks will probably have a hard time breaking them down. After that we should set up checkpoints so people know they're getting closer and that the closer they get to us, the less infected will be in the area." Katie said.

"Don't suppose you have a stockpile of guns and ammo. Or alien guns and ammo?" Donovan asked.

“That is simple enough, and yes, we have plenty of guns and ammo, even alien guns and ammo.” I nodded. “It’s all in the ship at the moment, I’ll have to go get it, and that is a good start Katie.”

"Cool. Looks like we really can fight back and… repopulate…" Ben said.

"Still weird to hear it or say it…" Katie said.

"I mean, at some point that is a… necessity…" Donovan added.

"You'll get used to it fairly quickly." I said honestly.

"That's not really as reassuring as you're probably thinking…" Katie said.

I quickly went into the ship I spawned into existence and gathered various guns, ammo, some more high tech and sci-fi weapons and ammo, armor and such then went back to the group.

The next few months I spent with them was planning, setting up checkpoints. Clearing out infected. Setting up radio transmitters. Looting. Fortifying roads, bridges, leaving caches for people coming in to help get here. 

When we weren't doing that they learned how to farm, raise and tend to livestock. Some basic to advanced medicine. Or were just relaxing.

They did meet Cript. More surprised they were a tiger than anything. Save maybe learning we were both hermaphrodites and that Cript was pregnant. That did learn some awkward congratulations and blushing faces.

I laid in bed, having just finished satisfying Cript's neediness, filling them with cream as I usually do most nights… and mornings. They were definitely bigger now and it wasn't just me pumping them with loads.

I laid there, holding them close as I let my thoughts wander. I… want more of this. When all this crap is over… I think I'd like to do this as often as possible.

"Heh, going from traveling hero, to a breeder…" I shook my head. "Who would have thought?"

Still, it was more pay back, no pun intended, and relaxing than the constant war, fears and paranoia.

Definitely going to do this with our other mates. It's nice. Calming. Fun.

To be continued...