Collection of short stories

by GleamingKyler111

Thorax meets Chamlia as told by Pinkie Pie

“Mark my words, Chrysalis! If you refuse to change with this world, you will doom yourself and any changeling foolish to follow you!” Chamlia yelled.
Suddenly, Unreformed Thorax appears out of thin air and says happily, "Oh, you want me to change? Okay, I will!"

What? Unreformed Thorax is evolving!

(Pokemon evolution music plays)

Congratulations, your Unreformed Thorax has evolved into a Reformed Thorax!

Chamlia, Chrysalis, and Alternia say, "Wait, what?!"

Then, the AU explodes.

In a different Equestria...

"...and that's how Equestria was made!" Pinkie Pie said happily.

Thora-75 looks at the 4th Wall and sighs, "I should have expected that to happen when I asked if she knew any other Thoras, but I didn't."