The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

Nicole's Growing Frustrations

"Penelope is so much like a more mellow version of my mom." Gumball continued explaining to Big Mac and Granny Smith. "If you guys were there, you would tell the difference between them." he was drinking a tall glass of apple juice that Granny Smith was more than happy to offer him after helping out with the work around the farm. "And my mom was not too happy to hear about it. Maybe if she was here, she would probably make a trophy out of my head."

Everyone sounded shocked to hear that. "Goodness, that is just too barbaric." said Fluttershy while covering her mouth with her hooves.

"Come on, she is your own mother." Rarity doubted. "I highly wouldn't believe she wouldn't do that to her own children." then she had some thoughts in her head about how Gumball told her about how she intentionally neglected her boys after hurting their father's feelings. "Although she refused to help you and your brother out one time."

"Honestly," said Rainbow Dash, "That woman's got a ton of anger problems. She really needs to go see an anger management doctor. And I thought Short Fuse had anger problems, but I think your mom takes the cake, Gumball."

"Who's Short Fuse?"

"Former Wonderbolt, but got kicked out for being too angry over the smallest problems." Rainbow Dash explained. "He joins a group of ponies who are like the Wonderbolts, but are a little more extreme called; the Washouts."

"Washouts?" Gumball made a small laugh. "Washouts? Huh, sounds like a name for a bunch of losers."

"Gumball!" said Fluttershy scolding him, "That's rude."

"No, you can say that." said Rainbow Dash. "They're like a darker, more extreme version of the Wonderbolts."

"But they do perform many impressive stunts." Twilight winked. "You should see how they perform."

"They're led by a former Wonderbolt named Lightning Dust who was a little too extreme and went against the rule of Wonderbolt traditions." Rainbow Dash remarked

"Who is a more extreme and disloyal version of Rainbow Dash here." Applejack whispered to Gumball.

"Hey! I heard that!" Rainbow said.

Applejack whistled innocently. "Look, I hope my mom is not making it bad at home. You've all seen her angry." Gumball explained. "And you haven't known her as long as I have, me being her son and all." he took another nonchalant sip of his drink. "I'm starting to wish I had my camera to record mom's angry moments. She's like a volcano."

"Look, I'm sure she's doing just fine, Gumball." Fluttershy tried reassuring him. "I'm sure she misses you."

"Yeah, it's not like she's gonna make the rest of your family never say his name in her presence again." Spike pointed

"Not helping." said Big Mac in a mildly stern voice.

"No, no. It's ok, Big Mac." said Gumball. "It wouldn't even surprise me if she did. I tell you, that woman is crazy!"

"Well, you're in good hooves with Fluttershy right now." said Twilight. "She has a degree in animals and in child care."

The yellow pegasus flustered in flattery, and she said: "Oh well, I love to help anypony and any creature however I can help them."

"Why can't my mom be more like you?" said Gumball.

Meanwhile, back in Elmore, Nicole was pacing to and fro in the house, looking frustrated and angry, like she was fuming over what had recently happened. Darwin, Richard, and Anais were obviously scared by how Nicole was worried an infuriated right now. She even let out small growls of anger every once and a while while pacing, and Richard decided to help out since he is her husband, and knows how to (mostly) calm her down. He slowly walked up to her, and said: "Uhhhh, honey?"

He was about to gently tap a finger on Nicole's left shoulder, but she turned around, looking scary and having fire in her eyes "What?!" she shrieked

"Look, why don't we just call the police and have them find Gumball?" Richard gently suggested

"How can the police travel from one dimension to another, Richard?" asked Nicole. "And what's our evidence to the police, huh? That our son has been abducted by colorful, adorable ponies from another dimension? They'll think we're crazy and throw us in the funny farm! Nothing but padded rooms and straight jackets over us to keep us from moving our arms!"

"This town can be crazy, mom." said Anais

"I know that already, Anais!" Nicole snapped. "You think I'm unaware of that?! I know that as much as any of these gosh-darn inhabitants of this town!" Nicole realized she was losing her cool, and took a long, deep breath, "But I don't think even the police here would believe that creatures from another dimension have abducted your brother." she sat on the couch, trying to relax, and tried to think things over in a more calm manner. "Have i really been a bad mother? What did I do to deserve this?"

"Come on, Mrs Mom." said Darwin, "You're trying to be a good mother."

"Then why did this happen?" Nicole felt like crying at unintentionally loser her son like this. "What can I do to find him?"

"Well, maybe we can ask aunt Penelope for-" Darwin was suddenly interrupted by Nicole getting in his face, looking peeved again.

"Never!" said Nicole, with fire showing in her eyes again. "I will never ask that... that... peace-loving vegetable for help! Penelope is off-limits! There is no way in Hades that I will ask my stupid sister for help."

"But she's our aunt." said Anais.

"And your sister," said Richard. "You can't just not ask a family member for help."

"I can if I hate her!"

"Why do you hate her?" asked Darwin.

"Mom and dad always loved her best. They were hard on me, and expected unrealistic expectations on me, but... Oh ho ho, they were always sweet and gentle with that tree-hugging sunshine!" her breathing began to sound more heavy and it made the family a little more afraid of her.