The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823


Gumball really hated work and labor but in this case, he was starting to slowly feel atoned to working a farm like Sweet Apple Acres. The animals here seemed far more nicer and gentle than the ones back home, although Applejack did mention timberwolves, which were wolves actually made of wood. Gumball wondered what other cool creatures there are out here in Equestria besides ponies and dragons. He moved on to the pig pen, and he hopped over the fence to feed the hungry piggies. Dozens and dozens of them crowded around Gumball, squealing and grunting happily as they are seeing their dinner being put in the troughs.

Sweat was slowly starting to form on Gumball's body from all of the hard work he was doing right now, and he was starting to pant from some of the heavy-lifting and moving around the farm, but he wanted to make it up to his new friends after pranking them with the drone.

All the pigs were happy to receive their meals in the troughs, and they helped themselves in digging in their food with loud, smacking noises heard from their chomping mouths. Typical for farm pigs to do while eating, but they're just animals and they couldn't help it if they were chomping really loudly. "Whew." Gumball wiped some sweat from from his forehead and sat on the ground to take a minute rest. "I feel like a big, juicy, baked ham right now."

His friends went over to where he was, and noticed him resting and sitting down. "You ok, Gumball?" asked Fluttershy

"Yeah. Just... just trying to catch my breath." said Gumball. "I've heard running a farm is hard, but not this hard." he wiped his head from any sweat some more, and saw how moist he was. "I feel like it's humid today!"

"It is humid today, Gumball." said Rainbow Dash. "Speaking of which, it's going to rain tonight."

"Oh, wonderful." the blue cat sarcastically said. "But there's only a few clouds in the sky."

"Yes, but we pegasus ponies have to put the clouds there to make it rain every once in a while." Rainbow noted.

"Ah. That's right." the blue cat remembered. He remembered Fluttershy telling him that fact about the weather in Equestria. He got back on his feet and saw a bunch of pigs walking up to him with their adorable, smiling faces, and before the blue cat knew it, he felt them pile on him and began licking his face all over like they were dogs. Laughing from how ticklish their tongues were rubbing all around his body and face. "Help!" Gumball laughed.

His new friends couldn't help but laugh at how funny and adorable this was. "Aww, they like you." said Fluttershy

"Don't worry. These piggies are the friendliest in Ponyville." said Applejack with a chuckle. In a way, pigs can belike dogs, but only smarter than dogs. Pigs can even be more quick to adapt than dogs can be like. "So after this, you wanna help us out in the fields? You know: plowing them?"

Gumball got back on his feet again and moaned: "Oh, not that kind of work."

"Come on." said Twilight Sparkle. "You won't have to do it alone. You got Big Mac and us to help."

"Eeyup." said the big red stallion.

"Fine." Gumball sighed. "Let's do this." he grabbed a hold of a plow and tried to push it down the shire lines, and he was having a little difficulty in pushing it since it looked a little heavy (That, and the plow was more for ponies to pull since the ponies are the dominant species). Alas, he tried so hard and tried pushing it, but with some difficulties still. Another difficulty he had was trying to keep it in a straight line. "Gah! This is ridiculous!" he exclaimed. "I give up!"

"Don't give up." said Twilight. "I know this plow isn't really meant for creatures who use two arms instead of four, but it's not that heavy."

"Uh, yeah, it is." Gumball sang to her. "I'm not as strong as Big Mac."

'Maybe not." Twilight said. "But we're here to help you."

"Fine." the blue cat sighed. He tried it again but still had some difficulty in moving tbe stupid device. If he was as strong as Big Mac or if he was a large stallion like he was, it would be so much simpler for him. Alas, it was not very simple for him.

Ultimately, his friends helped him out and the fields were done in almost an hour. Gumball was grateful for the help, nut he was still soaked with sweat from all that work. He decided to take a little break and he was given a glass of iced apple juice from Fluttershy.

"Here you go, sweetie." said Fluttershy kindly. "You must be thirsty from all of that work."

"Thanks." Gumball smiled before taking big gulps of the juice.

"Goodness darling." said Rarity, "You must have been really parched

"Uh-huh. My body's not used to all that work. Ah! matter of fact, my arms are a little sore."

"Should I give you a massage?" asked Pinkie Pie

"No!" Applejack said abruptly. "I mean, remember the last time you massaged Applebloom?"

Pinkie remembered of how nice her massage was to Applejack's little sister, and thought of how nice it felt on her. Applejack however, remembered how painful it was on her back and how she was yelping and screaming from how rough it was.

"I think you should leave that to Fluttershy." said Rainbow Dash.

"Fine." Pinkie said

"So how did you get here?" asked Granny Smith


In Elmore, after he ran away from home, Gumball wanted to pay someone a visit before going to Equestria and it was a family member. In a far side Elmore, there lived a female adult blue cat who looked like Nicole, but was lighter in color and had long darker blue hair going oast her shoulders.

Her name was Penelope Senecourt. She was Nicole's twin sister, who was far more laid-back and easygoing than Nicole.

Unlike Nicole, who is known to lose her temper frequently, Penelope is known to "chill it out" and feel the vibes kick in her to ignore problems and not be so deep in them.

Penelope is someone like... like a polar opposite of what Nicole would be like. While Nicole would be one for violence, Penelope does not believe in violence whatsoever, and she is a pure pacifist at heart, like a hippy or someone who would always attend a Woodstock concert to watch Jimi Hendrix play his guitar in the Jimi Hendrix Experience.

She was was doing her little yoga routine in the living room with the TV off and the room was dark with flower-scented candles around to make her more calm than ever.

This little yoga was interrupted however when she heard the doorbell rang. "Ooh, company." said Penelope. "I love company." she nonchalantly got up and went to answer the door and she gasped, looking so happy to see her nephew. "Gumball!" she said before picking him up to hug him. "It is so good to see you again."

He was looking uncomfortable as his loving aunt was giving him such a nice treatment. "Penelope." Gumball groaned. "Not in front of my new friends."

Penelope looked at the colorful ponies and smiled. "Well, this is radical." she said. "They all look so cute." she gently put his nephew down on the floor.

The ponies introduced themselves and Gumball explained to her the situation on what was going on.

Penelope frowned and didn't really understand some of it. "It's totally cool that they are from another world." she admitted, "but, what about your family? Won't you miss them?"

"Of course i'll miss them. But, bot really mom, because... you know how much of a screamer she is."

"Hmm, fair enough. She has too short of fuse to be gaining chacras."

"You know," said Fluttershy, "you remind me of a good friend i know in Equestria. Her name is Tree Hugger and i think you two would really like each other."

"Well," Penelope said, "When you all come to visit, be sure to take me to this mystical. majestic land of yours. Peace."

"Well, i just wanted you to know what's going on." Gumball said.

"Why are you going to this land anyway?"

"It's a really long story." Gumball admitted. "Besides, it's very very complicated.:

"He's right." said Rainbow Dash. "his mother is a bottle of crazy cider." she felt her right torso get bumped by Twilight. "Ow!"

"Rainbow!" Twilight reprimanded. "Don't say that in front of Gumball."

"No, it's ok, Twilight." Gumball told her. "I mean you haven't known her as long as I have."

"Maybe." said Rarity. "But it'snot really nice to be quick to judge."

"I keep telling her about that blood pressure problem of hers. One of these days, it's going to lead to her untimely death."

"That's just silly." Applejack said.

"No, Applejack, she's right." said the cat boy. "She is stressed twenty-four seven. Like i said before: you haven't known her as long as I have."

"Well, good luck on your new journey, sweetie." said Penelope. "I hope you come to visit me. I am just so happy to see you, Gumball."

"Thanks Penelope." Gumball smiled. "I'll be sure to bear that in mind." he looked at Celestia. "OK, your majesty. Fire it up."

Celestia smiled warmly and nodded her head before creating a portal to Equestria for them all (minus Penelope) to enter inside.

End of Flashback