Dagmire the discorded goes to Equestria

by Theboxcatgamr

Where I’ve been and the future of this story (spoiler, I’m planning to continue)

Hi it’s boxcat. I have something of a confession to make regarding my story’s. If it wasn’t obvious they were self indulgent writing written by a lonely fool. I mostly wrote these as a way to escape. Unfortunately in later chapters I started getting rather obsessed with the idea that I was some secret chosen one or some other crap. Took a lot of self reflection but I decided it was unhealthy and only alienating me from people who do care. However I feel that Dagmire’s story is not yet complete and although it might take some time I wish to finish this story. Somewhere around the 100k word mark is where I’ll be satisfied and finally able to put this chapter of my real life to bed. It’s been what, 3 years? Life happens and often gets in the way. So consider this me officially returning to this story. And to writing on this website for the final time. After I finish up Dagmire’s story I believe I need to start making my own. In real life. Take a tip from a guy around the misery, you need help, ether from others… or you yourself.

I will take a bit of time to learn where I was going with it and finally point forwards for the final time.

We ride again