
by YukoAsho

Chapter 5

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By Yuko Asho

Chapter 5


I was in heaven!

Actually, I was inside a dull-looking guard house, but I honestly couldn't figure out how heaven could beat what was happening to me right now.

I was on my hind legs with lunar pegasus stallions all over me. One had mounted me from behind and was ramming himself to the hilt up my plot, pounding away with wild abandon, while another stallion was on his back beneath me, thrusting upward at what could best be called an awkward angle, trying to fuck my dripping wet pussy. How he was able to do that without tripping the guy fucking my ass was a question I was sure I'd take to my grave. Still two more were on either side of me, struggling to keep standing on their strong hind legs as I wrapped my fore-legs around their cocks and jerked them off with all the strength I could muster.

But the prize of them, the biggest, fattest, juiciest cock belonged to the stallion who had mounted my front, and was matching his forceful thrusts with the rhythm of my bobbing head, helping to ensure maximum penetration with each movement. And what a penetration it was! I swear, that thing was poking into my stomach, it was so huge! My throat trembled and gripped greedily as I sucked, his balls slapping forcefully against my chin as he buried the massive tool to the hilt every single time. I was full of cock and cum, all three holes leaking excess semen like broken water manes, and still, my body cried for more.

Of course, not all the cum made it inside me to begin with. In the hours since I'd been lead inside, I'd been splattered everywhere I could think of. My flanks, my barrel, my withers, my muzzle, everywhere was soaked to the bone in semen, or at least that's how it felt. Even my wings, stiff with arousal, were simply too heavy to move from the thick, creamy layer of seed that coated them.

I could only imagine the bitch of a time the stallions would have explaining the stains on the floor. Assuming they didn't just offer me to their commanding officer, at any rate.

That was for later, however. The two ponies at my sides groaned as their cocks swelled and pulsed in my grip, threatening to unload at any moment. Much to my relief, they didn't hold out long, spraying my cheeks and muzzle with hot, streaming jets of the cum I craved. I moaned around the cock in my mouth and bucked my hips against the other two cocks fucking my rear and twat. I climaxed for the twentieth time that night, shaking between the gaggle of ponies fucking me, the muscles of my fuck holes fluttering uncontrollably around the trio of cock slamming full-bore into my sore, writhing body.

The two that had just spurted all over my face backed away and fell to all hooves, groaning as their flanks were relieved of their burden. I settled my fore-hooves onto the ground in kind.

“I'm gonna take a shower,” one of them said, to which the other nodded. “Want us to get the 'cuzzi running, Onslaught?”

The one fucking my throat let out an affirmative grunt. “My muscles are getting sore. What's it been, five hours?”

“At least,” a higher-pitched grunt came from behind our little group. Sitting on a nearby couch, Starscream and Skywarp were watching the action, the two of them sporting ice packs between their hind legs.

Onslaught laughed at the sight. “That's what you get for starting on her before sharing! Damn whore twisted your dicks pretty good!”

“Laugh it up.” If his pained grunt was any indication, Skywarp didn't appreciate the humor. Still, he deserved it. It wasn't my fault he tried to use his wings for extra leverage and slid in wrong.

The four out-of-action stallions left the room, presumably to clean up and start the jacuzzi. That left me with Onslaught and the other two. The trio kept slamming into me, reaming my holes with all their might, their cocks hard and swelling, veins pulsating against the clenching flesh of my tight passages. They were all close, I could tell.

“So, what do you think, Swindle? Vortex? You think she's Lunar Guard material?” As he spoke, Onslaught grabbed hold of my mane, cruelly yanking me balls-deep onto his cock and holding me in place, staying completely still as my tongue worked the shaft in my mouth, lapping at it as one would a popsicle.

“I'll say!” The one behind me gave me a firm slap on my left flank as he voiced his approval.

The one underneath me only grunted his response. Looking down as best I could, I could tell he was struggling not to cum right then and there. Couldn't blame him. I'd tried to hold back as long as I could before many a climax this evening, trying to make those orgasms all the sweeter. I never lasted all that long, but damn if it didn't feel amazing!

The three of them groaned in unison as they reached their own limits. Three cocks started pumping their loads at once, wad after wad of semen pushing their way inside my bowels, womb and throat. My ass and pussy clenched tightly, trying to milk the cum out the cocks buried within. But the one in my mouth, that was the one I savored. Rather than swallowing immediately, I let the cum pool in my mouth, relishing the tart, bitter taste of male desire on my tongue, before swallowing. I repeated this again and again as even more cum pumped itself inside me, threatening to drown me in the deluge of semen. As if sensing what I was doing, Onslaught pulled back, yanking his cock right out of my mouth and spilling his load right at my muzzle. I opened my mouth as wide as I could, catching all the cum that I could onto my tongue. The taste was divine, and I lapped up whatever I caught. Most of it, however, dripped off my muzzle and chin, causing the stallion beneath me to grumble as he pulled out of my pussy and rolled out from under me.

“Woah, watch it, Onslaught!” The stallion was clearly pissed, wiping some of the drool-seed mixture off his face. “That's a total boner-killer!”

Onslaught simply chuckled darkly as he finished painting my face with his semen. “Oh shut it, Vortex. Hit the showers with Blast Off and Brawl. Swindle and I will catch up after we've dumped the bitch in the portal.”

At that, I froze. Dumped? Portal? What were they going to do to me? As Swindle slipped out of my plot hole, he gave my flank yet another hard slap, causing me to moan.

Now I was scared. I opened up my mouth to speak, but only ended up coughing up more cum. My wings could barely even move, and my legs weren't exactly up to walking with how sore I was from the hours-long orgy. Swindle lifted me off the floor, using his withers and wings to glide me onto Onslaught's back. The two then guided me to a seemingly innocuous wooden door on the south side of the room.

“Open it,” Onslaught commanded.

“Yes, sir!” Swindle trotted up to the door and pulled it open, revealing darkness. That was the only way I could describe it. Endless nothing.

I struggled to crane my head up and gaze into the door as Onslaught moved up to it. It didn't look like I'd be landing any time soon, if ever.

“Push her off.” As he spoke, Onslaught lowered his neck.

Again, I tried to move, but my body betrayed me, unwilling to do anything but protest my attempts to use my sore limbs. My mind was working overtime, trying to figure out what was going to happen to me. Was this some sort of Lunar Guard initiation ritual? Or was I simply being, as Onslaught had put it earlier, dumped? Would I ever see my friends again? Would I ever see Pinkie? Would I ever tell her again how much I loved her?

To think, all this because of a stupid prank.

I could feel Swindle pushing me forward, though with how slick my body was, I slid rather easily along Onslaught's back. The black void came closer and closer with each moment, taunting me and my stupid libido.

Then, it happened.

I slipped off Onslaught's withers and neck, then simply fell into the door. I was able to turn my neck just in time to see the portal vanish, denying me a last look at the two stallions who'd just tossed me in like trash into a bin. Then, pain. It was hard to describe, and it lasted not even a second, but my whole body felt like what I'd been frozen and doused with acid at the exact same time. Thankfully, it was as quick as it was intense, for I blacked out almost instantly. I didn't even have time to hope I made it out of this alive.


Well, that wasn't what I had in mind.

I groaned and rubbed my head as I sat up and looked around. No matter how many events I went to, no matter how many gorgeous suites I took temporary residence in, I would never be used to waking up in a bedchamber other than my own.

If only that had been what woke me up. Instead, it was the sudden pain of a telepathic link being forcibly severed. There were few things that hurt as bad as that, and most of those involved having to heal a broken horn. I took a moment to cast a healing spell, trying to numb the pain long enough to think straight.

I was a damned fool. A moron. I contemplated just making myself cross-eyed and rechristening myself Princess Derpestia, Raiser of the Sun and Queen of Stupid Fucking Decisions.

“I bet you're wishing you'd gone with my idea.”

I looked up to see my beloved sister, Luna, with a bottle of pain pills balanced on her lowered head as she lazily trotted in. She didn't look to be taking the sudden, visceral severing of her link with Rainbow Dash any better than I was. I could only imagine what Pinkie was going through.

Still, I could make out the faintest glimmer of mischief in those sky-blue eyes.

“You're really not going to make a guard of her, I hope.” The idea even sounded stupid to me, but more shocking was Luna making no effort to deny my suspicions.

Instead, she simply deposited the pills on my nightstand and looked up at me, her lips curled into a devilish grin. “Well,” she began, her voice equal parts melodic and mocking, “it's either she becomes one of my guards, or she becomes a permanent resident of Tartarus.”

My pink eyes rolled of their own accord. Even my involuntary muscles knew the cobalt blue pony before me was full of shit to the point she might burst at any moment. “Like she wouldn't mind sucking demonic cock and tentacles for all eternity!” I grabbed my head and groaned, then telekinetically opened the bottle of pills and shoved three of them into my mouth, not even bothering to ask for water before I swallowed the lot of them. Note to self, never shout in anger while sporting a magic-induced headache.

If she had any concern for my condition, my beloved sister showed no sign of it as she used her own magic to snatch up some pills. “Really, Tia, you sound dejected. Granted, she'd complement Fluttershy perfectly as a concubine, but I imagine Pinkie wouldn't like being forever separated from her lover.” The gulping sound of her swallowing her pills was way damned louder than it should have been. I had trouble figuring out whether it was from her trolling me or just the effects of this damned headache I had. Again showing her deep worry for me, Luna continued speaking. “Then there's the matter of Rainbow Dash going into one of my guards' barracks. I've enough issue with my reputation without ponies thinking my guard are a bunch of murderers.”

For what felt like the millionth time, I pondered which of her misgivings she was smearing in my face this time. Was it the millennium of banishment, or the fact that she would never be able to see Elysium? It wasn't my fault she was Princess of the Night. Some pony had to govern Tartarus and make sure the souls of the impure made their way to its gate in the moon's core. Eternity was way too damned long to hold a grudge.

I knew better than to bring it up, however. Instead, I let out a dainty sigh. “And how do you explain her sudden change of heart? Every damned pony in Ponyville and Cloudsdale knows her ambitions to be a Wonderbolt.”

Her reply was a simple, coquettish grin, enough to tell me that not only did she have her ways, that they'd be very, very enjoyable. At least to her. I had the sinking feeling that I wouldn't enjoy them at all.

“I can't believe you sometimes,” I groaned in agitation. I then flopped back onto my bed and sighed. “Have I mentioned how I hate that you use demons from Tartarus for your guard?”

Another playful laugh and flirtatious look, as though the bitch had forgotten we were sisters. “And you have no angels in your guard?”

Ugh, this again. I'd explained it a thousand times or more over the eons, how I preferred a mixed guard to keep the angelic ones from viewing mortal ponies in a lesser light. I didn't feel like getting into it yet again. Instead, I looked to dodge the subject. “So, have you visited Fluttershy at all? I'm still somewhat surprised you didn't bring her along.”

“As a matter of fact, I teleported back from her home just half an hour ago.” With that, she teleported in what looked like a huge measuring cup filled nearly to the brim with a familiar viscous, off-white substance.

It couldn't be what I thought it was, could it?

As if she'd read my mind, Luna nodded. “Fluttershy asked me to fill the cup up with cum.”

Okay, now I knew my head was fucking with me. “You mind repeating that for me, Lulu? Sounds like you said Fluttershy asked you to fill that giant cup with cum.”

Unfortunately, I hadn't just been hearing things, and she nodded. “Apparently Pinkie Pie is going to be making a very specific treat for Rainbow Dash, and needs lots of semen.”

Well, Pinkie Pie was involved, so at least that was explained. Or at least as close to explained as anything involving Pinkie Pie was. Why that mare didn't fall in love with Discord was honestly beyond me. “Just get it away from me, at least,” I asked weakly. It was hard to tell if my body was grossed out by the sight of lustful excess or aroused by it, and my headache was coming back something fierce, leaving little time for such contemplation.

Luna simply giggled, winking at me. “Very well.” The cup vanished, presumably on its way to Fluttershy. Luna then turned around and trotted away, leaving me to, once more, try and get some damned sleep.

As I closed my eyes and tried to get comfortable on my bed again, I made it a point to never use a pony's deepest desires against her again. I couldn't bear another one of these headaches.


I was floating.

At least I thought I was floating.

It was weird, really. I was conscious once again, but I couldn't see or hear anything, and I couldn't feel my body below the neck. As much as I enjoyed giving head, being reduced to a disembodied, deaf, blind head floating around in darkness wasn't exactly my idea of a good time.

I took a deep breath. Okay, my sense of smell worked, so that was something. I was half worried I'd be smelling the bloody remains of the rest of my body, but instead the smell was much more arousing. The overpowering, intoxicating scent of cock and cum filled my nostrils, calming my nerves with the promise of hard, thick cock piercing my mouth and fucking my face.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I still had my tongue though. There was only so much I could do without my tongue, so I was glad I still had that.

With nothing else to do, I took a moment to think about what had gotten me to this point. I pranked Fluttershy, inadvertently showing her getting screwed by Luna to the whole of Cloudsdale and resulting in my yellow friend being harassed by several idiots. Then was my sentencing, when Princess Celestia used that weird spell on me. Funny enough, it didn't force any new desires on me, but amplified the desires I already had to make it impossible for me to hold them back. I still can't believe I sucked Thunderlane off, much less his friends.

Then I nearly crashed into Ponyville because my wings got hard, and I had that dream with the princesses, and Pinkie showed up before leaving with a gasp. Then the massive orgy with the lunar guard-stallions. And then I was here. Wherever the fuck 'here' was.

If I'd made this shit up, every publishing house in Equestria would laugh me out of their fucking offices. Honestly, I wouldn't have blamed them.

Just as I was about to sigh, something broke me out of my reverie. Something was brushing up against my snout and lips. It was thick and meaty, veins throbbing along its fleshy surface as it teased me. I took a deep breath, inhaling the musty scent of cock wafting from it, and all worry left me. As if in a trance, I began to run my lips and tongue along the length of the shaft, my taste buds trembling as I savored the distinctly male tool rubbing itself against me.

Maybe this wasn't so bad.

It continued for a few minutes, the veins pumping more and more intently against my tongue, throbbing with increasing desire. As I continued to kiss and lick the length of the cock, my hearing came back. I could hear the pulsating of not just this, but what sounded like thousands upon thousands of eager cocks. I could even hear myself moaning in ecstasy as I kept servicing the one teasing my lips.

It backed away for a moment, leaving me alone again. No, this couldn't happen. Whatever held me, it couldn't be so cruel as to deny me this one solitary pleasure, would it.

“Please. Let me suck.”

My voice was shaky, nearly as soft as Fluttershy's as I begged. Whimpering, I stuck my tongue out into the darkness, trying to see if the cock was still near me. No luck.

“Please!” Again, I pleaded to my unseen tormentor. Even without sight, I could feel my eyes watering as I grew more and more desperate. “I need it! Please, let me suck. Please...” Now I was sobbing. I'd lost everything, and now, I was being fucked around with, denied the pleasure I most needed. “I'll do anything you ask, just please...” I could barely make out my own words as I kept my tongue stuck out, mouth open wide.

I was broken. Everything that I had ever been – strong, confident, sure of myself, free-willed – was gone. All that was left was a horny slut, begging and pleading to have her addiction sated, if only for a while.

Whoever or whatever was there with me was clearly satisfied with what I'd become, because I felt the cock's head rest itself on my tongue. I licked it feverishly, moaning and whimpering like a kitten with a bowl of milk.

Then, I heard a voice. It was soft, undeniably feminine. “You've been sent here because you've been chosen to receive a special honor. You are now my love slave, and a member of my guard.” Her words were soft and serene, full of assurance. I found myself nodding softly. So this was a guard ritual of some sort.

With that, the cock slammed itself full-bore into my throat. I wrapped my lips nice and tight around the massive tool, sucking and slurping with wild abandon. This was what I wanted! It was massive, stretching my lips near their breaking point as it pumped back and forth, pounding my throat again and again. Sucking eagerly, I let out a long, throaty moan, and could finally feel my chest rumbling beneath me, as if my body were coming back to me.

Weird as it was, I wasn't going to complain.

The more I sucked, the more I could feel my faculties returning to me, from my withers to my wings, my hooves and my lungs. It felt like I was being reborn, made into something even more perfect than I was. Considering how perfect I already was when Onslaught and Swindle chucked me in here, I couldn't imagine how Equestria could contain my awesomeness after this was done.

My wings immediately hardened, arousal shooting through my new body as I slurped eagerly on the throbbing slab of meat between my lips, and my pussy gushed freely, laying my desires bare to whoever or whatever was using me. I was wound up beyond anything I'd ever experienced before, and the steady throbbing of the seemingly endless cock fucking my face only served to fan the flames.

I heard the voice again, inside my head. “That's it, Rainbow Dash,” she said, her voice full of lust as it whispered huskily to me. “Submit, and become mine.” It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite put a finger on it. Who could it be?

I didn't have time to think about it much, however, as the cock in my throat began to pulsate and swell with impending climax, the thumping of a thousand heartbeats resounding through the rock-hard flesh. I suckled as hard as I could, moaning eagerly as I swallowed over and over, squeezing my throat muscles around the enormous member.

Seemingly at once, my vision switched from darkest black to a blinding light as cum began to pump through the cock in my mouth, filling my body with hot, creamy seed. I swallowed and swallowed again and again, my eyes staying open, as if welcoming the blinding light the way my throat was welcoming the hot, sweet treat being packed into my stomach.

It felt like forever before it finally stopped spilling its load, and my vision returned to normal. The cock, as it turned out, was a long tentacle that had stretched from the ceiling to fuck my face. My hooves were held in place by other tentacles, and yet another wrapped itself around my barrel. Whoever had me here was serious about my not trying to escape. As if I would.

“Congratulations,” the female voice said to me, this time speaking normally. A royal-looking cobalt-blue pony with a crescent moon cutie mark and an ethereal, billowing mane looking like a piece of night sky.

As the cock that had so wonderfully used my mouth retreated, I coughed a few times and turned my face to look at her. “P-Princess Luna!?”

“The one and only,” she replied, flexing her long, dark wings. “Welcome to Tartarus.”

I looked at her and blinked a few times. Tartarus wasn't supposed to be a place where living ponies went. That could only mean...

“You're dead,” Luna informed me, as though reading my thoughts. “When Onslaught and Swindle pushed you into the portal, your mortal life ended.”

Okay, that was weird. So those stallions threw me into the afterlife?!

The cute, girlish chuckle that escaped the princess' lips was as cute as it was unsettling. With a nod of her head, the tentacles that had bound me all retreated into the floor and walls, leaving me to stand on shaky hooves once more. Fianlly coming down from my arousal, I was able to fully extend my wings, feeling the leathery membranes extend as I stretched them out.


Leathery membranes?

I looked to one of them and was shocked to find that my soft, graceful sky-blue feathers had been replaced with a leathery, dark purple membrane, my struts only slightly lighter than my membrane. Looking down, I saw my body, formerly as blue as my feathers, had taken on a grayish silver tone, making me look more like one of Luna's guards.

I ran up to Luna and stared into her eyes, desperate to see my reflection in them. At least I still had my rainbow mane. Having my mane and tail turn dark purple would have been far too much to bear.

Clearly amused by my concern, Luna simply giggled. “Oh don't worry,” she assured me with a soft, gentle voice. “You'll still be sky-blue during the day. You only turn gray at night. You still have the wings and eyes, though.”

That last bit caused me to stare at her wide-eyed. “Eyes?”

“Oh yes!” She smiled brightly at me. “Your eyes are gold now.”

Again, I looked into Luna's eyes. Sure enough, I saw a pair of shimmering golden eyes looking back at me.

“Okay....” My voice was slightly faint as I shook my head. “This was going to take some getting used to.”

“Better get to it then!” Luna replied, her horn beginning to glow. “You're going right back to the mortal realm! Pinkie Pie has a surprise for you!”

I sighed and shook my head as Luna's magic tore me from this strange world and back to my own. It seemed that I would have some surprises for Pinkie as well.