The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

Farm Life

Gumball looked rather scared at the sight of a big, powerful stallion like Big Macintosh. He looked rather stern at Gumball for the pranks he had caused with the drone. This stallion, to him, looked he was about to kick Gumball's mischievous butt after the pranks he pulled on everypony in Ponyville.

Gumball gulped and began to sweat like crazy as if the sun was going to hurl towards the planet and destroy everyone on it.

"So, Gumball," said Big Mac in his deep voice. He literally had a big Adam's apple in his throat, and the tone of it was enough to almost make Gumball pee his pants: "You're the one who-"

"I'm sorry!" Gumball dropped on his knees in front of him in a pleading scream. "I am so sorry for pranking everyone on the farm and scaring everyone! I was only trying to have some fun! just don't ruin my beautiful face! it's a money maker!"

The other ponies looked at Gumball's begging in confusion like it was judgment day.

"Look, i was just trying to have fun, come on. we all gotta have fun once in a while! otherwise it would he boring. Can't a guy have a little fun once in a while?! i swear i wasn't hurting anyone with my pranks! i didn't mean to do that! Just please don't hurt me!"

"Calm down kiddo." said Big Mac with a chuckle. "I'm not gonna hurt you. Come on, why would you think that?"

"Because I pranked all of you with my drone and made you all like you have seen a ghost maybe?" Gumball pointed. I mean, I scared many ponies here really good with it."

"Well, admittedly, I was not happy with how you tried to scare and confuse everypony with a drone like that. Maybe if it was like a whoopee cushion under everyone's backside as they sit, it would have been fine, but you set Celestia's butt on fire."

"I know. And I'm sorry about that. It was just a prank."

"I understand, Gumball. But you need to think about other ponies' feelings. Do you know what empathy is?"

"Well... no, not really." Gumball admitted, getting on his feet.

"It's when you put yourself in somepony else's shoes, so you can understand how they feel, when they hurt you." said Fluttershy."

Gumball's eyes went wide and he realized something. "Oh... Ok. I see your point."

"Besides, you're not the only one to pull some crazy stunt." said Applejack. "Long before we met y'all, Rainbow Dash pulled tons of crazy pranks one time."

"Oh boy, here we go." Rainbow sighed, rolling her eyes back.

"She was being absolutely obnoxious by pranking everypony here and there. It was almost unbearable for us to handle." said Rarity. "It was driving us absolutely crazy!"

"And she wasn't taking the time to understand the empathy for everypony." Twilight admitted. "So we got her back by pretending to be cookie-crazed zombies."

Gumball couldn't help but laugh at that and he said: "Oh that's pretty good."

"Come on." said Rainbow Dash. "I said I was sorry, didn't i?"

"Yeah and we forgave you for that." said Pinkie Pie.

"So, you're Big Mac?" Gumball asked curioisly.

"Eeyup. that would be me." said the stallion himself. "Aj's big sis and farm-hoof around Sweet Apple Acres."

"Look, I understand if you're mad at me, Big Mac. I did pull the pranks."

"I'm not mad at ya, Gumball. Besides, your... thing didn't really cause that much physical damage to anypony around here."

"I agree." said Fluttershy. "It just spooked everypony."

Gumball smiled to hear that. "Good. I mean, I wouldn't mean to actually hurt anyone." Everyone smiled to hear that. after all, Gumball was still just a kid. "I got in trouble at school many times, but I would never actually hurt someone."

"Well, I can tell by that drone, you're kind of a mischievous kid." said Big Mac. "Matter of fact, you and Rainbow Dash are kinda similar. You both like causing trouble like that."

"Well, I don't really like sports as much as she does." Gumball said. "And I love to be lazy."

"Actually," said Twilight, "Rainbow Dash can be lazy herself."

"It's true." said Spike. "One day, she fell asleep on a cloud on saturday morning, and didn't wake up until midday on Sunday. And the funny part is: it was supposed to be rainy season and she forgot to get the clouds over Ponyville with the other pegasi."

The cyan pegasus couldn't help but scowl in irritation before saying: "Ok, A: i overslept. B: i was cleaning around the Wonderbolt headquarters for three hours. Three hours!"

"So it was ok for you to sleep for a whole day like a lion?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well... yes, i mean... That's not the point!" said Rainbow Dash.

The others laughed at her in response.

"Look, Gumball just wanted to apologize for what he did to Sweet Apple Acres." said Rainbow Dash.

"Right." Gumball remembered. "Will you take my apology, Big Mac?"

"Oh sure." said Big Mac, hugging him tightly. "I'm a very forgiving pony." the he immediately let him go. "And i think there is one thing you can do to make it up to me."

"What's that?" asked Gumball. It was just ghen Granny Smith came out to greet the young cat boy.

"Ah, and who is this adorable little bundle of joy?" she asked, gently squeezing his cheeks.

"Granny," said Applejack. "This is Gumball Watterson. He's the rascal who unleashed the drone onto Ponyville and Canterlot."

"Oh. It's this one eh?" said Granny Smith. "A pleasure to meet ya, sonny."

"Thanks. You seem... nicer than my actual grandma." Gumball admitted.

"You mean she wasn't nice to you?" asked Fluttershy, frowning.

"She's more of a judgemental kind of grandma." Gumball admitted.

"Well I am certainly not like that at all, Gumball." Granny Smith reassured.

"Good. So Big Mac, what can I do to make it up to you and Granny Smith?"

"Well, you can help me, and Applejack around the farm."

"You mean work?" asked Gumball.

"More like volunteer." said Applejack with a smile.

Gumball then made a whining sound since he can be the lazy one. "Aww, I don't want to do work."

"Come on. You want to make things up to us or not?" asked Big Mac


"Then come on. it's not that hard." said the red stallion.