The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

More Time In Ponyville

The Baby Cakes seem to be taking a liking to Gumball, and Pound Cake even sat on top of the blue cat's large head like he was a bird on a nest. Gumball was annoyed at this, but Pound was just a baby and he had to be content with it.

Plus, if he and her sister Pumpkin Cake did something a little outlandish, Pinkie Pie can always try to keep them under control (mostly).

"They seem to really like you." Fluttershy pointed. Pumkin Cake was sitting on Gumball's lap like a cat or a lapdog. "Oh, this so cute." Fluttershy made an adorable look on her precious face.

"A little annoying." Gumball admitted.

"Oh come on, let them have this." said Twilight. "They seem to really like you."

"Yeah, I can see that." Gumball remarked. "So what else do you want to show me after this, guys?"

"Well," said Rarity, "I was up a little late in the night creating some new garments for you, Gumball."


"You know, clothes, anything you wear." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh. What kind?"

"Admittedly," Rarity sighed, "You are still rather a mystery, darling. No offense, but I have created shirts and pants and shirts for you to wear so you won't have to wear that turtleneck all the time."

"What's wrong with my turtleneck?" Gumball looked a little offended.

"Oh no! no! I never said that. There is nothing wrong with your Turtleneck at all, Gumball," Rarity clarified, "no, it is just rather a new thing for you to try. After all, it never hurts to try on a new ensemble."

"True. I always wanted to have cool shirts, but my family is so poor." Gumball admitted.

"And I have placed a little razzle dazzle in a few of those new garments I have created." the white unicorn sang. "Something you will certainly love."

"Are you sure I will love them?" asked the skeptical blue cat boy.

"Of course. Granted, I have had a few unsatisfied customers and clients, but that is a very very small percentage."

"OK." Gumball still looked a little skeptical, but he decided to go along with it. "But I want to finish my ice cream."

"No rush, sugarcube," Applejack said. "No rush. Take yer time."

This kind of ice cream was so good that Gumball couldn't help but eat faster than how he would eat them. "Hey hey, easy Gumball," said Spike, "You don't wanna get brainfreeze."

"Don't worry about me, dude. I have a gift where I can eat ice cream as fast as I want without getting brain- Ahhhh!" he felt the ice cream headache coursing through him and he began twitching on the floor like he was being electrocuted by lightning.

"Uh-oh." said Fluttershy. The cakes got off of Gumball, looking a little confused, but then laughed at how Gumball was making funny faces as he was feeling the brain freeze. It was almost like to was incapacitating him from living. Luckily, Fluttershy came up to him and gently massaged his neck to soothe the nerves.

"Oh." A great relief soothed the blue cat boy and he sighed as he was feeling her nice massages. "That feels good."

"So much tension in there, Gumball. You should be careful not to eat so fast."

"OK." Gumball said. "How... do you do this, Fluttershy?"

"It's a gift." the yellow pegasus sounded modest. "But I'm not as good as the ponies in the spa."

"Do you think... you can massage my back?"

"Oh boy." Twilight smirked.

"But of course. I would love to. But I'll do it when we get back to my cottage."


"How's everyone enjoying their ice cream?" asked Mrs Cake, coming in the room.

"Delicious!" said Pinkie Pie. "Really really good!" She began eating another Sunday like how a pig would eat from a trough.

"What about you, Gumball?" asked the blue cat.

"Yummy! this ice cream is nothing like back home in Elmore. Can I have another?"

"Absolutely!" said Mr. Cake. "And look at our babies. they seem to really like you."

"Yeah, like I'm their favorite toy, or plaything."

"Oh it's not like that." Said Mrs Cake. "they warm up to others really easily."

The Cake twins laughed and got Gumball's lap again. "Well I hope you guys are not mad with the pranks."

"Oh, it's no big deal." said Mr Cake. "Pinkie and Rainbow Dash are quite the pranksters themselves, so no hard feelings, Gumball."


After everyone was done, they all went to Rarity's boutique and went upstairs to Rarity's personal quarters. "Well, here are the outfits I have designed for you, Gumbal." Rarity smiled. "Take a look and tell me what you think."

"Sure." One shirt was colored black with a scooter on fire. The second one had a couple of snakes on it with fangs and scary faces

These shirts seemed to depict how normal boys would like these things like skating, sports, rock and metal music, and other boy stuff. "Well? do you like them?"

"I should try one of them on just in case."

"Of course." said Twilight. "pick which ones you want to wear. The blue cat did just that, and changed clothes to clothes behind the changing wardrobe so that the others wouldn't have to see him naked.

After coming to a conclusion, Gumball said: "Yeah, I guess i can wear these. they fit well."

"Parfait!" Rarity exclaimed with joy. "I am really flattered you love my new ensemble just for you."

"I do." the blue cat admitted. "But I shouldn't probably give my old clothes a wash. Pinkie Pie couldn't help but smell his old garments, making her gag.

"Ah! pee-yew!" she exclaimed. "That smells awful!"

Rainbow Dash herself went up to the dirty clothes and sniffed it, almost feeling like throwing up. "Yeah, that is one of the worst things I've ever smelled!"

"I'll take care of your old clothes for you." Fluttershy kindly offered. "Anywhere else you want to go, sweetie? There's much to do and apologize to everyone in Ponyville."

"I know, I know." the cat sighed. "Where else should I go?"

"I got it!" said Applejack. "Mah home sweet home." They all agreed and Gumball went along with this. Gumball went with his new friends to Sweet Apple Acres, the farm outside of Ponyville. It looked like any other, rustic farm, except it's run by ponies and not by two-legged creatures. There were cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chicken, ducks, and other kinds of livestock here (except for horses and donkeys for obvious reasons).

There was Big Macintosh, AJ's elder brother feeding the hogs as usual. "Big Mac," said Twilight. "Are you busy?"

"Nope." said the red stallion, putting down the bucket of food.

"Big Mac" said Applejack, "This is Gumball Watterson, the one who pulled off the drone prank."

The child gulped since Big Mac looked like someone who is terrifying when he is angry.

"Oh. It's you, huh?" said Big Mac, walking up to him.

"Please don't stop me to death like a rolling pin!" Gumball screamed.