The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

Gumball in Ponyville

Looking at the fresh air, Gumball was greeted by a number of ponies being nice and friendly to him, even after he unleashed a drone to cause fun mayhem and pranks. A few of them were still mad at the pranks he caused to Ponyville and Canterlot, but most of them were... rather warm to him and polite.

He was with Fluttershy and her close friends who looked around at their beloved home range.

Gumball was still very worried that this was going to be a prank to get him back for all the tomfoolery he caused with that drone he bought with his own money. He read that horses in his world were nowhere near as intelligent as the ones here, but these ponies seemed to be the dominant species.

At last, Gumball said to the six ponies and baby dragon: "I don't know guys, what if they all hate me because of the pranks I did?"

"Come on." said Fluttershy with doubt. "Nopony would hate anypony at all."

"Well, there are a few buttheads out there that might not like you," said Rainbow dash, "But, to Tartarus what they think! It's their loss, Gumball."

"Rainbow Dash is right." Twilight smiled. "Some ponies here can't really be reasoned with. Not everyone will want to be your friend."

"Yeah! take me with Cranky Doodle Donkey for example!" said Pinkie Pie.

"But he accepted you eventually." Fluttershy pointed out.

"Oh I know. but he was a tough nut to crack."

"Got that right." said Applejack. She looked at Gumball, and said to him, "Don't you worry, sugarcube. Everyone here will warm up to you. we ponies of Ponyville are quick to accept others."

"OK. That's good."

"Although I am curious," said Rarity. "Why are you named after a specific type of candy? Don't you have a normal name?:

"There's nothing wrong with his name." said Fluttershy. "I think it's very cute."

Gumball flushed at her comment and said: "thanks, but I'm not cute."

"No need to he embarrassed." said Spike. "I mean, Rarity calls me Spikey-Whikey, and I have no problem with that."

"Fair enough." Gumball rolled his eyes. "I do, or did have a real name. My real name was Zack, but it was an... alter ego of mine. Like an evil twin version of me that almost got control of me forever."

The Mane Six and Spike were silent for a moment and then guffawed at what Gumball just recalled. "You are just so funny." Fluttershy wiped a tear from her eye. However, she can plainly see that Gumball was not amused and how he had his arms crossed in irritation. "Oh, you're telling the truth, sweetie?"

"Of course I'm telling the truth!" Gumball said. "Do I look like I'm laughing right now? huh? You saw how weird Elmore is by now. Right?"

"Take it easy. no need to get mad." said Twilight. "I mean, you did pull those pranks on us yesterday with that drone, and you love to cause this what you call 'fun' whenever you feel like it."

Gumball was about to give out a big protest, but felt defeated when he sighed: "touche. point well-made. really good point."

"Still, we forgive you for that."

"Although I couldn't help but wonder, Gumball," said Fluttershy. "Do you do these things because of your mother?"

"What do you mean?"

"With all the screaming and yelling she does, did it make you act in a mischievous way?"

"No! of course not. This might sound mean, but being dumb and stupid runs in the Watterson family. Our Watterson motto specifically says: 'Insert family motto here', simple as that."

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but laugh at that and she was rolling on the ground as she was laughing. "Oh that's hilarious!"

"Rainbow!" said Rarity. "Don't be crude."

"No, it's fine." Gumball said. "What are we even doing here anyway?"

"To show you around Ponyville." Fluttershy said. "To get to know everypony.' Gumball still had an uncertain look on his face, and still filled with some regret after all he had done. Sure, he can be rude and insensitive at times, but he can still have a good heart, no matter how trouble-prone he is in life.

"I don't know. what if..." he made a gasp. "wait a minute," he said suspiciously. He narrowed his eyes at them all. "I see what you're all doing,"

"What are we doing?" asked Pinkie Pie

"Oh don't give me any of that doo doo." Gumball crossed his arms again. "This is all a trap, a setup, an act of revenge to get back at me with all the pranks I did to the drone. I told you a i was sorry, but you don't have to pull a prank on me."

"Come on." Applejack scoffed. "now you're just being paranoid."

"Yeah, you should just lighten up and calm down." said Twilight. "We know you promise to never do those pranks again."

"I did." Gumball repeated. "I gave you my word I wouldn't do these pranks."

"And we belive you, sweetie." Rarity said.

"You want to know what you need, Gummy-wummy?" Pinkie said.

"What's that?"

"A nice treat from Sugarcube Corner! we make the best cakes, cupcakes, candy, and other pastries you can think of!"

"That does sound good." Gumball thought. "OK, I guess I can have a cake or at least a cupcake."

"You will love all the yummy treats Pinkie makes. You will really love them." said Spike. "And she makes the best parties."

"It's true." said Fluttershy. "She knows how to put a smile on Everyone's faces when they feel sad."

"I'll take your word for it, Fluttershy." Gumball said before they all went inside the sweet shop.

"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner," said Mrs. Cake, one of the owners of this place. "Ah, Pinkie and her friends, my number one customers." she looked at Gumball. "And who might this be?"

"Mrs, Cake," said Pinkie, "this is Gumball Watterson. He's the one that caused all the pranks with the-" she was cut off by Gumball clamping her mouth shut.

"Don't tell her that!" he said in an exasperated voice.

"Oh, so you're the one who was flying that mechanical... wasp or hornet?" Mrs Cake recognized the drone.

"Well, i... yes. Look, I'm sorry about the drone. I was just having fun and I didn't make anyone go to the hospital."

Mrs. Cake smiled and was happy to see him apologize to her for what he did with the device. "Well, admittedly," said she, "you caused me and my family quite a little bit of grief and annoyance, but I see how sorry you are, dear."

Gumball felt relieved to hear those words, but he realized he will need to give out more apologies to everyone around here besides these ponies. "Thank you, Mrs. Cake." he said.

"Can you please give him one of the yummiest cakes you have right now, Mrs. Cake? he wants something really yummy."

"Well, Pinkie did make a nice triple chocolate cake this morning with me and my husband, Fluttershy." said the female owner of the shop. "This will not disappoint."

Gumball and his new friends sat down in a booth while they waited. suddenly, a small foal appeared from above Gumball with his face upside down, little out a small, adorable giggle, making the cat boy shriek in surprise. it was a male pegasus colt who laughed at his reaction and clapped his hooves.

Suddenly, a female unicorn baby appeared in front of him, and let out a cute laugh. "Who are you?" Gumball asked. He felt the foals hug him and clung close to him.

"This is Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake." said Twilight. "The Cakes' foals."

"Oh. Babies. just great."