Begining of the end

by Raot

Honesty and Treachery.

Some time ago,

The moment was to be known as the first day. The official rise of Celestia and Luna to the throne, and the first time they both rose the sun and the moon on their own. But as the power shifted from light to dark and the festivities began to die down, three figures trotted towards the Bastion of Harmony in the twilight.
The guards let them in, but watched the small female and her guards carefully. They where nether black nor white, but striped, and their manes stood stiff above their heads. Their brown cloaks served to cover their eyes and shield their bodies from the elements, and signified their magical knowledge.
When told of their arrival, Celestia quickly let them in.
The Zebras where dim and dirty, and seamed to cool the demeanor of all present. Two of them were large, and male, and the third that stood between them lifted her hood to show a bandage around her eyes.
“Delphi, the soothsayer.” Celestia said, motioning her sister beside her to show respect. “It’s good of you to come at this hour of celebration, though, I’m sorry, but you seam to have arrived a little late.”
The blind zebra turned her head this way and that, but said nothing. One of her guards said, in a very deep voice, “She brings a prophesy. And we have walked many miles to give you this warning.”
Celestia nodded in all seriousness. “Of course.”
The soothsayer walked a few steps towards the two princess, and spoke in a thick accent, as if trying to speak another language,
“The Bastion of harmony is to be destroyed,
by no creature of The Nova and no creature of The Void.
And the castle stands, and shall never fall
To one who lies outside it’s walls
Built upon freedom, unity and power,
As the monarchs stand tall, so will the towers.”
At first it seamed like a blessing, but Celestia could understand the hidden implications,
“But a darkened heart can steal any magic
So keep your true friends close, or times shall be tragic.”
“And what does this mean?” Celestia asked, after the final echos of the words faded into nothingness.
“I can see no more.” Delphi said. Celestia pondered over the warning.
“Oath keeper,” she said, and a large, strong royal guard with a golden ring as a cutie mark bowed his head. “Make sure our guests find a room and are comfortable. Then I want you to double security, and have nopony walk alone on the grounds.”
“Your highness.” He bowed once more and began to lead the zebras into another room.
“Thank you for your kindness princess.” The blind soothsayer spoke, following between her two guards, and leaving the chambers.
After the guard left Celestia stood, and all other ponies present bowed their heads once more.
“And now, to end the festivities, my sister shall raise the moon on her own, for the first time.” There was a cheer from the crowd, and Luna blushed. “I understand some of you are disheartened by the warnings we have been given, but remember.” Celestia smiled and knowing smile. “Friendship is magic. And so long as we continue to love one another, we shall always live in peace and harmony.”

As the castle came crumbling down,
Celestia fell to her hooves and ran. She had never felt such a pain in her heart, and such an icy coolness in her blood. She galloped from the throne room, where Luna had first raised the moon so long ago, tears streaming from her immaculate, alabaster face. The stone that had supported her for so many a year cracked like a diamond under an iron hammer. Her bedrock was snapping like rotten wood in a fire, and she felt such a sinking feeling in her heart. She wondered if the very castle was sinking into the underworld and dragging her down with it.
“Run.” She heard that dark thing say in her sister’s bastardized voice. “Run and cry like a little filly in the dark.”