The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

The Cast

Gumball was being tended on his broken foot by Fluttershy, who was kind enough to help him out. The broken foot on the cat boy really hurt as if millions of splinters were being lances in it. Despite how unbearably painful it was, Fluttershy was doing all that she could to make an effort to make the boy's broken foot heal quicker than normal, and make it less painful for him while putting the cast on Gumball's foot. "I'm sorry if this hurts you little angel." Fluttershy said gently. "I know it's painful, but after i'm finished, you will be better."

"Little angel?" Rainbow Dash asked in confusion. "He committed all those pranks on us without a second thought for hays' sake!" The other ponies just glared at the cyan pegasus.

"Rainbow!" Twilight said. "He's hurt, and his mother said that he learned his lesson." then she looked at Gumball with that concerned look on her face again. "Does your foot still hurt, Gumball?"

"Yeah. It does. Before it felt like a large kitchen knife was lodged in it from being stabbed by a crazed maniac."

The ponies looked a little shocked by that kind of metaphorical saying. "Goodness me, darling." said Rarity. "That's a rather... light way to put it."

"Yeah, sugarcube." Applejack said. "That's completely crazy-talk. I mean what kind of saying is that?"

"Our world is a very strange place." said Nicole. "By now, you've all noticed how there are many kinds of people living in this city. Dinosaurs, ghosts, monsters, mutants, and people with different animations than we have."

"Right, good point." said Rainbow Dash pointed. "We saw a realistic-looking t-rex while we were chasing Gumball down, right when I was about to clobber him into a cube of gar- Ow!"

She felt her head being bonked by Fluttershy and looked quite stern at her. "Not helping, Rainbow. Like Twilight said; he's hurt and needs some care. Now, I am almost done with the cast, Gumball. Don't worry, it will only be for a few more seconds."

Gumball gulped and said: "OK. I hope you're right."

"Oh come on." said Nicole. "She's doing a nice thing for you, honey."

"So, you love to eat cakes and cupcakes, Pinkie?" Richard asked the pink earth pony.

"Ooh, I don't just love to eat them, I know how to bake them! I can make the yummiest, most delicious sweets that nopony can ever dream of making in their entire lives! I got a whole recipe book that can show you how to create the yummiest cakes, cupcakes, and other desserts. Created by your truly!" the excited pink pony showed him her book and began showing him the yummiest kinds of cake on the pages. "We got Maretropolan canolies, Creme Hoof tarte-"

"OK, Pinkie." said Applejack. "I think he gets the point."

"Ooh, do you think you can create the yummiest cake ever?" Richard's mouth began watering sine he is a big eater. "I'll give you my wife's whole credit card for the biggest one you can make."

"Richard!" Nicole scolded. "Forgive my husband, he's... not the brightest bulb around here."

"I hate to say it mom, but a lot of people in town are like that." Anais pointed

"True. So true." Nicole admitted.

"Well, your son didn't really hurt anypony at home." said Spike. "...mostly. It was mostly harmless pranks."

"Good." Nicole said with great relief. "I am very sorry for his behavior, your highness. Gumball can be... rambunctious and it often gets him into trouble."

"Hey, it's not my fault that people don't want to have f- Ah!" he felt the last cast wrap around his foot, completing it finally. "Have any fun. I'm just trying to have as much fun as possible."

Celestia and Luna went up to him, and the princess of the sun remarked: "Look, we know that you are still a little boy that wants to have as much fun as possible, but, it's not always fun and games. There are some times when you have to take things seriously."

"Especially if they are life or death situations." Luna added. "Not everything should be taken lightly."

"Like how you broke your foot just now." said Fluttershy said. "It hurt, right?"

Gumball bowed his head and replied: "Yeah. It really stung as if my foot was being amputated from having a zombie virus spread to the brain after being bitten."

"Jeez, where do you get all that stuff?" Pinkie said

"From zombie video games." Darwin said. "Those are really good stuff, but really sad. Especially when Dale-"

"Don't spoil it for me, dude!" Gumball said to his adopted brother. "I have not played it yet, so do not spoil it!"

"Sorry." Darwin said flatly before covering his mouth. "How does your leg feel, dude?"

"A little better." Gumball looked at the cast before now looking at the yellow pegasus with a grateful look on his face. "Thank you so much Fluttershy." he tried standing on both his legs while holding crotches that Twilight had given him. He was struggling a little bit at first, and felt a small pain after his cast gently touched the floor of his own house. "Ow!" he said

"Goodness. Be more careful, Gumball."

"I'm trying." the blue cat grunted, trying to adjust to his cast. He felt Fluttershy sweetly helping him by giving him an ice bag to make it a little less painful than before.

"Hope this helps."

Gumball felt the soothing feeling of he ice right on his foot slowly taking away the pain like a magic mosquito taking away the pain nerves in one's body. "Oh yeah. He sighed. "That really hits the spot." he felt the yellow pegaus pony gently hug him on the left side of his body to s how more thanks for letting her help him out. Deep down, Gumball felt a warm, fuzzy feeling in him, like Fluttershy was a living stuffed animal intending to give him comfort in bedtime after a nightmare. She was so warm, and so fuzzy, that it made Gumball's fear and all that negative feelings go away.

It was like an angel hugging him or his mom hugging him when he was a little baby.