The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

Capturing a Naughty Child

Everything was going to be at full swing and the Mane Six were ready to catch whatever was controlling the drone and they just needed to wait for it to come and make it's move so that they can all ambush it like a leopard hiding in the tree to catch an impala on the ground. But first, they needed to be perfectly still and wait for the drone to come to them. Twilight and her close friends were pretending to have a picnic so that the drone wouldn't find it interesting. Yes, they wanted to make it look boring, much to Pinkie Pie's dismay, and she really wanted to make this picnic fun.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, you guys! THE BORING AIR IS KILLING ME!"

She suddenly had her mouth clamped shut by Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "Shhhh, stay strong, Pinkie." Rainbow said. "We just gotta do this a little longer. Then we can find out what's going on. It will come. Right Twilight?"

"It has to." said the purple alicorn. "I don't think it's bored of Equestria just yet." she sees the drone in the far distance, flying towards them like a bird or a missile. "Look! Here it comes! Everypony be as boring as possible."

"Got it." said Fluttershy. She just put some tea in her cup and began drinking it as if nothing exciting was happening at all. "Nothing is really happening right now, girls. It is such a boring day." she pretended to be bored stiff.

"I absolutely concur, darling." Rarity said. "If only there would be color splatted on this gray day."

"I would take that any day." Applejack played along. "Yep, nothing is happenin' at all, y'all." The drone got a closer look at the ponies and Spike, pretending to be bored and not acknowledge it. On the other side in Elmore, Gumball was feeling a little confused and didn't know what was going on, scratching the top of his head with his finger.

"Huh? Boring day? Come on. It's a beautiful day. That's like someone wants to live in a world without music." he had a rather dramatic look on his face before adding: "And that would be a reality I do not want to exist in." Getting back to the ponies and baby dragon, Gumball got a closer look at Spike, who was clipping his claws as if nothing had happened at all. "Don't you have anything to say?" Gumball asked through the drone (Though he wasn't talking to Spike through the drone). At last, he had to face the fact that thee was nothing really happening going on right now. "Gah! Forget it." he nodded his head in irritation. "Uh-oh, probably need to charge this bad boy up. The battery is almost dead.

He turned the drone away and prepared to get the machine back so that he can get both the drone and remote to be recharged. The cat boy was having so much fun with it yesterday that he didn't even pay attention to the battery. Suddenly, Twilight yelled: "NOW!" before she and the others grabbed on to the drone, much to Gumball's confusion. The camera was blocked by Rainbow Dash's belly, and the cat boy didn't know what else to do. He pressed the portal remote to get the drone back. To his horror, the ponies were still holding on to it (except where the propellers are), and they all crashed on to the ground of Gumball's backyard.

Poor Gumball looked shocked and horrified to see what had happened. "Oh no." he breathed. Yes, he knew what was going to happen next. "Oh no, no, no. This is not happening right now." He knew he was busted after all he had done in Equestria, and he does not want to get his retribution since he can be a coward, especially when it comes to facing consequences.

Dizzy, Spike and the Mane Six saw Gumball and looked confused. "You." said Twilight. "You're the one controlling this device?"

"Nope!" Gumball gave a nervous chuckle. He accidentally showed the remote to them, and hid it behind his back. "I mean, I wasn't... GAH!" he immediately dropped the remote and made a break for it in the house, causing the ponies and baby dragon to chase him.

"Get back here!" Rainbow said. Gumball was screaming like a little girl and ran out the door, with Nicole and Darwin noticing the commotion.

"Come on! Where's the car? WHERE'S THE CAR?!" Gumball looked to and fro in a panicky manner. He knew it was against the law for him to drive a car at this age, but he believed this was a "life or death" situation. He most certainly wanted to live and not be killed by the colorful ponies who he pulled pranks. He tried opening the door, but noticed the car door was locked and Nicole had the keys. Suddenly, the ponies, with Spike on top of Twilight, came out, read to confront him.

A crazy idea came in Gumball's head, and he made the drone come to him, and he latched onto it with his hands as it took off with great speed. "Oh my!" said Fluttershy. "He looks scared."

"He has every right to be scared." said Applejack. "He pulled pranks on us."

"Well, maybe he thinks we're going to kill him." the yellow pegasus said

"No. We just want to have a talk with him." said Twilight. "And prevent him from causing any more trouble. After him!" Nicole and Darwin noticed how these colorful ponies and baby dragon were trying to go after him.

"Oh no! My baby!" Nicole exclaimed. Anais and Richard came out, hearing the commotion. "Guys, come on. Get in the car! We need to help him!"

"What's going on with Gumball?" Richard asked

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good. NOW GET IN!" the rest of the Watterson family did just that and followed the colorful ponies to where Gumball was going. The drone was moving with lightning speed and Rainbow Dash was not far behind him. She was gaining on him and she met face to face with him.

"Stop kid! Slow down!" she exclaimed

"So you can kill me? No thank you, Rainbow Dash!" Gumball exclaimed back before blowing a raspberry in her eyes, making her go off-course for at least a moment. "You'll never take me alive!"

The ponies were chasing him for at least half an hour, and the Watterson family was trying so hard to find him while riding that drone. "He's gotta be around here somewhere! GRR! I knew he shouldn't have pulled those pranks!"

"What pranks?" asked Richard

"We'll tell you when we get him." Darwin replied. Little did Gumball know that while flying the drone, the battery was slowly running out of juice overtime, and it would be a matter of time before he would crash into something with that kind of speed. There was a nearby gas station where Larry worked at, and it was a usual day for this workaholic. Larry had many jobs and he noticed something like a bug coming towards the gasoline. It took him seconds for him to realize that it wasn't a bug, and he let out a shriek.

"Sweet jumping jellybean!" he exclaimed before running out the way by hiding behind a desk for safety. Gumball knew he had to jump into something soft, so he thought a lone mattress next to the dumpster was a good idea. He waited for the last second to jump and the drone immediately got on the ground, and Gumball felt a sharp pain on his right leg.

Screaming in pain, he said: "Ah! My foot! I broke my foot! It hurts so bad!" He tried to limp away so that the ponies couldn't find him, but the pain was too unbearable for him, and he was crying with agony. "Come on foot, don't fail me now!"

"There you are!" said Rarity. Her and the others caught up to him. "Now, we want a simple explanation. What in the name of Celestia is going on with the pranks?"

"And how you pulled those mean pranks on me!" Pinkie added.

"Please." Gumball whimpered. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was just trying to have some fun!" he shed more tears. "Please don't kill me! I don't want to die!"

"Kill you?" said Spike.

Just then, Discord appeared with Celestia and Luna, ready to bust the blue cat boy for all the pranks he caused into their world. "So, this is him?" asked Celestia

"And is he crying?" Luna added

"I think he is." Fluttershy looked sympathetic. "He looks like he is in great pain."

The others, except for Rainbow Dash were a little concerned too, as if they made him think they were going to end his life. It was just then Nicole and the family came and the mother skidded the car behind Gumball. "Get away from my son you... adorable... ponies?" nevertheless, she was ready to tear them all limb from limb if they tried to hurt him. "If you want to kill my baby, you will have to go through me!"

"Kill him?" asked Celestia

"Why do you keep saying that?" Twilight asked

"You guys looked pretty mad." Gumball whimpered

"Gumball, what happened?" asked Richard

"I broke my foot. Gosh it hurts. I guess the mattress wasn't as soft as I thought."

"Here. Let me help you." said Fluttershy.

"What? No! Please don't hurt me!" Gumball said

"I will not hurt you, sweetie."

"OK, OK. Let's just start all the way back to the top." Nicole took a break. "Now, what could possibly be going on here?"

The princess looked at Gumball in a rather stern look, and Celestia answered: "Well, your son has been causing quite a lot of mayhem with his drone." Nicole looked suspicious. "Messing with my subjects and pulling pranks galore with that... metal bird."

Nicole gave Gumball a suspicious look and she asked: "What is she talking about, Gumball?"

"Nothing!." the blue cat lied. "They are on sugar too much, their heads must be turning into ice cream and lollipops."

The mother gave him a rather stern look, narrowing her eyes at him. "Gumball..." she said calmly and suspiciously.

"OK! OK! Yes. I was pulling pranks with that drone I ordered over there." the child admitted. "But come on, I was only having fun, I would never try to hurt anyone. It was all just harmless pranks on all of you."

"harmless?" said Spike.

"You scared me to death while I was in the shower!" Rarity exclaimed

"And how you were messing with me on how fast your drone was. It was driving me nuts!"

"I actually thought it was going to eat me!" the baby dragon added

"And throwing pies at my face!" Pinkie said

"Or how you blared an airhorn without me looking!" said Fluttershy.

"Need we remind you that: you set our butts on fire?" Celestia looked unamused

"And we can still feel the burns a little." Luna added

Nicole gave her son another frown and crossed her arms at him. Gumball knew that he was probably going to be in big trouble now. He knew he was going to face a really angry mother, one of the scariest things in the world (for him). "Gumball," she sang, "Can you explain, please?" At last, the blue cat boy couldn't hide it anymore and he confessed to everything and all the pranks and stunts he pulled on everyone in Equestria.

Looking guilty, Gumball said: "I was only just having fun. Just some good pranks to get a good laugh."

"Well, it is completely out of line and inappropriate behavior." Nicole sounded stern, but calmly. "You are lucky they are not going to press charges on you."

"Please don't send me to jail!" Gumball said. "You would have to put me in juvie!"

Twilight and the other ponies noticed how guilty Gumball looked, and walked up to him, along with Fluttershy. "Hey, come on now, sweetie. It's alright." she gently lifted his chin with her right hoof so that he could make eye contact with her

"You are not a bad cat. You were just taking things the wrong way." Fluttershy said

"But you need to think about other people's feelings. Find out what is the best time for pranking them and the time to not prank them." Twilight frowned.

"She speaks wisely Gumball." Richard said

"True. So mom, I'll be ready for any punishment you can give me."

"Well, I could say what you have been through was punishment enough, especially your broken foot. Although... I would like to add: No TV, video games, internet, or any of those fun things for a week."

"No come on, let me help you with that foot." said Fluttershy, gently picking him up.