The Unusual Family

by PurpleArtist

Parent's day

At the elementary school Bit Counter was there in his suit but he don't really know on how to tell the kids on how exciting his job is where it isn't and three of his adopted son Purple's classmates there father's and one of there mother's is in the fire department and well next door to there house is a fire station.

After he waited for his turn where he did where he introduced himself as "Mr. Bit Counter" and well he works in a office where it isn't really exciting like being a firefighter or a police officer but the perks are that it ain't as hot or dangerous but not as exciting.

He wasn't up there for long where he couldn't really explain on how he does his job of sitting at a desk from eight in the morning to four at evening just typing on a typewriter but it isn't like he said ain't exciting nor what his wife does ain't exciting of being a housewife but they have normal lives.

In the hallway after his turn he just went to go get a drink of water of not knowing on how the colts and fillies in the school but when the school bell rang for the students to go to different classes he went back to work.

After school and work Booker asked on how was Parent's day where Bit Counter told her that he didn't inspire the colts and fillies in the class about his work where unlike the other student's parents there either a cop, firefighter or something that's interesting.

He just made himself a Long Island Ice tea but the two heard fighting where they both said "Not again!" they said when heard fighting.

It was Base and Purple fighting each other on who'll go in through in first but the two are in the door frame shoving each other but Base hurted his baby brother by slamming the door on his head but the four year old was sitting holding his head but said that it hurts badly.

At the hospital the doctor told the two that the door was slammed so hard it cracked a part of his skull so they had Purple go to lay on his bed and just stay there but had Purple to be home schooled until his skull is fully healed but they both yelled at Base for hurting his baby brother like that.

Blue she stayed by Purple's side so Booker wouldn't have too besides when she's homeschooling him but Booker would always kiss Purple on the head to make him feel special but Bit Counter would just give him a pat on his back and would tell him that he's a good son.