
by YukoAsho

Chapter 3

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By Yuko Asho

Chapter 3


“Hey, Dashie!”

Dashie stumbled into Suger Cube Corner a bit later in the morning than usual, looking as though she'd just had her face pounded by an army of stallions last night. Of course, I knew that's exactly what happened, but I wouldn't let that on. This was much more fun. Really, I should thank Princess Celestia for this wonderful bit of insight into my favorite pony in the whole wide world! Well, that both princesses were pretty awesome lays was pretty cool too, I suppose. Maybe when this was all over, I could take Dashie to the castle and have a huge party with the princesses and Fluttershy! I'd get Twilight too, but Princess Celestia says she's all vanilla. Well, vanilla was pretty sweet too. Why would that keep Twilight from partying with us?

Dashie didn't seem herself today. Her eyes were cloudy, and her shoulders and head were sunken slightly, as though she were really tired. “Hey, Pinkie,” she said, trying to sound confident, though not entirely succeeding. She walked up to the counter and smiled weakly. “Lemmie get a large tiramisu pudding and a large cup of coffee, black.”

I whistled softly. “Oooo, that's a lot of coffee!” I chirped. That was a lot of coffee, actually, between the tiramisu and the large cup of coffee. Not a lot of ponies could have that much without bouncing uncontrollably for hours on end. My Dashie must have been tired from sucking all those cocks. I was going to have to try that at some point. It looked fun, if nothing else.

“Yeah,” Dashie admitted with a sheepish grin. “Was up late last night.” Her eyes looked around sheepishly, as if trying not to bring up the subject of why she was late.

“You know, I had a funny dream last night,” I said as I worked on making the coffee, a cute little grin on my face. “I dreamed you were laying on your back and having lots and lots of stallions fucking your face! You swallowed so much cum, I thought you were gonna burst!”

Dashie blushed and looked down, sighing. I wonder what she was thinking – Princess Celestia's trick didn't let me look into Dashie's head, just at what she was doing. Not that I minded.

I slid a large cup, full of black coffee, over to her. She chugged it quite eagerly while I made the pudding. “Of course,” I kept going, “I know you'd never do that!”

Dashie coughed at that, spilling some of the coffee on her mane. Oh, she was so cute when she blushed! Well, she was cute all the time, but her blush was absolutely adorable! I gave her a couple napkins so she could clean herself.

“Th-thanks, Pinkie.” Her voice was shaky and unsure as she spoke. How adorable, she felt bad about it! That actually shed some light on all the other times I've noticed her feeling down. I should talk to her about it before taking her over to my private parties! No reason to feel bad about that kinda thing. Well, other than it made for a really funny prank.

I finished the tiramisu pudding and slid it over to her, along with a plastic spoon. She smiled thankfully and ate, washing the pudding down with the coffee. I could see her posture straightening out a bit, her wings flapping a few times and stretching out. She was waking up properly now, though she still didn't look very happy. I frowned a bit, then hopped over the counter and kissed her cheek.

“Hey Dashie,” I whispered into her ear softly.

“Y-yeah, Pinkie?” Dashie asked, looking over at me with trembling, unsure eyes.

“Smile, okay?” I reached for her face with both fore-hooves, forcing her mouth into a grin. “You're a lot cuter when you smile.”

“Hey!” Dashie protested, but couldn't stop from laughing.

“Hey, I mean it!” I chirped as I hopped on top of her, kissing her withers, resulting in a squeal from my gorgeous mare-friend.

I hopped off after that, she and I sharing a laugh. Then I pressed my lips against hers. She stiffened up again, eyes widening as I pushed my tongue inside her mouth. I could pick up the strong taste of cum on her lips and in her mouth. Wowie zowie, she was going to have to introduce me to those stallions she's been sucking!

Eventually, I break off the kiss and lick my lips. Cum and coffee, can't beat it! “Hey!” I squealed, giggling. “You forgot to brush your teeth!”

Dashie blushed softly and smiled, returning to her pudding. “Eheh, yeah I did. I should get home and do that before weather detail.” Dashie blushed softly and looked over at me, her eyes never leaving me as she finished up her food. She then put the spoon in the bowl and pushed it aside. “Thanks, Pinkie.”

I turned to face her, giving her a huge hug. “Hey,” I squeaked. “There's nothing you can do to make me not like you anymore, Dashie! Now get out there and wow everyone in Ponyville! I'll see you tonight.”

Dashie smiled softly and hugged me back. “Sure, it's a date!” With that, she headed out, looking a lot more confident than when she entered. My Dashie was so much sexier when she had that spring in her step.

As she left, I began to have second thoughts about the prank Celestia and I were playing on her. Yeah, that prank on Fluttershy was really stupid, but I don't think Dashie expected what she ended up seeing. I knew she felt bad about what happened to her, and I'd never seen her as angry as when she chewed out the ponies that came down from Cloudsdale to bother Fluttershy.

I frowned and started to feel my mane and tail start to flatten a bit. I really should talk to Princess Celestia about this. But first, I decided that I'd go to Fluttershy's, see how she felt about all this. Trying to put on a happy face, I got back to work. Baking always helped clear my head a bit, and I'd need a clear head for all the ponies I needed to talk to.


Weather detail was a pain in the ass. Not because I wasn't able to keep up, of course. I'm the best at pretty much everything I do, and keeping the weather on schedule was a cinch!

No, it was my head. Obviously, there weren't as many stallions in the Ponyville/Cloudsdale area as in other parts of Equestria, but quite a few of them worked weather detail. It was a huge challenge to even think straight for most of the day with so many stallions around. Not that I was attracted to the stallions themselves. It was the thought of sucking their cocks that drove me mad with desire. It was all I could think about, really; giant, throbbing cock slipping back and forth down my throat, balls slapping my chin as I suckled and slurped hungrily, feeling the head pushing almost to my damned stomach, the veins pulsing against my throat muscles and tongue.

Maybe I should just give up this whole weather detail and flying thing. I'd feel so much more comfortable on my back or haunches than on my wings, just sucking cock after cock. No need to douse myself in that damned itchy dye, no need to pretend I wasn't cock-hungry to keep an image. I could just be myself and suck cocks all day and night. Yeah, Rainbow Dash the cum bucket. That sounded awesome.

Ugh, I couldn't believe I let that thought come to mind. This was driving me nuts. I couldn't even smell a stallion, or think of one, without my mind wandering to sucking dicks. Ugh, even while talking to Pinkie this morning, it took all my willpower not to daydream about sucking Mr. Cake off! I was losing it, and the worst part was that the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it to happen. Damn, when Princess Celestia said I'd be struck with crippling urges from time to time, I didn't expect that to mean every damned moment. Hell, what would happen by tomorrow? Would I just be some cock sucking zombie? Would I change back when Celestia's spell wore off? Would I want to?

I flew through the air or a bit as I saw the sun begin to set. It would still be some time before I had to go see Pinkie. I was really hoping I could keep my mind on her while we were together. That was the weirdest thing about the last day and a half. I hadn't even thought about sleeping with Pinkie since this all began. I loved her, and she was fantastic in the sack, but all I could think of was finding some cocks to suck!

I was drooling almost constantly during work, and now was no different. I couldn't even close my eyes anymore without imagining long, thick, pulsating dicks in my face. It was starting to get to me; my wings were starting to stiffen again, and if I didn't get on my hooves immediately, I was going to crash through some pony's roof. Thankfully, I was just over the Ponyville Market. I swooped down to the ground just in front of my favorite sandwich place, Chili's. The place was lightly populated, which made sense. It was just before the evening rush, so I at least had a moment to sit down and chill at one of the tables and try to get my mind off of thick, juicy, delicious stallion meat.

I picked a table closest to the restaurant building and slumped in a chair, staring at my fore-hooves. I tried to think about anything else. I thought about Pinkie. That crazy mare probably had a huge party ready for me. Either she really didn't know what I was going through, or she was a hell of a lot more sympathetic than I gave her credit for. Either way, I knew I didn't deserve her. Then there was Fluttershy. We hadn't spoken since that damned prank that got me into this mess. I wondered if she'd ever talk to me again. I honestly hadn't expected to see her and Luna together. It was Fluttershy, for goodness' sake! I was surprised that she had the guts to even talk to Luna, especially after what I'd heard about Nightmare Night.

Luna sure had an interesting way to use magic in lovemaking, that was for sure. Instead of having to use a toy the way Pinkie and I would, Luna had actually used her magic to give herself two massive meat missiles that looked just like the real thing! The way they sprayed Fluttershy with semen nearly from head to haunches, it was clear they worked a hell of a lot better. Even after climaxing several times, they were still hard! And the way Fluttershy took them was amazing! I'd really misjudged that pony! My thoughts wandered back to Luna, to those amazing twin shafts. Before I even realized it, my lips curled into a grin and my eyes went misty.

I was on a bed, on my back, with Princess Luna right above me. She was sneering at me wickedly, her light-blue eyes narrow as she gazed down at me like a piece of meat. Between her legs were two massive cocks, both positioned just right to fuck a pony's plot and pussy senseless. Right now, though, she was looking down at me and licking her lips, staring at my soaking wet lips.

Open your mouth!” she snapped at me. I immediately obeyed, and she shoved the lower cock right down my throat in one quick thrust. I immediately wrapped my lips around it and begin to suck; she hadn't bothered teasing me, just ramming the whole thing with everything she had. It was divine! I suckled and slurped happily on the massive member as Luna leaned over me and rested her fore-hooves at either side of me, thrusting full-bore into my mouth. It was big, the veins surrounding it bigger than the ribbing on my favorite dildos and throbbing with energy as the massive tool swelled.

My mouth stayed tightly wrapped, my throat clenching over and over again as Luna slammed her lower cock into my mouth, her upper cock throbbing and swelling as it slid back and forth on my neck and chin. Wow, they were both so hard. I could hear them pulsating, filling with hot, rich cum, just ready to fill me up. My throat was trembling as the lower pounded away, fucking my mouth like the cunt I was. I kept my hind legs spread wide open, feeling the cool night wind licking at my trembling, dripping wet pussy, only further adding to my arousal.

Suddenly, the cock in my mouth shot its load, a thick, creamy stream of hot cum that I gulped down eagerly, my whole body shaking with desire. It was delicious, salty and rich and so creamy it coated my throat, but the more I drank, the more I wanted!

Luna pulled her lower cock out of me and reached down, slapping my face with one of her fore-hooves. She clearly only saw me as a mouth slut, which is exactly what I was. “P-Princess, please! Please, give me more! Let me keep suck-!” My begging was cut off as she shoved the upper cock down my throat and resumed fucking my mouth with the same ferocity. Just like before, she was ramming me down to the hilt. Her lower cock hardened as it slapped me in the face again and again with each thrust, my face forming a slight red welt from the repeated slaps. I was in heaven! I wanted nothing more than to suck and suck and suck until my body was full to bursting with cum!

I couldn't see anything, but I could feel another pair of cocks pressing against my cunt and plot-hole. Just like Luna, my new partner showed no care at all, just ramming full-force into me like I was a blow-up doll.

Started the fun without me, sister?” That was Celestia's voice! I moaned softly as she fucked me senseless. It didn't feel as good as the mouth-fucking I was receiving, but the force Celestia was fucking my rear holes with was sending sparks flying through my body. I was on fire as I was skewered both ways, cocks pulsing in every single hole, swollen and full of cum. I could do this forever!


I heard a voice in the distance. It was faintly familiar, but I couldn't make it out. The sounds of flesh slapping flesh filled my ears as my two Mistresses reamed me with their massive, throbbing cocks.


The voice was getting annoying! How could I concentrate on the cock slamming my throat when some pony was calling out with that shrill, annoyingly high-pitched tone of voice! Thankfully, my attention was returned to more important things as the cock in my mouth erupted. Again, I swallowed over and over, forcing every drop of Princess Luna's intoxicating, delicious cum down my throat. This time, she didn't even give me enough time to beg, immediately pulling out the spent upper cock and forcing the newly-hard lower cock down my throat once more.

At the same time, I could feel Princess Celestia's cocks throbbing and swelling in unison inside my twat and ass. They erupted in unison, filling my womb and bowels alike with rich, hot semen. I was so full, excess seed leaking out of all three holes. Once she was spent, Celestia pulled out and slapped her cocks against my cum-filled holes.

So, when do I get a turn at that mouth, sis?” she asked.

Just a moment there, Tia. I'm almost done!” As she said that, Luna's lower cock spat another load, just as large as the last. I was trying my best to keep it all down, but it was so much. I gagged and coughed, spilling cum all over Luna's groin. She pulled her lower cock out again, then slapped me in the face with the two of them. Already, the lower cock was hardening again, with her upper cock ready to go. “This bitch is pretty messy,” Luna observed with a grin. “I like!”

The two of them switched places, Luna pressing her cocks against my leaking plot and twat. Before me stood Princess Celestia, her two cocks rock-hard and ready to go. “Well, looks like you've learned about respecting your betters,” she said softly with that damned gentle voice of hers.

Yes!” I cried, sticking out my tougne and trying to get a taste of one of those cocks. “Yes, Mistress! I'm yours! Please, let me suck!”

Celestia simply grinned and licked her lips. “Very well. Open up, my little pony.”

I opened my mouth as wide as I could. I was still drooling uncontrollably, and mixed with the cum that was leaking out, it made my mouth nice and slick indeed. She should have no trouble fucking my face with the overwhelming force I craved!

Ready?” Celestia asked. I nodded my head. “Okay,” she replied, “Three... Two...”


My eyes shot wide open and I sat at full attention as Pinkie shouted at full volume in my right ear. My damned wings wouldn't come down, though. And my mouth... Damn it, I was still drooling! “P-Pinkie...?” My voice was harsh, my throat itchy from how parched I was. A daydream. It was a fucking daydream! It felt so real! I could still taste Luna's cocks on my tongue, and I remembered the way they pulsed in my mouth. It felt so real!

Pinkie stared at me with concern, her eyes trembling and watering slightly. “You okay there, Dashie?” she asked, her voice lacking its usual cheeriness. “You worried me there!”

“Just a dream, Pinkie,” I assured her. I swallowed a mouthful of my own saliva and shuddered. My body was raging at me, the hunger building with each passing moment. I needed to suck some cock, and soon, before I lost my mind completely! Still, I tried to keep my composure, grabbing some napkins off the table and cleaning my drool off said table and my face. I probably looked horrible.

“Must have been one hell of a dream!” Pinkie cried out in a panic. “I was shaking you for so long, but you were just staring into space! It was really creepy!” Her mane and tail were flat and listless, and I could see tears starting to fall from her eyes. Great, now I was scaring her. Wasn't she supposed to know what the hell I was doing and thinking about? Maybe it was showing up as daydreams or something to her and she just brushed it off as such. She mentioned that earlier, I think, though it was hard to remember any thing with my head pounding like it was.

“Hey, Pinkie, I have a confession to make,” I said. There was no way I'd be able to get through the rest of the night. I had to tell her and then go find some stallion to suck off, if only so I could think straight.

“I know, Dashie,” Pinkie said softly.

I blinked a few times. “You know?” I repeated dumbly. “Know what?”

“Your cravings,” she replied. “I lied when I said it was only a dream.” She wrapped her fore-hooves around me and buried her face in my chest, sobbing. “Oh Dashie, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have lied to you this morning!” She was wailing now, and other mares were coming over to see what was going on. “I know what Princess Celestia did to you, and I know about how much you like sucking cocks!”

I can't help but laugh softly, wrapping my own fore-hooves around my mare-friend. “There's more than that,” I corrected her. “I've loved sucking cocks for a long time. I've been satisfying my urges for years, even before I came to Ponyville! Princess Celestia's spell only made my appetite more severe, but it's always been there.”

Pinkie let go of me and looked straight into my eyes, her pupils shrinking to nothing. Suddenly, her mane and tail puffed up and she let go of me, shooting a full ten feet into the air. She let out a loud, exaggerated gasp and shot away from me, vanishing from my sight before I could even begin to figure out what the hell was going on.

“Pinkie?” I blinked a few times, and for the moment, my hunger was forgotten. What the hell was in that mare's head!? I mean, I wouldn't blame her if she never wanted to see me again, but at the same time, her hair had puffed up just before she left, so she clearly wasn't mad.

With Pinkie gone, however, so went my distraction. As quick as it had left, my hunger returned, more powerful than ever. I was having trouble even thinking straight. I needed cock. In my mouth. Right now. I got off my seat and started walking. My wings were still impossibly stiff, so there was no way I could fly. No, I had to find my pleasure on the ground. Thankfully, I knew just the place to go get mine!


Oh, how could I have not thought of it before!

I ran into my room and looked for my little black book. It was so perfect. Dashie was sucking cocks in her free time, and I loved fucking pretty much anything that moved, so why were the two of us hiding it? We couldn't be more perfect for one another! Opening the book, I saw the names, looking through it and filtering out the mares. I liked mares, don't get me wrong, but they wouldn't work for what I had in mind.

After weeding out the mares, I had a hundred stallions in my book, but that would take too long, so I picked the seven most virile ones. I needed a whole lot of cum for the special cake I was gonna bake, and I needed it yesterday! I looked at the list I'd come up with, making sure all the names were right. Strangely enough, they were all pegasus ponies! Maybe all that flying gave them endurance and let them produce more? Whatever, as long as I got what I needed.

“Okay,” I said to myself, “I've got Soarin', Fire Streak, Lightning Streak, Rapidfire, Silver Lining, and Wave Chill. Oh, and Soarin's drinking buddy, Starscream! Sounds about right.”

I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a great big measuring cup. I'd need to fill it to the brim for the cake! Actually, why not make two cakes? I grabbed another one of the measuring cups and decided to take it to Fluttershy! Maybe she could get the Princesses to help!

Yep, this was gonna be perfect! And here I was worrying that I wouldn't be able to tell Dashie about my private Pinkie parties! Oh, silly me!