We Shall Live On

by The philosopher

Prologue: Dark Changes

A grey coated unicorn with a rust colored mane and a jacket stood idley in the park. Iron Sights loved Ponyville, it was beautiful compared to Stalliongrad. Where his home town consisted of snow and icicles, Ponyville harbored flowers and birds. Nonetheless, Iron Sights still had a piece of home with him.

It was a six round cyllender revlolver, made in his hometown. In fact, it was made in his very house. He called it the horseshoe for its stopping power. It was the first model he ever produced. He was proud of it, and carried the revolver wherever he went, partially for protection, but mostly as a trophy. He carried it even though guns were illegal outside of Stalliongrad.

He watched as the robins damced around the trees and the grass waved at the wind. He found peace, beautiful, serene, peace. He stood in the middle of the park like a statue, admiring the calm silence for a few seconds longer.

Then he heard the horrified shrieks of his fellow eqiunes.

Iron Sight gazed ahead at a crowd of ponies fleeing for their lives. As the dust from their hooves began to clear Iron Sight began to see the silhouette of a feral beast. The dust had completely disappeared then when he saw the timberwolf chew on the neck of a green earth pony.

Iron Sights pulled out his revolver from his right pocket. From his left, he pulled out two bullets slowly, almost casually. When he dropped his second bullet, he slowly picked it up from the ground and wiped it against his jacket as if it was a dusty button he had stumbled upon. The timberwolf sprinted to its new target. With its powerful legs it was able to cover half the distance between it and the foolish stallion, and it had no intention of slowing down. Iron Sights stared unimpressed at the rabid canine as it got closer and closer...


The beast layed on the ground, its pathetic attempts to bark were nullified by the blood clogged in its throat. Iron Sights stared at his fallen foe, once more becoming a motionless statue. Many ponies were circling the scene. They stared in horror at the grey unicorn, at the wooden hellhound, then their gazes met the sky. The clouds, they were moving when their wasn't a pegasus in the sky! In the distance the howls of timberwolves and the roars of manticores began to surface. The thought of death consumed the mind of everpony. Some of the ponies listened in a stone-cold fear, while others fled to the nearest building possible. Others began murmuring of a massacre, of an apocalypse.

But Iron Sights stood still. He understood what the clouds showed him, comprehended the screeches of the feral beast. In a low, bass toned voice,he spoke.

"Alright everypony! Stay calm! We are going to survive this! We shall live on!" he bellowed. "We need to get into the urban streets! Get into the buildings! Offer help to anypony who needs shelter! Then barricade the door and windows! Move! Now!

Be turned to exit the park, but not before logging his second bullet into the skull of the dieing timberwolf.