Heart of the Nova -Prologue-

by Silent Nova

My...Heroic Rescue?

The next day begins as I groggily stretch. It's kinda nice to wake up for once without one of my "moms" snuggled next to me cause she got booted off dads bed in the night. I've gotten so used to them doing that, that now I wake up to any little bump or movement around me. This time I finally got a mostly restful sleep. A bit lonely I guess but...mostly restful. I get myself ready for the day and head down to see Celestia collecting her things to head out.

"Well good morning...Uncle Nova." Celestia smiles warmly.

Well I'm awake now as that chill runs through me again. "So you too huh?" I ask jokingly.

Celestia briefly chuckles. "Well of course. You didn't think I'd let my sister have all the fun did you?" Once she finishes she gives me a caring look. "If you really don't want us to call you that just tell us. We don't want to make you uncomfortable."

I then lazily wave my hand in front of me. "No it's fine. I'll get used to it. Technically I've been in weirder situations living with my dad."

Celestia chuckles. "I can imagine. Well since you look ready would you like to go with me to the school?"

"No thanks. I'll just drive there myself. I like having my truck with me just in case."

Celestia nods. "Very well. I'll see you later on then." We give each other a wave as she leaves.

I then spend some time to lounge around as time passes and I watch the clock till its time to go...ish. "Well it takes about 15 minutes to drive there and it's 6:40 now. Eh I can wait a bit more."

After a quick snack and some more lounging I finally get myself outside. I fight the urge to hiss at the sun as my apparent vampire half shirks away. Another bright and sunny day....oh joy. I crank up my truck and I'm off for school...more joy.

I'm about halfway there when I check the clock. I might actually make it...maybe. When I look up I happen to notice a firey haired girl trying to...climb a tree? I think of minding my own business as I pass by but...Aghh that's definitely her. I make a U-turn and pull into the closest drive. She doesn't seem to notice me as I step out of my truck. "Sunset?"

Once my presence is known she jumps and spins to face me looking almost scared. I hold my hands up to reassure her. "It's just me Sunset. From lunch yesterday. Remember?"

She takes a few calming breaths as I can tell she has been trying to get up the tree. She is sweating a lot and her arms and legs are scuffed up from the bark. "Ahh...yes I...remember. What are you...doing here?"

Her voice is so quiet. Like shes scared to speak to loud. I walk up to her and notice a backpack that I assume is hers hanging from one of the branches. "How...did your bag get stuck up there?" She just hangs her head and says nothing. Well I'm already gonna be late. What's the harm in making it even later? I move toward the tree. "I'll get it."

Sunset head shoots up as she spins toward me. "No! You don't have to do that. This is my fault."

I look back at her with a smile. "Regardless of fault. I doubt you'd even make it up there before school ends. I'm pretty sure skirts weren't made for climbing in." She seems like she wants to argue this but either she was just to tired or she knows I'm right.

I turn to face my foe. The tree's branches viciously mock me from twenty feet above the ground as the tree devilishly smirks while swinging the lady's bag. Commence climbing vectors! A torrent of steam shoots out of my shoulders as my massive arms form a death grip on the trunk quickly followed by my legs. I get to about the half way point as the tree lord begins to worry and starts thrashing about not wanting to give up its prize. With the first branches in reach my first strike is nigh as...........ok...where the heck is my mind going with this?

I shake my head as I climb the rest of the way and retrieve her bag. Once I have it I turn back and make a mighty jump down...causing rock and fire to erupt from my crater...STOP It! I take a breath and hand Sunset her bag. Hopefully she didn't notice me being...weird.

She takes her bag from me as I begin brushing myself off. "Thanks...again." She says quietly as she then turns to walk to school.

"Uh...hold on. If you want...I can give you a ride to school." Seeing her...I just offered her a ride without thinking as my nerves make a return.

Sunset shakes her head. "No...thank you but... I'll just walk."

I hear the sadness in her voice. "You'll be even later if you walk."

She turns her head and looks at me. Tears threatening to spill. "It doesn't matter. It's what I deserve." She gives a slight smile. "Thanks again for the help but...it's probably best if you just avoid me. I don't want others assuming the worst of you."

I give a half chuckle. "Ha most people get around to that anyways so I ain't worried. Just get in. I'm sure you could use a breather."

Sunset hesitates a moment, seeming unsure before she reluctantly accepts. Once we're in I pull out of the drive and resume the trip to school...all while trying to remember to breathe.

There's a person in my truck. I've never been in a vehicle with someone like this before. Sure there's been field trips or with a friend of dads or something but...I guess I'd call those more...forced events. I just went with the flow or had to for whatever reason.

I try and think of something to talk about but my mind keeps jumping to one thing. "So...you're a unicorn?"

Sunset snaps her head toward me. When I look I see the tears that were in her eyes being forced out as she bites her lower lip. The corners of her mouth creeping upward. To my surprise she begins laughing. Though...it sounds like there's some sadness mixed in as her tears fall.

After a moment she begins to calm as she wipes at her tears. "I'm...sorry about that. It just...sounds so absurd when it's just blurted out like that."

I hope this isn't going the direction I think it is...i think. "So...it's not true?" I guess I'm hoping it's true. That way the girls and...my nieces...aren't jerks but what does that mean for Sunset?

Sunset takes a breath and returns to that...resigned expression. "No...it's true. I'm guessing you were told what I did?" Her voice becomes barely a whisper. "And what I turned into?" I give her a sympathetic nod as she looks over to me. "Then...why are you helping me? Why are you being nice to me? I know you weren't here at the time but... shouldn't you at least want to avoid..." She lowers her gaze to her lap. "...something like me?"

It has to be true. There's no way someone would just accept a story like this if it wasn't true. Even if someone told her to go along with it.

I give a little shrug. "Honestly...I don't know. You don't seem like the person I've been told about and I don't judge people on what they've done or could do." I pause a moment as I don't want to push her into talking about it. "Just...remember what I told you yesterday. If you need to talk just let me know."

Sunset is quiet for a minute until she looks out her window. "I was...just so angry. I thought I deserved that power. I wanted it so bad but...I really was never good enough." Sunset leans her head against the window and shuts her eyes as a few more tears break free.

I wish I knew what to say but I'm still the outsider. I don't know her. She don't know me. Hell I don't know anyone. We traveled the rest of the way in silence.

I threw my truck into park at the school. As I hop out I look over to Sunset as she seems to... struggle. Wincing slightly as she moves. Maybe she hurt herself earlier.

I walk up next to her as we head to the building. "Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself trying to get up that tree?" She just looks down and says nothing. "You should go to the nurse and get checked out."

She just nods slightly. "I will." Which means she won't. I've been through this with dad countless times. Guess I'll tell Celestia about this. We walk the rest of the way to the school but unknown to me there are a few windows glaring our way.