
by YukoAsho

Chapter 1

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By YukoAsho

Chapter 1


I waited at my throne for what seemed an eternity, my haunches atop the finest cloud pillow bits could buy as I once more read the parchment levitating before me. It was a rather garden-variety list of complaints against various ponies, none of them particularly worth my time. It was one of the things that I hated about monarchic rule, having ponies come at me with the most mundane of problems. Even before the whole Nightmare Moon episode, it was always my sister who had the firmer hand, with little patience for trifling concerns. I was looking forward to this current generation of ponies becoming used to handling their own damned problems now that she was back.

The last of the issues on the list was far less trifling, with none other than Luna herself as the plaintiff. Apparently, Rainbow Dash had purchased an enchanted crystal ball and gave it to Fluttershy as part a prank, against the advice of her mare-friend Pinkie Pie. The enchanted item in question would project an image of the ponies in the same room as the ball to a strikingly large screen that Dash had placed along the side of her house in Cloudsdale for all the residents therein to see. To be spied on mid-coitus had, to put it lightly, angered the Princess of the Night a great deal, to say nothing of furthering Fluttershy's social integration issues and bringing about countless complaints from Cloudsdale parents who had to explain the sight to their foals. Considering Princess Luna's status as a victim, it was far beyond the Cloudsdale government's jurisdiction. Luna abdicated herself on the grounds of personal investment – and at my own insistence – so I was left to pass judgment.

Not that I hadn't already made my decision. Fluttershy lived up to the “shy” part of her name already, and having been teased by several of the more callous pegasus ponies because of the incident in question, had to be admitted for psychological treatment due to the trauma of being so brutally “outed.” With Luna there to support her, I was confident that Ponyville's veterinarian would recover before long. That left the matter of Rainbow Dash. Since the athletic pony liked magical pranks, I saw fit to play one of my own.

“Presenting the accused, Rainbow Dash of Cloudsdale!” Shining Armor barked formally as he walked in, his armor indeed shining as he escorted Rainbow Dash into my chamber. The large, proud, proper white unicorn looked rather imposing compared to the small, lithe sky-blue mare he brought to me, her head hung low in apparent shame.

“Thank you, Captain,” I said with the utmost respect and serenity as he brings Rainbow Dash to the base of the stairs before my throne. I nod at him slightly and he bows, closing the large, iron door behind him as he exits. I am now alone with the rainbow-maned offender.

“Um, Princess, I...” Rainbow began to speak. I cleared my throat to cut her off.

“First off,” I said softly, “what is your plea?” I was calm and serene as always, betraying none of the anger I felt toward the one who so humiliated my sister and her mare-friend. Of course, I had archived statements and accounts from many a pony, including the mayor of Cloudsdale and the unicorn who'd sold the enchantment in question. A not guilty plea on Rainbow's part would have been quite a fun time for me.

Unfortunately, I was to be denied this amusement. Rainbow Dash simply kept her head hung low. “Guilty,” she sighed softly. It was a shame, really. I'd have loved nothing more than to see her try and defend herself against something so ridiculous.

Well, there was at least the sentencing to enjoy. “Your crime is quite egregious, and not just because of the compromising position my sister was placed in, nor because of all the foals who bore witness,” I told her, keeping my voice soft, motherly even. The way it made this arrogant little pony squirm was absolutely delicious. “Fluttershy has been quite viciously harassed by other pegasus ponies who enjoyed your little prank. It's rather gotten to her.”

“I didn't mean for it to happen like that!” she protested pathetically, gazing up at me with trembling eyes.

“Well then, what did you mean to have happen?” I asked. I could see her fidget beneath me; she was terrified now. “I'm listening, my little pony.”

Little beads of sweat formed on Rainbow Dash's brow. Her mouth moved occasionally, but no sound came out. It was clear she couldn't come up with an answer that would get her out of this. Not that there was one I'd be satisfied with. After all, what could she say? She wanted to catch Fluttershy showering, or masturbating? Perhaps singing a little dandy tune? I had no doubt that Dash meant no ill toward her friend – I'd have turned her sweat and breath into an irresistible pheromone and banished her to the Everfree for a month, otherwise – but the thoughtlessness she displayed was nearly as bad, and an example needed to be made.

After letting Rainbow flap her lips impotently for a bit, I resumed talking. “My sister wished to have you locked in stocks at the center of the Canterlot Arena and raped by the entirety of both our stallion guards,” I stated with all the softness of someone describing a recipe for cinnamon tea. “But ultimately,” I continued, “the terms of your punishment are up to me.”

Rainbow simply gulped, her eyes starting to tear up as she let that statement sink in. For a moment, I couldn't help but think that it would be an interesting bit of entertainment. A stadium filled to capacity with perverted stallions and mares, watching as that sexy little body gets fucked in all holes by thousands upon thousands of stallions. That would certainly have taken the self-proclaimed 'fastest flier in all of Equestria' down a peg.

However, that sort of heavy-handedness wasn't my way. After all, why torture when I can be creative instead? And if I do say so myself, I had a doozy in mind. My horn glowed for a moment as I cast my spell. Combining several elements of modern projection magic and ancient interrogation tactics, I weaved my punishment firmly into Rainbow Dash's mind. The squeak from the sky-blue pony made the sides of my lips tingle. Repressing my grin and working my magic took quite a bit of effort, but eventually, I was able to compose myself and finish the spell. I was, if nothing else, quite practiced.

“What... What was that?” Rainbow asked faintly, rubbing her head with a fore-hoof.

“Your punishment,” I replied with the same soft, benevolent tone I had spoken throughout the proceeding. “The spell I cast on you will last the rest of this day plus two days more, and has two effects.” Seeing those gorgeous ruby eyes widen with horror, I fought the urge to giggle slightly. It was the mask of serenity I wore that made ponies the most nervous, after all. “Firstly, your every movement will be made known, not just to me, but to Luna and Fluttershy as well.”

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh and smiled slightly. I couldn't believe she thought that is the worst of it. No, things were never so simple with me.

Deciding to bring Rainbow back down, I resumed. “The second part,” I stated calmly, “is a nice little piece of work, if I do say so myself. At various points throughout the time of the spell's effect, you will experience a crippling urge to indulge your deepest desire.” I smiled softly and watched as the color drained from Rainbow Dash's face. Oh, she looked so precious. “It's a shame I can't tell what it is. I surely hope it's nothing sexual.” I took a moment to inwardly bask in the glory that was my amazing poker face. Of course I wanted it to be sexual. I was hoping that Rainbow would shame herself the way she'd shamed my sister, the way she'd shamed Fluttershy. That, I felt, was the only way to make the lesson stick.

It would seem that Rainbow Dash disagreed. “But... You can't do this!” she cried, her eyes bulging in panic as she stared up at me. “I'll be ruined!”

“Oh, don't be so melodramatic,” I softly replied. “I had half a mind to make your sweat and breath into a pheromone, so you're getting off easy.” An idea suddenly shot into my head. My horn lit again as I adjusted my spell just a bit, eliciting a gasp from Rainbow Dash. “There,” I chirped cutely. “Now Pinkie Pie can see as well.”

“Please!” Rainbow squealed pathetically, shaking her head violently. “Please, don't do this to me! I'll do anything you ask, just don't make me go through this!”

At this point, I knew I had to be done with this. Begging ponies were never fun. Well, unless they were tied up and begging for more, but that was for another day. “Your sentence has been decided,” I stated, only slightly more sternly, adding a sense of finality. “Now leave.” I paused for a moment, gazing down at the visibly shaking pony beneath me. “Unless you'd like me to add the Wonderbolts to the audience.”

It had been more than a petasecond since the last time I saw a pony run that fast.. So happy was I, in fact, that I decided against billing her for the giant hole she'd managed to bore through the three-inch-thick iron door.

It was at that moment that my beloved sister Luna winked into the throne room, a soft smile on her face. She looked up at me and winked. “I see you've finished with Rainbow Dash,” she stated calmly.

“Oh yes,” I assured her. “I think that after her punishment, she'll think twice about such intrusive pranks.” I then proceeded to explain the punishment I'd administered.

The smile on Luna's face could have outdone my sun. “You are quite the prankster yourself, it seems,” she quipped. “This might just make up for your rejecting my arena idea.”

The two of us shared a good laugh at that. The dispersal of fair and equal justice was difficult, but on some days, it could be quite fun.