The Cat and the Drone

by MetalBrony823

The Drone

Gumball Watterson, a blue cat that is rather trouble prone, and he was prone to going on adventures that many don't even make sense, or get into even more trouble at times. Next to him was his brother Darwin, his adopted younger brother who is a goldfish with legs, and both of them were enjoying a little prank on their father: the fat, lazy, yet lovable Richard Watterson. Pranking their father is one of their usual things they liked to do since Richard is possibly the heaviest sleeper in all of Elmore, and possibly: the most gullible. Snickering and laughing quietly, Gumball and Darwin were having the time of their lives pranking him like that. The prank was pretending to be police officers while Richard believed he is about to go to the stony lonesome in his slumber.

"Hurry Mist- I mean, Richard! We're gaining on ya!" Darwin said

"You'll never take me alive, Copper! Please don't take me to jail! I didn't do anything wrong!" Gumball and Darwin tried their hardest not to laugh and not wake him up, because they were to his right.

Nicole Watterson, Gumball and Darwin's mother came outside to look for the boys, and she scowled in annoyance seeing her husband get pranked like this. "Gumball Watterson!" she yelled. Her scream was enough to catch the two boys off-guard, and back away from Richard. The mother motioned her right fingers at the boys to come over to her, possibly to scold them. The boys wanted to run, but they knew it wouldn't work since their own mother has amazing speed and agility.

Gumball and Darwin remember the last time their mother chased them over some DVD rental return. Alas, running away from her was completely futile, so they walked up to her, and went inside the house through the back door. As soon as Nicole closed the door behind them, she was ready to let the boys have it.

"Boys, you two need to stop pranking your father like this."

"But it's so much fun." Darwin said, protesting.

"How would you feel if you were being pranked like that?" Nicole said.

The boys looked a little guilty and Gumball said. "Sorry mom. We're just bored. There's nothing good on TV today, and our girlfriends are busy with their own stuff right now."

"Why not watch those funny internet videos that you like to watch?" Nicole suggested.

"We've watched so many of those videos over and over again. Those videos can get ild fast. Besides, you'll never know when a new video will be posted. Right?" Gumball explained

"True, you got me there. But try and find something else fun." Nicole urged in a more sweet voice. In a more stern voice with her eyes narrowed, she added: "and I better not catch you pranking on your fatherr again. Or else, you're gonna be staying in the room for many, many, many, many days with no TV, Videos games, internet, dates, or going out of the house."

"Ok mom." said the boys, not sounding excited about this. Nicole smiled and she went upstairs to use the bathroom.

"Man. What can we do for fun?" Darwin said

"I have no idea, buddy." Gumball admitted. Suddenly, something came up on the TV, and it was a commercial.

"The Wasp 9000 drone is here!" said a tough announcers voice on the screen "The nee and improved drone of the century! This baby is completely water proof, and you can use it's controller to fly at very great heights, as high an airplane even! Marked with artificial cameras with twenty-one megapixels, and it can even withstand the coldest and hottest of weather! About the size of of a large parrot, but the camera features can make up for it's size. Almost completely indestructible, as long as you don't get it into the sun. This special drone is only ninety-nine-ninety-nine. But wait! There's more! Call now: and we'll send you this replica of a Space Odyssey CC-33 blaster rifle from the actual movie!

Gumball and Darwin looked amazed by this amazing invention that is ending showed on the television screen.

"Wasp 9000, order today so that you can have a camera of great heights, even get away with seeing Area 51. Must be eighteen years or older to call."

Luckily, Gumball was writing down the phone number so that he can get the one person to call the company to purchase it. "Did you get that?" Darwin said.

"Yep! This is going to be so fun." Gumball said.

So they went up to mom and they were begging her to call the company so that they can have the drone over and over again. "Boys! BOYS!" Nicole calmed them both down. "Please! No need to make a federal case about this. And anyway, you have to pay for it yourselves since it is something you want and I don't."

"Well, I do have a hundred dollars on me." Gumball said. "I was going to buy a case of ten pizzas with it, but after seeing the drone, we want it!"

"Oh, okay." Nicole said. "As long as you are paying it with your own money. This is something you need to do if you live on your own someday." As she called the company who owns the device, the doorbell rang five minutes later and it was quite a surprised for the cat mother to receive this package so fast. "Gumball, care to pay for it?"

"Yeah mom." Then the cat boy paid the mysterious delivery man with the cash and it drove off in an instant. Funny thing was: it didn't look like a truck, it looked more like a minivan of some kind. Still, the boys were happy either way with the drone and blaster replica.

The boys immediately unboxed it and revealed the drone, looking black and shiny under the light. Then they opened the second box with the blaster in it. "Nice!" said Darwin. Suddenly, his phone was going off. "Hello? Oh, hey Carrie... oh really? A date with me? Sure, where?... at your house? Cool. Be there in a few." then he hung up the phone. "Sorry Gumball, I have a date with Carrie. Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."

"No problem. Besides, maybe I can see how to work this thing in the meantime. Ooh! And it even comes with goggles over your eyes to see what the drone sees! Later dude."

"Later buddy." Then Darwin went out the door and Gumball was alone, working with the drone. Of course, he had to go outside in the backyard where his sleeping father still was. Turning it on, the cat boy was amazed at how it was floating. Boy, he can hardly wait to see what this drone can do. Turning on the camera to reveal what it looked like from thag point of view.

One button caught his eye however, and it was labeled: "worlds" on it.

"Odd," Gumball said to himself. "What does it mean by worlds?" He clicked the button and a large, green vortex appeared out of thin air, and it made Gumball curous enough to see what this world would lead to.

He used the control pad to move the drone over the portal and there were green flashing lights over the world button titled: "Equestria" on it.