Begining of the end

by Raot

Begining of the end

The walls of the castle had stood strong for millennia. Celestia had never known any force that could threaten them. Not since her parents still ruled. If there was one thing in the world that she could rely on, it was the strength of these walls, and their steadfast, and immovable nature. The magic that bound them was ancient and strong, stronger then any other magic Celestia knew. No force, no dragon, could ever dent the bastion of harmony.
But when Celestia saw the look in Luna’s eyes that day she felt the ground beneath her feet begin to shake and quiver.
“Are you okay?” she asked, genuinely concerned. Luna’s heart was filled with a kind of darkness that could only be seen by a sister.
“…No.” Luna said. “No I’m not. I know…. I know I should be. But I’m not.” As she spoke, coolness entered the chambers. A kind of void that Celestia did not recognize. “I have heard a voice… inside my head… ever since I rose the moon the first time. And at first he comforted me… he was my only friend…”
“Is that what this is about?” Celestia said dismissively. “I’m your friend Luna, you know that…”
“You’re my sister, but you have never been a friend of mine.” Celestia was taken aback, and she felt something stronger pull at her heart. “You have always been too good for that. You are always up when the sun rises, and you always leave me in the dark…”
“Sister… We rule this place together. This is how it is meant to be…” Celestia started. She tried to comfort the young filly, but she then saw a blue mist form around her sister… an evil mist.
“No.” Luna interrupted with a pained expression. “You rule Equestria sister, we have never ruled anything together, and we have never been equal.” She raised her voice… she never raised her voice. And darkness began to crawl up her legs from the very shadow she cast upon the stone below her. “You’re inheritance was a bright world of beauty, while mine was a world where nothing moves except the cruel creatures of the night, and everyone sleeps, and those who cannot sleep and do not hunt are afraid to come out of their homes…”
“The night is beautiful!” Celestia tried to calm her. “And equal to the day, you posses the stars in the night, and the sacred moon….
“Stop your lies!” Luna screamed, her voice cracking and her eyes watering. Celestia had never seen her like this, and was at a loss for words. “You control the sun! And what do I have? A meer reflection of your glory! That is all I have ever been. I have always tried to shine as bright as you, and to be like you! But you were always loved more then me. Don’t deny it. By Mom and dad, and by the people! You were always the favorite, you where always the “good” sister. You always shined brighter then any star I could ever create! And even now your subjects celebrate the summer sun, and wrap up the winter moon!” Luna ended her rant, and looked away from her sister. Celestia was still speechless, and cold… the room had begun to loss all heat, and light became scarce as her sister began to become engulfed in the blackness eating away at her hooves.
“…When your cutie mark appeared…” Luna smiled, and tears began to fall from her face and onto the floor. “I was so happy for you… everyone knew what you would be doing in your life… you would be next in line…” She lost her composure for a moment, and tried to wipe her eyes, and speak through the lump in her throat.
“But I also knew my destiny… always last. Always weaker. Always second best. Never to be shown in the light. Always following after you like the moon after the sun. When my destiny was revealed, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. I would forever be in your shadow, forever try to imitate your light.” She spat her spiteful words with anger once more, the darkness covered all but a few sparse patches of her pale blue coat.
“But no more. I shall no longer toil to keep up with you. I shall no longer live in your shadow. If I am to be a shadow to your light, a moon to your sun, and a dream to your reality,” Celestia felt all warmth, and light, begin to funnel into the creature that had once been her sister. The blackness traveled across her body, lengthening, and transforming her shape, and her voice cracked up and down until it began to settle on a mature, and disheartening age “Then let me be pitch black,” Her mane became a mist of star filled blue, and from the darkness of her skin came armor fit for war “Let me be a new moon,” The walls, those powerful walls of harmony, bound together with the most powerful magic in the land, shook at their foundations, just as Celestias own mind began to quake with fear and disbelief. “Let me be you're nightmare!”
And the ancient bastion of harmony came crashing down. The earth shook and the foundations crumbled. The candles went out and the fur on Celestias coat began to freeze. The ceiling began to fall in chunks, as well as the floors and walls. Brick by brick the monument fell, taking with it all the gold and treasure that meant so little, and the memories that no longer mattered. Celestia found that all the magic in her body was gone. Sucked out by the dark presence in her sister. In fact… there was no magic anywhere. Her heart began to pound and her eyes went wide and wild with panic.
“Whats wrong sister?” Nightmare moon asked. “Afraid of the dark?”