Back To School

by kaidanXD

Chapter 1


*RING!* Went the bell over the door of Carousel Boutique.

“Sweetiebelle! Are you ready?” Cried Applebloom as she entered.

“COMING!” Came the shrill reply from upstairs.

Rarity was moving mannequins around her shop “Applebloom darling be careful!” she said as levitated a mannequin over the top of Applebloom.

*RING* Went the bell over the door of Carousel Boutique.

Scootaloo cried “Who’s ready for some crusading!” as she ran blind into the shop. She crashed straight into one of the mannequins, causing a great mess of fabric, and spilling cloth everywhere.

Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes. “Sweetiebelle!” she yelled.

Suddenly Sweetiebelle appeared behind her sister and said “What?” making Rarity jump. Sweetiebelle saw the mess her friend had made and stated “Oh. I think we should go…”

Scootaloo shook herself, having got tangled in the cloth and said “Yeah! Cutie Mark Crusaders are go!” and charged out of the door.


Applebloom giggled “That filly is always in a rush!” she said. “Come on Sweetiebelle see you out side.” And went after Scootaloo.


Sweetiebelle was about to make a move, but Rarity held her back. “Darling.” Rarity said. “What, in all Equestria, are you lot going to be up to this time?”

Sweetiebelle smiled and chirped “Oh well today we were thinking Cutie Mark Crusader thrill seekers or dare devils!”

Rarity was shocked and dramatically gasped “Sounds dangerous, and messy! Heavens dear you’ll look a mess when you come home this evening!” she said and sighed “I must remember to run a bath before you arrive back, I can see your friends waiting, go on now! Enjoy your, ahem, crusading.”

Sweetiebelle smiled, hugged her sister and said “Thanks! Bye!” and went out the door.


Rarity sighed and used her magic to pick up the mess caused by Scootaloo, and stacked it neatly in its proper place. “Honestly how far can reels of thread go?” she said to herself.

*Ring* Went the door again.

Rarity was looking at the shelves at the time, making sure every bit of fabric was in perfect line “Sweetie, did you forget something?” she said, thinking it was her sister.

“Oh no, I’ve just came in!” came the voice of Twilight Sparkle with a laugh, she used her magic to bring a plain dress out of her saddle bag. “I just came by because the seem is going, should be a quick fix right?” she asked.

Rarity turned around took the dress magically and inspected it with great eye of analysis. Rarity hummed and said “Why yes, short job indeed, I can get this done now if you like to wait?”

Twilight nodded and clopped her front hooves together “I thought so, I knew you were just the mare for the job!”

Rarity used her magic to pull down her sewing machine to her work area, and brought the dress up to view again and selected the right thread, and started working with meticulous detail. “Well it is my job darling!” Rarity said with a smile. “Oh I could work wonders on this dress you know, I could make it shine!”

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes “I know, so you always say with any of my old clothes, but I like my plain dresses!” she said with a smile as she watched Rarity work her magic on her dress.

Rarity said “I know I always say, but really you would look magnificent! You must promise me to be a model sometime for some of my new designs I’ve been working on.”

Rarity finished her work on Twilight’s dress and passed it back to Twilight saying “There we are, all done!”

Twilight beamed and folded her dress into her saddle bag. “Why thank you Rarity, and as repayment I promise to be your model for your designs, deal?”

Rarity squealed with delight “Oh that would be wonderful! Thank you darling, I’m looking forward to it. I’ve been trying to get Sweetiebelle to be a model but she’s been so obsessed with crusading with her friends, she’s just not interested…” she said.

Twilight saw her friend was concerned. Rarity continued “Normally Sweetiebelle would jump at the chance, but now that’s all she does! And some of the things she gets up to let me tell you! She’s done Rock climbing and she’s gone zip lining, to name a few activities. Sorry for going on, but I get worried when she returns all messy covered in mud or tree sap!”

Twilight understood Rarities concern and gave her a hug “Hay, you are a very caring sister, wanting what’s best!”

Rarity smiled and said “Thank you Twilight, but that’s not all…” and looked worried before saying “I’ve over heard her chatting; her education is in the pits!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow and asked “What do you mean?”

Rarity pulled a face and said “I appreciate she is still at school and everything, but she seems to lack the basic knowledge, oh Twilight what do we do?”

Twilight raised a hoof to her chin and thought. “I have an idea that just might work, stand back a moment, I need to concentrate.”

Rarity did so, and Twilight closed her eyes in concentration. Her horn flared up with light. She was surrounded in light. Rarity was blinded for a second by the flash of light. When she looked where Twilight once stood, a little white unicorn filly with a long bright yellow mane and tail now stood.

“What in all of Equestria?” Said Rarity shocked by what she saw. The little filly grinned.

“A new spell I leant!” said Twilight, who now had a squeaky voice. She looked at herself in one of Rarities mirrors “Only this time a little extra: a colour changing spell so I wouldn’t be recognised!” she said with delight. Until she saw her cutie mark was still the same. “Shame I can’t change or hide my cutie mark.” She said.

Rarity beamed and said “Idea!” and brought a dress out of a box with her magic. It was a perfect fit on Twilight’s new body. Twilight admired herself in the mirror. A nice plain yellow dress, the type she really liked.

“Oh Rarity it’s so nice, thank you!” Twilight said, hugging her friend. She laughed at the new height difference. “Now here is my plan, I’ll be Sunbeam, newest filly to Cheerilee’s School in Ponyville!” Twilight squeaked. “Then I get to see what they are taught, and more importantly, if Sweetiebelle pays attention.”

Rarity beamed “Why Twilight, that genius! What could possibly go wrong?”


*The Next Day*

The School bell rang out over the hills and the young ponies were all making their way into the School Playground.
Applebloom and Scootaloo were head butting a ball to each other as Sweetiebelle arrived with her sister. “Hi Applebloom! Hi Scootaloo! Can I join?” said Sweetiebelle.

Scootaloo balanced the ball perfectly on her head. “Sure you can!” she said, bouncing the ball in Sweetiebelles direction, and joined their game.

Behind Rarity peaked a little white filly in a plain yellow dress. “Hhello?” she squeaked. “I’m Sunbeam, I’m new in town! May I join too?”

Sweetiebelle said “I dunno, we’ve never met before…”

Rarity huffed and said “Well Sweetiebelle! Play nice now, who knows you and Sunbeam could soon become the best of friends!”

Sweetiebelle said “Well alright, come on and join in!” and bounced the ball to Sunbeam.

Rarity smiled “That’s better, okay girls I’ll leave you now, Ta ta! Enjoy your day at school!” she said, and walked back towards Carousel Boutique.

“That’s a nice dress Sunbeam!” Said Sweetiebelle, trying to find out more about the new filly as they bounced the ball between the young ponies “But why do you wear it, no pony really wears clothing in Ponyville?”

Sunbeam scratched the ground with her front hoof and blushed. “Oh, why thank you! I’m from Canterlot and all ponies there wear clothing.” She said.

Sweetiebelle nodded, but for some reason she felt she recognised the dress. It was very similar to one of Rarities designs. Almost too similar.

“I bet it’s because she is a Blank Flank as well!” Mocked Diamond Tiara, who had over heard the conversation.

“Yeah! Just what we need another Blank Flank!” Said Silver Spoon sarcastically.

“Huh?” said Sunbeam. “What’s wrong with being a Blank Flank?”

“Ha! So she is a Blank Flank!” Said Diamond Tiara laughing.

“Hay quit it, that ain’t nice!” said Applebloom to Diamond Tiara, and to Sunbeam Applebloom said “Don’t worry about her, she’s just a big meanie.” And then stuck her tongue out at Diamond Tiara.
Diamond Tiara stuck her tongue in return, and walked off with Silver Spoon who muttered about something having “Better things to do.”

Sunbeam watched Diamond Tiara go and said sarcastically “Well, she seems nice.” making the three fillies she was playing with laugh.

“Tell me about it!” Scootaloo said “She’s always against us blank flanks for some reason.”

Applebloom nodded in agreement “Ah just don’t know what her problem is.”

Sunbeam looked towards Sweetiebelle and asked “What do you think?” to which Sweetiebelle just shrugged.

“Good morning my little ponies!” Greeted Cheerilee as she opened the School doors. “Happy morning to you all! Please find your seats, we have a lot to cover.” The young ponies made their way into the School house.

Scootaloo was passed the ball and tucked it under her wing. “Well, that’s it until break.” She said sounding bored.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders walked into School, and Sunbeam walked along side. Sunbeam asked “Are the lessons good?”

Scootaloo gave Sunbeam a look and smiled. “Oh the lessons are great, you’ll see.” She said and walked into the school, followed by Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, and Sunbeam.

As they walked in Cheerilee spotted Sunbeam. “Why hello!” Cheerilee said “You must be a new student, funny I wasn’t given any information…Never mind! I’ll introduce you to the class, What’s your name?”

“Sunbeam, my name is Sunbeam” Sunbeam replied, and Cheerilee smiled at the little unicorn.

“Well hello Sunbeam! Follow me and I’ll introduce you to the class.” Cheerilee said and walked to the front of the class.

Everypony had taken their seat. Cheerilee cleared her voice and said “Settle down! Settle down! We have a new student today: Miss Sunbeam, everypony giver her a warm Ponyville welcome!”

“Hello Sunbeam!” Said the class, making Cheerilee smile.

“Now Sunbeam, why don’t you say a bit about yourself?” Cheerilee asked.

Sunbeam saw all the class looking at her expectantly. “Well I live in Canterlot with my parents, my favourite toy is my Smarty Pants Doll, and I really like Astronomy!” Sunbeam said with a smile.

Sweetiebelle narrowed her eyes at the mentioning of the Smarty Pants Doll. There was something about this Sunbeam. Not only had Rarity insisted she give the new filly a change, but the same filly was wearing a dress that was Rarity’s design, and the filly owned a Smarty Pants Doll. One of Rarities best friends also owned a Smarty Pants Doll. Sweetiebell counted three for three. Something was fishy.

Cheerilee smiled and said “Nice introduction Sunbeam, good to hear you are interested in astrology, maybe if we have time this afternoon I can cover some of the constellations! But first we need to get you seated; now where can you sit?” Cheerilee brought her front hoof to her chin.

Sweetiebelle looked to her side where there was a free chair and desk. Before thinking about it she raised her hand and said “Ooh! She can sit next to me!”

Cheerilee spotted the seat and said “Ah! How would you like to sit next to Sweetiebelle?”

Sunbeam smiled “Okay” she said and sat at the table.
Cheerilee meanwhile, turned to the chalk board. “Okay class now open up your desks and take out paper and pencil please, today we will continue with grammar. I’ll write down a few words on the chalk board, can you please use each them, in turn, in a short sentence.”
Cheerilee wrote the words: to, too, two, you, your, you’re, there, and their.

Sunbeam had hardly taken her seat as she started using her magic to open the desk and pulled out a pencil and paper and set to work quickly with a smile. Within seconds she said “Done.”

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. “Okay Sunbeam, let me check your work.” She said as she walked up to Sunbeam and looked at her work, her jaw almost hit the ground. “Wow, impressive! Although I only said a short sentence, but I have never seen such good use of spelling or grammar, one moment, I’ll get you a gold star.” And Cheerilee went to her desk, got a gold star sticker and stuck it to Sunbeam’s work with a big smile.

Sweetiebelle was extremely jealous of Sunbeam. She could just grasp using magic to write with a pencil. Not only had Sunbeam operated the desk and levitated all the equipment out of it, but wrote a full essay in seconds!

Cheerilee looked around the class and saw that everypony else was still working. “Perhaps you sould read whilst the class catch up, we have a small library here. Pick what you like.” Cheerilee said, and Sunbeam quietly went over to the books, scanned the short selection and levitated one off the shelf at random and took it back to her seat.

Sweetiebelle looked at the name of the book on the spine: Ecclesiastical History of the Equestria Ponies by Star Swirl the Bearded. No pony ever chose that book; few had attempted to read it but never got further than the first few pages due to the wording. Sunbeam flipped through as if it was an old favourite. Sweetiebelle looked to Cheerilee, and saw that Cheerily was noticeably impressed by Sunbeams book choice.

“Okay class, last few minutes, finish the sentence you are on, and I’ll mark them over break.” Said Cheerilee.

Sweetiebele looked down to her work, she realised she had only written a few of the paragraphs. She was annoyed that she had been distracted; she could have finished easily, if she hadn’t been distracted with Sunbeam. As quick as she could, she wrote simple paragraphs. As she did, she had the odd feeling Sunbeam was watching her every move.

Cheerilee called “Okay class! That’s time; please hand your work in. We shall begin on our next topic. Mathmatics. Sunbeam, please return the book to the shelf.”

Sweetiebelle was annoyed at herself; she had not been able to complete the final paragraph. She hoped she wouldn’t get in too much trouble, but she wasn’t that worried. On a normal day, Sweetebelle was top of the class; however she had the slight feeling that today was not a normal school day.

With the papers handed in, and Sunbeam returning the book, Cheerilee then wiped the chalkboard and wrote several equations involving adding, subtracting, multiplication and division.
Cheerilee looked expectantly at Sunbeam for a fraction of a second, and asked “Can anypony answer the first problem?”

Silence filled the classroom as nopony wanted to answer. Cheerilee pointed towards Sunbeam and asked “How about you Sunbeam?”

Sunbeam grinned and looked like she was about to blurt out the answer, but stopped and said “Eerm?” feigning ignorance.

Cheerilee said “It’s okay if you don’t know, Sweetiebelle you should know this, what is the answer?”

Sweetiebelle felt the eyes of the entire class. Her mind froze, and her pupils shrank to little dots. Why did Cheerilee have to say that? “Uhm…eer forty two?” Sweetiebelle managed to squeak, wishing she was anywhere else right now.

Cheerilee smiled and said “That’s correct, well done Sweetiebelle.” And Sweetiebelle gave a sigh of relief.

The rest of maths class consisted of Cheerilee picking ponies at random to give an answer, and all the ponies got the correct answer. Sweetiebelle noticed that every time she answered, Sunbeam gave a nod.

“Well that wraps up maths!” said Cheerilee, getting a cheer from her class. She got an even bigger cheer when she announced it was morning milk.


*Morning Milk*

Cheerilee took a list of names from a draw in her desk. “Okay, today it is Dinky Doo’s turn to hand out Morning Milk!” And Dinky Doo cheered as she bounced up to Cheerilee, ready to pass out the cartons of milk around the class.

“What’s morning milk?” asked Sunbeam to Sweetiebelle in a whisper.

Sweetiebelle was surprised. “You never had Morning Milk? Didn’t your last school have it? Celestia decreed that every school pony get morning milk. Or if you have one bit you can have chocolate milk.”

Sunbeam looked around the class; the only two ponies who bought chocolate milk were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Sweetiebelle saw Sunbeam looking and said “Yeah, those two always get chocolate milk.”

Sunbeam said thank you to Dinky Doo for the normal milk and took a sip before whispering to Sweetiebelle “In my old school we didn’t get morning milk, it was more a full Equestrian breakfast buffet.”

Sweetiebelle was so shocked she almost snorted milk out of her nostrils. “That means you went to private school!” she felt like yelling, however no words came out as all the class were looking at her. “Sorry.” Sweetiebelle said “I guess it went the wrong way.”

The class went back to chatting and drinking milk; Diamond Tiara looked over to Sunbeam and said “So, you got a gold star. Well done.”

Sunbeam smiled and said “Thanks, but it was nothing really.”

Diamond Tiara smiled and said “Oh nothing really?”

Sunbeam nodded and smiled before saying “Well I could have gone into further detail, but I only had one page!”

Sweetiebelle groaned and face hoofed. She knew what was coming next.

“Well” said Diamond Tiara, quickly glancing to check that Cheerilee wasn’t paying attention. “I guess we have ourselves a new teachers pet.” And laughed.

Silverspoon, who was sitting right next to Diamond Tiara laughed as well and said “Yeah! Teachers pet! Teachers pet!” but stopped as Diamond Tiara glared at her.

“Not so loud Silver Spoon.” Diamond Tiara said through gritted teeth, noticing now that Cheerrilee was looking in their direction. Diamond Tiara said loudly “Why yes Sunbeam, I did make this tiara. Thank you it does look good in my mane.” Cheerilee nodded and smiled and looked away.

“What in all Equestria? My last school was never like this…” muttered Sunbeam.

Diamond Tiara just heard Sunbeams words and smiled “We aren’t at your old school anymore. And don’t worry teachers pet. We haven’t even started yet.” Diamond Tiara turned to Silver Spoon and started talking in hushed whispers, causing Silver Spoon to giggle.

“This can’t be good…” muttered Sunbeam.

Sweetiebelle thought for a moment and then waved to Applebloom to get her attention. Applebloom went over and asked “What’s up Sweetiebelle?”

Sweetiebelle whispered to Applebloom “I think Sunbeam is getting bullied by Diamond Tiara.”

“Ya think?” Applebloom whispered back, raising an eyebrow. “Ain’t much surprise there, seen as she’s a Blank Flank at all.”

Sweetiebelle shook her head, quickly making sure Diamond Tiara wasn’t over hearing their conversation. Satisfied Sweetiebelle said “Not just that, Diamond Tiara is now calling her teachers pet.”

Applebloom gasped “Oh no, Diamond Tiara will be callin her teachers pet for months.” Sweetiebelle could see Appleblooms cogs turn in her mind, as Applebloom always made a face when she was thinking really hard. “What do we do? What can we do?”

Sweetiebelle smiled and said “Go tell Scootaloo we are going to be Anti Bullying Cutie Mark Crusaders. We are going to stop Diamond Tiara being a bully.”

Applebloom’s face lit up. “Yeah Scootaloo would love that, all right ah guess you have ah plan?” Applebloom said, to which Sweetiebelle gave a nod.

Applebloom nodded in return, not needing to confirm anything and went over to Scootaloo and said to her quietly “Psst! Hey Scootaloo, wanna really bug Diamond Tiara? Sweetiebelle’s got a plan, are you in?”

Scootaloo smiled and said “Applebloom, you had me at ‘bug Diamond Tiara’ of course I’m in.” and both fillies laughed.

Sunbeam dank her milk in quiet as the class buzzed with talk around her. Snips and Snails seemed to be pulling faces in an attempt to get the other to snort milk out of their nose, this made Sunbeam smile. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were still whispering and giggling away, and this made Sunbeam lose her smile, she was not sure of this Diamond Tiara at all.

Sunbeam looked over to Sweetiebelle, who had just finished talking to Applebloom and was now furiously scribbling away on a piece of paper. Sunbeam strained just enough to see “Cutie Mark Crusader Plan.” And she would have read more before Sweetiebelle looked up, and then covered the paper with her front hoof, blocking Sunbeams view. Whatever Sweetiebelle was up to. Sunbeam wasn’t going to find out.

Cheerilee saw Sunbeam not talking to any around her, so decided to walk up and say “Well it is nice to have a new pupil in my class! How are you finding it so far?”

Sunbeam nodded and said “I’m enjoying it so far, but do you give out gold stars often?”

Cheerilee gave a thought and then said “Well only to the very best, just like you! You see the chart on the wall?”

Cheerilee pointed to the wall, and Sunbeam saw a chart with only three names. There was one star next to Featherweight, two stars next to Sweetiebelle, and oddly Diamond Tiara’s was on the chart but no stars were next to her name.

Cheerilee suddenly stomped a hoof and said “Ah! If you are joining my class I must add you to the chart.” She then went over to the wall, picking up a pen as she went, and added ‘Sunbeam’ to the bottom before sticking a gold star. “There we are, all official! Now Dinky please collect the empty milk cartons and we shall begin Geography!” she said as she pulled down a map that hung over the chalk board.

Dinky did so, and at Sunbeams desk she left a note. “Is this for me?” asked Sunbeam and Dinky nodded as she went by, too busy to reply. Sunbeam opened the note and read the following message:

“Dear Sunbeam, before lunch there is always sports class, so please wait behind the equipment shed once Cheerilee breaks class.” It was simply signed “A Friend.” Sunbeam didn’t know what to think about it so simply folded it and stored it in her desk while she got out a piece of paper and pencil ready for the lesson.



“What are you doing?” asked Diamond Tiara with a raised eyebrow to Sunbeam.

Sunbeam was confused and said “Preparing for lesson?”

Cheerilee overheard this and giggled “I appreciate the enthusiasm, really I do! But note taking is not needed for geography.” She said and pulled down a map of Equestria.

Sunbeam took one look and said “It’s out of date.”

The entire class stared at her. Cheerilee blank and said “Well yeas this is a public school Sunbeam dear, you were lucky at your past school to have a complete map.”

Applebloom put up her hoof. Cheerilee noticed and said “Yes Applebloom?”

Applebloom rummaged for a moment and pulled out a tattered old scroll, and said. “Ah asked Zecora if ah could see where she came from, so she lent me this. Ah thought other ponies would like t’ see it?”

Cheerilee was taken aback. “Why Applebloom, that was very thoughtful of you! Please come and unravel it upon my desk.” She said, and Applebloom did so. As soon as the scroll was unravelled Cheerilee whistled. “Well everypony please come gather around, come see the land of the Zebra!”

The class did so, and Sunbeam managed to get right up to the desk as she was very curious of what Applebloom had brought. She was stunned at what she saw a simple yet detailed map, which had patterns made of many lines across the scroll depicting the type of landscape that was there.

“How did you get this?” Asked Sunbeam, amazed that such a thing even existed.

Applebloom giggled and said “Simple! Ah just asked her, an she said yes. Zecora is such ah nice pony.”

Cheerilee went through the features of the map, and referred to the similarities to the Map of Equestria.

The entire class was captivated, all except Diamond Tiara who tried to hide a yawn and failed. “Ugh, this is so dull…” she muttered.

Applebloom overheard her and huffed and said “Well sorry, ah thought this would be interesting…” and pouted.

Sweetiebelle put a hoof on Appleblooms shoulder “Don’t worry about her, that’s just Diamond Tiara. I think it’s fascinating! I think I’ll have to go see Zecora, I bet she’s got some stories and songs to share?”

Applebloom nodded. “Yeah! Zecora knows so much; ah think she’s probably the most smartest pony in Ponyville.” She said.

Sunbeam asked “Smartest pony in Ponyville? What about Twilight Sparkle?” gaining looks from both Sweetiebelle and Applebloom.

“Girls! Please pay attention, you could find this useful for future reference.” Cheerilee said, making Sunbeam go back to the map.

“How does she know who Twilight Sparkle is?” Applebloom said to Sweetiebelle.

Sweetiebelle shrugged. “She has come from Canterlot, who knows? Come on lets look at this map.”

And both Applebloom and Sweetiebelle looked back to the map.

“As you can see here, this mountain range here joins to Equestria, by the looks of it there are many path ways over the mountains and caves that run through it. I’d say it would take some brave ponies to fully map the many passes to and from Equestria.” Said Cheerilee, pointing to the map.

Scootaloo perked up at the words “brave ponies” and asked “Hay that’s sounds like something the Cutie Mark Crusaders can do?”

Cheerilee smiled “That you could however I would strongly recommend reading many books on exploration, and not Daring Doo. Need I remind you that is fiction.” She said getting a laugh from the class, and an annoyed look from Scootaloo.

“Why thank you Applebloom for sharing this with us.” Said Cheerilee. “Now it is time for sports!” gaining a cheer from the class.

Applebloom got Zecora’s map back. Applebloom looked expectantly at Cheerilee, who just smiled in return. Applebloom sighed as she put the map away.

Sweetiebelle noticed how down Applebloom was. “What’s up?” Sweetiebelle asked, and Applebloom just sighed.

“Aw it’s nothin.” Applebloom said. But Sweetiebelle knew something was bugging her friend. Whilst the rest of the class were busy heading out of the class, Sweetiebelle went up to Cheerilee and said “Don’t you think that Applebloom deserves a gold sticker? She did show initiative bringing that map into school.”

Cheerilee gave a long thought. “Hum, I will have to think it over Sweetiebelle, but for now please join with the rest of the class for sports.”

Sweetiebelle pulled a face as she walked out of class, and met up with Applebloom. “What did you say to Cheerilee?” said Applebloom.

Sweetiebelle smiled and said “Oh nothing, don’t worry. Hay you think Diamond Tiara is going to take sport far too seriously again?”

Applebloom laughed. “Again?” she said. “She always takes everything too seriously!” and grinned. “You remember last time? Never have ah heard so much whining!” And they both laughed.

Meanwhile Sunbeam was in the middle of the rest of the class as they all laughed and chatted away outside. It seemed to her that only Sweetiebelle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were the only friends she made. She decided to try and talk to some of the other ponies.

She went up to Snips and Snails and said “Hello, I was just wondering…”

Without getting much further Snips said “Eww it’s a girl!” and then backed away whilst saying “Watch out Snails, you’ll catch lergies if you get to close!”

Snails stared blankly for a moment and said “I don’t want any lergies!” and ran off with Snips. Leaving Sunbeam slightly confused.

“Don’t worry, Shnips and Shnails are alwaysh like that. Heh, boysh, who’d have them?” said Twist to Sunbeam with a warm smile. “I like your dressh.”

Sunbeam smiled “Why thank you! Say your Cutie Mark is sugar canes?” she said making conversation.

Twist nodded. “Yesh, it took forever to get the recipe jusht right.” She said smiling. “You shhould come round shometime, I’m alwaysh making them!”

Sunbeam nodded and smiled. “I’d like that a lot, Thank you!” The class were now out side the school house and Sunbeam asked. “Where are we going?”

Twist replied “Jusht up there, shee the equipment shed? Thatsh where we are heading.”

Sunbeam looked around, and saw that all of the class were going to the same place. “Wow, every pony is well behaved, Cheerilee must be a very good teacher.” She said. “Tell me; are the ponies in class normally like this?”

Twist gave a giggle. “Cheerilee is very good! As for the ponies in classh being good, I wouldn’t quite shay that, shee those three?” she said pointing to Scootaloo, then to Applebloom and Sweetiebelle. “Trouble alwaysh followsh them around.”



Sunbeam found that the equipment shed was just that, an old battered rickety shed that looked like it would fall down if a gust of wind was in the right direction. The class were beginning to warm up and Cheerilee caught up, now wearing a whistle around her neck. “Okay class! Who’d like to play Frisbee?” Cheerilee asked, instantly getting a cheer from her class.

Cheerilee opened the door to the equipment shed and took out four cones and a Frisbee. Whilst the door was open Sunbeam managed to get a peak inside. For an equipment shed it didn’t have many sports items inside. Cheerilee spotted Sunbeam frowning and said “What’s the matter dear? Don’t you know how to play Frisbee?”

Before Sunbeam could answer, Scootaloo buzzed past and said “Don’t know how to play Frisbee? I thought everypony knew! Hay Cheerilee is it okay if I explain the game whilst it is being set up?”

Cheerilee laughed “Of course Scootaloo! That’s most kind of you.” She said and started setting up. Whilst she did so Sunbeam watched and Scootaloo explained.

“It’s simple” Scootaloo said. “Those cones that Cheerilee are setting up are Goals, and the aim is to try passing to every player on your team before scoring into the other team’s goal, that way every pony gets a change to score or be goalie, and no pony gets left out. You can just attempt to score without passing to your team, but nopony does as the more passes made means more points the goal is worth.”

Sunbeam nodded. “Sounds fun!” she said smiling. “But are there any rules?”

Scootaloo replied “Well no flying or magic, to make it fair you know? Also this is touch Frisbee so no tackling otherwise the other team will get a penalty, or worse you’ll be put in the sin bin.”

Sunbeam grinned and said “Thanks! I understand, I think, but Iget the feeling the best way to learn is by playing?”

Scootaloo laughed and said “You bet! Now come on looks like Cheerilee is about to pick team captains.” And re joined the group as Cheerilee put the last cone down.

Cheerilee blew her whistle to gain every ponies attention and said “Okay class, attention please! Time for me to pick team captains.” And brought a hoof to her chin and hummed in thought as her class looked to her expectantly.

“Scootaloo will be Captain of Team One.” Called Cheerilee, gaining a whoop from Scootaloo. Until Cheerilee said “Team Two Captain will be Diamond Tiara.” To which, Diamond Tiara beamed.

“Oh it is on!” Diamond Tiara said. “I’m so going to win!” she began to gloat, but Cheerilee stopped her.

“Now hold on, we need to create teams first.” Cheerilee said. “For team two Silver Spoon, Twist, Snails, Feather Weight, and Truffle Shuffle.” Pointing to the ponies as she said their name.
“And Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, Snips, Dinky Doo, and Sunbeam for team one. Everypony ready?”
All the class called out “Ready!”

The class spread out over the field, with Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara taking the centre, staring each other down. Sunbeam stood near her team’s goal, and noticed that Silver Spoon was staring at her. Sunbeam felt anxious, but relieved that tackling was not allowed.

Cheerilee held the Frisbee in a hoof, and her whistle in the other “Ready?” she said, gaining a nod from her class. She blew the whistle and threw in the Frisbee above Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara.

Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara both leapt, Scootaloo was just quicker and caught the Frisbee. She landed, span and threw to Applebloom saying “Pass it along! I’m going to get close to their goal to score.” Said Scootaloo already running.

Applebloom caught the Frisbee, but was soon surrounded by Silver Spoon and Snails. She panicked and looked around frantically. “Who’s open?!” She cried.

Scootaloo saw her friend was in trouble from her new position, team two was playing very defiensivly, and suddenly she spotted an opening. “Applebloom quick to Dinky!” she shouted pointing to the sudden gap in team two’s defence.

Applebloom quickly threw the Frisbee, and Dinky just managed to catch even if she stumbled slightly, she still held on. “Yay, I got it!” Dinky cheered. However it was shortly lived as Snails crashed right into her, sending her flying.

Cheerilee blew the whistle and Scootaloo ran over to Dinky and asked her “Dinky! You alright? You took one hay of a hit there!” Scootaloo helped Dinky up, whose eyes span around until she shook her head.

Dinky wobbled slightly “I…think I’m fine.” She said. Scootaloo smiled, but was still worried about her friend.

“Snails how could you! You almost knocked her out of the school yard!” Cried Scootaloo.

Snails said “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” Scootaloo looked angrily at Snails, but calmed as Dinky bounced back to her feet and seemed absolutely fine.

Scootaloo sighed “I know you didn’t mean to, it’s just Dinky is small and she could have been really badly hurt.”

Cheerilee smiled “It’s good to see you concerned for your friends Scootaloo. Dinky are you still able to play?” she asked.

Dinky smiled and said “Yeah, I just got a little shook up that’s all!”

Cheerilee nodded. “Well if it gets bad, tell me as that was a heavy hit, which means Snails you will have to sit in the sin bin. Scootaloo choose a pony to take the penalty for your team, currently the Frisbee is worth three points in score. Get ready everypony!”

Cheerilee brought Snails to one side, only saying to him “I’m disappointed in you.” Making Snails squirm. Meanwhile Scootaloo had brought her team in a huddle and was thinking who to choose.

“Okay we are a distance from the goal, so we need a pony with a really good aim and throw! Any volunteers?” Scootaloo asked, getting only silence in return and ponies looking at their hooves.

“I think I could do it.” Applebloom said suddenly, gaining looks from the team. “It’s a long shot, but it’s a simple throw really.” She continued.

Scootaloo smirked. “That’s the spirit! Now we ready to play?” and put her hoof in the centre of the group, the rest of the team followed and then shouted “Yeah!” before breaking and spreading out over the field.

Applebloom went up to Cheerilee and said “I’ll take the penalty.”

Cheerilee nodded and handed Applebloom the Frisbee, and then blew her whistle. Applebloom stuck her tongue out in concentration. She threw the Frisbee, and Silver Spoon made a dive to block the Frisbee but missed. The Frisbee went through the goal. Every pony on Scootaloo’s team cheered. “Whoo way to go Applebloom!” shouted Scootaloo, making Sunbeam slightly blush.

“Aw it was nothing really…” Applebloom said as Scootaloo jumped and shouted and cheered wildly.

Cheerilee blew her whistle. “Scootaloo’s team leads with three points. Okay my little ponies lets go!” she said and her class got ready, when they were Cheerilee Blew her whistle again and threw in the Frisbee.

Diamond Tiara was quick off the mark, plucked it out of the sky and ran for it. She quickly got past ponies on the opposite team and scored. Cheerilee blew the whistle and said “That’s one to Diamond Tiara’s team and three to Scootaloo’s team. Everypony get ready.”

The class did so; Cheerilee blew the whistle, and threw in the Frisbee. Again Diamond Tiara managed to get it first and ran through the opposite team and scored another goal. Cheerilee blew the whistle and said “Diamond Tiara’s team on two. Scootaloo’s team on three. Everypony please get ready.”

Scootaloo looked annoyed at Diamond Tiara “Hay this is a team sport! You’re supposed to pass to your other players?” Scootaloo said, however Diamond Tiara paid no attention and stuck out her tongue.

Cheerilee asked “Ready?” blew her whistle, and threw in the Frisbee. This time Scootaloo caught the Frisbee. “Cutie Mark Crusaders go!” Scootaloo shouted, getting Sweetiebelle and Applebloom to run forward, the three passed the Frisbee to each other over the other players to get right up close to the goal. Scootaloo and Applebloom nooded to each other before doing a diversionary tactic, giving Sweetiebelle an open goal. Sweetiebelle scored with ease.

Scootaloo and Applebloom picked up Sweetiebelle and cheered, throwing her in the air as they did, causing Sweetiebelle to giggle excitedly. Cheerilee blew the whistle “Well done! That’s six to Scootaloo’s team. Diamond Tiara’s team still has two points.”

Diamond Tiara stomped a hoof. “No fair!” she screeched. “That so didn’t count! Sweetiebelle used magic!” Diamond Tiara shouted, pointing an accusing hoof at Sweetiebelle. The entire class gasped at the accusation.

“What!” Screeched Sweetiebelle, her voice breaking slightly. Her face was full of rage, and for a moment it looked like she was about to hit Diamond Tiara’s smug face, if it wasn’t for Scootaloo grabbing hold of her.

“Easy Sweetiebelle, lets see what Cheerilee decides…” Scootaloo said in a calming voice. Scootaloo made sure Sweetiebelle was calm before letting go.

Sweetiebelle took a deep breath and said “Thanks Scootaloo, I could have done something awful if you hadn’t stepped in.” and hugged her friend giggling as Scootaloo mock gagged.

“Eew, don’t go all mushy on me now!” Scootaloo said with a wry grin. Meanwhile Diamond Tiara was arguing with Cheerilee.

“Now I’m sorry Diamond Tiara I was watching Sweetiebelle the entire time she held the Frisbee, she did not use magic! Really this is very unsportspony of you.” Cheerilee said calmly but with an air of authority. Diamond Tiara was having none of it, and stomped her hoof and huffed. She quickly stopped when Cheerilee said “I can send you off for being a poor sport, you wouldn’t want that?”

Diamond Tiara couldn’t argue, so moped off. Cheerilee blew her whistle and said “Okay class we’ll play until the next goal and you can all go to lunch, every pony get ready.” They did so, and once again Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara face each other.

“Hay come on now, it’s just a game, you can’t win every time you know?” Said Scootaloo to one annoyed looking Diamond Tiara, who huffed.

“You’re just saying that because you’re winning!” Diamond Tiara said, sticking her tongue out. Before Scootaloo could reply, Cheerilee said “Alright! As this is last round, Snails come out of the sin bin.” He ran onto the pitch, when he was ready Cheerilee blew the whistle and the match began.

Scootaloo was first to catch the Frisbee, but lost grip as Diamond Tiara bumped it out of Scootaloo’s hoof. Diamond Tiara now had the Frisbee and she passed to Silver Spoon who had jumped out from behind Applebloom.

Silver Spoon ran a bit before being blocked by Applebloom who kept on her tail the entire time. Silver Spoon looked around and saw Featherweight was open and threw to him. By now the pitch was chaotic and every pony playing was either blocking or being blocked, so Featherweight decided the best thing to do was score. He ran quickly to the goal but suddenly found that Scootaloo had created a good defensive line of ponies.

“Featherweight! Throw it!” Shouted Twist who was being blocked by Dinky. Featherweight saw that Twist was in a better position to score than he was, despite Dinky blocking her, so with a leaping throw he passed to Twist.

Dinky gave her best effort to stop the Frisbee, but Twist caught the Frisbee over the top of Dinky’s jump for it. Twist turned and saw she had a decent shot at the goal, with a hop skip and jump Twist got closer to the goal, then with a leap to get above Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetiebelle, Twist threw the Frisbee in the goal and scored. Cheerilee blew her whistle.

“Wow that was exciting last round!” Cheerilee said to her now breathless class.

Featherweight and Twist hugged “Well done Twist that was a great goal!”

Twist laughed and said “Aw thanks! But I wouldn’t have been able to if you hadn’t pashed to me! Go team!” and they booth high hoofed.

Scootaloo found Dinky looking sad, with a smile Scootaloo said “Hay don’t be down Dinky, you did real great today!”
Dinky looked up at Scootaloo and said “Really? You’re not mad at me are you? I could have caught the Frisbee I know I could…”

Scootaloo saw Dinky shed a tear and gave her a hug “Dinky I know you gave it all today, why would I be mad at you? What matters is that you tried your very best.”

Dinky smiled and laughed as Scootaloo ruffled Dinky’s mane “Thanks Scootaloo! You’re the best!” Dinky said with a wide beam.

Diamond Tiara walked smugly up to Cheerilee “So I take it that I won?” she said loud enough to make every pony look to her.

“Actually, you tied!” Said Cheerilee. Diamond Tiara’s jaw dropped. Cheerilee smiled and said “Well done my little ponies both teams scored six points, you have all done great!” Everypony cheered wildly and Scootaloo went around hoof shaking all the players. Diamond Tiara sat on her flank, still with her mouth wide open.

“I…lost…” Diamond Tiara said, Scootaloo came around to Diamond Tiara and offered her hoof.

“You didn’t lose silly! It’s a draw, no one lost.” Scootaloo said with a smile. Diamond Tiara pushed Scootaloo’s hoof away and stood up with a humph.

“I should have won!” Diamond Tiara said as she walked off to find Silver Spoon. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and face hoofed.

Cheerilee meanwhile had packed up the equipment and then blew her whistle again. “Okay class that was a great match and you should all be very hungry ponies now, so go get some lunch!” Her class cheered and scattered off. Sunbeam stayed where she was. She was about to meet her mysterious note giver.



Sunbeam waited patiently, seeing all the ponies leave, made her think it was a wind up, but she decided to walk around the equipment shed to see if there was some pony behind it. She trotted around, but found no one she frowned. As she came around again to the front and found Sweetiebelle waiting. Sunbeam smiled, but saw the look on Sweetiebelle’s face, and her smile faltered.

“Twilight, what the hay are you doing?” Sweetiebelle said. Sunbeam took a step back and looked awkward.

“What? My names Sunbeam…” Sunbeam said beginning to sweat slightly, causing Sweetiebelle’s eyes to narrow.

“Twilight, what the hay are you doing?” Sweetiebelle asked again, more bluntly than before. Sunbeam looked terrified now as Sweetiebelle went up to her and looked at her. Closely.

“Haven’t you heard of personal space?” said Sunbeam as Sweetiebelle stared intently at Sunbeam.
Sweetiebelle put a hoof on the fabric of Sunbeams dress and felt it.

“This is Rarities dress.” Sweetiebelle said. “I know my sisters work. This is her dress.” Sunbeam gulped now. As Sweetiebelle moved the dress in her hoof it folded back revealing a cutie mark. A Purple star. “What!” Sweetiebelle squaked, taking a stand and then pointing accusingly at Sunbeam.

Sunbeam winced as now Sweetiebelle was fully annoyed. “You liar! How dare you!” Sweetiebelle’s voice broke as she yelled on the verge of tears. Sweetiebelle physically shook as she breathed deeply. “Why?” Sweetiebelle whispered, sitting dumb founded. Sunbeam was about to say something but Sweetiebelle put a hoof up.

“No.” Said Sweetiebelle taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry I yelled. I had my suspicions, but I just can’t believe it…” Sweetiebelle took a long look at Sunbeam, who said nothing.

“Rarity put you up to this didn’t she?” Sweetiebelle said, Sunbeam gulped and nodded before staring at the ground.

“She was just…” Sunbeam said, but Sweetiebelle gave her a look, making Sunbeam “Eeep.” Sweetiebelle just stared at her and said “Please, just go, don’t interfere with my life.” And walked away from Sunbeam.

Sweetiebelle didn’t look back, and she sighed. She had gotten so frustrated at what she had found out…she had never reacted like that before in her life! She would forgive Twilight, and she knew she had to go to the Library and talk with Twilight later. Right now she had a plan to go through with.

Sweetiebelle first met up with Cheerilee. “Hey Cheerilee!” she said to her teacher, who smiled back.
“Scootaloo was very good captain and sportspony wasn’t she? Said Sweetiebelle, Cheerilee raised an eye brow. “Are you trying to suggest I give Scootaloo a gold sticker?” and Sweetiebelle gave a nod while scuffing the ground with a hoof.

“I admire that you look out for your friends, and you do have a point, the same with Applebloom. I think you are right, after lunch I shall give them both a gold sticker and add their name to the list.

Sweetiebelle smiled and gave Cheerilee a quick hug. “Thanks! You’re the best teacher ever!” and Sweetiebelle ran off to have lunch with Applebloom and Scootaloo.

Cheerilee laughed as Sweetiebelle went, and then saw Sunbeam walking by herself “Why hello there Sunbeam!” she called out, making Sunbeam look up. “Goodness dear, is everything alright?” Cheerilee asked.

Sunbeam looked down and said “I don’t feel very good right now…I think I might just go home.” Sunbeam said. Cheerilee took her tempterature.
“Oh my, you’re practically burning up! Are you going to be alright walking home by yourself?”

Sunbeam smiled. “I think I’ll be fine.” And Cheerilee nodded.

“Well you get yourself back safe okay?” Cheerilee said and Sunbeam nodded and made her way into Ponyville. Cheerilee watched her go, slightly concerned but turned back to her school, she had to tell her class that Sunbeam had gone home.

*Cheerilee’s announcement*

The class were all eating lunch as Cheerilee approached “Ahem, may I have everypony’s attention please? Sunbeam has gone home as she is feeling sick. I know some of you made friends with her, but hopefully she’ll be alright tomorrow.” A concerned murmur went through the class. Cheerilee called for hush. “I have also decided to give Applebloom a gold star for bringing in Zecora’s map. Also Scootaloo for being such a good sports pony and team leader, she will get a gold star too!”

The class erupted in cheers, making both Applebloom and Scootaloo blush. “Wow! Well done you two!” said Dinky, who was sitting opposite to Scootaloo.
Scootaloo said “Wow I never knew Cheerilee give to gold stars out in one go before!” and she high hoofed Applebloom.
Applebloom gasped and said “Hay Scootaloo, maybe yer cutie mark has somethin to do with bein a leader?”

Scootaloo beamed “Aw yeah! That’ll be so awesome, who knows maybe I’ll even be mayor!”
Applebloom laughed. “What?” said Scootaloo.
“Aw just imaginin you as mayor of Ponyville!” Said Applebloom, continuing to laugh.
Scootaloo shot her annoyed look “Hay! I wouldn’t be that bad!” Scootaloo said, at her reaction prompted even more laughter from Applebloom.

Sweetiebelle rolled here eyes at her friends bickering and smiled that Cheerilee had decided to give both of them gold stars, Sweetiebelle looked out beyond the School towards Ponyville, for a moment she caught a quick glance of a silhouette of a unicorn heading towards Ponyville, from the distance it was hard to tell if it was a filly or an adult. Sweetiebelle just simply smiled. She was going to enjoy her little chat with Twilight Sparkle.


*Twilight Sparkle Returns to Rarity*

Twilight Sparkle folded the yellow dress neatly. She may have looked calm on the outside but her mind was racing. Sweetiebelle had called her out, and she hadn’t been able to finish her day in Ponyville School! Twilight decided to cut her losses and speak to Rarity over everything that had happened.

*RING!* Went the bell over the door of Carousel Boutique.

Rarity was using her sewing machine. “One moment I’ll be right with you.” Rarity said in a sing song voice, not looking up from her work.
“It’s okay Rarity, you take your time, I’ll put the dress you lent me over here.” said twilight with a disheartened sigh.

Surprised on hearing her friend’s voice, Rarity slipped a stitch, something which she never ever did. “Twilight, why you’re back already, darling, tell me what happened?” Pleaded Rarity.
Twilight looked upset, and Rarity gave her a hug.

Twilight said “I think I’ve done something just awful…” This made Rarity very concerned.
“Darling collect yourself now let me make a pot of tea and you can start from the beginning, okay?” said Rarity, as she made her move to her kitchen.
Twilight smiled “Thank you Rarity.” who sighed.

Rarity made tea and set it up at the table. “Twilight dear, tell me about your day at school.” She said, getting a giggle from Twilight.

“No pony has ever said that to me in a long time.” Twilight said with a smile. “Well I can say with ease that Sweetiebelle is in good hooves at Ponyville School. Yeah Sweetiebelle is one smart cookie…” Twilight took a sip of tea. Rarity nodded, happy to hear about her sister, but seeing Twilight the way she was she realised there was more to it.

Twilight then told Rarity about what happened after sports class between her and Sweetiebelle, Rarity listened intensely, adding dramatic gasps at the appropriate moments.

“And that’s when I came here.” Finished Twilight, drinking the last of her tea. “Oh Rarity what have I done? I’ve really upset Sweetiebelle!” Twilight sighed and Rarity hugged her.

“Darling! Sweetiebelle will forgive you, trust me I know her. Just go back to the library, Sweetiebelle will come around I’m sure of it!” Said Rarity.

Twilight took a deep breath “I guess time will tell, but your right. I’ve learnt a lesson today; I think I’ll start drafting out a letter to the princess, boy Spikes going to love this one!” she said with a laugh. “Thanks for the tea Rarity, I’ll let you get back to work.”

Rarity nodded “Any time darling! Now where was I?” she turned to look at the slipped stitching and gasped “Oh this is the worst.possible.thing…” she whispered. Twilight left the Carousel Boutique with a smile, and began mentally drafting out a letter to the princess.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I … what? Upset my sister’s friend by going undercover and following her at school? No that won’t do at all… Hum how do I explain everything I’ve done and learnt in one letter? And then there’s the state of Ponyville School, an out of date map of Equestia, that mustn’t do, think of all the education they are missing out! That surely must be brought to her attention.

Okay, let’s try again: today I learned that being a filly is not as easy as I remember. We put a lot of pressure on young ones because we care but sometime without knowing it we overpressure them into resentment. Fillies should play and have fun even if that means they get a little dirty or get into trouble. Because without those experiences, they are just mirrors of what we want, and not themselves.*

You’re faithful student Twilight Sparkle

Why, yes that sounds much better! Twilight thought to herself as she quickly trotted to the library.

Twilight entered the library. “Spike? Where are you? Can you get me some ink, quill and some paper?” She yelled.
Twilight heard a “Bwah!” and a crash from her bedroom. Twilight gave a tut and shouted “You better not have been sleeping on the job!”
She heard a scampering of claws, aqnd tried to keep a strait face as Spike dashed down stairs “Coming coming!” he said. He zipped up to her and gave a salute. “Number one assistant reporting for duty! What do you require?”

Twilight said “Ink, quill, and papers please, I’m going to put some tea on, would you like some?” Spike nodded and went about collecting the items for Twilight. Spike set up her writing desk, and she came in with two cups of tea and some biscuits. “Thank you Spike, now I’ll be expecting Sweetiebelle at somepoint just so you know. Now I need some peace and quite as I write this out.”

Spike nodded and mimed zipping his mouth closed and went off to a different part of the library, leaving Twilight to her writing, as he did so he pondered Twilight’s words. “I wonder what Sweetiebelle is coming over for?” He thought aloud. Spike shrugged, he figured he’d find out later.


*Sweetiebelle and Twilight*

Spike was near the front door when Sweetiebelle entered. “Hey Spikey Wikey! You working hard or hardly working?” Sweetiebelle said with a giggle.
Spike laughed and said “Oh hey Sweetiebelle! Twilight said you were going to come over; she’s currently sitting at her writing desk. She’s been scribbling away all afternoon. I hope she’s alright.

Sweetiebelle said “I thought Twilight was always writing away?” Making spike nod in agreement.

“You’re right Sweetiebelle, but normally I’m the one taking the letter or making notes.” Spike said with a shrug.

Sweetiebelle said “It’s probably nothing Spike, oh Rarity told me to say hi to you, so um, hi! And she needs to go collect diamonds again…” Sweetiebelle didn’t get time to finish as Spike was a blur of movement.

“Twilight! Sweetiebelle’s here, I have to go. Okay. Thanks. Bye!” Spike said at extreme speed slamming the door behind him as he ran into Ponyville.
Sweetiebelle face hoofed “I knew I should have said about Rarity wanting to go next week in sooner…” she said aloud, but gave a shrug, her sister did like getting Spike to help with her dresses, even if he became a literal pin cushion.

Sweetiebelle went to Twilights writing desk, which had been set up very systematically. Except for the scrunched up papers littering under the desk.Twilight was nowhere to be seen, so Sweetiebelle took a peak at Twilight’s writing on the table, she smiled as she saw that Twilight was writing about her. Sweetiebelle turned when she heard a noise and saw Twilight come out from the kitchen.

“Ah, hello Sweetiebelle, I guess you’d like an explanation?” Said Twilight with a sheepish grin.
Sweetiebelle pointed to Twilights writing and said “I may have taken a peak, sorry. And I’m also real sorry for yelling at you, or rather, filly you at school. That just wasn’t me at all…”

Twilight was in shock “What? Oh Sweetiebelle, I should be apologising to you! I’m really sorry for interfering with your life like that. But don’t worry, tomorrow I’ll be talking with Cheerilee about a new map of Equestira and possibly joining up the school with the library!” She said with a squee.

“That’s awful nice Twilight, but how you going to explain the sudden disappearance of Sunbeam?” Sweetiebelle asked. Twilight thought for a while.

Twilight said “I think when I speak to Cheerilee, that may also come up. I’ll simplify the story and say I wanted to re live my fillyhood.” Twilight scratched behind her mane.

Sweetiebelle shrugged. “Or you could tell the truth? What you did have the right intentions. Cheerilee will probably respect you for coming clean about the whole thing.” She said, making Twilight’s jaw drop.

Sweetiebelle giggled “Twilight Sparkle speechless! This is almost as priceless as one of Rarities super duper over dramatic moments!” she said and burst out laughing.

Twilight was stunned, shook her head and said “Wait, what’s a Rarity super duper dramatic moment? Actually, you know I don’t think I want to find out.” And joined in laughing.

“But Sweetiebelle you are smart little filly! Seriously you have so much potential…” Twilight started but saw the look on Sweetiebelles face.

“Look Twilight, I know I’m smart, but at the same time I love having fun with my friends, and my friends really matter to me the most, Rarity might not know it but I do a lot of extra study whilst she is busy on orders. Twilight would it be alright if I started coming over and doing my extra studies here? There is only so much I can do in my own room.” Sweetiebelle said.

Twilight smiled warmly “Of course, this is a library!” she said with a laugh. “Wow Sweetiebelle, you are a lot like me when I was a filly! And if you come over I can help you too!” Twilight beamed and clopped her hooves together.

Sweetiebelle shook her head “I like to work on my own, as I’m sure you do. But don’t worry if I have any trouble with study, you’ll be the first to know!” she said with a grin. “But right now I’m off crusading, Scootaloo really likes the idea of being mayor, but Applebloom said they already proved there is no such thing as an arguing cutie mark, which caused an argument!” Sweetiebelle and Twilight laughed.

“Well I’ll see you later Sweetiebelle! Happy crusading!” Said Twilight, and Sweetiebelle left to join up with her friends. “I think I’m going to enjoy her company in the library. I hope she enjoys late night study sessions as much as I do!” Twilight said to herself.

Suddenly Spike came running back. “Oh? I thought you went out Spike, What happened?” asked Twilight.

Spike panted and caught his breath. “Sweetiebelle said Rarity needed me so I ran t ohers, trouble was it’s not until next week, and right now she is making a whole load of dresses for fillies, she is completely lost in the zone, all I got was a muttering of ‘Sunbeam will look simply fabulous’ I mean who in Equestria is Sunbeam?” he said.

Twilight’s eyes shrank to mere dots. “Oh, I think I shouldn’t have shown Rarity spell 37.” Spike blank for a few seconds before catching on.

“Wait why did you show her that?” Said Spike.

Twilight laughed nervously “Trust me it’s a long story.” She said.

Spike just shrugged “Can I come along too? I can be both your and Rarities assistant at the same time? Please.” He said, holding his claws together, begging.

Twilight laughed. “If you want to, but it’ll probably be very girly very quickly.” She said.

Spike shrugged and said “A small sacrifice to make to be with Rarity…” and sighed romantically, making Twilight roll her eyes.

“Oh good grief…” she said as she made her way back to her writing desk. She sat down and continued writing, hoping to get the perfect letter to the Princess, and organise the best list of things to do with Cheerilee at Ponyville School. Twilight sighed. She had a feeling the next week was going to be crazy.

The End

Comments , criticism, questions welcome!
*Thanks to wapplejack on the lesson learned.