Manhattan Ballad

by ObCom

Author's Note 3

So here we are at the end of the fic and I have no idea what to say. I will say that I'm writing this in this format so that I don't pad the final chapter with words that have no bearing on the fic.

I started this a while back, obviously, and I figure I might as well give some thanks and such for the things that influenced me. To begin with, none of this would have happened without this right here:

That's where I got the name Bass Leader and, as I drove through the boring Ohio countryside listening to that mix, thought about Vinyl and Tavi together. The first thoughts I had were of Vinyl dragging Tavi across some skyline while soldiers attacked them. One thing led to another and I started writing this piece up.

The fic itself has gone through many changes that you all would never have known about if I wasn't writing this. The biggest example is part of the ending. It was originally going to be about a raid on the apartment, Vinyl shooting some soldiers, and a high speed chase through the city to where Bass Leader was. Bass Leader would then take Tavi into a helicopter and order Vinyl to be executed. Vinyl would take out her executioner and Bass Leader's helicopter would be taken out of the air by a missile because he was in a no fly zone. Vinyl would then haul Tavi out of the wreckage and get her augmented.

Yeah, you don't have to point out the glaring holes in that plan. I'm glad I changed it too.

Speaking of this ending, it came out a lot less action oriented than I wanted it to be. That's because I suck at action scenes. Hopefully I can fix it, but that's what fanfics are to me. They're just practice.

Now if you're reading this, you can probably see how the ending is open for a sequel. When will that come around? Well, if you're reading this at a much later date, the sequel could be started already! As of the time I'm typing this, however, I don't even know what the title will be! That kind of sucks, I know, and I'm not even sure if I'll get around to writing it. School can be a real drain, as you might be aware.

As for thanks and such, this is going to be fricking short. I have no pre-readers to thank, so blame me entirely for any and all fuck-ups found in the fic. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to anyone who favorited this story and stuck with it to the end. You all made me feel like I wasn't just talking to myself and it's always nice to see my work be noticed.

I guess that's it. It might be a while before I visit this crazy little world I created, but I look forward to seeing you all in the sequel, if and when it's written. Peace.