Home Not Sweet Home

by CitreneSkys


Gallus felt the blood trickle down his face, the wound of his head had still not healed in the slightest. At least the blood flow seem to have slowed down, turning less of blood and more of a tar-like substance.

His lungs felt collapsed, the lingering feeling of being trapped was hard in his mind. The walls of the once comforting alleyway felt tight and suffocating. He looked back at the cardboard box, the box he had been living in for ten years.

He didn’t feel safe in it anymore.

His blood had leaked onto the walls of the box, leaving red stains when he’d tried pushing his way out. His dulled claws had left light scratch marks across the entire surface, giving the look that a wild animal had tried to escape.

Gallus just wanted to leave. Leave the alley. Leave everything behind. Leave and perish. He was exhausted and paranoid. He didn’t want to deal with any of this.

He perked up when he heard wing beats from a distance. Looking towards the entrance of the alleyway, he saw grey feathers approach him, holding a small box in her claws.

“Ok, so I got the medical kit,” Gabby sat on her haunches, folding her wings gracefully onto her side. She took up a white medical bandage, look at the young griffon. With careful talons, she took off the pink blanket still wrapped around his forehead.

She grimaces, looking at the wound. She placed everything on the ground, pulling a cotton ball and a container of clear liquid out of the box.

“This will sting,” she warned, placing a drenched cotton ball to his wound. Gallus immediately flinched back, hissing at the stinging pain. Gabby gave an apologetic look. “Stay still! I need to clean it.”

Gallus complied, letting Gabby dab the area with the alcohol, wincing. The grey griffin wrapped the medical bandage around his forehead, securing it to his face to ensure the blood stops flowing. Satisfied with her work, she moved onto his tattered wing, which hung limply at his side.

“....do you mind telling me what happened?” She asked, unfurling the injured wing. Gallus bit his lower beak, holding back a squawk. His gaze traveled over to the cardboard box behind him.

“Well...I was sleeping when there were two griffons who came here. Goose said they were making me pay for scaring his face, even though that was months ago at this point,” Gallus grumbled, thinking the idea sounded petty as hell. “..they threw me around and then stuffed me into the box, putting stuff onto the top of it so I couldn’t get out, and it was really dark...and tight...I really didn’t like it...one of them said they wouldn’t kill me so I guess...”

Gallus trailed off, unsure what to say. Gabby had stopped tending to his wing, staring at him in shock.

“They beat you up over a fight that happened months ago?” She asked, making sure she understood the situation. Gallus nodded. Gabby huffed. “That’s super petty, what were you even fighting about?”

“They were picking on me, so I scratched one of them to get away.”

“Well, they’re even pettier!” Gabby's face showed annoyance. She secured his wing to his side, making sure that it was properly wrapped so it’ll heal in the correct position. She gave a concerned glance at the blue feathered griffon. “Are you going to be okay staying here?”

Gallus dipped his head, casting a side glance at the cardboard box he had come to know as his home. He had an uneasy feeling sitting in his gut, knowing full well that he no longer had that connection to it anymore. His chest tightens at the thought of sleeping in it again.

What if Goose and his friend came back? They knew where he lived now! He proved that he couldn’t take them on, especially with his small size. He didn’t want to stay here.

Looking am back at Gabby’s eyes, he sighed. “...No...I don’t feel safe here anymore” He scratched his neck feathers.

Gabby nodded, placing a talon on his shoulder comfortingly. “How about you stay at my place? I can surely work out something with Gilda and Grandpa Gruff!”

Gallus, however, shook his head. He stood onto his feet, making sure to keep his balance.

“No...no it’s fine,” he waved of dismissively. “You’ve already done a lot for me...”

Gabby reached for the younger griffon. “Gallus...

He sighed. Looking back at the grey griffon, he sat back down. “Gabby, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me...I don’t want to ask for any more of you. You’ve done enough for me....”

Gabby wanted to object. Usually, that was how she got others to do what’s right for them. Object until they realized that maybe it’s for the better. Right now though, she didn’t seem to know what to say. She tapped her talon onto the stone floor, frowning.

“Well...I guess if I can’t change your mind,” she started, tugging on the straps of her satchel. “But please remember that if you do need anything from me...don’t be afraid to ask.”

Gallus had gotten up, making his way to the mouth the alley. Her words felt hallow, but it weighed in his stomach. Gabby was really the only griffon to tolerate him, be friendly towards him. Was he really going to throw out her help?

“Yeah, sure,” Gallus said flatly, his emotions buried under his words. He sheltered his fragile heart, pushing it aside. His wing stung, but the sting in his heart was worse. He turned to her, not sure of what to say.

“Uh...I guess I’ll see you around...”

“Yeah...see you around,” her eyes were rolled onto the floor. She clearly wasn’t happy about his decision, and if he was honest with himself, he wasn’t either.

Gallus turned the corner, walking out of the vision of Gabby. He smothered all his feelings of sadness and guilt, hoping they would turn into ashes.

I'll be fine on my own.