Foreign Relationships

by smirker


Volvox was a being who lived on an island that was inhabited by other creatures, he ruled his own section of the island ruled over all but two creatures, they were Cerberus', Orthrus', Minotaurs, Bigfoots, Wendigos, and Onis, his two second-in-commands and scouts were his pet birds, Phoenix and Thunderbird. There were two more groups that inhabited the island, one was a gang of demons led by a demon named Dommiel, and a gang of humans led by a man named Tom, they were all fighting one another for dominance of the island. The island was originally full of life and many plants, but it has decayed through the years of war, there was now no soil to grow anything, alongside roads and buildings on fire, and those who were not a part of any faction lived in the sewers, food was also now very scarce and people have resorted to eating anything they could find, and meat produced by a man in a factory. Volvox, Dommiel, and Tom waged war against one another every night while the creatures who were not in any faction were going to try to find a new home using demon magic and human technology, everycreature felt the space and time continuum ripping and a wormhole appeared, everycreature braced for impact as they got transported elsewhere.

Equestria and the the other countries were going along their days peacefully until they all felt a disturbance in the water, it was between Equestria, the Dragon Lands, and Griffonstone. White electricity appeared alongside a transparent sphere, it disappeared and everycreature gasped when they saw the place, it was completely black, the ground was nothing but roads and manholes, all of the buildings were decrepit with parts of them missing, some of them were on fire, and there were dead bodies and bones laid throughout the island. The creatures looked on with shock and disbelief at how the place looked,

"That place don't look too good." Applejack stated,

"It doesn't, but I'm wondering if anybody lives there." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"What? You can't be serious, Twilight, who would live in such filth?" Rarity asked,

"I can." Rainbow Dash remarked, Rarity glared at her,

"I mean, there is a person right there." Spike spoke as he pointed to a corpse,

"I don't think that person's alive, Spike." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"Alright, so someone does live there, we could visit." Applejack said,

"I'd rather... not go... it looks... scary." Fluttershy quivered,

"Oh, relax, Fluttershy, my party will lighten things up." Pinkie Pie replied,

"We still should take some precautions, the place looks very dangerous." Twilight Sparkle warned,

"Ah agree, let's pack up a little first." Applejack added, and they left and put items in their saddlebags, Twilight Sparkle got books on shields and escape spells, Rainbow Dash packed her Wonderbolts training guide, Fluttershy packed a book on animals, Pinkie Pie packed her party materials, Rarity packed clothes, and Applejack packed a few apples and horseshoes, they all met again,

"Is everypony ready?" Twilight Sparkle asked, they nodded,

"Let's go." Twilight Sparkle ordered, and they got into her hot air balloon and headed to the new island.

The Mane Six and Spike headed to the new island with the hot air balloon and they looked on in awe at how many people were there and the diversity of creatures, Volvox and his gang were in the north, northeast, and east, Dommiel and his gang were in the northwest and west, and Tom and his gang were in the southeast, southwest, and south. Twilight Sparkle moved the hot air balloon forward and everycreature saw them coming,

"Intruders!" a male human hollered,

"Wait, no, we're visitors." Twilight Sparkle corrected, and the demons shot dark energy at them out of their hands, the ponies and Spike screamed,

"You are in demon territory, you are not welcome here." Dommiel said,

"What if we don't leave?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Then die." a male demon replied, the mares and Spike became speechless,

"Last warning, leave, or we shoot you down and kill you." Dommiel warned, Twilight Sparkle quickly moved the hot air balloon elsewhere. She arrived at the southern area and the humans began shooting at her hot air balloon with guns, she and her friends screamed as they ducked,

"This is human territory. Begone!" Tom ordered, and she went to the northern area and a big fire breath went past her hot air balloon and almost hit it, she and her friends exclaimed,

"Hey! What gives?!" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Get off my turf." Volvox ordered, the six mares and Spike looked on with disbelief,

"Isn't there anybody welcoming here?!" Twilight Sparkle asked loudly,

"Unless you are here to help us fight in the war, leave, or we will kill all seven of you and eat your corpses." a male Bigfoot threatened, the seven exclaimed and screamed as they left. Twilight Sparkle and her friends looked on at the people while they were all gearing up for their next battle,

"*growl* Those people are so rude." Rarity fumed,

"Ah know, right, they talkin' bout eatin' us, too." Applejack replied,

"Princess Celestia will be furious if they do that, Applejack, she will likely go to war with them if they do." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Still, what are they doing?" Fluttershy asked, they all looked and saw the humans loading guns and putting on armor,

"Let's watch from afar, let's see how things go on that island." Twilight Sparkle ordered, and they all headed back home.

Volvox and his gang were preparing for the night and got their weapons ready,

"What do you think made us come to this place, Volvox?" a male Wendigo asked,

"It must've been those sewer people trying something, they'll be dealt with soon." Volvox replied, and they all prepared for the night. Night time came and everycreature was ready to fight, a bell was heard ringing and a male human bringing forth meat products on a servicing tray on wheels came forward,

"Get your Soylent Green products here." the man stated, and everycreature ran to him while snarling, the manholes opened and the people living in the sewers came out. The world's creatures watched with shock while Rarity exclaimed, the creatures living on the island growled and snarled as they ripped and tore the meat apart with their bare hands', they fought and killed one another for the food as well,

"Oh, how barbaric." Rarity stated, and they all finished eating,

"Okay, bring me all of your sick, disabled, and defected infants, and animals that can't move anymore." the man ordered, and they did, and he put them on the tray and rolled it to a building called 'Soylent Green Processing Factory',

"What do y'all think is in there?" Applejack asked,

"I don't know, but I'm sensing something really fishy about that place." Pinkie Pie answered,

"Come on, everypony, it's getting late, we need sleep." Twilight Sparkle said, and they all went home. Everycreature except for Princess Luna slept but they were all awakened by the sound of explosions, some creatures screamed and they all looked out and saw the natives on the island fighting, Volvox and his creatures used brute force to kill their enemies while Phoenix shot fire out of his mouth and Thunderbird summoned lightning by unfolding his wings, Dommiel and his demons used their magic, and Tom and the humans used technology. Fluttershy gasped and Pinkie Pie screamed when they saw children and animals were fighting as well, one female demon child got shot in her leg and then a human ran her over with a tank, Rarity screamed while she and her friends looked away, Twilight Sparkle had tears falling out of her eyes. The fighting continued and the gunshots, explosions, growling, snarling, and screaming went on all night, Princess Cadence comforted Flurry Heart while she cried all night.

The next morning came and everycreature was tired, they saw the man who gave them food again, he picked up the corpses and took them to the Soylent Green Processing Factory, the manholes opened and the people living in the sewers came out to collect some of the corpses,

"Excuse us." a female Minotaur stated, the man looked at her, she gave him a baby,

"This one has defects." the Minotaur said, and he took it,

"Thank you for your distribution." the man stated, and he went back to the factory. Twilight Sparkle and her friends watched with disbelief at seeing the people in the sewers were all dirty, anorexic, and dressed in leather with fur, they looked and saw an anorexic puppy walking around on the roads as well,

"Food!" a male demon hollered, and they all chased and ate the puppy while growling and snarling. Fluttershy gasped while looking away and crying,

"Worst country ever!" Pinkie Pie declared,

"You said it, Pinkie, Ah don't know how the ruler can let their country fall into such a state." Applejack replied,

"Still, I wonder, who is the ruler?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Well, I'd like to have a word with them, the country's fighting has ruined my beauty sleep." Rarity fumed,

"Come on, everypony, let's go see those people." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"Can we come?" Sweetie Belle asked as she went to the Mane Six with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo,

"I think it's best you and your friends stay here, Sweetie Belle, that country's unwelcoming and dangerous." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Yeah, they threatened to eat us when we went there yesterday." Applejack added,

"Are y'all gonna be okay?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Don't worry, I'm ready to fight if they attack us." Rainbow Dash declared,

"But they look really strong and have magic and technology." Scootaloo reminded her,

"I'll keep us safe, you three stay here with Spike." Twilight Sparkle said, and they went into her hot air balloon and went back to the country.

The Mane Six went into the country again while the sewer people watched them, they landed and walked forward,

"Y'all ain't gonna send us back?" Applejack asked,

"Actually, we're the ones who transferred the island here." a female oni replied,

"What? How come?" Twilight Sparkle questioned,

"Just look at this place, filled with war, no soil to grow any crops, food is scarce, everybody struggling to survive, all the buildings are about to crumble, all natural resources of our land has been used up, and all the water from where we're from is dried up and gone, if we don't find a new home, we're all going to die." a female human explained, the mares became speechless,

"Wow, so um..., what are you doing in the sewers?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It's the safest place for us to hide, since we are with neither of the three gangs, we have been labelled food and the gangs will try to kill us and eat us if we're spotted." a male Wendigo replied, the six mares' jaw dropped,

"How did you all get here?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"This way." a male human replied, and they went into the sewers.

The Mane Six entered the sewers and they coughed and gagged from the stench,

"Sorry about that, there's no water to wash the waste and trash away." a female human spoke, and they went down the ladder. They arrived at the bottom and they all looked away and gagged when they saw the sewers was filled with urine, feces, vomit, and trash, it was completely dry with no water in it,

"How can you live in such filth?" Rarity asked,

"It's not too bad, we find the things we need to survive in the trash." a male oni replied,

"But still, this is disgusting." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"Anyway, come on, this way, and stay with us, Volvox's, Dommiel's, and Tom's gangs are down here wandering around, they'll kill you and send you to the Soylent Green Processing Factory if you're caught." a female Wendigo warned,

"What goes on in that place anyway?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Do you guys eat meat?" a male human child asked,

"What? No, of course not." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Then you'll be better off not knowing." a female human child spoke,

"What? Oh, come on, tell us, please?" Rainbow Dash begged,

"Trust us, you don't want to know." the male human child replied, and they all walked while Twilight Sparkle used her magic to make photos of the sewers,

"What are you doing, Twilight?" Rarity questioned,

"I'm taking pictures with my magic, I'm going to send pictures to Princess Celestia to show what their living conditions are like." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"Good idea, Twi, maybe she can improve it." Applejack stated,

"Keep your voice down, the members of the gangs will hear you." a male Bigfoot warned, and they kept walking. The Mane Six followed them and looked at the sewers, it was very rusty with chipped paint falling off of the walls,

"Hide." a male Orthrus child whispered, and they did, they saw dogs, wolves, other Orthrus', and Cerberus' walking around, they passed by and the creatures led the Mane Six to their hideout. Everycreature arrived at the hideout and saw many more creatures there,

"Here are the visitors." a female Cerberus stated, and they walked forward,

"So you're the ones who want to explore this country, you six are courageous, I'll give you that, the daytime is the safest, but you still need to be careful, the gangs still patrol the streets and buildings." a male demon spoke,

"How did you get here?" Twilight Sparkle asked, the creatures got a device and the demons used their magic to create a screen,

"Shortly before we came here, we're all from a place with nothing but water all around us, and then a few days before that, the water dried up, we began using our magic and technology to look for a new home, we came here just by chance." the male demon explained as they showed pictures of where they were from, all the water was gone and there nothing but the island there,

"What happened to the resources?" Applejack asked,

"The three gangs used it all up, those three are fighting for dominance, whoever wins will rule the island." a female demon answered,

"Wait, how did the fights start?" Twilight Sparkle questioned,

"The three have different views on how the island should be ruled, those who joined them supported them, we're down here because we disagree with all three of them." a male oni replied,

"I see, wow, I'll send the information to Princess Celestia and she'll have a word with the supreme ruler." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"Wait." a male human child blurted out,

"Don't worry, I'm sure after a few discussions, things will get straightened out." Twilight Sparkle replied, and she made a letter appear with her magic and wrote on it and put pictures on it with her magic and teleported it,

"There, just wait a bit, things will get better soon, let's wait for Princess Celestia, everypony." Twilight Sparkle spoke, and they went back to the hot air balloon and waited.

Princess Celestia was walking throughout Canterlot Castle while Princess Luna relaxed, she got a letter and opened it while Princess Luna walked to her, the two read the letter,

"Dear, Princess Celestia,

I have met with the people in the sewers just now, they are looking for a new home since where they are from, all water and resources are gone. I cannot believe how filthy this place is, if you thought the top part was dirty, the sewers is much worse, I am sending pictures of what the place looks like, I am shocked at their living conditions, I was hoping if you could please let these people into Equestria for a new life." Princess Celestia read, she and Princess Luna looked at the pictures and she exclaimed out of shock while covering her own mouth with her hoof while Princess Luna's jaw dropped,

"My goodness, I can't believe they live in such filth." Princess Celestia spoke,

"Shall we let them live with us, sister?" Princess Luna asked,

"Of course, we're a land of friendship, it would be wrong not to give them a new home, but first, I'll need to speak with their ruler, I'll be right back." Princess Celestia replied, and she flew out of the castle.

Princess Celestia flew to the island and Twilight Sparkle and her friends walked with her,

"Excuse me, can everycreature come out, please?" Princess Celestia asked, and everyone did,

"I have seen the filth of your country, and honestly, I can't believe you guys live in such conditions, I would like a word with your ruler." Princess Celestia requested, and Volvox, Dommiel, and Tom walked forward,

"No, your supreme ruler." Princess Celestia said,

"There isn't one." Volvox replied,

"What?" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed,

"See, that's what I was trying to say earlier, we don't have a ruler." the male child from earlier explained, the mares' mouths opened out of shock,

"Then... who rules the island?" Fluttershy asked,

"It's different in each area, here, Dommiel, the south, Tom, and the north, Volvox." the child explained,

"Well, since you all don't have a ruler, I pray and hope you all can settle your differences and get along." Princess Celestia remarked,

"Why did you want to see the ruler?" Tom asked,

"Because of the state your country is in, I honestly can't believe this, no one should live in such conditions." Princess Celestia replied, the natives looked at one another,

"It's not too bad." a female human child remarked,

"What?! Not too bad?! This is horrible! The buildings are about to crumble, you all are hungry and thirsty, everycreature is fighting to survive, and worst of all, your clothes and tastes in them are unfashionable!" Rarity ranted,

"That's your biggest concern? We have bigger problems than looking fashionable." a female Bigfoot fumed, Rarity growled,

"Anyway, my country's open to those who wish to live elsewhere, just keep in mind the other countries will be watching you all." Princess Celestia reminded, and they all left and the island natives got back with their days.

The days went by and everycreature was kept up a night by the sounds of warfare, the man from the Soylent Green Processing Factory gave out meat for everycreature to eat right before they fought every night, and the creatures gave him injured and defected babies and animals for him to take to the factory. The fighting at night continued every night and the humans' automobiles made even more noise, so did Phoenix's fire and Thunderbird's thunder, the creatures went over to them after about a week of nightly fighting has kept them up, Princess Celestia held them all back with her telekinesis as she walked forward,

"Enough! We cannot sleep! And more importantly, you all can't get along and settle things peacefully, so we're going to establish a co-ruling." Princess Celestia stated,

"Foreigners cannot rule this island." Dommiel explained,

"No, I am here establishing a rule on this island since you all can't get along, I will also provide food and water for you all as well." Princess Celestia replied, the natives thought about it,

"Yeah, I guess, we can always use more food." Tom spoke, the others agreed,

"For those looking for a new home, you may come to our land." Princess Celestia stated, and she and the six mares went back and everycreature slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

The next day came and the sewer people went to Equestria while the three gangs slept,

"Oh, no, no, no, you all cannot come here wearing such dirty clothing, come on now, let's get you all nice and clean." Rarity remarked as she took the humans to Carousel Boutique, she got ready to clean and noticed all of their outfits were made from leather and some had fur,

"Huh? Your clothes are all made from leather and fur." Sweetie Belle said,

"That's because they're made from dead natives of our island." a female human child replied, Rarity screamed,

"You can't wear that! That is criminal!" Rarity thundered with her voice cracking,

"Well, the island's cold at night, we need something." a female human adult responded,

"I would like a word with your tailors." Rarity stated, the creatures looked at one another,

"Don't tell me you don't know what a tailor is, it's a person who makes outfits fit for you all." Rarity explained,

"Oh, no, we don't have that, the Soylent Green factory man just skins the dead people for us and gives them to us for us to wear." a male human child replied,

"Ugh." Sweetie Belle exclaimed while sticking her tongue out,

"Don't you all have any cotton to wear?" Rarity asked, the creatures shook their heads,

"Well, that's how this land works, you can't wear people or animal skin as clothing here, it has to be fancy, like a business suit." Rarity explained, the humans stepped forward and Rarity began measuring them and used her magic to make outfits for them quickly,

"Here is something for you ladies." Rarity stated as she gave them skirts,

"What's this?" a second human female child asked,

"Why, it's a skirt, lets you be fancy no matter where you're at." Rarity replied, the female humans shrugged and took them,

"There, go on now, I think you all will like it here." Rarity remarked, and they left her shop.

The natives from the island explored Ponyville and they saw Sweet Apple Acres, they sneaked to the area and saw the many animals, they got ready to kill the animals and collect the apples to eat,

"HEY!!" Applejack hollered, they got startled and looked back while the humans took their knives and guns out,

"What are y'all doin'?" Applejack questioned,

"Uh... just getting food." a male demon answered,

"Come on, y'all, there's no need for that, just come on in and have yerselves some apples." Applejack said, and they did. The creatures had apple treats that the Apple family baked while the Wendigos, onis, and demons did not eat,

"Y'all not hungry?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Oh, right, they're carnivores." a male Bigfoot child stated,

"Meaning?" Apple Bloom asked,

"They can only eat meat, Apple Bloom." Applejack explained,

"I assume you guys don't eat meat." a male Wendigo child spoke,

"Eenope." Big Macintosh answered,

"Well, y'all can't eat our animals, they're our sources for some of our meals and drinks." Granny Smith said,

"Do you guys at least have some eggs?" a male oni child asked,

"Sure, hold on a minute." Applejack replied, and she trotted away, she cooked the eggs and came back with sunny side-up eggs for the Wendigos, onis, and demons,

"Here y'all go." Applejack said as she gave it to them, they looked at the eggs and held them up as they examined it,

"Um, why are the eggs like this?" a female demon asked,

"Cause I cooked 'em." Applejack responded,

"We eat everything raw back on the island." a male demon child remarked,

"How come?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Things take too long to cook, you'll get killed during that time you wait." a male human teenager replied, the Apple family became speechless,

"Say, how do y'all know about eggs?" Applejack asked,

"We had birds and snakes on the island that laid eggs, we hunted them all to extinction for food." a female elderly Wendigo explained, they became speechless again,

"Life on the island sounds hard." Apple Bloom said,

"Well, we think it's normal, we all have to do what we have to do to survive." a female Bigfoot replied,

"Well, anyway, go ahead and finish, y'all, Ah need to pack fruits for yer island, too." Applejack stated, and they did and left while Apple Bloom and Granny Smith washed the dishes.

The creatures traveled Ponyville and their attentions were first directed to Fluttershy's sanctuary, the humans', demons', Cerberus', Orthrus', oinis', and Wendigos' mouths watered at seeing the animals,

"Um, guys, I think those are her pets." a male Minotaur stated,

"Yeah, it's probably best we leave them be." a female Bigfoot child added, they all went there anyway, the Bigfoots and Minotaurs shrugged and followed them. The creatures arrived at Fluttershy's sanctuary and the Wendigos, onis, and demons began stalking the animals,

"Hi there, would you all like a pet?" Fluttershy asked as she flew to them, they got startled and looked at her,

"No, it's fine, we're just here to see the animals." a male Wendigo answered,

"Oh, well, come along, I'll tell you what they are." Fluttershy stated,

"That won't be necessary." a male oni replied,

"Okay, suit yourself." Fluttershy said, and she flew away. The humans, Wendigos, onis, and demons began watching the animals as their mouths watered, they went back to stalking the biggest animals and crept to them slowly, Fluttershy saw what they were doing and screamed at the top of her lungs, she quickly flew down in front of them,

"NO!! You will not eat my pets! You all should be ashamed of thinking that way!" Fluttershy scolded,

"You'll have to excuse them, food is scarce at home, and they can only eat and digest meat." a male Cerberus said,

"That's still no excuse for their behavior." Fluttershy scolded,

"Can we eat them if we adopt them?" a female oni asked,

"NO!!" Fluttershy shouted, the natives from the island were not fazed by the loudness of her voice,

"Well, I guess we can at least watch them and see how they act." a male human child said,

"That's fine, let me know if you want to know anything about them." Fluttershy replied, and she flew away. The natives of the island looked at the animals and bugs, the carnivores and humans managed to repress their hungers and watched them, they decided they have seen enough for the day and the demons used their magic to teleport themselves and the others back to the island.

A few hours passed and Princess Celestia flew back to the island with many fruits, vegetables, grains, and bakeries,

"Here you all go, no more famine for a while." Princess Celestia remarked, the natives of the island began fighting for the food while growling and snarling,

"No." Princess Celestia said as she used her telekinesis to separate them,

"One at a time, I would like for you all to be in a single file line." Princess Celestia spoke, and they did. The children went first and they tried everything, the natives had trouble eating the bakeries, the Wendigos, onis, and demons did not eat. The bell was heard ringing and the man from the Soylent Green factory came out with meat products, they ate the meat. Princess Celestia noticed Volvox was not around and she tried to see where he was at, she soon saw him walking around,

"Come on over, Volvox, I have enough for everybody." Princess Celestia called out,

"I don't need to eat to survive." Volvox replied,

"What?" Princess Celestia asked,

"He's right, for some reason, he doesn't need to eat or drink anything in order to live." a male demon explained, Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. She watched and saw some of the food on the road, an anorexic dog came and ate them, she put her hoof on her own heart while her jaw dropped at the sight, she watched and they were all full,

"Please wait a bit, the others of my country are gathering water and other drinks, they'll be here shortly." Princess Celestia stated, and she flew back. Several minutes passed and Princess Luna and Princess Cadence came with water, milk, fruit juices, punch, and cider,

"Here you all go, this should be enough for about a month." Princess Luna stated, and they all took turns drinking them directly from the bottles and barrels,

"Um, don't you all have any cups?" Princess Cadence asked, they all looked at her,

"Cup?" a male Bigfoot asked,

"You know, you pour your drink into it and you drink from it." Princess Cadence explained,

"We don't have that." a male human child replied, the two became speechless, they also noticed the majority of them only drank water, they saw several dogs and wolves come forward to drink as well, they finished and the two princesses flew back.

A few days passed and Twilight Sparkle requested the natives of the island to send their children to the School of Friendship, they arrived and saw the ponies and five other creatures there, they sat with them,

"As you know, we had a new island appear, those kids are from that island, so we'll be able to teach them friendship and hope it will end the war and fighting there, would you all kindly give them books on our school's curriculum?" Twilight Sparkle asked, and Ocellus did,

"For those of you new, open the books and start reading." Twilight Sparkle ordered, the natives of the island looked at the books with confusion,

"No, guys, you open them, like this." Sandbar stated as he showed them, they did and looked at the words on the first page,

"There, now go ahead and read the book." Twilight Sparkle instructed, the island natives looked at one another,

"Um, we don't know how to read." a female human stated,

"*gasp* You guys can't read?" Silverstream asked,

"We're too busy trying to survive another day, we don't have time to learn new things." a male human replied,

"Well, you have the time now, I can teach you all as well." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they tried to learn while Ocellus taught them the letters and how to pronounce the words and what they meant,

"How did you all learn how to speak?" Ocellus asked,

"The adults taught us." a male Wendigo replied,

"Oh, well, come on now, I'll teach you all how to read, it's fun." Ocellus remarked, and she did, the island natives had trouble memorizing the alphabet and words as Ocellus explained it to them and what the sentences meant, the island natives still had trouble,

"It's okay, Ocellus, maybe they'll learn more from experience, get to class now, everycreature." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they did.

Classes started and Fluttershy's class was first,

"Okay, everycreature, I will show you all a new creature today, this is an armadillo." Fluttershy spoke as she showed it to them,

"Wow, we never had this animal on our island." a female oni stated,

"What happened to your island's animals anyway?" Gallus questioned,

"We hunted them to extinction." a male human answered, the class reeled back in shock,

"But why?" Ocellus asked,

"We needed the food." a male demon replied,

"Yona wanna meet animals on island." Yona said,

"There's only dogs and wolves now." a female Wendigo replied,

"Anyway, back to class, this is the armadillo, they roll up into a ball when they feel threatened, the scales on their bodies protect them from harm." Fluttershy explained, the armadillo walked around a male demon looked up to it menacingly, the armadillo rolled up into a ball,

"That wasn't very nice of you." Fluttershy scolded, the armadillo rolled out of the ball and walked around again, the students petted it while it went back to Fluttershy, the bell rung afterwards,

"Go on to your next class, everycreature." Fluttershy said, and they did.

The island natives walked through the school while following the six students,

"That orange bipedal one looks like it eats meat." a male Minotaur spoke, the others nodded,

"No, I eat gems, nocreature of any country eats meat." Smolder replied,

"I guess we're the only ones." a female Orthrus stated,

"Say, how do you creatures with multiple heads think and function?" Silverstream asked,

"Well, it depends on whether if you have two heads or three heads." the female Orthrus replied,

"Well, how does it work?" Gallus questioned,

"Well, with me, both of my heads are equally dominant and functional, for the three headed ones, the middle head's the dominant one." the female Orthrus explained,

"What do the other two heads do?" Sandbar asked,

"Obey the center head." a male Cerberus replied,

"Wow, well, our next class is here." Ocellus stated, and they entered the classroom.

Rainbow Dash got ready to teach her class and barely contained her excitement over meeting kids from the new island, they entered and she flew around the class,

"Alright, newbies, I am Rainbow Dash, also known as Professor Egghead, I hope you all are excited for my assignment." Rainbow Dash stated,

"Before you do, we can't read." a male demon reminded her,

"Don't worry, my assignment doesn't involve any reading, and personally, I don't like reading very much either, I'm all about teaching teamwork." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Oh, that's easy." a male human commented,

"Alright, so if it's easy, I want you all to show me teamwork." Rainbow Dash replied, and they all went outside and began stalking some of the animals,

"Okay, guys, you all can't hunt here." Rainbow Dash stated as she separated them,

"But that is our main way of showing teamwork." the female Orthrus said,

"Hmm, do you guys know how to build buildings or houses?" Rainbow Dash asked, the natives shook their heads, they looked around and saw things they could use,

"Wait, I know, we can make rope." a male Bigfoot said, the others looked and agreed, they picked some of the plants and broke them apart, they twisted their fibers together to make rope,

"Cool, I guess that's one form of teamwork." Rainbow Dash commented, the others smiled,

"Come on, the others can teach you how to make things." Rainbow Dash suggested, and they did. The creatures got various items around outside and they began showing the island natives how to build a shed,

"I'm still surprised you guys don't know how to build these." Gallus said,

"We were never taught, only the oldest people of our home know how." a female Cerberus explained,

"So, is hunting the only thing you guys do for teamwork?" Silverstream asked,

"Pretty much, only other thing we do together is fighting." a male human replied,

"Wow, you guys really need to expand what you do." Smolder commented,

"Yona think same thing." Yona added,

"Alright, we'll do something basic, build a shed." Sandbar said, and they did. The students showed the island natives how to build a shed with wood and nails, the demons, Bigfoots, Wendigos, and Minotaurs wondered about putting the nails in, they pressed them down with their hands' and they went into the wood easily, they shrugged and built their own shed while watching the other students,

"Wow, look at them, they're not even communicating, it's almost like they can read each other's minds." Ocellus said, the others looked and noticed they were right,

"It's probably because they have worked together so much in the past, they can do things non-verbally." Rainbow Dash replied, they all watched them and they finished the shed in about an hour,

"Done." a female Cerberus said,

"Okay, not bad, you guys really do work well together." Rainbow Dash observed, the island natives smiled, the bell rung after that,

"Well, go on, everycreature, you all did good." Rainbow Dash stated, and they did.

The island's natives went to Pinkie Pie's class next and their attentions were caught by how bright and decorative her class was,

"Come on in, I've gotta throw your 'First Day of School' party." Pinkie Pie ordered as she told them to come in with her hoof, and they did, the party cannon went off and they quickly got defensive and some were ready to attack,

"Guys, relax, it's just her party cannon." Sandbar explained,

"Thing sounds like a weapon from our home." a male human commented,

"Relax, I always use this, come on, have some fun." Pinkie Pie said as her confetti and streamers went off again, and they did. The island's natives looked at the games she had and they just moved things on the boards around randomly,

"No, there are rules to these games, you can't just do what you want." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Professor Pinkie, remember, they can't read." Gallus reminded,

"I haven't forgotten, Gallus." Pinkie Pie replied, and she tried to explain the rules of the board games to them, they all shrugged and continued doing what they wanted to do,

"Didn't you all hear a word I said?!" Pinkie Pie scolded,

"We did, we'll play seriously later." a male demon replied,

"Oh, okay, sorry." Pinkie Pie remarked, and she gave them several foods,

"Sorry, but I don't have any meat." Pinkie Pie spoke, and they tried them, the sweetness of her food was very strong and they almost spat them out,

"Too sweet." a female human said,

"Oh, sorry, well, wait a bit, lunch is about to start." Pinkie Pie replied, and they continued looking at her things until the bell for lunch rung.

Everycreature went to the cafeteria and they were all served fruits and grains, the island's natives looked at each tray with surprise,

"Wow, this is how much food you all get for lunch every day?" a male human asked, the students nodded,

"This is more food than most of us eat in a week." the male human stated, the students looked at them with shock,

"More food than in a week?" Silverstream shrieked,

"Yeah, food's always been scarce back at home." a female human replied,

"Now that you mention it, you all do look awfully skinny." Sandbar remarked,

"We're average weight by our island's standards." a male Bigfoot replied,

"You guys must be very skinny then." Gallus snarked,

"You're fat by our standards." a male Wendigo snarked back, Gallus chuckled and everycreature except the carnivores had lunch.

The creatures returned to Pinkie Pie's class and they continued trying out her party things,

"Who wants to fly with my party cannon?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Ooh, ooh, I do." Silverstream hollered, and she was put in and Pinkie Pie shot her forward,

"Whee!" Silverstream exclaimed as she flew through the air and flapped her wings to land safely,

"Come on, everycreature, join in." Pinkie Pie ordered,

"Um... no thanks, we've had enough of those back at home." a female Minotaur replied, the others nodded,

"Okay, have fun with the other stuff." Pinkie Pie spoke, and the students took turns in the party cannon and she shot them, they all had fun until the bell rung,

"See you all tomorrow." Pinkie Pie stated, and they all went to the next class.

Applejack waited for the class to come and they entered,

"Howdy, y'all, Ah trust y'all been studyin' how honesty can hurt someone." Applejack spoke,

"Wait, an honesty class?" a male Cerberus questioned,

"Well, yeah, they teach us the Elements of Friendship." Sandbar explained,

"Don't y'all learn honesty back on the island?" Applejack asked,

"Well, yes, but we're taught to either tell the truth or lie depending on the situation." the female Orthrus replied,

"Whaddya mean by that?" Applejack asked,

"More surviving, if lying is going to save your life and let you live another day, then lie." a male Bigfoot explained,

"Y'all, this ain't about survivin' and livin' another day, this is about being a morally decent person in yer everyday life." Applejack explained,

"Your everyday life is different from ours." a male human replied,

"Yeah, fighting to survive another day is our everyday life." a female human added,

"Well, try to adjust, we don't have that here, Ah trust these students here can help ya." Applejack replied, and she got ready to teach. She began teaching about the apples and bucked them in her free time while the students cheered,

"Um... is that what you do for fun?" a male human questioned,

"For today, Ah have activities for other days." Applejack replied,

"Okay, but... why do you kick the apple instead of eating it?" a female Cerberus asked,

"Cause Ah've got plenty and food ain't scarce in this country." Applejack explained, and they all kicked the apples while the island natives watched with confusion, the bell rung after a while,

"Hold on, y'all, here are yer homework, as for y'all islanders, Ah'll give y'all homework when y'all learn how to read." Applejack remarked, and she did, and the students went to the last class.

The students walked to the last class while the island's natives followed them,

"This is the last class, guys." Sandbar said,

"Wait, so only five classes?" the female Orthrus asked,

"Yup, they're quite busy, though." Smolder replied,

"For your own goods, try to look professional, this last teacher is very observant and a bit strict on appearance." Silverstream informed, and they headed to the class.

Rarity was ready to teach her class and they entered, the island natives stopped when they saw her,

"You again." a male demon commented, Rarity looked at their outfits and screamed,

"You all are still wearing your leather outfits, this is no place for clothing like that." Rarity spoke,

"Is something wrong with their clothing, Professor Rarity?" Ocellus asked,

"Yes, those outfits are made from the skin and fur of other people and animals." Rarity replied, the students screamed,

"Well, we need some way to stay warm in the winter and at night." a male human stated,

"Why can't you all just make a fire?" Ocellus asked,

"We're easy targets if we stay in one place." a female Wendigo replied,

"How about physical contact with one another?" Smolder brought up,

"We do that when we sleep." a male Bigfoot answered,

"Come on now, put on the clothes I gave you all a few days ago." Rarity ordered,

"Oh, um... we left them at home." a female Orthrus responded,

"Okay then, you were going to make a new outfit today anyway, but my supplies are limited, so make sure you share." Rarity spoke, and they did. The students showed the island natives how to sew and use the sewing machines, the students cut the cloths for them and they did the sewing, they shared the threads and sewn together,

"How are you all coming?" Rarity asked as she trotted to them, they showed her and they have made a mess, their clothing was a bunch of fabrics sewn up into a ball,

"It's alright, darlings, first time's always disastrous." Rarity said, and they tried again and could not sew an outfit together,

"Give it time, it took me years to perfect my sewing skills, too." Rarity commented, and they tried until the bell rung,

"See you all tomorrow, class." Rarity said, and they left.

The island's natives looked for the exit while the students headed back to their dorms,

"Um... students go to dorms." Yona spoke,

"We'll be heading home." a male Cerberus replied,

"Yeah, the island needs us." a male human added, and they headed home but stopped when they saw Starlight Glimmer and Spike,

"There you all are, I trust you all like the school." Starlight Glimmer stated, the island's natives thought about it and shrugged,

"You all don't like it?" Spike asked,

"It's alright." the female Orthrus replied, the other island natives nodded,

"I'm Starlight Glimmer, the school's counselor, if you all have anything on your mind that's bothering you, my door is open." Starlight Glimmer said,

"What kind of school is this anyway?" a female human questioned,

"This is the School of Friendship, Fluttershy teaches kindness, Rainbow Dash teaches loyalty, Pinkie Pie teaches laughter, Applejack teaches honesty, and Rarity teaches generosity." Starlight Glimmer explained,

"Well, I suppose it could help." a female demon commented,

"Yeah, we can use friendship to survive another day." a female Wendigo added,

"Guys, the power of friendship isn't just about surviving, it's also about getting along and helping others all the time." Starlight Glimmer explained,

"Well, we'll be going now, thanks for clearing that up for us." a male Bigfoot stated, and they all went back to the island.

The next day came and the kids talked about what they learned at the School of Friendship, the adults decided not to send them back, Twilight Sparkle flew back to the island,

"Excuse me, everycreature." Twilight Sparkle hollered, they all came out,

"I'd like those kids back in my school." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"For what?" Dommiel asked,

"I'm not done teaching them." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"Another day, we need them here, too." Tom said,

"We'll send them when we wish, but we need them for today." Volvox said,

"Alright then, kids, share what you learned with them." Twilight Sparkle instructed, and she flew away. The island's natives went on with their days and some of the kids slept in the old decrepit buildings while some slept on the road and some slept on the buildings' support beams, Princess Cadence noticed it and she and Shining Armor went to the island with sleeping bags and pillows,

"Excuse me, everycreature." Princess Cadence spoke, they all looked at her,

"Can you wake up the others?" Princess Cadence asked, and they did, Shining Armor gave them sleeping bags and pillows with his telekinesis,

"Here you all go, maybe this will be more comfortable to sleep in than on the road and in those decaying buildings." Shining Armor said,

"Um, why are you giving these to us for?" a male human child asked,

"Because this road and all of that wood and stone in the buildings look uncomfortable to sleep on, and don't forget the fire on some of them, kids should be able to sleep peacefully without worrying about their lives." Princess Cadence explained, they all remained speechless and simply took them,

"Wait a bit, the hippogriffs will be here with more water." Princess Cadence said, and she flew away while Shining Armor teleported. A few hours passed and ships came, they saw the hippogriffs coming with barrels of water, they walked to them,

"Here you all go, requested from Equestria to bring you all fresh drinking water." General Seaspray announced, and the island's natives took it,

"Why are you all listening to them?" Tom asked,

"Because Equestria is the most powerful country in this world, we also have a good relationship with them." General Seaspray explained, he watched Volvox and his gang take a few barrels and they dumped them into a big glass container and Thunderbird electrified the water,

"Can you lend us your weapons?" Dommiel requested,

"Heavens no, we already got invaded once, we need them so it doesn't happen again." General Seaspray replied,

"Understandable, sorry for asking." Dommiel responded, and they took the water, the hippogriffs left with their ships.

A night of fighting and warfare went on and the next morning came, Princess Celestia flew there with a treaty,

"I am ordering a ceasefire between the three groups, this has gone on long enough." Princess Celestia announced,

"And if we don't sign it?" Volvox asked,

"Then go elsewhere, we've all had enough of being kept up at night with the sounds of war." Princess Celestia replied, and he signed it alongside Dommiel and Tom,

"Thank you, no more fighting, you'll be put in jail if you do." Princess Celestia announced, and she flew away. The day went on and the island's natives kept their kids away from the School of Friendship, they saw Twilight Sparkle and her friends coming that afternoon,

"We can't send the kids to your school today, either." Dommiel announced,

"No, we're not here for that, we'd like permission to enter the Soylent Green factory." Twilight Sparkle replied, the natives became speechless,

"Um... it's open to everybody." Tom explained,

"Oh, sorry, well, girls, let's go see what their main food source is." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they went to it.

The Mane Six entered the Soylent Green Processing Factory and saw it was dirty and rusty inside,

"Oh, what a filthy factory, I can't believe someone can actually work in these conditions." Rarity announced,

"It's not too bad." Rainbow Dash responded,

"Not bad? Not bad?! How is this not bad?! You've rust on the walls there, dust and cobwebs over there, broken windows right there, rotting wood there, and all of these pieces of the wall and ceiling on the floor here. Ugh, how can someone work, or even worse, live in such conditions?!" Rarity ranted,

"Ah agree with Rarity, Rainbow, this place ain't suitable to work in." Applejack added,

"Enough chit-chat, let's go." Twilight Sparkle announced and they did. The Mane Six walked and they heard what sounded like cages being rattled and babies crying,

"*gasp* I hear kids crying, don't worry, I'm coming!" Pinkie Pie hollered as she ran with a pink trail behind her, they followed her and soon heard dogs whimpering,

"*gasp* I hear them, they sound sad, I'm coming." Fluttershy announced and she flew faster, the four followed them and they gasped when they saw them in cages. The six mares went over to them and Fluttershy comforted the dogs,

"Shh, shh, it's okay, I'm not here to hurt you." Fluttershy whispered, and they stopped whimpering,

"What's going on here?" Fluttershy asked, the dogs leaned their heads to their lefts and the six mares looked to their rights, they saw the man covering a baby's mouth with his hand and then put it on a conveyor belt, the babies, children, dead people, puppies, pups, wolves, dogs, and dead animals moved on it and went inside another device, they came out the other side cut into various cuts and sizes of meat. The mares screamed in horror while Fluttershy began crying and Rarity fainted,

"Wait until tonight, I'll have the meat ready soon." the man stated, the six watched with horror and they soon ran out screaming,

"Everycreature! Come out here!" Twilight Sparkle shouted at the top of her voice, they all came out,

"What is it?" Volvox asked,

"Soylent Green is people and animals! You all are eating one another!" Twilight Sparkle shouted, the other countries screamed in horror at what she said while the island natives remained silent,

"Um... we already know that." Tom said,

"What?! Y'all knew?!" Applejack asked,

"Of course, we need some way to feed the island's carnivores, so we all came up with it together." Dommiel explained, the six mares looked on with shock and horror,

"How are you all okay with that?!" Twilight Sparkle questioned,

"Meat is meat." a male demon replied, the mares jaws' dropped, Twilight Sparkle went back into the factory, she used her magic to take pictures and made a letter appear, she wrote on it and teleported it to Princess Celestia, she went back out,

"Come on, girls, let's go home." Twilight Sparkle spoke, and they began to head home, she looked and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on the balcony of Canterlot Castle, they received her letter and looked at the pictures and read about the Soylent Factory, she and Princess Luna jaws' dropped while Princess Luna covered her own mouth with her hoof, she and her friends headed home.

The next morning came and Princess Celestia went back to the island,

"I order that factory to be shut down." Princess Celestia declared,

"That's our main food source." a male Wendigo replied,

"No! I order it to be shut down now! That is the most sickening food source I have ever seen!" Princess Celestia thundered, her subjects watched with discomfort since she was actually raising her voice,

"That's going to bring up a problem if we do." Tom explained,

"I get that, me and the other countries are trying to find other sources of meat to use as food, and if possible, an alternate source, but using injured, sick, defected, or deceased people and animals as food is not okay, they should be buried with respect, and those who are still alive still have lives." Princess Celestia replied with her voice back at its regular tone,

"We are currently looking for alternate sources, one of my subjects is going to try to give you fish." Princess Celestia stated,

"We might be able to digest that." a male demon replied,

"Good, but no more eating people." Princess Celestia ordered, and she flew away. The man came out of the Soylent Green Processing Factory and Volvox used his telekinesis to take it down, he freed the people and animals that were still alive, all of the island's natives then began eating the leftover meat,

"What are you going to do now?" Tom asked,

"I don't know, maybe go fishing or try to catch some bugs." the man replied, and they all ate the remaining meat like wild animals.

Early evening came and Fluttershy flew to the island with a big net filled with fish,

"Here you all go, sorry I took so long." Fluttershy said, and she put the fish down and the demons, Wendigos, onis, and humans began fighting over the fish while growling and snarling,

"WAIT!!" Fluttershy shouted, they looked at her,

"Be careful, some parts of them are poisonous." Fluttershy warned,

"I'm sure we'll be fine." a female oni responded, and they all began fighting over the fish and ate with their bare hands', they chewed with their mouths open with crumbs falling out, she became squeamish at the sight and saw the dogs and wolves going over to eat them the crumbs,

"Um, if it's okay with you guys? Can I take the dogs and wolves to my place to nurture them?" Fluttershy asked,

"Sure, just make sure you bring them back when you're done." Dommiel replied,

"Don't worry, I will." Fluttershy responded, and she carried them to her sanctuary.

Fluttershy took the animals to her sanctuary and the dogs and wolves began circling around the other animals,

"No! They are not food!" Fluttershy fumed as she held them apart with her hoofs, the dogs and wolves growled at her,

"No! They all live here, you will not have them as food!" Fluttershy declared, they began circling her while showing their teeth and drooling, she did the stare and the dogs and wolves backed away while whimpering,

"There, sorry about that, as long as you all behave, you will like it here, I promise." Fluttershy assured in her regular soothing voice, and she got things ready for them. She made beds for the dogs and wolves to sleep in, she then got them fish to eat and they fought over the fish while growling,

"No, no fighting, we share here." Fluttershy announced as she broke up a dog and a wolf fighting over a fish,

"We share here, so if you're going to fight for food, you will have none." Fluttershy snapped, and the two stopped, she broke the fish in half and gave a piece to each one, the dog and the wolf ate them and they looked at each other's piece,

"No, eat your own." Fluttershy commanded as she turned their heads to make them face their own fish, they did and walked away while Fluttershy gave fish to the rest. Night time came and she was ready to put every animal to sleep, some of the animals tried to go into their beds and the dogs and wolves growled at them,

"Oh, stop that, they sleep there, too." Fluttershy ordered, and they continued to growl, she used the stare on them and they obeyed her and let the animals sleep,

"There, goodnight, everyanimal." Fluttershy commented, and they all slept.

The next morning came and Fluttershy gave the animals breakfast, she then got ready to bathe the dogs and wolves, they resisted and struggled to break free of her grip,

"No! You are not going to be all dirty and smelly here, you will be clean as I nurse you back to health!" Fluttershy declared, they continued resisting her and one dog bit her hoof, she yelped loudly, the birds flew away,

"How dare you! I am trying to nurse back to health and make you healthy, and this is how you repay me, you should be ashamed of yourself! How would your mother feel if she knew what you did just now?!" Fluttershy scolded while staring into the dog's eyes, the dogs and wolves looked at each other with confusion,

"Now, you will take a bath and be clean, so stop fighting." Fluttershy ordered, and she tried to put them in a tub of water and they continued resisting,

"Fine, we'll just do this with the hose." Fluttershy said, and she got a water hose and tried to spray the water on them, they ran away,

"Come back here!" Fluttershy demanded as she flew after them. The dogs and wolves ran around her sanctuary as she chased them, she tried flying in front of them and they split up and ran around, Fluttershy growled as she tried to get them but they kept running away until they were restrained by magic and put in one spot, Discord appeared in front of them,

"If you're not going to listen to her, then maybe you will listen to me." Discord announced, and he made water and soap appear on them, they growled at him and Discord used his magic to open the ground and show skeletons in lava, the dogs and wolves whimpered,

"Now, you either listen and obey me, or into the lava pit you go." Discord threatened, and they stopped resisting while he used his magic to wash them, he then dried them,

"Thank you, Discord." Fluttershy said, and he disappeared. Fluttershy let the dogs and wolves sit as she fed the other animals and let them exercise,

"Come on, you all too." Fluttershy ordered, and she tried to have the dogs and wolves walk around her sanctuary, they sat and did not budge, she tried pushing them forward while grunting, she could not move them,

"Why do you all have to be so stubborn?" Fluttershy asked while grunting, they heard walking and her five friends came over,

"Is everything alright, Fluttershy? We can hear you all the way in Ponyville." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"I'm trying to get these dogs and wolves back to health, but they're so stubborn and won't listen to me." Fluttershy responded, and she grunted as she tried to push a wolf with her back, she turned around and tried to push him forward,

"Why won't get up and walk?" Fluttershy asked while grunting, the wolf turned its head to the right and bent down and bit her hind hoof, she screamed loudly and the birds flew away. Fluttershy's friends looked on with shock while she whimpered, she stopped and tried to get them to walk again,

"Come on, you all, I don't have time for this." Fluttershy spoke as she grunted, she grunted more as she tried to push them. Applejack trotted to her,

"Fluttershy, take a break, Ah'll handle this." Applejack remarked, and she ran home and came back with a Frisbee,

"Look at what Ah got." Applejack stated as she waved the Frisbee in front of them,

"Y'all want it?" Applejack asked, the dogs and wolves did not move,

"Wow, they're actually resisting it." Applejack commented,

"Wait, Applejack, I have an idea." Fluttershy replied, and she gave her a fish instead,

"Y'all want this?" Applejack asked, the dogs and wolves got up and ran to her,

"Fetch!" Applejack commanded as she threw it. The dogs and wolves ran to the fish and they growled and snarled as they fought one another, Rarity exclaimed while the other five gasped,

"Stop it! No!" Fluttershy scolded as she took the fish and flew back with it to Applejack, the dogs and wolves stopped,

"When you play fetch, you catch the item, and give it back to the thrower, they'll throw it again for you to catch again." Fluttershy explained, the dogs and wolves growled at her,

"No, I said it before, no fighting, we share here." Fluttershy reminded, they growled louder,

"Ugh, look at their teeth!" Rarity exclaimed, they did and saw their teeth were yellow with meat and fish between them,

"Come on, we need to clean you guys' teeth." Fluttershy stated, and she went into her home. She came out with toothpaste, toothbrushes, and dental floss, she let them taste the meat flavored toothpaste first and she and her friends began brushing their teeth while they swallowed the toothpaste, they finished and Fluttershy got ready to rinse their mouths,

"Open wide now." Fluttershy commanded, and she tried to rinse their mouths with the hose while they looked away,

"Hold still." Twilight Sparkle ordered as she used her telekinesis to hold them still and open their mouths, their mouths got rinsed,

"There, don't you all feel better?" Fluttershy asked, they felt their own teeth with their tongues, she went back into her home and came back out with dental floss, she an her friends tried to floss their teeth but they resisted,

"No, don't resist, this will get the food out from between your teeth." Fluttershy explained, and she fought to get the floss between a wolf's teeth and flossed the food out, the wolf tried to lick the fish off of the floss,

"No, this is trash, you don't eat this." Fluttershy stated, the wolf groaned and she and her friends cleaned the teeth of the others,

"There you all go, your teeth are now clean." Fluttershy spoke, the dogs and wolves felt their own teeth and became happy,

"Ooh, I know, this calls for a picture!" Pinkie Pie cheered,

"Another time, Pinkie, wait until I'm done." Fluttershy replied,

"Oh, okay." Pinkie Pie commented,

"Let us know if you need our help again, Fluttershy." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"I will, thank you all very much." Fluttershy replied,

"Don't mention it, Fluttershy, it's what friends do." Rainbow Dash remarked,

"Still, thank you." Fluttershy replied, and they left.

The next day came and the kids from the island came,

"Hello, where are your parents?" Fluttershy asked,

"Busy." a female Wendigo replied,

"Yeah, we're here to see our dogs and wolves." a male human added,

"They've been quite hard to take care of and they're resisting me, I hope today will be better." Fluttershy replied,

"Well, we're going back to the school today." a male Bigfoot stated,

"Really? That's wonderful, please, come." Fluttershy replied, and they followed her to the school.

The island's natives went to school with Fluttershy and sat with the other students,

"Oh, good, you all came today, I trust you all taught your parents what you learned about friendship?" Twilight Sparkle spoke,

"Uh..." the island's natives said together,

"We... kind of forgot to." a male Cerberus responded,

"That's alright, you all are busy, we can introduce friendship to your island once when things there settle down." Twilight Sparkle replied, and the lecture went on until it was time to go to class. The island's natives walked with Sandbar and the five foreign creatures again,

"Yona want know what creatures called." Yona spoke,

"Who is this Yona you're referring to anyway?" a female human asked,

"Oh, that, that's a yak trait, they refer to themselves in third person." Sandbar replied,

"I see, we're humans, those slightly light blue guys who are muscular with the horns on the forehead, sharp teeth, fangs, and wings are demons, the apes are Bigfoots, these bipedal guys with the deer heads are Wendigos, the ones with human bodies and bull heads are Minotaurs, those red guys with the horns and sharp teeth are onis, the two headed dogs are Orthrus', and the three headed ones are Cerberus'." the female human explained,

"What about those two birds?" Ocellus asked,

"They're phoenixes and thunderbirds, there used to be plenty, those two with Volvox are the only two left." a male human replied,

"What about Volvox? What is he?" Silverstream asked,

"Well, none of us know what he is, he's a one of a kind species on our island." a female Cerberus answered,

"Wow, you sure he's not some kind of mutated Cerberus?" Gallus asked,

"Yeah, we're sure, he has magic and psychic powers, us Cerberuses don't." a male Cerberus responded,

"Wow, so none of you know what he is." Smolder remarked, they shook their heads,

"Well, come on, classes are about to start." Sandbar said, and they all went on with school.

The people on the island got on with their days and their kids came back later in the afternoon with the ponies coming to them with various tools,

"Alright, everyone, let's get this island fixed." Sunburst stated,

"What's wrong with the island?" Dommiel asked,

"Just look around, the buildings are on the verge of collapsing, your sewers are not working, there's dust and cobwebs everywhere, the walls and shingles are cracked, everything's rusty, your building's support beams are rotting, your windows are broken, and they're all about to collapse, this is no place for a kid to live in." Princess Cadence explained,

"Really? We've been fine so far." a female Cerberus puppy replied,

"You all grew up too fast, you all should be playing and having fun, not struggling to survive." Princess Cadence responded,

"Yeah, isn't there like a playground or anything for the kids to play at?" Sunburst questioned, Volvox used his telekinesis to move some of the buildings aside, the ponies saw a few kids playing on old and worn out buildings, they climbed the support beams for fun while one tried to play on a tire swing, they all broke apart and the kids began to fall, the unicorns quickly used their telekinesis to grab them while the others gasped and Rarity exclaimed a few times,

"See, this isn't a place for kids, we're here to help you rebuild, everything has to be torn down and built from the ground up, you all need to clean, too." Princess Cadence announced,

"Truth be told, none of us get sick here." a male Bigfoot replied,

"This isn't just about you guys not getting sick, it's also so you don't spread any sickness into our countries." Sunburst responded,

"Oh." the island's natives said,

"Alright, let's get started, we'll help you all." Princess Cadence announced and they did. The ponies used their magic to take down all of the old and decrepit buildings and the Pegasi used rain clouds to put the flames out, they all rebuilt the buildings together while several others cleaned out the sewers and got water back in for it to work again, they all worked for hours and everything was rebuilt,

"There, you all now have improved living conditions." Princess Cadence announced,

"Honestly, I'd like to see some ornaments and decorations on the buildings." Rarity said,

"They looked like that before they got worn down." Volvox replied,

"Well, maybe you should add some decorations and more color to it this time." Rarity commented,

"Rarity, I think they'll do that later, come on, let's let them adjust." Twilight Sparkle responded, and they all left.

A week passed with peaceful nights and Fluttershy was almost done getting the dogs and wolves back to a healthy weight, the sewer people now lived on the island and in Equestria while their kids attended the School of Friendship,

"Excuse me, kids, over here." Starlight Glimmer announced, and they entered her office,

"I'd like for you to talk about your times on the island during the war, one of my jobs is to counsel traumatized and disturbed people." Starlight Glimmer stated,

"We haven't been bothered by the war and noises of battle." a female human responded,

"Right now, but in a few years from now, you will start to be bothered by the memories, so it's best to start early, so tell me about your experiences in the war." Starlight Glimmer replied, and they did.

A week passed and Fluttershy went back with the dogs and wolves,

"Here you all go, they were hard at first, but they mellowed out near the end." Fluttershy commented,

"Thanks." Volvox responded as the animals went back to them, and Fluttershy flew back. The day went on peacefully until Princess Celestia flew to the island in the afternoon,

"Have you all decided on a form of government yet?" Princess Celestia asked, they all shook their heads,

"Really? You've all had plenty of time to decide." Princess Celestia stated,

"We can decide if you let us fight over who gets to be the ruler." Tom replied,

"No, you are not doing that, I'd like for you all to come up with an alternate." Princess Celestia ordered,

"Um..." the island's natives said as they thought about it, they soon looked at her,

"What do you suggest?" Volvox asked,

"You guys can't come up with another way?" Princess Celestia asked, the island's natives shook their heads,

"I think it would be best for you all to form a counsel with a representative of each creature there." Princess Celestia suggested,

"Look at that, looks like I win automatically." Volvox boasted,

"No, you do not, the other two leaders will be part of the counsel, too, as for the other creatures, pick your leader." Princess Celestia replied, and she flew away. She watched the island at they all voted for who should be their representative, they all decided to make the oldest person of their kind the ruler, so the rulers were now Volvox representing himself, Dommiel representing demons, Tom representing humans, a male Bigfoot, a female Wendigo, a female Minotaur, a male oni, a male Cerberus, and a female Orthrus, they all gathered together while Volvox had Phoenix and Thunderbird by his sides, he glared at the demons and humans alongside the other creatures, they all sided with him. The other creatures watched each other and were silent, they all left without saying anything while the others watched them.

The next day came and the people used the bathroom in the roads, the creatures in the other countries gasped when they saw it,

"Hey!" Twilight Sparkle hollered as she went over, they looked at her,

"There are toilets for a reason." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"Sorry, but we haven't used toilets for so long, we've forgot about them." a male oni responded,

"Well, at least clean it, other creatures are going to be curious and want to explore this place." Twilight Sparkle explained, and the island's natives did,

"Is this the place, Twilight?" Sunset Shimmer asked as she used her telekinesis to fly to the island,

"Yes, this is it." Twilight Sparkle responded, she looked around,

"Wow, I didn't think there were humans in another place." Sunset Shimmer stated,

"You're not from here?" Dommiel asked,

"Well, I am, but I'm staying in a different world also filled with humans." Sunset Shimmer explained, and she looked at the place,

"Wow, a big improvement over the picture you sent me of how it first looked." Sunset Shimmer commented,

"It is, this place was filthy was it first arrived." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Well, there will be others coming here soon, guys, they're tourists who want to explore your country." Sunset Shimmer stated,

"That's fine, just as long as they don't get in the way with anything." Volvox replied, and she explored the island. She continued visiting and the other creatures soon came and went to the others,

"If you want, we can establish relations for trade." Princess Ember announced,

"No thanks." Volvox replied, the others nodded,

"Why not?" King Thorax asked,

"Well, we just formed the counsel, we'd like to be independent for now." the Wendigo ruler explained,

"Can yak do trade?" Prince Rutherford asked,

"Maybe later." Dommiel replied,

"You all should go back to your fighting selves, it was more entertaining that way." Grampa Gruff remarked,

"Yeah, it was kind of fun." the Cerberus ruler responded, the other natives nodded,

"But it's not what you all need, you all need to come together peacefully." King Thorax explained,

"We get that, but no relations until we figure things out." Tom replied,

"Just remember we'll be watching, so if any of you begin fighting or causing trouble, we'll arrive to help." Rain Shine stated,

"What do you mean help?" Dommiel questioned,

"Try to figure out what's wrong and resolve it peacefully, this area is powered by friendship." Rain Shine explained, the island's natives looked at one another with confusion,

"We'll leave you guys for now, but we'll watch your progress." Princess Ember remarked, and the country rulers went back to their homes.

The countries watched the island as they formed a new government and quickly began using currency called bits to buy things, some of the creatures still fought when they wanted the same thing and the creatures from the other countries had to break them up, the other creatures soon began going to the island as tourists even though the natives did not have anything to attract them, they did not put any decorations or ornaments on anything either, the other creatures soon went over to try to establish trade relations,

"Alright, guys, the dragons will give you all some of our obsidian for you to use." Princess Ember stated,

"Okay, we can give you some of our clubs." the oni ruler replied, Princess Ember nodded in agreement,

"The griffons can try to find some birds for you all for those two to try to recreate their kind." Grampa Gruff stated as he pointed to Phoenix and Thunderbird, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were tending to them and feeding them,

"Alright, we can always have our fauna come back, we'll let them go to your country, too." Volvox responded,

"Well, us changelings can't give you much, but we are willing to offer some of our arts." King Thorax stated,

"We'll see what we can do, we'll give you pieces of our road." Dommiel replied,

"Yak bring musical instruments to island." Prince Rutherford said,

"Yeah, and we'll give you our clothes." Tom replied,

"We'll give you all more water since there's still not enough for you all." General Seaspray announced,

"Thanks, and we'll give you guys our weapons for you all to defend your home with." the Orthrus ruler responded,

"We'll give you all our tea in case you all get tired of having water all the time." Rain Shine stated,

"Thanks, but I doubt it, we'll give you guys various items for you all to use for your plays." the Cerberus ruler replied,

"Alright, we'll give you the many aspects of our culture so you all can grow, Equestria would like to have your animals in our country so they can be adopted and given happy homes." Princess Celestia announced,

"Alright, that can be done." Volvox replied,

"Thank you, I think we're off to a good start." Princess Celestia stated, and they all left.

Several days passed and the children from the island were in Equestria and seeing Rarity, they returned the clothes she made for them,

"Is something wrong with the skirts?" Rarity asked,

"We can't move completely in them." a female human answered,

"Oh, common, that takes some getting used to." Rarity stated,

"Well, we're here to return them." a female oni stated, and Rarity took them, she smelled them and their hands' left a putrid stench on the clothes, she covered her snout from it,

"You all are still dirty, do you all take baths or showers?" Rarity asked, the kids shook their heads,

"Come on now, into the shower, all of you." Rarity stated, and she and Sweetie Belle washed them, they were taken aback by seeing they all had black stains on their bodies and flies living in their armpits,

"When was the last time you all cleaned yourselves?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Never." a male Bigfoot answered, she and Rarity looked on with shock,

"Well, start cleaning, you can't go around the other countries all filthy." Rarity ordered as she and her sister washed them, dust and other trash fell out of the humans' hair, Rarity exclaimed and gasped when dead bugs fell out of a male Bigfoot's fur, she and Sweetie Belle used shampoo and mane conditioner on them and washed them thoroughly, they then used their mane dryers to dry them quickly,

"There you all go, nice and clean, now wash your clothes." Rarity commanded, and they did as she and Sweetie Belle helped them, they brushed their leather outfits with toothbrushes and lotion to make it shiny,

"There, now you all are ready to explore." Sweetie Belle remarked as the kids looked at one another,

"Go on now, and tell the adults to clean, too." Rarity stated and they left.

The kids came back and told the adults about having to be clean in the other countries and they did. The country's flora did not grow back, so Applejack gave some of her soil to the island so they can grow crops, they were given instructions and everycreature noticed they were patient in waiting, the flora began growing after about six months and the island was no longer a wasteland, they all began peaceful trades and the people who transported the island found new homes.