Life of a Nobody

by Xinrick

Nobody hangs out

After my talk with Matilda I went to bed, waking up back with the family at home. Today I was spending time with Coco, she and I in our personal room in the safe room. She was in an adorable blue onesie and I was in the same PJ's as the other rooms. We ate a nice breakfast before checking the TV, both on the couch watching tournaments on TV.

“This is nice.” I said softly, loving my time with Coco.

"Yeah. Thanks for watching these with me. I normally don't like sports but combat tournaments are always something I can enjoy. See those two?" Looking at the TV, there was Hearts Doom Guy, I knew it was his cause of his Keyblade, and a female dressed in similar armor to his. "Gutz and Glory, or so they go by. They've been dominating the Survival tournaments for the past month."

“You know, they could just say she’s Female Doom Guy.” I said honestly.

"Yeah, but Gutz and Glory sound way better as a team name. Besides, as far as anyone knows Glory isn't actually a reflection or female version of Gutz at all. Fact is she popped in out of nowhere with him and they've just been owning the tournaments."

“That’s not concerning at all.” I said nervously. “Like...a person that just magically appears out of nowhere and isn’t their reflection is a tad weird.”

"Well, kinda but these tournaments perform background checks and everything. If she wasn't someone to trust then they would have never allowed her into the tournaments. Only thing anyone does know about her is that, like Gutz, she rarely ever takes the helmet off, and is human."

“Alrighty then.” I nodded. “Good to know that there isn’t any other weird thing about her...maybe, who knows.” I shrugged.

"...You wanna investigate, don't you?"

“I mean...I don’t have to, given that she’s already seen as a good enough person...sorry.” I said sheepishly.

"Heh. Mama to the family and citizens I see." Coco said with a laugh, opening her assistant up. "If it helps all the Pinkie Pies are in charge of kingdom entertainment, including the tournaments. I can ask one of them to get her file for us to ease your mind."

“Thank you.” I said gently.

After a hot minute Pinkie sent over the file, as well as a dozen cupcakes. While eating one I read the file over. Glory's real name was Rebecca Alitone. From Cript's realm, served ten years in Freak Inc military in the peace keeper section in hell itself, helping the current King of hell Adam properly establish his rule way back when freak Inc was young. Explains why she and Gutz are a team then, mutual hatred of hell.

“Alright, that sounds interesting.” I said honestly.

"Heh. And you were worried." Coco said, leaning into me. "So, wanna snack? We got every option."

“I worry about a lot of things.” I said honestly. “And yes, I want to snack a lot.”

Coco pulled out a good sized buffet of junk food stuff and we ate and watched the tournaments Carnage. Apparently the record is still held by me, so these two are going after it.

“I still need to rebeat my record, albeit it’s kind of cheating when I basically made a self sustaining city in that crap.” I said honestly.

"It is. But they kept it there as only people in the family could have pulled that off and it was in a family tournament." Coco said, sipping a slurpee. "I hear the rewards this time around are really good."

“Oh? What are the rewards?” I asked curiously.

"First prize is your own custom planet. Second is a Kelvolte spaceship. Those are the newest models, fast, armed to the teeth and outfitted for nearly every occasion. Lastly is a wish card. One free wish of your choice, within reason."

“Cool.” I nodded. “And where does all the loot that appears when you kill the Shadow Creatures?” I asked curiously. “Cause last time I was in the arena, I...accidentally melted a good chunk of it all when making that habitat.”

"Drop storages. Just holds them till you win or lose. So even the losers leave with something."

“Cool.” I nodded. “Still wonder how long I could have let it go before ending it.”

"Knowing you, likely forever." Coco said, taking a bite of cake. "God the best part of this crazy family and crazier bodies is being able to eat like shit and never gain a pound."

“That is also true.” I said while scarfing down chips. “And even if we did gain weight it would probably just go straight to the right places.”

"Or the babies. Never would have guessed being forever pregnant would also be enjoyable."

“Yeah, it’s a nice thing.” I said honestly. “And this is coming from a Den Mother who always prides themselves in bearing children.”

"Heh. Yeah."

"Plus...Mama Russia has been making everyone a lot bigger…" I said sheepishly, before that fusion I was about as tall as Den, maybe a little shorter, and stacked and thick as hell...and Russia made me a good foot taller and even more stacked. "Like seriously, I grew an extra foot, went up a cup and a half for each set and I'm pretty sure my ass can now cause small earthquakes…"…”

"You're talking to the girl she turned into a giant. Trust me, I know. Though I can't deny, her insides are nice. Soft, almost silk like and molds to your body perfectly. Makes sleeping so freaking easy."

“Yes, it is stupid comfy in there.” I agreed.

"Hmm. Don't tempt me to see how yours is for a while." Coco said, laying across my lap now. "Being a mutant admin is the best. And fuck those Puritens for saying otherwise."

“Okay seriously, given how everything’s been going I’m surprised there’s still people like that out there.” I said honestly.

"Big reality, lots of idiots." Coco said, curling up against me. "Already from what Leon says they founded their own kingdom separate from ours. We're keeping eyes on them, it's likely Nexus will try and reach out. As is though they just want isolation for now."

“Well, let’s just hope Nexus doesn’t get to them space is fine, but they better not try to be those assholes…” I growled.

"Hopefully it won't go there. So, aside from wife's and such, how many of the kids have you met? You are both a wife and child of this family after all."

“There are still so many…” I sighed out. “I haven’t met all of them, and I’ve had a good amount of my clones spending time with each of them.”

"Even Ciel?" Ah yes… Ciel. The one who actively tries to avoid me like the  plague.

“He keeps trying to avoid me like I’m the plague for some reason and I don’t know why.” I sighed out.

"Do you even know what he does at least?"

“Not really.” I sighed out. “I think I was told one time but I don’t remember sadly.”

"If you really wanna know, talk to Adagio Dazzle, she's his biological mom when he joined the family."

“Alright, I’ll give it a try.” I nodded. “Let’s just hope she also doesn’t try to avoid me.”

Adagio and I also had our own private room. But she was nice, as expected loved music and was helping me work on vocal notes when using Arpeggio.

“So uh...mind if I ask a question?” I asked in between our singing practice.

"Hm?" She replied. She wore more… housewife attire. A simple dark blue blouse that reached her knees. Her hair was also brushed flat and back.

“So uh...why is Ciel keeping away from me like I’m the plague?” I asked curiously.

"Oh? That. Heh, don't take it too personally, he keeps just about everyone away. Only people he really opens up to are Ceiot and I. For the most part I think he does it because of his work."

“And what’s his work? Is it back from his original world or something else?” I asked curiously.

"Basically. Keep’s the underworld in check. Don't know why he went back to it, never told me why."

“Maybe because of his past?” I suggested. “But...It’s a little understandable why he does it with you, given your Ciel’s mother, and Seba-er, Ceiot.” I corrected myself on that demon’s name. “I’d like to know why but he keeps brushing me off…”

"Funny enough he doesn't even use Sebastian anymore. Not since Cript took him in, and Sebastian, making them both half demons. These days Sebastian is still a Butler but working for Cript. Heh, his house is flooded with cats."

“ I’m slightly confused...I thought Ceiot was Sebation’s new or real name…” I said nervously.

"But now he prefers Sebastian."

“It is a better name.” I said honestly.

"In any case his office is at his estate. His world is a part of this one. I can give you the coordinates address, if you want?"

“I wouldn’t mind...just want to learn more about the family instead of being avoided…” I sighed out.

She gave me the location address and we went back to practice while I also went to go see Ciel.

His manner was just like the anime. Not all that different aside from some modern features here and there.

I entered. The inside was a bit different. Most of the paintings were all gone, replaced with either maps or bounty's. Many crossed out in red paint. "What are you doing here?" I turned, Ciel was dressed in his typical suit, a dark black color. 

"Just to talk." I said simply. "Can't be too busy to talk right?"

They sighed. "Seeing as you went through the trouble of coming here. Fine. Follow me." I followed Ciel into a library like room, tea, snacks and such were all set up. He sat on one chair and I sat in the other. "So, why did you trouble yourself in coming here?"

“Why do you trouble yourself with avoiding me and everyone else like we somehow contracted the plague.” I countered calmly and professionally, 

"Simple. Just because we are family doesn't mean we have to speak to one another. That, and I find your courses of action in dealing with the kingdoms crime rather pathetic."

“I mean...being family does kind of mean we have to talk to each other so I don’t know where you got that from.” I started slowly. “And to be honest, the only reason why I’m not doing what I actually want to do to deal with crime is everyone else telling me ‘no, don’t do that’.” I said simply.

“Even if you did, it would only make the heads of the snakes wiser to the mouse biting at it’s tail. Even with all the measures you have placed in, all it’s done is make the lessers of society smarter and wiser. Two things always find a way, life, and crime. Can’t eradicate one and keep the other.”

“You say that, but I’m pretty sure one can be without the other.” I said simply. “But how would you do it?”

“Simple, let the vermins be, and when, and some always do, cut off their heads when they step out of their sewer. That’s how I've been handling it, and given your venture as Kite Cooper, you can understand that line of work.”

“Yes, yes I do.” I nodded.

“Good, at least we can agree on that.”

“Alright, so back to you being anti-social as hell.” I started. “Adagio said it’s because of your work...but from what you immediately told me, it sounds like you just don’t like people.”

“Keeping distance from people makes my job easier. Most people are either just inconvenienced or wind up dead. You saw the bounties on my walls, yes?”

" know what our family is right?" I asked honestly.

“Of course, but tell me this, for all your photo shoots and tv appearances, would the public keep their love of you when you are drenched in blood? You keep the kingdom happy and I keep it’s underworld in order. Simple as that. They know the rules and any who defy them, I correct. I keep the blood off your hands, it’s as simple as that.”

“Well how about I prove you wrong then.” I said simply.

“By getting blood on your hands? Or by taking a stroll in the shadows?”

“You have no idea how much I’ve done of both.” I said simply. “But either or is fine. Got a job?”

“I am working one now. How much do you know about Shadow Drugs?”

“I know a lot about it, but mind giving me a quick refresher for the readers?” I asked politely.

"If you don't remember then say so, you'll sound less like an ass than." Ciel said, taking  a sip of tea. "Shadow Drugs are the blood from a still living Shadow Creature placed into an injection device. The injectors are unique and quite easy to spot but these days they are smaller and easy to transport. They first appeared forty years ago and even with all Cript's efforts some still find their way into the markets. Normally Shadow Creature blood evaporates within seconds once exposed to air, but the Injectors prevent that. Once injected into a body the shadow blood mixed with any air from the blood of the junkie and evaporates within the body. The raw vapors rapidly merge with the host body, mutating their body to take on some physical appearance of the Shadow Creature the blood came from. This is semi permanent as if the host engages in combat, rapid adrenalin or anger the changes will most likely become permanent. Typically the 'high' lasts for three to five minutes, after which if they are lucky the person will revert back, severally crippled with possible brain damage but alive."

"Yeah I remember hearing about that from Jenny." I said honestly. "So who's the distributor you're targeting?"

"A man named Flyn Calbile. A well known substance distributor, but Shadow Drugs is where both Cript and I draw the line. You see it came onto the market over forty years ago, well before any of our times. It's become Cript's white whale, the creator of the injectors, and the drug. Ever elusive and out of reach. Not even the distributors know who their supplies come from. Long chains of distribution all leading to dead ends each time."

"And you're thinking this guy might know?" I asked. "Or do you just want to take him down?"

"He doesn't. All we can do til any form of lead is picked up is to eliminate distributors."

“I...have an idea.” I started slowly. “Cause while dealing with this guy and other distributors is a good idea, more and more will just keep coming out.”


“So, I have this nifty little ability that I learned as King of Nothingness, and that’s Chameleon. Simply put, it’s an ability that let’s me become someone completely different, in powers, biology, everything. So my idea...which is a huge gamble all things considered, is for me to send a chameleon clone and...sadly become a Distributor, cause from what you said is that each distributor gets delivered the Shadow Drugs, now it could be the originator, it could be one of his lacky’s, but the point is, if I can get one of those bastards, then I’m sure we can start hunting for the originator.”

"If you want to waste your time and do that, fine by me."

“And you have a better idea?” I asked simply. “Cause right now, you’ve been helping Cript run in circles, so what’s wrong with my idea?”

"You don't just become a distributor of Shadow Drugs by asking. From what the captured sellers say the crates just appear in their Warehouse as if they had always been there. No magic, temporal, or special remnant signals to tell how it got there, and no fingerprints, or DNA on the crates at all. Just a box full of Shadow Creature blood appears."

“I never said I would just be ‘asking’.” I said simply. “But thank you, that’s something you didn’t bring up before. But right now, we have a dealer to kill.”

"Or arrest. Frankly it all depends on if they surrender or not."

“Alright.” I nodded. “But I still suggest ‘insider info’, even if it might not be as good as you say it is given how people get the crates, it’s better knowing the inner workings than just guessing half the time.”

"If you believe you can stomach it." Ciel shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. “Even if the writers say otherwise, I am used to this garbage by now.” I stated bluntly. “I never sit idly by when work needs to be done...and to be honest, I’ve thought of worse…”

"And there it is. Why I hate you."

“Thank you for actually saying it instead of being a passive aggressive bitch.” I stated simply. “Now tell me, why do you hate me? Is it because I actually want to do my fucking job? Is it because I don’t sit on my hands waiting for others to do shit I can do? Tell me, I’d love to know what thing I can add to the list that I already don’t tell myself.”

"It's exactly what you said. Rise from nothing and now look at you, basically perfect. I hate perfect things. And when said one thing, you counter, you always have the quick whip tongue at the ready, and the answer to everyone's prayers. You have your cake and eat it too happily. You are everything I despise because you defy everything I have ever known as truth."

“And yet when you think about it...our journey’s started the same.” I said honestly. “We both started out in loving family’s, you with a loving fiance and rich as can be, I was just middle class but still was happy...then everything changed when some asshole decided to fuck with us, getting our parents killed. How we reacted differed greatly since you thought of summoning a demon to deal with those that wronged you, I blamed myself and nearly became a Nobody because of it.” I explained. “So how come I, who started with nothing, got to where I am, while you who started with everything, feels like he’s been holding himself back?”

"Do you know why I joined this family? This family where my every wish could and would be granted?"

“Please, I would like to know.” I said simply.

"To keep fighting. I could have gotten my parents, home and life back, but then what was the point to everything I'd been through? The person I am now can not live as the person I was. If you spoke to yourself at the beginning of your journey, would you recognize the person standing in front of you?"

“Honestly? Yes.” I said simply. “And I can give you an explanation on how I can say that without batting an eye?”

Ciel just leaned back on their chair. "You are either the worlds best liar or it's biggest fool. Either way, we're all entitled to our beliefs, and nothing you can or will shake is mine."

“And that’s fine.” I said simply. “But you need to learn to move on. That’s what I did, and look where it got me. You can keep fighting, that’s fine, but if you're just going to keep acting like how you did in Black Butler, it’s only going to hurt you in the long run.” I said simply. “But I can’t tell you how to live your life. If you want to live ‘second verse, same as the first’, then that’s on you, but if that’s the only way to describe yourself...then have you really changed from how you started?”

"I'd like to think so."

“Not needing Sebastian is a good start.” I said simply. “But besides losing Sebastian...what have you done differently that your past self wouldn’t?”

“For starters… Elizabeth has moved in…” They groaned. “We are still betrothed after all.”

“You two are honestly adorable together.” I chuckled. “But...why wouldn’t your past self be inclined to do that if I may ask?”

“Because my past self was a dead man walking. Soul to be eaten by a demon. Now, here I am, demon out of hell, given half my humanity back and the power to finally stand on my own two feet.”

"And yet you still stood proud, ready to face what came next." I said honestly.

“True. Back then I held onto anger and hatred because it was all I had left. Now, it’s more like… I revel in the hatred of those underworld monsters. I find their anger entertaining.”

"I just want to point out you had a lot more than just anger and hatred, but I understand. Also why do you find it entertaining? Think it's because of your demon half or how they let their anger lead them down that path?"

“I find it entertaining because of their struggles to evade me, like mice in a maze with no exit. Pointless their attempts and the more they try, the more their anger grows, and that’s when the fun starts.”

“Yeah that makes sense.” I said honestly. “So how is living with Elizabeth? A lot more colorful or what?”

“Thankfully she has grown out of most of that. While she does still love decorating she’s far about it. So, how’s my mother?”

“She’s doing well. Helping me learn to sing, and even if I keep telling her I’m tone deph, she thinks I have a natural talent for it.” I said honestly.

“She would. After my adoption I inherited her vocal talents, but I don’t put them to any use.”

“I’m sure Elizabeth would love to hear it.” I said honestly.

“Never. Not in a million years.” Ciel said fast and blunt.

“Afraid of singing or afraid of her badgering you about it every other ten seconds?” I asked curiously. “Or scared of all the praise from her?”

“I inherited a SIREN’s voice. I am a half demon/Siren. You do the math on all the chaos that causes. First and last time I sang, I opened sixty five portals to various locations in hell… half those demons that broke out I’m still hunting.”

“And that’s where practice comes in. Cause that sounds less like you just singing and more you not being used to your powers. Look at Adagio, she’s a Siren, but has she shown she can sing normally as well as use magic while singing?” I asked curiously.

“That’s because she lacks her pendent. But that’s something I’d rather not get into.”

“All you need is practice.” I said honestly. “But how is the others doing? Mey, Fin, Bard and Tanaka?” 

“Mey finally got those glasses fixed, far less clumsy, Finny has been doing well, and Bard took some actual cooking classes for a change, so his food is at least edible. As for Tanaka…”

I then looked next to me, the old man back to mini Tanaka sipping tea from a cup labeled ‘Hot Water’. “Ho Ho Ho.” They said simply.

“Tanaka is being himself.”

“Good to know they're all doing well.” I nodded. “Seriously, how the hell did Sebastian find a lone surviving soldier, a russian super soldier project, and a stupidly good sniper?”

“I ordered him to find three of the most inhuman humans on earth that would be loyal to me and protect/care for the manor. He did just that. The how of it I frankly don’t care about. I was just happy Tanaka was still around when I first came back.”

“I am moved sire!” I turned, Tanaka was now a full sized old man. “Truly your heart has grown from one that pumps hatred and wrath into one that allows compassion and love to-” Poof. And he’s back to Mini Tanaka.

“Hmm…” I hummed while my eyes glowed as I scanned Tanaka, wondering what has been with his mini form and when he just grows up as I mostly took it as a ‘lack of energy in his old body’ but wasn’t fully sure.

To my suprise… that was exactly it. According to this he was born with a fast metabolism. In youth he’d just eat to make up for the rapidly lost energy, but in his old age lacking the ability to rapidly digest food, now lacks energy for long periods of time.

“Huh, always thought there was something more to Tanaka, but nope, just him having a fast metabolism and not being able to keep his energy up.” I said simply. “Have you ever asked him if he wanted to have his little...condition fixed?” I asked curiously.

“He is actually okay as he is. He enjoys watching the little things here and there and frankly, seeing him like that can put anyone in a good mood.”

“I mean...that’s just true.” I said honestly. “Like having a grandpa you just enjoy being around, even if he doesn’t say anything….just him being around is good enough.”

Ciel and I talked for a while more but he had work and I left him to it. This shadow drug thing was something I’d talk to Cript about later. For now, I went back to the bedroom(s) to see how all the others are doing. Time to see Alxun.

“Hello there.” I said softly to my Luna. “How’s my beautiful moon doing?”

She wasn’t in my arms. Looking she was sitting on a chair… painting me. “Don’t move! I’m so close to finishing. I haven’t had the chance to paint in forever.”

“Well I hope your getting my good side.” I said with a warm smile.

“That would be all your sides… especially your backside~” She cooed. About ten more minutes and she finished. God she made me look so sexy. “Well, that’s done. Now then.” She then jumped on top of me, the both of us embracing each other in tight loving hugs.

“I’m sorry for being so busy my moon.” I said while nuzzling Alxun

“Hey, at least with this set up Lyra made we can always be together, you can be off fighting, paperwork, whatever, and also be here at the same time.” She said, giving me a kiss. “Now pull and keep me in that fluff of yours, I demand the best cuddles.”

“So my princess askes, so she shall receive.” I said while giving her the best cuddles in my wonderful fluff.

She gave a happy sigh, getting comfy against my chest as I held her close under the blankets. “I hope I keep a special place in your heart King… heh, after all, I was your first love making in Equestria.”

“You will always be my first.” I said lovingly. “No matter what.” I said while kissing her lovingly.

Our little make out session lasted for a good five minutes before it broke, she nuzzling under my chin as we rested happily in each others arms. While now I am bigger than her, she was still tall enough to not be lost in my hug.

Twilight and I were both being nerds. Twi resting on my body, reading while I read on the holo screen above my face.

“Ah yes, how much I enjoy just being a nerd with my nerd wife.” I said warmly, softly nuzzling Twilight.

“I dunno, you look more the wife these days.” Twilight said, playfully elbowing one of my breasts she was resting between.

“But your still my adorkable wife.” I said lovingly. “But how have you been doing lately?”

“Mostly been studying, working in the Royal Library and going through various books. A whole Multiverse of books and I’m amazed how many of them are actually basically cheap reprints.” She said with a sigh. “That aside, I've been doing well. It’s nice to relax like this.”

“Eh, it happens.” I shrugged. “At least it’s still good reading material.”

“Eh, some of it. The fact there are books with only one word repeated over and over again, or no words at all is just… just raises too many questions.”

Rarity and I shared a room that was a tad different. Rather than the simple studio, it was much larger, fancier, large, actually endless closets, and of course personal spa for the two of us. These robots give an amazing deep tissue massage. “Best decision in my life was marrying you… and to think, if you hadn’t accidentally destroyed my house, it never would have happened.” She said,

“I said I was sorry...also I’m sorry that Time kind of...fed Unum your cat.” I said sheepishly.

“Yes… that I was pissed about, but I’ve mostly gotten over it. Frankly at the time it didn’t really process until after it was all over. A lot was going on. In any case being able to live like this… it’s more than divine.”

“I mean, it is super fancy and stuff.” I said honestly. “But I hope I’ve been a good husband throughout all of this…”

“In all honesty, yes. Frankly I’m just wondering if I’ve been a good wife. To be honest I never actually expected to find anyone, let alone marry. So I went into this blind.”

“You’ve been wonderful.” I said lovingly. “And I’m still thankful you’re here.”

“Hm. I’m glad for that, sometimes it feels nice to just be one on one with you.”

“Yeah, I’m very thankful for these rooms because...well I can spend time with each of you...and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

“Me neither. Plus gives me a chance to see how all the new dresses I made for you look on you!”

“Oh boy, a whole lotta dress up and modeling.” I chuckled. “How many are normal outfits and how much is lewd or fetish attire?” I asked curiously.

“Hmm… twenty percent lewd/fetish, the rest are normal. Sexware is not my normal cup of tea to work on.”

“Alright.” I nodded. “Good to know, haven’t really modeled much...lewd outfits, like those playboy bunny outfits or uniforms made to be lewd.”

“I see the appeal of them, but they are more of a pain to make than you’d believe. Normally the materials used to make them are difficult to work with. Latex and… leather… Latex alone is a pain, and leather, well, never cared for it.”

“Okay to be honest, I kind of expected you to be into...well bondage and stuff, so leather would have been your thing.” I said honestly.

“Oh hardly. While it’s fun sometimes I’m not into it like Eclipsa or Pinkie. Frankly I prefer some lewd attire or none at all. Though I also enjoy Pregnancy I find.”

“Don’t we all?” I giggled. “Well, after our message, why don’t you start showing me which dresses you want me in?”


I was inside a stomach here… hm, large, roomy, internal breasts, OH this is Mama Russia. So this is what’s inside her. Huh. So this was Coco’s room for like a year in the void. Nice.

“Should I make a ‘Mother Russia’ joke or should I not?” I wondered.

I was honestly amazed by how… big it actually was in here. I mean I know she is huge but it’s also huge in here. Well lit too which isn’t the weirdest part. The Worst part is the fact there is furniture made from her stomach lining. Bed, couch, a… TV? Does that actually work? If so being mutants is a whole new level of cool.

“Kind of wished I could talk to Russia…” I muttered to myself. “But this is cool.”

To my suprise, the TV turned on. Cool! As I was getting comfy on the ‘bed’ here I saw something enter here… Mama Russia? Only slightly bigger than- Oh shit! 

She then jumped on top of me, despite the size I was she was still bigger than me and curled around me as best as possible. “Double safe.” She said simply.

“You are still a huge lady…” I said with a light blush.

“Better to keep you safe. You are safe inside me, now I am inside me to keep you extra safe.” She said. Licking my head and body. She was tongue bathing me for a while before making me feed off her.

I gently pulled off her breast. “So, how is it being with everyone else?”

“Everyone else is small. Well, most everyone. Giants are all good but some could be better. All with me are like you, inside me with me also inside. Keep all safe, feeding to grow, and room to grow.”

“Alright.” I said while kissing Mama Russia. “Thank you.”

“Drink, you need to grow more, can conceive, hold and birth more babies once bigger.” She said, making me feed again.

I’m a tad scared here… I’m with Lyra… Cript’s Lyra. She was asleep, pony form, and frankly knowing what I know about here… kinda worried.

“What sort of fresh hell am I going to endure here…” I muttered worriedly.

I remember talking to her a few times, she was nice, but still, how will this be? Does she have… activities planned? 

"Well...let's hope nothing bad happens…" I muttered while softly nuzzling Lyra.

She began stirring awake. I stiffened a bit as she woke up, yawning. "Hey there King." She said, stretching.

"How you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Pretty good. I've replicated that wife vending machine so that's got it's own factory. Rooms are being made here as fast as everyone is trying out new fetishes and sex stuff, and the children are being concived and born just as fast as everything. All in all, life is good."

"Cool." I said honestly.

"So, how goes your stuff?" She asked, hopping out of the bed and over to the fridge.

"A lot of stuff to do, but it's coming along." I said honestly.

"That's good." She said, looking through the fridge. "So, how many kids you got already?"

"I...don't think the numbers go that high." I said sheepishly.

"You been fucking? You fucking with other with other Starfish clones this very moment constantly? Then yeah, numbers are high." She said, using her magic to pull out a container filled with what looked like jerky. She then climbed back up, opening it. The jerky was yummy smelling and she then gave me half. 

"Yeah...I do it a lot." I said sheepishly while eating some jerky.

As we sat and ate the really tasty jerky, she laid down on her back. "So, what are you expecting of me?" She asked.

"I don't know but I'm concerned about what might happen." I said honestly.

"That depends, what do you think I'll do to you?"

"I don't know and it worries me." I said nervously. "Knowing what I do know about can see why I'm nervous."

"Heh. Don't worry, you will enjoy it. I can confidently say that much." Lyra said, growing a small smile.

“And...what is that?” I asked nervously.

"Everything. Well, most everything, there are some fetishes I don't touch because of the obvious. Some I invent my clean alternative to play with."

“And then there’s what I don’t want to do.” I said simply.

"Oh King sweetie, if I did only the things you want to do to you, then I'd only be doing like… five, six things at most."

“Let’s not get too weird at least please.” I said nervously.

Sixteen hours… she did so...much… for sixteen straight hours. I'm not sure how but she did get me to enjoy all of it. And yes, it did get weird but never extreme weird at least. Needless to say, I'm soaked in sweat, lube, sexual juices, and various food products. I can't feel anything and while I am laying on my belly unable to move she is resting her head on my side with a happy smile.

"So, ready for round two?" Lyra asked.

“Bitch that was sixteen hours of everything you could think of.” I frowned.

"No, that was sixteen hours of not getting too weird and stuff you would not put up too much of an argument against. Besides, I have yet to cum."

"Lyra?" Cript asked me, while I clutched them in our personal room. He saw the look on my face and took a guess.

“Never again.” I shivered. “Seriously, the fuck?”

"Didn't get her to cum?"

"Sixteen hours of stupid crap that felt good...then she wanted round 2."

"Heh, yeah… Lyra can hold back her own need to orgasm very well. Like self imposed cum denial. The trick with Lyra to get her cumming is to be rough. And King, when I say rough I mean don't just use your body weight in your thrusts, don't just clench on her when she is thrusting you, put actual power into it, like all of it, don't even worry about breaking her hips or clenching her dick off, you won't. And above all else, make sure to bite her ears, and again, don't worry about breaking skin, just but like you're biting Vilgax's head off. She also likes it when you rutt and put fingers in her mouth and open hole, set your body's semin rate to max, she loves that, and if you really want to prove to her you can make her cum, use some l, no, use all the Electronium skills I know you learned off screen to trigger her whole body's nervous system into an overdrive of pleasure sensations. Like what I did to you when we first screwed. Do that and she will be cumming well before you blow a load."

"So...half of my fetishes to the extreme?" I asked.

"And the rest AND all of what she did to you, do to her. No holds bars, give her back what she gave to you and all the extra you can add to it."

“Sounds...simple enough.” I said, “Good to know…”

"If you told me you were gonna do it with Lyra beforehand I would have told you this sooner."

“Would have loved to know I was going there to begin with, but the writers just wanted to do that for funsies.” I sighed out.

“Hey, at least you know what you got into with her now.”

Moving along to the others I found myself in the tight, coiled body of Heart, who was wrapped around me very tightly.

“Well hello there.” I said gently to Heart.

“Hey~” They said. The way they were wrapped around me left just my toes and head outside of their body, the rest was tightly kept in their wrapped hug.  And Heart still had enough length left to be able to lay atop me while wrapped up. “Like the full body hug?”

“I always enjoy a full body hug.” I said lovingly.

“Paperwork sucks.” They said, They laid down in front of me, their grip on me not loosening as they looked bored. “I mean, I used to actually enjoy it! Used to… make me feel normal, but now that I’ve actually accepted myself and my life… it’s boring…”

“I’re just weird for finally realizing paperwork is boring.” I said honestly.

Heart blew me a raspberry. “Anyway, once that was over I went into some of the dungeons we have here in the safe rooms. Yes we have that too. Hunting realm, Dungeons realm, many bedrooms/sex realm. AKA where we are now. Plainly, and found out something cool about how I can summon weapons.”

“Oh? How can you summon weapons?” I asked curiously.

“Well, aside from the normal, like this.” Heart showed me as the tips of Keyblades emerged from their arm, three, an Oblivion, Pumpkin Head, and Stroke of Midnight tips. “But… it’s not limited to Keyblades.” They then made a fist, three of Fondure’s knives appearing out like Wolverine’s claws.

“Okay, that’s cool.” I said honestly. “Wonder if I can do that...I know I can do it spikes with my Den Mother ability…” I said in thought.

“Well in any way I can have Sky Splitter and Lunatic at my tail, Frozen Pride across my back, and Foudre along my knuckles and fingers. Not sure about the others, I was actually hoping you could teach me to use them so I can find where along my body and in what combinations I can bring them out in for the best results.”

“It’s going to take me a bit to teach you everything cause...honestly there’s still plenty of stuff I don’t know about.” I said honestly. “But I know we’ll work through it all.”

“I’d like that. So, Eclipsa tell you about our pet play and her… ‘special’ cage?”

“No and no...sadly we haven’t talked as much as I’d like.” I said sadly.

“Oh, so you really didn’t read that chapter then.” Heart said with a shrug.

“I skimmed it. I’ve been busy with a lot of things.” I said honestly. “You know, one of the things being finding time lines that can help us out, even if Cript’s plan is to do my job but instead of cherry picking he’s just throwing a sledge hammer through a wall made of glass.”

“Heh, sounds about right. So, skipped the sex scene then. That explains it.”

“A little.” I said honestly. “Sorry, but I did find an interesting world in my time traveling, but the Time Walkers told me ‘no’ for some reason.” I said honestly.

“Huh. Odd. Well, I’d offer you to check out Eclipsa’s special cage, but Kexez told me about your things with vore so I won’t unless you want to.”

“I know I know.” I said honestly. “And even though I may ‘enjoy’ whatever the fuck Lyra forced me to do, it’s still not my cup of tea.” I shivered. “Seriously, Lyra makes Rune look Vanilla…”

“Heh. Well if you warm up to it, just ask. Again, if, not, not forcing stuff. That aside, find any really weird timelines?”

“Did I tell you about the timeline where the Foretellers made everyone do a dance off to settle the war?” I asked curiously. “That was weird.”

Heart laughed. “God. That’s just… wow. Any fucked up timelines?”

“Every glitch…” I said slowly. “The one where people became Void Corrupted Nothingness Zombies? That was the best outcome...but there was this one that I hope to god stays dead…” I sighed out. “So you know how I’m basically the Batman of our group?” I asked Heart.

“Hmm… Don’t see it.”

“Being the smartest person in the room, hyper paranoid, having plans and contingencies for damn near everything?” I pointed out.

“... Nope, You don’t have a cave, a crazy smart butler, your own special car, you’re wolf themed, you have weapons but no actual gadgets, I’ll give a pass on the super computer as it’s on your arm/in your head. I mean both your chip X and Symbi. And lastly, you don’t have an alien rival you either hate or have competitions with depending on incarnations.”

“Okay now your just getting into semantics at this point.” I brought up. “But anyways...the timeline that I don’t want to the timeline where I just don’t care anymore…” I said sadly. “Everyone...either long since dead, turned into Deathless and tortured for Eternity, always doing something new to make the pain never stop...or worse…”

"Ouch." Heart said, looking at me. "Well, that's not this timeline. Besides, if we all end up deathless, at least, us here we will always have each other."

“Yeah…” I sighed out. “But mind if I talk about some Timelines the Time Walkers don’t want me adding to this realm?” I asked curiously. “It’s actually interesting.”


“Both timelines have people like us, the whole ‘Mayan Test’ thing, brought to Equestria by God with powers.” I said honestly.

"And the catch is?"

“The catch?” I asked curiously.

"Well, there has to be more of a reason other than just that as to why they would not want that added to this timeline."

“Well one is that both worlds don’t have Keyblades, like at all.” I said honestly. “Discord explained that it’s more of a ‘wall of reality’ type deal with one of the universes, and the other I haven’t looked too much into it sadly, but it’s less ‘wall of reality’ and more...I’d say a select portion of the Void?” I guessed.

"Are you making a reference?"

“A reference to what?” I asked curiously.

"I dunno. My fourth wall breaking doesn't reach that far." Heart shrugged. 

“Eh, either way.” I said honestly. “But yeah, both worlds look like they could join, but the Time Walkers have barred me from doing anything with it...I suppose that’s for the best now that I think about it.”

"Eh. So, explore any dungeons? I got to explore some from a video game I remember fondly as a kid with Eclipsa. Was fun."

“Sadly I haven’t, given I’ve been trying to do the Heroes Tomb mostly.” I shrugged. “Had to spend months because of the fusions.”

"Huh. What was yours and Kexez like?"

“That would be Kix.” I said honestly. “She’s nice, nowhere near as big or ‘motherly’ as Russia, but she’s sweet and a bit of a cuddle bug.”

"Heh. Cute. What about us then?"

“No idea.” I shrugged. “Want to fuse?”

"Well, yeah. Sounds fun. The king of Nothingness and the king of Hearts fused into one being. Sounds like fun."

“Alright.” I nodded with a smile. “Wonder how well it’ll work…”

Heart uncoiled around me, and sat me up as we had a passionate kiss.

Woah… woah, okay, okay… this is neat. Let's see here. Four arms, snake half, no legs, fair enough. Still eight breasts, oh hey. I'm blue and grey along my fur and scales, nice. Heh, heart shaped nipples, kinda funny and cool. Definitely huge, this room feels kinda small now. Also broke the bed… nice.

“Well someone’s going to need to fix that.” I said while stretching out. “This is nice.”

I felt relaxed, happy over all and kinda lazy.

“King of Hearts and Nothingness, super happy but lazy...sounds about right.” I said while groping myself to see how big I was in the front and back.

Unlike Heart I do have an ass to fuck, definitely way bigger than King's, and front wise I got two. Not as big as King but big enough. Overall I was big and busty.

“Big and busty, just how I like it.” I purred happily.

The room started to self fix and expand itself for me to fit comfy in here. Now even the bed was large enough to hold me uncoiled.

“Nice.” I said with a smile. “That’s pretty handy.”

I lazily fell back on myself. I noticed my Assistant beep.

Blood Sample Acquired. Generating new rooms and Starfish clones. Editing current room Occupants

Suddenly, Heart and King fell onto my mattress sized breasts.

"Wow that is cozy." Heart said, coiling up to hug one of her massive boobs.

“Yes it is.” I said warmly. “I’ve always liked this, big soft titties.”

"Happy to oblige." Our fusion said, grabbing us each in their hands and pressing us a bit more into their boobs. Not that Heart or I minded. She let us go, moving us both between her top cleavage. "So, what should my name be? A good mix between King and Heart?"

"How about… Ring? R from my name, and Ing from King." Heart offered.

"I like that actually. Ring. Ehehe. So what's a giant girl like me gonna do to a bunch of tiny hotties like you?" Ring asked playfully.

"I can think of one." I said while groping one of her breasts.

"Hmm… Well, I guess this is our room, so I can Indulge in something I know you have been wanting, King." She picked us up, placing us in the bed before dropping herself chest down on us. Squishing us under her massive breasts. "Hehe, enjoying that?" She asked, moving in small rotations but never getting us Heart or I.

“This is nice.” I said softly. “Nice big boobs.”

As I enjoyed being squished under massive Cleavage for about a good hour, Ring eventually got off of us, resting on her side next to us. "So King?" She asked me.

“Yes?” I asked curiously. “Is something up?”

"Just wondering, given your thing with vore, if you want to, what variations would you wanna try first? I'm part Floof Noodle after all and being part you my own… thing is a tad odd."

"Sounds about right." Heart said, who was laying belly down looking quite relaxed.

“What do you mean by ‘a tad odd’?” I asked curiously.

"Well, being part you makes me feel a bit awkward thinking about it. And being part Heart/Floof Noodle makes me wanna do it. Conflicts of mentality and biology I guess."

“You do you, you are your own person.” I said honestly. “So what did you have in mind?” I asked, wanting to help them with their whole thing even if I’m not a fan of it.

"Well my existence is based on you two as a foundation. Anyway while I am okay with normal stuff, ya know, swallowing, I wanna try something different. Not too crazy though so… care to get inside my boobs?" Ring asked shyly.

"I wanted to make a joke... but I lost it." Heart said.

“Sounds about right.” I nodded. “So...we breast vore...haven’t done that yet.”

"Neither have I. I mean, I unbirthed Eclipsa and threw in Tentical umbilical cords for fun, and it was. That's her Good Girl cage by the way. But breast vore is a new one."

Oh so that's what they did.

“I’ve been unbirthed once, and not doing that again...and then the other” I shook my head.

"Firstly, at least give unbirth a second chance. No umbilical cord tentacles MR. Vanilla." Heart said with a laugh. "Secondly, if you do, I won't go that far with you."

“Alright alright.” I said honestly. “So...we're doing this now?”

"If it's not a bother?" Ring asked.

"Not like we're doing much else at the moment." Heart said.

“Alright, so onto feeling the inside of someone’s titties.”

"Hopefully nice." Ring said.

"And milky." Heart added. "So, who's first and through which nipple?"

“That sounded weird...but I’ll go first…” I said. “And whichever one is the bigger cause...well my size.”

"Well, compared to you my breasts are mattresses to you...hmm." Ring then felt each of her breasts, all look and appear to be the same size. She grabbed me, holding me up to her left nipple on her top set. "Ready." She said.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I said honestly.

"Oh so you saw Tangled too?" Heart asked.

I gave a laugh before carefully placing a hand over the small hole in the large tit. Milk flowing from it already in a trickle.

“Alright, so just gotta fit myself here…” I muttered while trying to fit into  Ring’s breast. My hand went in easy enough. This also made the milk spill out much faster. It was a little tight but once my arm got halfway in I felt an opening, my hand sloshing in the milk within Rings boob. Talk about from the tap, this takes that on steroids. I slid my other arm in. So far so good. Soaked in milk but that's not bad.

"Doesn't feel bad. Tingles a bit but thankfully doesn't hurt." Ring said.

"It's kind of like that time in the spa when I was in that milk bath." I said honestly.

"Sounds relaxing." Heart said.

With both arms in and hands holding the admitably slippery inner walls of Ring's breast, I rapidly shoved my head in, and in a rapid motion pulled myself inside. Once in I was met with a small stretchy opening filled with milk, not even enough for air, then again I don't actually need air, or to breath. It was a lot like being underwater, only all white and I actually can't see anything because of it. So I did the only logical thing, and drank. Swallowing mouthfulls of milk til there was enough room for an air pocket. Once there I opened my eyes. In a way, this was not that different than a belly, only filled with and endlessly producing milk, milk that seemed to drip from the very walls from what I can see.

"How is it?" I heard Heart call from above me outside the breast.

"Fine." I said honestly.

"Lots of milk?"

"All the milk." I said honestly. "It's nice in here."

"Cool. I'll slip in the other nipple then. Guess we'll stay there a bit then."

"If you want." I said honestly.

I had to admit, this wasn't bad at all. Nicer than being in a stomach actually and Kexez has made me see those as pretty damn comfy. The milk was nice, above warm but not quite hot, smelled, and tasted, fantastic, and above all taking a nap in here was easy… when Ring wasn't moving around too much.

In a belly, it's more stable when they move l, only really feel it when they move really fast, in a bouncy, squishy boob, every little movement tosses me around and splashes the milk around. Walking seems fine, or slithering, in Ring's case, but to be honest I didn't mind that much. Was almost like a bounce house. A milk flooded bounce house.

"This is nice." I said softly.

Some hours passed and all I did while in here was nap, drink milk, and relax. Wonder what the spa's take on this would be? Do they even do this as a spa treatment? Likely.

"Wonder who I'll meet up with next?" I hummed.

I decided to stay there for a while as it was surprisingly therapeutic. The next family member I was with was Celestia. Not mine, nor Heart's, and definitely not Eclipsa's, she isn't even in this family. This was Cript's, one of Cript's Celesta's. I've seen her around too. Anthro, really sexy body, but I always noticed her horn and wings were missing.

“Hello.” I said gently to the pony. “How are you doing?”

She woke up. Her attire wasn't typically pijamas, it was closer to a typical blouse. "Hey. We haven't had the chance to meet properly have we?" She asked me as she sat up.

“Not yet.” I said honestly. “But how are you doing?”

"Good. Heh, I'm sure you can guess, my name is Celestia. You're King, right?"

“Yes I am.” I nodded. “Um...I’m sorry to ask but uh...where’s your horn and wings?” I asked sheepishly.

"Oh, that? Heh, everyone asks that at first. Don't feel nervous about it. But to answer that question I have to ask you a question."

“Ask away cause...honestly this isn’t the first time I’ve seen an Alicorn without their horn or wings.” I said honestly.

"Well, you ever hear of this short lived porn comic called Fall of Equestria?"

“Say nothing more.” I started. “I’ve already found like...three of those worlds in my travels…” I growled as I hugged Celestia closer to me protectively.

"Heh, I've largely moved on. Mine might have been just as or worse than others. Cript found my world while traveling. Took us all in after what can basically be described as a gender genocide. Erased all the children's memories and all of us were taken into the family. We healed here… and stayed. Home wasn't home anymore and frankly, even if I did go back, I can never look at the place the same again."

I softly nuzzled Celestia. “I’m still sorry you...had to endure that horridness…”

"Hey, I can at least have sex without PTSD, So that's a win. All in all it reminded me of something I was told when I became an alicorn. I never truly realized what it meant until those days." She then looked over at me. "No being of flesh and bones, no matter how strong, can truly be a God."

“But you’re just as beautiful as one.” I pouted.

"Har har. Either way, I'm happy with my life here. I spend a lot of my free time either with the kids or helping Cript with his projects."

“I wasn’t joking, and that’s good.” I nodded gently. “But that doesn’t stop me from cuddling you a lot...even if you already passed it one should have to deal with that crap…”

"Yeah. So, wanna know a pastime Cript does. Kinda relates to the conversation."

“Sure.” I nodded. “I would love to know.”

She them pulled out some paper and wrote down address coordinates. Some place in space it seems. "Cript will be there. Bond there, bond here. Now then, let's watch some movies."

The location Celesta sent me too was an unmoving asteroid. Around it were a crap ton of planets, and Cript was here looking at them all. "You met Celestia?" They asked without looking at me.

"Yes, yes I did." I nodded. "So...she told me to come here for some reason."

"These worlds. All of them, share one thing in common. Guess what that is."

"What would that be? Cause I could take a guess from who sent me here."

"Yup. All of them. Not all are Equestrias, but all share that same theme. Figure it's time to both get rid of them, but also test something out."

"Oh Jesus…" I muttered. "But how are you going to purge the world's?"

Cript summoned a weapon, tossing it to me. It was close to Second Chance, but had a different design, a mix of Second Chance, something else, and… Darkest Hero, yeah, the eyes along the blade match Cript's famous Soul Blade. "I call it Salvation. A combination of Second Chance, Love Struck, and my soul blade Darkest Hero. Yesterday, Heart went to the front lines, and we had a quick talk about how best to piss Vincent off."

"I thought we weren't allowed in the front lines?" I brought up, carefully swinging the blade to test it's weight. "But yeah I remember hearing about this."

"In short, Vincent doesn't care about the death toll his side takes, ours either. So, rather than kill, we saved. Yesterday Heart and I, using Second Chance on Nexus agents, even Spoiled's clones, two thousand new babies. Void beasts and even machines, Love Struck. Six hundred and twenty two new additions to the family. Could only imagine that call on the radio."

"Oh boy that's hilarious." I chuckled.

"Was fun too. After that, I began work on that with Lord. It works. Small tests but this will be the Grand test to see if it will hold up for when I break time. Give it one… full powered swing. I'll hold the barrier up from turning everyone here into babies or sexy ladies." Cript chuckled.

"Alright." I said while taking a deep breath and charging all the way up to full power. "Grand Cross…" I muttered before raising the weapon and swinging as hard as I could towards all the world's.

The way it felt to release a full power blast like that was… indescribable. The blastwave went off faster than my eyes could see. The only sign it even happened was all the planets glowing faint pink before dying down after a while. Once all the residual energy of it died down, Cript checked their Assistant. "Heh. Worked. 98.6 Centillion new children. 908.4 sextillion new wives. And the special ability worked too."

“How many worlds were there christ…” I said in surprise.

"Honestly, no idea. I ran a Script to gather up every world like, well, Fall of Equestria and various variations, so not sure how many actually. Either way, the ability worked. That was the important part."

“Well...alright.” I nodded. “Well...good to save all those people.”

"Yeah. The tool for my plan is working."

“Which is a good thing.” I nodded. “The more lives we save the better.”

"And piss off Vincent Royally." Cript said with a laugh. They took Salvation. Using code and making a copy, tossing it back to me. "Keep it. I'm gonna send one for Heart and Eclipsa. If you do want to fight on the front lines, head up to my workshop, got something I'm giving to you three each."

“Cool.” I nodded. “And I’ll be there quickly cause I would like to fight on the front lines for once...but again, isn’t going to the front lines what they want?” I asked curiously.

"To kill, to slaughter. Now, we will save… dad let his title as one of the Admins of Life rott. Be it Salvation or Darkest Hero, I will shove a blade through his heart and make sure he never gets back up."

“Oh so uh…” I sighed out. “I’m pretty sure Vincent is trying to date Dinky...don’t know how when the bastard’s still alive and old.” I growled.

"Wait… where, how, and who?"

“He’s a senior in the school that Dinky goes to, his name is Connor and...I have no idea. I’m probably overreacting by an asston but…” I said nervously. “From what little I’ve learned about the Admin of LIfe…”

"Not Vincent's style to hide that way." Cript said, checking his Assistant. "I think I found him, if his social media has anything to say, yeah this is him. Hmm… I'll need to see it for myself. Follow." Cript said, opening a portal. The other side was a kinda dirty college dorm where the person Dinky described sat at the books. Cript flicked the back of his head, and he was out like a light. "Alright then Conner, who are you?"

“I’m so sorry if I’m just overreacting…” I muttered, hoping this won’t lead to Dinky hating me or anything.

Cript tapped Conner's unconscious head. Code flowing up as he analyzes it. "Hmm…"

“What do you see?” I asked nervously.

"Well, it's Vincent's code. Code and genetics work very similar, but at the same time the section for identity has been overwritten. Vincent is there, but Conner has been placed in charge. Like Reincarnation… Vincent had to have… died for this to happen. Oh my God… King, you know what this means?"

“Vincent’s been doing time travel shenanigans cause while he’s still alive, you killed him a while ago?” I asked. “Or that whenever a new Admin of Life appears, there always has to be an Admin of Evil near their age?”

"I… thought I didn't… I figured it was a Starfish clone… but, if it was a Time Remnant, that could explain it also. Which also means… as of now there are three Admins of Life. Conner, Dinky, and Vincent. There can only be two. So if Dinky and Conner still hold those Admin titles… what does that make Vincent now?"

“I don’t know...and that sucks that I don’t know.” I said worriedly.

"If this Vincent is a time Remnant, then… does Nexus have Speedsters in Nexus?"

“I’m pretty sure they do.” I sighed out. “Given Nexus has been doing this crap forever they must have damn near anything at their disposal.”

"In that case yeah, a Remnant isna high likelihood. If I did kill Vincent and he was reborn as Conner, then the Time Remnant took up where Vincent basically left off. In that case killing this Vincent… he can't reincarnate. That's why he isn't leaving the Void Mother's protective field. He dies, no second tries."

“That’s great news.” I said honestly. “But...even though I’m being way too hopeful...can Connor be a decent person even if he’s Dinky’s opposite?”

"That's it, their code is… not opposite, they're identical. There are differences in certain aspects but I can't make heads or tails of it. It's almost more like they're literally two jigsaw puzzle pieces kept apart from one another."

“Huh...that’s...concerning.” I said nervously.

"It makes sense, but why did they come into existence like that anyway?"

"To keep balance in life?" I wondered. “Cause right now Dinky didn’t have her ‘other half’ cause Vincent’s either too old or technically died.”

"Maybe. Either way, this gives us something to work with."

“Well...let’s just hope for the best.” I said. “But the moment he tries to hurt Dinky, I swear…” I growled.

"He won't. Not if Vincent isn't part of this life." Cript said, looking through his assistant. Once they found it, I saw it was what looked like a glass sphere of sorts, but I could tell it wasn't. I felt my very code go on edge.

“We will never let Vincent touch Connor right?” I asked.

"We'll never let Vincent get out either. Or never give him the chance." Cript said. Conner's code still open and visible, he placed the orb over a line of code that was well faded. The code started getting drawn into the orb, Conner shook a lot til all of the faded code was gone. Cript then closed it all up. "Reincarnation for Admins is a lot like for normal people it seems, memories and Personality of the prior life is just saved as data. This orb holds Vincent's memories and Personality. Now, we just uncode it. Never imagined I'd put this thing to use."

“Before you do…” I started. “How about we look at every single little detail that bastard knows, and then use it against him and Nexus, cause he’s basically Void Mother’s right hand man in all of these Cycles right?”

"Likely yes. And what do you think I meant by uncoding it? This is an old Admin Artifact. A code prison. Thankfully it's highly customizable. Still, only two of these are left in existence, Lord has the other one and I used this one. Can't replicate them either. Lord's tried, one of the few old trinkets above his skill level."

“Until you break time and we find the Admin of Artifacts.” I said honestly. “Seriously, I’m pretty sure when you break time we’ll find the person who made all the Admin Maguffins.”

"There were a lot of Admins who all made various artifacts. So we don't even know who made this. Come on now, off to my workshop."

“Alright, let’s get going then.” I nodded.

To be continued...