Equestria Girls: Symbol Of Undying Love

by vortex123

So…I guess this is happening now


???’s POV

I had had a gut feeling that I wasn’t going to like this before, and that gut feeling was proven right. Not 2 seconds after I opened a random door, I heard a bang, and felt a spike of pain in my shoulder. Not 3 seconds after that, I heard another bang, this time whatever it was had missed. Fully opening the door, I saw a man in a SWAT suit. We just stared at each other in silence, taking each other’s presence in. Slowly putting my hands…claws, on each of my fingers and thumbs, there was a glowing white claw on the end. A quick check of my feet showed the same white claws, and a tail that looks like it’s from a wolf. Even with my amnesia, I could tell none of that was right. Wait, this isn’t important right now, back to the situation at…claw? Claw. I slowly raise my claws in a none threatening way, as none threatening as someone with claws could anyway.

“H-h-hey buddy~.“ I say as sweetly as I can with the pain in my shoulder. “W-why don’t you put that thing away? We could have a nice simple conversation without the hostility!” I added, not wanting to get hurt again. He just stared at me, dumbfounded.

“…This is a Ruger 10/22 rifle, how are you not screaming in pain?” She asked in shock, her voice giving her gender away, the one she was born with anyway.

“It’s pretty rude to want to cause someone else pain. I haven’t even done anything to you.” I huff, she just scoffed.

“Abominations like you are nothing but trouble. When God created us, he never intended for SOUL stealing creatures like YOU to walk this earth! All servants of the devil need to be purged from this world, and sent back to the hell from whence they came!” She yelled.

Unknown location

2nd POV

“Who is she?” Sunset asked, watching the live recording as employees went to gather the necessary items for familiar summoning. The man groaned while facedesking.

“Someone from that magic purging cult, I believe I’ve told you about them.” He said. Sunset gave a deep sigh.

“Yes, you have. While I can't remember their actual name, I do remember you saying that they had a deep hatred for magic, and those connected to magic. They are the cause of things like those Witch Hunts and Witch Trials." Sunset said.

"Correct, thankfully they're only big threats to people as powerful as me on their own turf, they're not much threat in my turf though. At least, as long as she remains asleep, that is…" He said, muttering the last sentence.

"Huh?" Sunset asked in confusion.

"It's nothing. Anyway, I was planning to send 4v3s to kill them anyway, might as well have her kill any cultist that she finds in the facilities she's gonna visit." He said, already typing a message.

"'4v3s'?" Sunset asked. The man just shrugs.

"Need to have SOMETHING to call her besides subject, at least until she remembers her name, or earns me telling her." He responded with a shrug.


4v3s POV

"SOUL stealing? Seriously!?" I asked. "That's a pretty big stretch, don't you think?"

"Don't try to trick me. You and every other magic user shouldn't be in this world." She stated.

"What's your problem with magic users?" I asked in shock. She stared at me for a moment, then slightly lowers the gun.

"Let's start from the beginning, the Tyrant and the mad Queen. Back when the Tyrant was simply a new king, he used his twisted magic to cause fear and hatred to spread through his own subjects, and caused friends and families to turn on each other. The Queen ignored her duties as ruler, and allowed him to run amok unchecked. And by the time she decided to step in, many men, women and children were killed in the king turned tyrant's rampage. The Queen then decided to do something immoral. Long before even their reign, there existed a race known as Monsters, but they died out due to unknown causes. The Queen decided to make replicas of that dead race. Do you understand? She made artificial SOULs and put them in magical golems, but stripped them of their free will. Sure they acted like they had individuality, but the Queen made sure they couldn't disobey their masters. And this plan, as horrible as it was, worked amazingly well. Then the tyrant decided to one-up her. He forced every human who sided with the Queen, into horrific forms, and intended to use them as slaves. Though something went wrong, apparently a highly respected Chimaera was the cause of that." She explained.

"…What happened after that?" I asked, a little unnerved.

"The creatures got their revenge on the tyrant, but some of them weren't satisfied. After all, they were now much more powerful then the humans, why should they act like they were on the same level as those weaker beings. And from that point, a new era began, an era the Humans now call, the dark ages. Sure some of those creatures helped the humans, but who can say if it was for a benevolent reason, seeing as how some of them actually were a means to an end. Some would use their help as an excuse to make some humans indebted to them, using them as livestock or something else just as depraved, even to this day." She answered. I didn't know how to respond to that for a few moments, then I spoke my mind.

"T-that's insane! What proof do you have to back all that up!?" I challenge her. She's quiet for a moment, then answered.

"I have proof, it's called a mirror." She said, simply. "Or were you just staring at your claws and tail in shock for no reason?" She asked. I didn't have an answer. "You have any memories before coming here?" She asked. I didn't have an answer for that either. "At any point since you've woken up, has your body done anything you didn't want it to do, without you telling it to?" She asked. Again, I had no answer. She let out a sigh. "How did your body look and feel when you woke up?"

"…I was incredibly weak, and I looked like I hadn't eaten anything in a while. I was so dehydrated that one sip of water made me go crazy. And I felt a spike of pain in my neck when I woke up." I answered. She was silent for a moment, before letting out another sigh.

"You know, for what it's worth, I don't actually hate you. After all, you're just another victim in this fucked up situation. I won't ask for forgiveness, because this is your life we're talking about. And I won't ask you to let this happen, because I know the moment I raise my gun, you'll be forced into another frenzy. The only reason why I acted like that, was to distance myself. Ever heard of LV? It’s an acronym for LOVE. LOVE, too, is an acronym. It stands for ‘Level of Violence.’ A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt. The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. The more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt. I don’t wanna do this, but at the end of the day, being an adult means doing things you may not like, for the betterment of those around you. While I am robbing you of your life, at least your suffering will end, that’s one of the reasons I took this job in the first place. May you find the peace robbed from you in this life, in your next life, hopefully in a world where this will no longer be a possibility to happen to anyone.” She finished. I’m too stunned to say anything. After a moment, she points her gun at me. The moment she does, I lose control of my body, and let out a deafening roar.