7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S3 Chapter 8: Ditching the Cord.

-Xavier's Recap-

Rainbow Dash stayed at the Wonderbolts Academy for about two weeks before coming home. She had written everyone letters, and I'd open the ones sent to me in front of Scoots as I had not-promised. Although some of them I had to stop reading and cover her eyes. When she came home, Dash and I were almost inseparable for a while. By that I mean her always being around and sticking close, and even going as far as to ask Luna to hang out in my dreams. Sure I get bathroom breaks but that's about it. Using her tired wings as an excuse to piggy back was kinda cute though, and I'm not the only one that thinks so. I didn't mind it too much, however, as I did enjoy the company and she had a lot of stories to tell along with a few new stunts she had picked up from what she learned from the academy. I didn't want to say anything to boost her ego too much, but she could definitely surpass Spitfire in aerial acrobatics.

Considering that everything's back to normal, which is really saying something giving the stuff that usually happens around town, no issues with the town, friends and family are doing their usual thing, it seemed rather peaceful. Unfortunately, thanks to Sunbutt, it wouldn't last.

-End of Recap-

-Xavier's POV-

I woke up, good as normal, performed my morning routine and such, walked out and checked to see if anyone needed something like a roof repair or something, only to find that the only client I had today was Filthy Rich. He had requested us to help put in new fencing around his home. I suppose he wanted to support our little home business considering DT and Hiroto seems to be getting along again. I met up with Jack in the kitchen as we grabbed some bars.

"Yo, Jack. I have an idea."

"What's up?"

"Don't ya think it's past time Hiroto came along and actually did something with one of us?" I asked.

Jack thought for a moment, and considering where we were headed, he smirked. "I like how ya think. It'd be nice if there was a bit of balance between Hiroto and Diamond Tiara hangin out, while we ignore Filthy's bitchy wife. Poor guy."

"Yeah, let's not think about that. We'll just ignore the hag if she gets on our nerves too much." I stated. Jack nodded in agreement. "Should we bring Jeff?"

"Hell no." I heard from another room.

It's probably for the best. Not a good idea to put someone who's testy around someone who habitually pushes people's buttons anyway. Jack and I got our stuff to get ready, but we needed wood. Also Hiroto. Jack went up to his room to drag him out and bring him along, though he did struggle a bit.

"Come on, I said I don't wan't to go!"

"You spend the majority of your time isolated, and you're startin' to gain a bit of roundness. You could use some work." Jack said.

"I do work, thank you very much." Hiroto argued. "Just not what you would consider working. I have hobbies you know."

Jack shook his head. "So do I, but a little hard and physical work can do ya some good. Trust me."

Before Hiroto could interject, I cut him off. "Jack and I will give you a third of our earnings each if you come with us and do good work." Hiroto's eyes lit up.

Jack looked at me in shock. "We never talked about that..."

"Well, it's fair. That's if he pulls his own weight and doesn't slack off. Then he can use his bits for whatever he wants." I give Jack a few nudges and a wink. Looking at Jack's expression, he wasn't entirely on board and didn't pick up what I was throwing down fully.

"Sure, whatever." Was his response. Hiroto looked pretty motivated though, so I considered it a win.

It's been about four or five hours as we were half way done with our work. Thankfully Spoiled was away all week, and we actually were ahead. There was a lot of land to fence, but it was a pretty damn good idea bringing Hiroto along as Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara decided to help out on his end. It was a good bonding experience. Right now, it was just him and Silver as DT went back inside for something. I wasn't really paying much attention to them as I was more focused on handling my own. However, I couldn't help but notice the smell of gravy.

"Xavier! Ya gotta help us!" Dash exclaimed, tugging on my sleeve.

"What? Ya didn't save any mashed potatoes for me after havin some?" I feigned complaint. "Woulda been nice."

Dash stopped tugging on my sleeve before looking around at the work before smiling sheepishly. "Oh. Heheh, sorry. I'll getcha lunch next time-wait!" She snapped out of it. "Look! The girls and I seriously need you right now!"

"Seriously serious?" I asked, skeptic.

"Seriously serious!"

"Why so serious?" I asked.

"It's Discord! He's back!! A-and causing trouble at Fluttershy's!" She panicked.

I raised an eyebrow. Isn't he that weird bendy snake guy that was turned to stone after being Shoryuken'd?.

"I wonder how that happened."

"The Princess brought him here this morning and told us that we need to get him to behave!" She started.


"And if he didn't, we'd use the Elements of Harmony against him again."

"Go on."

"But he's nearly impossible to deal with! He even poured gravy on me!"

"And you smell pretty good too." I replied, smirking, causing Rainbow Dash to groan.

"Ugh! Xavier, I'm serious! Fluttershy just refuses to use the elements against him and without her, it's pointless!"

I folded my arms and looked at her. "And what exactly is it do you expect me to do?"

"I dunno, maybe you could beat him up or knock him out again?" She asked, now unsure.

Once again, using the Damon Gant stare, I had to ask. "You do realize I had the element of surprise last time? Not to mention that's all I got against the guy. Magic immunity is pretty much the only trump card I can play against him."


"Not to mention, the guy who surprise attacked him showing up to beat him up again isn't necessarily gonna help with getting Sunbutt what she wants, but the exact opposite." I explained.


"Also I'm hungry."

Dash gave a frustrated groan. "Fine! If I get you lunch, will you help?!"

"A way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but I'm in the middle of somethin, and I don't really wanna bail on Jack and Hiroto." I pointed to the two, the later was working while chatting up with his two friends.

Dash let out an exasperatd sigh. "Ugh! If I help you with this, will you help us with Discord?!"



"Fine, fine. You help me with this, and I'll help you get a handle on your dragon goat snake eagle monster." I really didn't feel like putting up with the guy, but you know what they say, a happy waifu is a happy laifu.

"Great! What do you need done around here?" She asked, looking around before pausing. "Wait a minute... Why are we at Diamond Tiara's place? And why is Hiroto here? He's not exactly the 'manual labor' type."

I had filled her in on what we were doing. We were nearly done, but she gave a sly smirk on one of the reasons why Hiroto was brought there.

"Very clever monkey boy. Hiroto keeps those girls happy, Scoots and the fillies won't have to put up with them." She chortled.

Funny enough, I had completely forgotten them being bullies.

With Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara and Dash's assistance, we've finished the job hours earlier than planned. Dash seems to've enjoyed herself while helping me out. Her presence did make things more interesting for me too to be honest. Discord had slipped her mind as she had since stopped bothering me about it, though we were about to get something to eat anyway. We were putting the equipment away when I could hear Hiroto talking to his girls about how batteries work.

"Yeah, with batteries, you don't need to constantly have wires that attaches to a power source. The batteries are the power source."

The girls seemed amazed, but it was what he said next that landed me in hot water.

"You can pretty much just ditch the cord."

I could see Rainbow Dash freeze.

Ditch the cord...

"DISCORD! Xavier we gotta go!"



I turned away to let Jack know that I was leaving before Dash wrapped her legs around me. I was jolted into the air with enough force that I left a shoe behind. Having a Rainbow Dash jetpack wasn't on my wish list. I gritted my teeth as I made note to talk to her about this later.

We found ourselves at a lake by Fluttershy's cottage when I saw that guy. Yeah, the snake goat dragon thing. It didn't seem to notice Dash and I dropping in. Maybe if we're quiet, I can stay hidden and observe hi-

"Hey Discord! We may not be able to use the Elements of Harmony on you, but there's no way you're gonna mess with us with our friend around!" Dash yelled, setting me on the ground in front of Discord and the other girls. I held my breath as soon as she did for another reason. The girls were oddly looking at me as if they were either not expecting me to show up, or as if I wasn't supposed to be there to begin with. The later was written on Twilight's face. All but Pinkie who seems happy about me being there.

I closed my eyes in annoyance as Dash looked at me expectingly.

"Hi Eggsy!"

"So, you're here to challenge me again, aren't you, human? Xavier, they call you?" He looked downwards, trying to appear menacing.

"Hello, Q." I replied, gruntily.

Before anything can happen, Twilight stepped in. "No, he's not here to do anything." Twilight glared at Dash. "You said you were going to go clean the gravy out of your tail, not to snatch Xavier from... whatever he was doing to pit him against Discord!"

"I was finishing a job with the boys by the way."

"I didn't snatch him fro-" Dash started but was cut off by Twilight pointing a hoof at my ever so missing shoe. "...Oh..."

Not to mention I had the unfortunate circumstance of my un-shoed foot landing on sticks and rock, a former jabbing my plantar through my sock.

"BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!! LOOK AT HIS FACE!" Discord burst out laughing.

"Discord!" Fluttershy warned. "It's not nice to laugh at someone getting hurt." She started.

Twilight had trotted behind me, allowing me to sit on her back. Pulling the stick out of my sock, I looked at Fluttershy. "It's cool Fluttershy. Remember, I grew up around assholes and I still live with one. So... I'm not needed here?"

"No, you're not." Twlight answered. "But now that you're here, how about getting along with him?"

"Oh, my only beef with him was him making you girls miserable and trying to use me as a shield. That was about what, a year ago? Nah, we're cool." I told her. "He wasn't the one that dropped me there. Heheh."

Twilight had me ride on her back to a clear non-rocky not so stick-like pathway to Fluttershy's house before I got off of her. Rarity took note.

"At least I know why humans wear shoes." Rarity said.

"Oh, he'll be fine." Discord chipped in. "He's wearing socks at least."

I chuckled a bit. "If you'd like, I could take my sock off and put a few rocks in it and wack ya up side your head with it."


"Joking, Flutterbuns."

After a while of babysitting Discord, the girls and I were about to go our own ways when I was stopped by Fluttershy, her tugging on my shirt.

"Hey, Xavier? I'd like to ask you a favor."

Hm... This is odd. Usually she's a bit too timid to ask me anything.

"How can I help ya, Flutters?" I asked.

She looked at the ground before clearing her throat. "If it would be okay with you, can you spend some time with Discord? Maybe introduce him to the others?"

I furrowed my brow. "I... What?"

"I just think it'd be good for him to, you know... hang out with people on his level." She asked, giving me the puppy eyes.

"Pinkie alone sounds like she'd be more on his level than us, you know" I argued. "No thank you!" "Why dump him on us? Is it our magic immunity?"

"No! Well, yes, but.. please? For me?" She asked, really trying hard to look adorable.

"Alright alright, Fluttershy, you can cut it with the buttering me up. I'm not one of your biscuits, so quit it! Fuckin hell..." She grinned and reared up to hug me.

"Thank you so much!"

"Yeah yeah, sure but you owe me one."

And that's how I every now and then ended up stuck with Discord.