My Pet Nightshine

by TwiPON3

Chapter 8

We were glad everyone here was nice enough to help us whenever we needed, otherwise we wouldn't have found the lunchroom.

When we were at the head of the line, a yellow tree spirit with orange hair greeted us behind the counter.

"I'm Pear Butter. What'll y'all have?"

"I was told you have steak today."

"How do you want it cooked?"


She looked over the counter, "And what'll you have, little'ne?"


Discord went and fixed his plate and took a bottle of soda before leaving.

"Anything else, you two?"

Nightshine and I looked at each other, and agreed that we didn't need anything else, well maybe another to go with the first one.

"I'll be back out in a jiffy."

Once she was back getting the bloody slabs of meat, Nightshine looked at me, "Me, I can understand."

"What? We're vampires. We don't get fat, we burn in the Sun. Besides, all of the flying made me hungry. Plus I skipped breakfast."

He facehooved.

"Is he okay?" she said, setting two plates down.

"I may have destroyed his logic for a few minutes."

"Y'all are free ta go," she said, pointing to the end of the line, "Drinks are over there. Blood, soda, water, milk, sweet tea, there's a whole variety."

"Thank you," I said, grabbing my plate while Nightshine balanced his on his back.

When we got to the drinks, I was astonished at what all there was, Nightshine no less.

"A+?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said as I opened the cooler and got out a few cans, two for each of us.

"I got it, Shiny."

When we made it back to the main office, Principal Celestia sure had taken the meaning of "Good First Impression" to a new level, throwing Nightshine and myself off. What was more, Vice-Principal Luna was helping.

"Expecting anyone other than us?" Nightshine asked.

"No, not really," she said, "I just wanted you two to feel welcome."

"Well, I definately see where the 'Angel' comes in at."

Nightshine and I shared a high-five as Discord walked in behind us with Chrysalis.

"Do you have to go into full-queen-mode whenever someone comes by?"

"I'm just trying to show some hospitality."

"I wish she'd turn the 'hospitality' down a hundred notches. I can almost feel my skin cooking."

"Have this," I said, "It was made and charmed before digital watches were invented. I think it was made November 5, 1955. The watch was charmed in 1985, but a bit stronger than the ring."

"Why does that date sound familiar?" she replied, sliding it on and finding relief, "But yes, Celestia, please turn the Sun in here down."

After she dimmed the room, we all had lunch and discussed how I would transfer to Canterlot City High from a school that was essentially run by the friggin' church.

I'm the worst of all of the idiots. Worse yet, I won't actually die unless I do one of VERY few things.