Twins in Misery

by FlutterTank

I'm Sorry (Message from the Author)

Hello to the few people who might still have this collecting dust at the bottom of your Follow boxes. Recently, I've realized that I really had no good ideas for how I wanted ti carry this story. The idea was that the kids would escape with the aid of Pinkie Pie and eventually Cheaps' greed and pursuit of the children would get him killed as if it was the end of a Toy Story movie. But like I said, I didn't know what to really do with the story to make it interesting.

HOWEVER, if anyone has drawn inspiration from this idea as to find and create their own story, I will gladly hand the story over to them. You can copy and paste the manuscript into your own story or whatever you want and finish it on your own accord. I will then delete the story from my own page. All I ask is that if anyone actually carrues through with this proposition, that you credit me in a note. That is all. Thank you so much for following. I have another story planned for the future that will be easier for me to finish.

FlutterTank, logging off.