7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S3 Chapter 5: Camping Make Up

-Xavier's Recap-

Sorry to disappoint but there's not really much to recap. I lost my shit two days ago, embarrassed myself, and had my friendship and relationship saved by a supposed villain that by some miracle I'm still friends with after almost killing her. Part of me agrees with Trixie, saying I had no way of knowing the effects of just yanking Hitler's ornament off of her. Just made sense at the time, but the other part just loves to remind me of how I almost killed one of my friends. Not a very fun thing to have on your mind. Not too much happened afterwards. When Trixie was well enough again the next day, she decided to leave and continue on her journey, but not before making sure that I was completely aware that she forgives me. Bro kept his mouth shut about the entire thing, thank God. He already knows I feel like shit I guess, and all of Ponyville are treating me differently after 'seeing my true colors.' There ya have it. There's your paragraph.

-End of Xavier's Recap-

It was a different day than usual for me. That goes without saying when Jeff, the edgiest of us humans, gets more business than me. I woke up alone today. Dash is probably still pissed or something, whereas Twilight had other things to do. Fluttershy's scared of me. My morning was off to a great start already. Seeing as there wasn't any reason for me to leave the house, I had made the decision that I was gonna be a shut in for a while. Jack was out with Applejack again and the weeaboo duo were out hanging with their friends. No pony wants to see me, I don't wanna see them. Or so I thought anyway. There was a knock at the door that I wasn't going to bother answering. Shortly after, bro walked in my room.

"Someone wants to see you."

-3rd Person POV-

Somewhere in Winsome Falls, Applejack and Jack were watching over the CMC as they played around the camp. Rainbow Dash gathered firewood while Rarity headed back to Ponyville to gather snacks for everyone for another night and would be back at any minute. The CMC were playing tag and chasing each other, but it stopped when Rarity returned with more food and an unexpected guest. There were mixed reactions everywhere.

Jack waved. "Hey X."

"What's he doin' here, Rares?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow at her. Jack looked at her, shaking his head.

"Well, I just figured it'd be nice to bring him along. The only pony that bothers seeing him is Twilight."

"Yeah ah suppose that wouldn't be good fer nopony stayin' locked away in their home." AJ replied. It took Xavier by a surprise. Surely she was there that day when Xavier lost it. Rainbow Dash came back soon with more firewood and froze when she saw him there. She dropped the firewood, waved nervously and bee lined it for her tent.

"Don't you worry about her. I'm sure she'll come around soon enough." Rarity stated. Xavier shrugged without saying another word before sitting on the ground, keeping an eye on his little sibling as she played with her friends. Rarity looked at Xavier, trying to hold a smile. "Excuse me for one moment, darling."

Applejack watched as Rarity went into Dash's tent before turning her attention to Xavier. "Ya don't have ta worry 'bout me. Ah think ya had more than 'nuff." Again, Xavier was silent but nodded his head. The silence caused AJ to sigh before she went back to doing whatever she was doing.

Soon, Scootaloo and Applebloom noticed Xavier and waved. Xavier in turn waved back before they came over.

"Howdy Xavier! Ya wanna play with us?" AB asked as Jonathan was going through his bag, pulling out a football. Xavier smiled and nodded his head.


After about an hour or so of throwing a football around and watching the fillies miss every single catch (no hands), it was time for lunch. For all that running around, the little ones were pretty hungry. Applejack had brought sandwiches and apple slices which Xavier felt amused. I suppose even she knows she can't live purely off of apples. Just about everyone had gathered around to stuff their faces with the exception of Rainbow Dash.

Taking about out of his sandwich, Xavier paused. "You have got to be kidding me." Xavier mumbled at his apple-slice sandwich in disappointment. He peeked over in Dash's tent where she was and could see her peeking out at him. The heck is her deal? He grabbed a plastic wrapped sandwich and threw it into her tent, sighing. "Yare yare daze..." He didn't think of it much. For the most part he sat in silence, enjoying his little snack. He heard the sound of the unwrapping of the plastic wrap and looked at Rarity and Applejack. The former looked at Dash's tent, shaking her head.

"Ya want me ta talk to 'er?" Applejack asked. Xavier shook his head. The mares were getting a bit antsy at the lack of jokes or vocal wit coming from him and started to worry a little. Jack on the other hand paid it no mind. To him, Xavier looked fine.

And he was. He just didn't feel like talking much. Xavier was enjoying his time away from work and Ponyville. Jack was telling the CMC more about Earth, and about how his dad used to take him to Monster Truck shows when he was younger. His talking brought back Xavier's memories about when he would go with him sometimes. Thankfully footage of the first time I've been with them stayed at his house on Earth. They'd always watch it whenever I came over and laugh at me.

Looking at Dash's tent, he shook his head to himself. He figured she was still irked with him. What he didn't know, was that he couldn't be furthest from the truth.

-Xavier's POV-

Nightfall came and we had some fun telling scary stories by the campfire. Dash told hers about a headless mare, and Jonathan was telling everyone the story about a guy hearing a voice from an abandoned house.

"I gotcha, and now I'm gunna eatcha. I gotcha, and now I'm gonna eatcha!" He continued. "And then he finally got the courage to follow the voice as it grew louder. 'I gotcha, and now I'm gunna eatcha. I gotcha, and now I'm gonna eatcha.'"

I had already heard this story before. In fact, he heard it from Jack, who heard it from me. I heard it from an old friend of ours, Darion, who dropped off the radar earlier in our lives.

"He heard the voice coming from the bathtub. 'I gotcha, and now I'm gunna eatcha.' He pulled the curtains open and... there was a kid sitting there, picking his nose!" He said, gesturing to a kid picking and eating his findings. "I gotcha, and now I'm gunna eatcha!"

"Ew!" "Heheheh.."
"Really?" "Haha!"

The Jacks were laughing at the girls' reactions. Applejack asked Jack if he had a story. He thought of a good one he's heard, but one he put a little twist on.

"Okay. One night, a little boy was walking home alone. Little did know that she was being followed that night by a shady lookin guy. The boy's parents were out and they had left a note saying they left him some food in the fridge. Shortly after he ate, he heard the sound of broken glass. Someone had broken through the window."

This one was a new one. I hadn't heard it yet. Jack? Original material?

"He rushed into his room and into the closet as his stalker intruded his home. 'Come out come out wherever you are, boy.' The man followed the sounds of whimpering coming from the boy's room. The sound grew louder as he crept towards the closet. When he opened the door, he found the boy huddled facin' away from him. The man reached at the boy and..."

The girls were shaking.

"...the boy let it rip. Spicy Mexican did give him gas. The stalker passed out."

"HAHAHA!" "Goodness..."
"Oh come on!"

I slapped the back of Jack's neck. He chuckled "Why don't you tell a scary story then huh?"

"A blonde was walking through a bad neighborhood. A lot of bad things were known to happen in that area. Murders, muggery, crimes along that fashion. This one person was walking through the area alone. An easy target. A group of people followed, clearly with an intent on robbing and other dispicable acts, but then the blonde stopped. 'You thought I was some helpless blonde woman... BUT IT WAS ME, DIO!"

Bri facepalmed as Jonathan and the CMC laughed. I'm glad they're friends with weeabs to get that meme. This time, it was my turn to have my neck slapped as the mares gave confused looks.

A few joke stories between me and Jack later, everyone was getting a bit tired The Apple Jacks, Applejack, Jack, and Applebloom, had gone into their tent, Sweetie and Bri went with the former's sister while Scoots and Jonathan went into Dash's. Me, it wasn't too cold and I prefer not sleeping in crowded-in spaces, so I just stayed outside. No mosquitos, and the wasp here share sentience. I had no worries at all, so I found myself a tree, took off my jacket, covered myself and snoozed. I would say that I had slept soundly the entire night, but woke up to hoofsteps that stopped in front of me. Opening my eyes I saw Dash sitting there, frowning. However, it wasn't an angry frown, but more or less one of concern or worry.

"Somethin on your mind, Champ?" I asked, curious as to what she could want.

It took a moment of her looking around nervously before she finally managed to say something to me. "Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." I shrugged.

"I'm askin for a friend.. If their special somepony is acting different around them since, say, they yelled at them, do you think they'll be cool?" She asked, ears falling flat on her head.

I could read her like a book. This'd be a good opportunity to get back at her. "Well, being honest, it depends if they weren't avoiding their special somepony and visited him once in a while to set things straight with each other. They'd be cool. If they did avoid them, then well... I dunno. It depends."

I saw her tearing up before sighing and conceding. "It depends on if it's me or some random pony I don't know. If it were me, I might forgive 'em anyway."

"So you're not mad at me?" She asked, causing me to laugh a little.

"If anything I thought you were angry with me instead."

She shook her head. "I was, but Twilight and the others figured your heart was in the right place, and I shouldn't have turned on you like that. And now you're acting different and weird, and it was worrying everypony. What gives?"

I had to refrain from laughing and try to keep a straight face. "What if I told you that I was taking a break from trolling and telling jokes no one would get for a moment, the stories being an exception. I'm completely fine, though I do miss havin ya around."

"I know, I would too if I were you." She chuckled before moving onto my lap and resting her head on my chest. I missed this so much.

I looked over at Dash's tent and noticed something about its remaining two occupants. I took out my phone. "Anyway, I think my break is over." I nudged Dash, getting her attention before pointing to Scootaloo snoring on top of Jonny. Recieving a nod of approval from Dash, she got off of me as I went over to take the most adorable but probably the most embarrassing picture of the two ever.

They are gonna hate me for this.