Seasons of the Heart

by RoyalBardofCanterlot


Twilight breathed in.

She was actually doing this.

Twilight breathed out. Rarity hummed to herself, roses floating in her field. They were standing in a dressing room of the castle, surrounded by marble walls decorated with shields and banners inscribed with the various symbols of the Houses, most of which were solar or heavenly themed. The room was wide. Twilight's eyes shot back and forth, her throat constricting.

This was really happening. Rarity threaded the roses in her mane. The soon-to-be bride's form was covered in a white gown, the hem covered in crystals that sparkled and refracted in the light. Rarity hummed to herself, delicately placing each red flower in a crown to encircle the new princess's head. She didn't sing the words, but Twilight recognized that absolutely ridiculous coronation anthem.

A princess is before us? What sort of vapid, insipid silliness was that about? They'd re-purposed a temple hymn for the music. Her face had been on fire. To re-purpose a hymn just for her! A bead of sweat dripped down into her eyes.

She breathed again to still the beating of her heart.

"Darling, there's no need to be so nervous. This is only the reception You'll do fine, Your Highness."

Twilight's wings instinctively flared in annoyance. "Don't call me that, Rarity."

"Certainly, Your Highness."

Twilight saw Rarity's grin in the mirror and cracked one of her own. "One million years tickle dungeon."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "It's quite good you're panicking. It means your limbs have locked up in a fit of anxiety and you won't be squirming so much. Applejack is always so squirmy. Care to tell me what's on your mind?"

Twilight pawed at the purple hem of her dress. Rarity frowned. "You're going to ruin the hemline."

That was apparently the exact wrong thing to say. Twilight froze. "I'm sorry! I'm just...nervous, okay?"

"That's completely understandable. You told me about that dreadful Chrysalis. If she shows her face-"

Twilight shook her head. "I'd prefer it if she didn't cause trouble. If they could just talk. The more I think about it the more stupid it sounds."

Rarity circled her, examining her work from every angle, searching for any possible flaws. "You are the sort of Pony who believes everypony-every being-has a spark of goodness in them. That they can be redeemed. Everything in your life experience has taught you to believe exactly that."

Twilight turned and faced her friend. "What if I'm wrong? What if I made a big mistake and ruined everything?"

Rarity placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "We beat her once and after what she did to Celestia?" Her lips curled. "I'm looking forward to a rematch."

Twilight patted Rarity's hoof. "We'll face her together."

Rarity returned her hoof to the plush red carpet. "And we will win. But, I do think what you're doing is admirable for what it's worth. And if we do need to persuade Miss Chrysalis to behave we have the Elements." She levitated the golden, sapphire-adorned tiara that bore the amethyst Element of Magic, carved into the shape of a six pointed star and laid it on Twilight's head. She clapped her hooves in delight. "Wonderful! It fits with the flower crown."

Rarity's own Element was clasped around her neck. "Are you ready?"

Twilight's heart was pounding against her rib cage. "I need more time." She whirled back to the mirror. "Everything's alright, isn't it? My dress is good."

"Your dress is not good. It is magnificent. Among one of my finest creations."

The garment composing of flowing, ruffled layers of purest white silk and lace no doubt earned those accolades.

"Darling, Pinkie Pie is outside the door with a song prepared about wedding stress. Shall I invite her inside?"

The pink Pony popped her head through the now open door. "Did I hear my name?"

Rarity shooed her away. "Not yet."

Pinkie made a disappointed huff and vanished again after closing the door. Rarity smiled at Twilight and intertwined her forelegs with Twilight's, lifting them up slightly-a sign of friendship and deep trust. "Do you want to hear an embarrassing story about myself?"

Twilight cocked her head. "Do you think it'll get my mind off the stress?"

"I'm quite certain-though it may make you a tad jealous."

"Alright. You've made me curious."

"Do you remember when I was invited to stay in the palace during your birthday?"

Twilight nodded. "You were so excited!"

"Have I ever mentioned that upon Celestia telling me, I went down on my face and slobbered her hooves?"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "I can see how you'd think this story would make me jealous."

Rarity nodded. "I want to make this perfectly clear-I intended to give her hoof a single kiss as a sign of gratitude and fealty to my sovereign-and my sovereign is all she is to me and all she ever will be. I got carried away in the moment. Her presence can be overwhelming. She is grace and beauty personified."

Twilight ushered her along with a single, "Uh-huh."

Rarity blushed. "Oh, Dear. I've done it again. I reiterate. My love for Celestia is that of a subject for her wise and benevolent ruler."

"I get it, Rarity."

"Afterwards, I was mortified with utter embarrassment! I had made a fool out of myself before the Princess! The ruler of this land! It was the worst! Possible! Thing!" She made a fake swoon, pressing her foreleg to her forehead and pretending to nearly faint. "The Princess must think I'm some sort of...of hoof obsessed Saphist deviant!" She straightened up. Twilight snorted at the display before bursting into giggles.

"You know Celestia herself is of the Sapphist persuasion."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "The fact that she's marrying a mare confirmed that suspicion. Do you know what happened after I humiliated myself before the Solar Empress like a defeated warlord of old?"


Rarity shrugged. "Nothing. The earth did not swallow me up. The Princess did not cast me out. I am not presently wandering all Equestria in disgrace carrying a bindle on my withers. I was embarrassed for a while and then I got over it." She grasped Twilight's forelegs again. "Tell me, if you do somehow embarrass yourself do you think Celestia will love you any less?"

Twilight sighed. "Of course she won't."

"Then get out there and go to the mare you love."
Celestia's hooves trod firmly on the deep, plush purple carpet. Luna watched her sister while she paced from one side of the room to the other, abruptly whirled around and sent the train of her white dress flying before repeating the process. Gold fabric covered the bottom of her dress complementing her alabaster fur. Gold and white. It suited her, Luna decided. Her own gown was silver like her moon.

"Sister, what troubles you?"

Celestia stopped. "It's unfair."

"What's unfair?"

"I told Twilight it didn't bother me, but it does bother me."

Luna crossed the room so she was facing Celestia. "Why have you not brought this up with her, whatever it may be?"

"I don't want to upset her."

"That strategy has not worked well in the past with either of us. What is this issue of concern?"

Celestia pawed at the floor. "I don't like the fact that she invited Chrysalis to the wedding. She could have consulted me on the guest list."

"I see. This is something you should bring up with her."

"What can be done about it? Uninviting her would make her offended and you know how Chryssy acts when she's-" She pressed her hooves to her mouth. "...I just called her Chryssy."

Luna pressed her hoof to Celestia's chest. "You do miss her."

Celestia closed her eyes. "Just like I missed you."

"Is it possible she can be rescued from the darkness? I was."

"She does not wish to be. Our cousin is gone, Luna. It's as simple as that. Only Twilight could imagine that she could be reformed through sitting down and having a friendly conversation." She paused. "That's part of why I fell in love with her in the first place though."

"I believe the reason you fell in love with her is because she could reform someone with a friendly conversation. But I witnessed Aurora's transformation into Chrysalis. It was the most frightening moment of my life." She shuddered as memory overtook her.

Wrong, wrong, it was all wrong. Black tendrils of cosmic filth wrapped around her and she was not fighting it, she was embracing it, clothing herself in the wretched oil of the Great Abyss. Wild, cackling laughter-mad laughter-split from her lips. "You will give me your love! You will give me your love or YOU WILL DIE!"

The corruption had infected her like it had infected Luna. Like it had infected Celestia. Spoiling a pure maiden's desire for love into basest lust. Luna had watched while she had drained her ex-lover of his love, his very soul, taking by force what had been denied to her. The stallion had died, withered to a husk.

"Luna? Luna?"

Luna blinked. "I was caught in a memory."

"I thought as much."

Celestia looked back over to the mirror, examining herself. "This is our wedding." The smile that broke upon her face could only be described as beaming. "No matter what happens this day will be perfect. I will see to it even if I have to personally blast her out of a window."

Luna chewed on her lip. "Celestia, there is something I have wanted to ask you. The last time you two fought-"

Celestia stiffened. "What about it?" Her wingtips were shaking.

"You held back didn't you?"

Celestia didn't respond at first. "Luna, Chrysalis and I were once close as you and I."

Luna walked around her, looked up into Celestia's eyes, conscious suddenly that Celestia was both her older sister and her bigger sister. "So were we."

"I could not strike her down."

"Next time?"

"There will be no such hesitation. I've waited too long for this moment. I've waited too many lifetimes." She brushed past Luna. "If she thinks she's going to ruin this for me?" Celestia grit her teeth. "She's wrong." She flung open the door and headed towards the room where the wedding was to take place.

Luna kept up with her longer stride and they turned down the hall. The guards stationed at the various rooms saluted them as they trotted by. Streams of golden, afternoon light billowed through the colorful stained glass windows and reflected fragments of pastel light on the alabaster walls.

It was obviously a special occasion at Canterlot Castle. Bouquets of violets and lilies lined the walls, sending up a sweet scent. Golden banners with an insignia combing Twilight's cutie mark in the center of Celestia's mark were flung from the ceiling.

Celestia stopped just in front of the door's to the grand dining hall. Twenty guards on each side lifted up their spears in a salute to her. Luna walked inside while Celestia stopped to wait for her bride. In same gendered weddings, it was custom for the brides (or grooms) to walk together to the altar.

Twilight was, without a doubt, in her room panicking. She'd be here any moment now. A swish of fabric reached her sensitive ears and then she gasped. Twilight was being escorted by her friends and Cadence-her maids-of-honor and her best mare.

All were dressed in Rarity's designs, elegant and elaborate gowns that nearly floated around them. Applejack was dressed in a ravishing red, Pinkie Pie in blue that accentuated her eyes, Rarity herself in purple and gold ruffles, Fluttershy had been dressed in a green number that made her rival the princesses for elegance, Rainbow Dash was outfitted in a dress colored in rainbows with clouds floating on the bottom. How Rarity had done it and not made it look garish was knowledge that would eternally elude Celestia.

But none of it could compare to the majesty of Equestria's newest Princess. Her purest silk dress was lined with purple and crystals that sparkled and refracted. She smiled shyly at Celestia. Celestia realized she was gawking. Twilight came up to her side and they shared a brief nuzzle before they strode through the door. Twilight's friends took their seats and Cadence stood at the left of the altar, leaving Twilight and Celestia alone, standing on the red carpet.

"That's my cue." Luna left her sister's side and approached the altar. It had been one-thousand years since she had been called upon to perform this most wondrous of all her duties-outside of blessing foals (and, happily, one often followed the other though the order frequently varied!)

Twilight's family and her friends filled most of the seats to the left. On the right were the foreign dignitaries one would expect during such an occasion. There was High King Dainn Peacefulheart, his powerful antlers covered in silver rings and who was engaged in a discussion with the queen of the Ibex on the obvious superiority of gender equality. The queen, a leader of a matriarchal nation, was clearly becoming annoyed yet tolerated it well.

Luna rolled her eyes. Dainn meant well, but he could be pushy when he thought he was right and those two had been on a collision course for some time. The nobles not of House Sparkle or House Orion were also congregated with the foreign dignitaries. Luna searched for Earl Shimmer's husband, a pale yellow stallion with an orange mane. His son was not with him, strangely enough. If he was upset by his wife's incarceration, he showed no sign of it.

The lad, a male version of his mother, was speaking with Dawn Sparkle who was blushing furiously in an imitation of her cousin and softly talking to him, her braces occasionally showing. If she was trying to out-nerd her cousin in some sort of strange contest, she was winning. She was a shade darker than Twilight and her hair was pink, wrapped in two long braids.

Meridian Shimmer had apparently decided that if he couldn't have Twilight, Dawn would do.

Twilight had noticed and was boring holes into his head. Celestia brushed her back with a wing and then a powerful fanfare lifted up from the trumpet players. It was time.

They began a stately march down the carpet and approached the Lunar Princess. Luna read the vows. Spike, dressed in a dapper little suit, waddled across the room, a pillow with the ring in his claws. The Crusaders ran ahead of him, tossing daisy petals.

Everything was perfect. Celestia and Twilight faced each other. It wasn't the real thing, not yet. But everything was going perfect.

Nothing could ruin this.


Pinkie had outdone herself for her friend's wedding-and this was only the reception. The tables were laden down with cakes and pastries of every conceivable description, including a crystal cake made just for Spike who pounced on it the second the wedding party crossed into the kitchen. The chefs at Canterlot Castle had collaborated with the baker and the uneasy alliance could be seen in fancy treats like eclairs alongside apple fritters and strawberry shortcake.

Muffins filled one silver plate and a second plate was filled with pound cake. The nobles, dignitaries and Twilight's family members crowded around the room. Twilight and Celestia sat down next to Luna and Cadence, Shining Armor and Twilight's parents. Twilight's friends were across from her, Pinkie already chomping on a piece of pound cake.

Velvet smiled at her daughter. "Princess Luna-or should I say, my soon-to-be niece-in-law, that was a beautiful ceremony. I know we haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but I have to say that. I really can't..." She teared up. "I can't wait for the wedding ceremony."

Shining glanced at her. "Mom? You okay there?"

Night Light patted her withers while she sniffled. "My little filly's grown up!"

"Oh, Mom..." Twilight reached over to nuzzle her. "I'm always going to be your little filly."

Velvet sniffled and returned the nuzzle. "You don't understand." She wiped away the tears. "I'm crying because I'm happy. I've watched you two grow and I'm proud of both of you. I just can't wait till I start getting grandfoals-adopted or otherwise." This was said with a deliberate glance at Shining who shared a look with Cadence. Cadence self-consciously put a hoof to her stomach and poured herself a glass of water.

Celestia gasped and covered it with a sip of wine. Cadence shook her head and Celestia nodded. Luna lifted a glass. "Thank you for your kind words, my aunt-in-law."

They clinked their glasses together. Applejack tossed some shortcake in her mouth. "I think I speak for everypony here when I say we're real happy for the both of ya."

There were murmurs of agreement from all her gathered friends. Pinkie bounced in her seat. "Want to play the who's next wedding game?"

Dash groaned. "Pinkie, we've talked about this."

Pinkie lightly popped her shoulder. "I didn't say anything about us."

Dash looked away. "I mean, it's not like I'd mind and I'd never marry anypony but you, but I'm not ready."

"Dashie? Maybe you should stop talking now?" Pinkie suggested, patting the panicking Pegasus's head.

Dash threw back her wine like it was whiskey. "Do they have anything stronger?"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "On a completely unrelated note, I have a feeling I'm going to be making two more wedding dresses...and probably a christening gown." She mumbled that last part into her glass.

Fluttershy smiled. "I do love weddings." She nibbled on a piece of fritter. "How do you play the who's next game?"

Pinkie was about to explain when Earl Lucifer Shimmer strode over, tapping Twilight's shoulder. She stood up and faced him, giving him a courteous nod. For a moment, the royals and nobles at the table along with Rarity stopped breathing.

"Earl Lucifer."

"Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight shifted her weight from hoof to hoof. "I am sorry for what happened to your wife."

"She made her choices. I see my son being quite friendly with your cousin."

Twilight looked around. Meridian was deep in conversation with Dawn. Twilight turned back to the aristocratic stallion. Lucifer extended his hoof. "My clan is known for its ambition, but me and my son are earnest in our desire to seek peace. Sunrise may have not liked Dawn, but she is of your clan. This feud needs to end."

Twilight accepted the extended hoof. "Yes, it does. If Dawn will have him I have no objection."

"Nor do I." Velvet chimed in. "But you should speak with my brother."

"Of course." He kissed Twilight's hoof. "I only wished to be certain that all was well with my clan and our newest princess."

Dash rolled her eyes and Rarity kicked her lightly under the the table, to which the Pegasus glowered in response. Twilight squirmed slightly at the brush of Lucifer's lips against her hoof. "All is well. I would never abuse my position to continue this feud and I will do everything in my power to stop it."

He knelt his head. "Your Majesty."

"Highness. I'm not a queen."

"Of course."

There was no way he hadn't known that-nobles were taught titles along with their abc's. Lucifer gave her one more soft smile. "I must go now and see that my son does not make your cousin more uncomfortable than he already has."

Twilight sat back down. Dash had the decency to wait until Lucifer was out of earshot before she muttered, "How brown is that guy's muzzle?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Despite her scolding tone, she couldn't help but snicker. "Despite the extravagant compliment and comparing me to one of the Unicorn Queens with that title, he is just as interested in I am in ending the feud. In the long run, it does him no benefit. He only wants to make certain that I will not use my position to take revenge for Earl Sunrise's actions."

"You'd never-"

"We know that, Rarity. He doesn't."

Pinkie impatiently bounced in her seat. "So, does anyone want to play the who's next wedding game? We're going to need a barrel full of water and apples."

Luna placed down her glass. "Is this the same as that peasant game, bobbing for apples?"


Applejack looked around the room. "I can go look for apples in the kitchen. I can sense them around."

"I'll look for a barrel!" Pinkie zoomed out of the table.

A grin tugged at Celestia's lips. "Go, Sister. It'll probably come down to you or Dash, if Lady Fortune has anything to say about it."

Dash and Luna's eyes met across the table, electricity seeming to crackle between them.

Applejack scratched her chin."I'll toss my hat in the ring."

Pinkie returned carrying a barrel from who knew where and she set it up next to their table. Many of the nobles and guests were now taking interest. Pinkie jumped on the table and announced the rules of the game and several of the younger nobles and a few of the dignitaries' children, started to gather.

Applejack left to go to the kitchens, returning a few minutes later with a sack of apples and a bucket of water. Both were poured into the barrel.

Dash, Applejack and Luna circled the now full barrel, going first due to their proximity and Luna's seniority in rank and sheer age. Dash was the first to go, aggressively plunging her face into the floating apples and holding back a shout when the stem of an apple poked her forehead. Applejack was right behind her, almost plunging her face in at the same instant Dash did and knocked her head against hers. Her long blonde strands mixed in the water with Dash's multicolored locks.

Luna tried to knock them both aside and they both jumped back when her horn speared the water and struck an apple. "Huzzah!" She cried, pulling it out, the apple stuck to her horn.

Dash pouted and launched into the air. "That's cheating!"

Twilight cleared her throat. "She's right. You have to use your mouth."

"Oh very well." She popped the apple in her mouth. "Let's go another round!"

They circled the barrel, muscles taut. Luna jerked her head forward, Dash bumped her side and while they struggled, batting their muzzles together, Applejack took her chance and grabbed an apple in her teeth.

"Clever!" Luna complimented, using a stray wing to knock aside Dash who regained her footing very quickly.

"So, who're you gonna marry, AJ?"

Applejack chewed on the apple. "I'll rope Caramel if'n I can catch him."

"So, wanna go round three?"

"Let's give somepony else a chance."

Dash still swiped an apple with a self-satisfied smug expression. "So, I guess I'll get married after you two do."

"So she says." Pinkie jumped up next. "My turn!"

A black coated noble stallion trotted up. "I suppose I'll go a round."

"If we need three for this sport, I'll take a turn as well." The Zebra king's son, Mufasa, cantered up.

The participants circled the barrel. Mufasa, with a speed that belied his large size, struck towards the barrel. Somehow, Pinkie was already there, her teeth clamped tight to an apple. She plucked it out of her mouth and chomped down on it. Round and round the contest went, even after Pinkie got bored and went off with Dash.

The normally reserved aristocracy warmed up to the game, Luna's participation being a sort of green light for them. Around an hour after the contest began, Twilight yawned and laid her head against Celestia's side. Spike had already fallen asleep on a plate that had once contained a gem cake. Twilight gently floated him onto her back, bid farewell to her friends and family and left the great hall alongside her soon-to-be bride and son.
Twilight leaned into Celestia, humming happily. Celestia sheltered her with a wing. Spike held on uneasily to the neck of his stumbling mount while trying to make a comfortable pillow out of her mane.

"That was fun." Twilight swayed slightly,.

Celestia herded her towards the bedroom. "Pinkie's wedding game was a stroke of genius."

"She throws the best parties! I'm going to have her knighted! Lady Duchess Pinkie of Parties!" She madly giggled and threw up her forelegs, rearing. Spike clung on and muttered something about buying a bridle.

"Technically, you and your friends were knighted after you defeated Discord."

"Oh, that's right. Can I make her like double-knighted?"

"No, Twilight. You could make her a low-ranked baron though."


"But I believe Pinkie is happy with her lot in her life and such titles would needlessly complicate it."

Twilight frowned. "Probably. Maybe I'll ask her."

"That'd be a splendid idea."

Celestia nudged the door to her room open. Spike's basket was at the foot of the bed and he quickly bounced into it, curling up into a ball. Celestia trotted over to the bed and laid down on it, her belly resting on the cool sheets. Twilight was soon at her side. Celestia shuffled away from her. "Twilight, a Haybrew sage once said it's not good to let the sun set on one's anger."

Twilight jerked up from her half-asleep state. "Are you angry?"

"No? Yes? Maybe? I don't know. Annoyed is the word I'd choose."

Twilight studied a spot on the floor that a silver moonbeam illuminated in the darkness. "It's because of Chrysalis, isn't it?"

"Yes, Twilight." She reached over a wing, stopped. "Luna said it might be best if I...if I clearly communicated this."

"I'm sorry." She teared up. "I'm always doing this. I just want you to be happy."

Celestia ran her wing down Twilight's back. "Twilight, please don't get upset."

"Don't do that mask thing." She sniffled. "You're right, I screwed up. I invited your worst enemy to our wedding! You should be furious with me!"

Celestia shook her head. "I'm annoyed with you, not furious. It's hard to be angry at somepony who only seeks your best interest-and maybe that's the problem."

Twilight frowned. "I don't understand. How could wanting your loved one's best interest be a problem?"

The sigh Celestia made in response to that was long and heavy. "Ever since you were a filly, you thrived on having a project. Read all the books in the library. Write a list of the spells you want to learn. Master every transmogrification spell. This is simply part of who you are." She shifted again, this time towards Twilight. "A part of you I love."

Twilight inched away from her and then moved around so she was facing Celestia. "I still don't understand."

Celestia noted that she was visibly upset-her voice was shaking- but she hadn't burst into tears. Not like during those distant days when the slightest sign of her disapproval was enough to send her into a breakdown. "Have I become your project? It's like you think I'm broken and you want to fix me."

Twilight shook her head. "That's not it at all! I just see you carrying all these burdens and sometimes it's like maybe you will break and, look, I love you so much, I want to help you!"

"Maybe I don't need to be helped. Maybe all I need is somepony to love me-and I have that." She reached out a hoof, laid it on Twilight's cheek. "Stop trying to fix me. Just be with me. That's enough. Chrysalis is my past-a long and painful past. You are my future."

They kissed and fell down onto the mattress, hooves touching. Twilight embraced her, using her new wings and Celestia nuzzled the top of her forehead as she had so many times before, burying her muzzle into her lilac-scented mane. Twilight slid closer to her, till she was close as one mare could be to another. They cocooned one another within the lovely prison of each other's feathers.

Soon, sleep claimed them.