The Blackheart Forest

by Sabre_Cat


The Blackheart Forest

A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Fic

Written By: Sabr3cat

“The world is currently filled with and always has been filled with all manner of perils. Manticores, cragadiles, gargoyles, and more--to say nothing of the environment and the arcane. The numbers the list reaches to simply skyrocket, and it’s no wonder Equestria is known far and wide as being just as harmonious as it is dangerous. But, if there was anything I’d like you to know before you take your leave and depart from my company here today, it’s that all of these elements--every single one of them--pale in comparison to one fateful form of doom. My students, if there was ever anything so dark in these realms that it could consume the whole world with it’s terrible evil, it would have to be the heart of a pony--the heart of one of our own.”

-Star Swirl the Bearded to his students in the Canterlot Magic School

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