7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S3 Chapter 4: Revenge of the Show Mare

-Xavier's Recap-

For some odd reason I've been getting visits from one of my sister and friend's rivals. She first came to whine about what Brianna did to her and Diamond Tiara. Howevver, Jack had already told me what had happened and frankly told me that they went back to being bullies. However long it's been goiing on, Lord knows, but surprisingly, she took responsibility after she knew that I knew about what happened. I was thankful that Twilight wasn't around to hear my advice to her and that was to "Find another friend to hang around." I notiiced that Diamond Tiara wasnt around and figured she sent her lackey to the lions den in case my sis was there. I should know about toxic friendships than anyone.

Fortunately I know of a certain asian who is either in his room or in his back yard that can surely use some company while he's doing whatever it is he does with his doodads. If he won't go out and socialize, I wonder if anyone thought of bringing friends to the isolated instead of forcing said isolated into actively seeking out others to hang with. I'm lookin at you, Mom and Dad.

As for Twilight and her nightmare problem, although I have mastered controlling my own dreams like a game of G-mod, Luna wasn't sure about putting my conscience into another pony or person during a nightmare as it could be dangerous. If it's anything like Inception.... I'm taking her word for it for now seeing as how she's the professional dream walker in this world. The most I could do is help her in the realm of the woken. Oddly enough, Twi went on about her day as normal like nothing happened. Until it's settled, she said, she's crashing in my room. Spike has been staying with the kids and teen. He seems to enjoy hanging with other male youth. It's nice.

-End of recap-

I woke up the same way I have been for the past few weeks. Pressure on my body and hooves nudging my chest. Groaning, I opened an eye to see mostly purple. Twilight greeted me with a warm smile, but the dried up tear streaks didn't fool me a bit. She was still suffering from a curse. Rainbow was gone. It was just me and Twilight.

"Mornin Twi. How're ya feelin?" I asked.

She answered with a nuzzle. "I'm better now that you're awake."

I gave her a quick scratch behind her ears causing her to hum in comfort. Sitting up, she had hopped out of bed. One thing I hadn't noticed before were the stacks of books that was sitting in a corner of my room. It was like my room is now a quarter library. I'll talk to her about that later. For now, I was just glad I could help, however little I was doing. She hopped off and walked out of my room, with me following close behind.

"Are you doing anything today?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Just gonna chill for the next few days. I've been workin like a dog recently. What about you?"

"I'm going to go over to visit Fluttershy. She's going to help me practice magic using her animals." Before I can open my mouth to voice my concern, she continued. "Don't worry. I promised that I would be extremely careful. Nothing bad will happen to her animal friends."

"If you say so."

After performing my normal morning routine, I saw Twilight off as she went on about her day. Yawning, I went to the living room and vegged out on the couch and well, I realized that while we were here, we had gone through every movie we had probably around five times. It started getting to Jeff first. When you've seen all the shows there is to see, or all of the movies there are to see, and multiple times at that, they start to get stale, and that's minus one entertainment we have from our old world. That's the one thing we all probably miss about Earth, would be that we are missing out on the new things. Memes, games, movies, I never did get to see the new Star Wars movie with that black storm trooper guy turning into a jedi. I swear if he meets the same fate as Mace, Mickey Mouse is loosing an ear.

I began to get a little homesick once more. I've been trying to keep my mind off of it by spending time with our pony friends and going on adventures with them or hanging out with Jack and the others. However, it's times like these when I'm left alone to think, that I find my mind drifting off to my world, thinking about everyone we had left behind. Mom, Dad, neighbors, other relatives, friends both online and off. It has been a tough pill to swallow that I would most likely, 9999999.981% chance would never see them again.

My thoughts were interrupted with a knock at the door. I sluggishly got up, not really feeling like going to the door, and moved to see who had the nerve to force me to get up from my couch. Opening the door, I was greeted by a familiar unicorn wearing a black cloak held together with a piece of jewelry that looked like something Hitler would put a swastika over and put it on a flag. I almost didn't recognize her without her hat.


"The one and only!" She said proudly. "How are my favorite fans?"

"Oh we're doing just fine. I'm actually just enjoying my day off. Wanna come in?" I said, stepping to the side.

She wasted no time getting into the living room and hopping on the couch where I had been sitting. Closing the door, I sat next to her.

"So. Long time no speak. It's been a while."

"Yes, it has, hasn't it?"

"How've ya been? What're you doing back here?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Not so well ever since I was shown up by Twilight. Show business have been rather tough when ponies everywhere think you're a fraud. I couldn't make ends meet and had to take another job. Have you ever worked on a rock farm?! It was horrible..." I nodded my head in understanding. "And I'm here because.." She paused for a moment. "Because I felt I would like to stay in Ponyville for a while."

Shrugging off the odd pause, I patted her head a bit. "Sweet. So you already got a house set up for ya? Gotta invite us over sometime."

Giggling she shook her head. "No, my favorite human, I want to move in with you and your sister."

WOAH THERE! SLAM ON DEM BREAKS! That certainly took my by surprise. "Wait... What? This isn't just something ya just spring up on a fellow, ya know... I mean, if ya need a place to stay for a while I can help ya out like I did before, but... living here? Actually moving in?" Not to mention that she won't just be moving in with me and sis, but also her friends, my bro, Jack, Hiroto and Jeff.

"And why can't I move in with you? Don't you like me?" She asked, stomping her hoof on the sofa with an annoyed expression. If I didn't know any better, her eyes were changing colors.

I certainly didn't want to send off the wrong message. "No, that's not it at all! We're cool. Just be cool and talk this over."

"It's settled. I am your new fillyfriend and you will be my colt- stall- whatever you 'd call a human coltfriend." she claimed. Okay woah. Something definitely ain't right with this.

"Alright, let's take a few steps back." I said, giving her the hand. "First off, you wanna be a part of my herd, don't demand it." She raised an eyebrow. "Second of all, you're going to have to talk to Fluttershy, Rainbow and Twilight. I can't and won't let just anyone in, especially with that attitude. What the fuck is your malfunction? Last time ya seemed pretty chilled."

"Fluttershy's a pushover. Easy. I can take that Rainbow brat, and Twilight? She was the center of all of this!"

"And how? If memory serves correct, this all started with two dumb kids and some of my hypocrite friends. Twilight wasn't one of them, remember?" When I turned to look at her, her eyes were glowing red now. She was seething.

"Why do you stick up for that mare?! She's the one who ruined me! She single hoofedly stomped over all of my dreams of being The Great and Powerful Showmare I wanted to be!" She got off of the couch stomped heavily to the door. "If you still even like that weak and pathetic mare and her miserable little friends, than you are no fan of mine, nor are you worth my time!" She opened op the door. "Farewell!"

When Trixie left, it left me wondering if she was an evil twin of the chick I met and not Trixie at all. The right thing to do would be to get to the bottom of it. Fuck having a day off, right?

Walking around town, I noticed the weather was very windy and cloudy. Thankfully I had a jacket and a hood to keep me warm. Rarity wanted to know if I wanted an umbrella, but I don't trust 'em. They're unreliable in windy weather. Maybe Dash would be able to fix it? I found myself wondering where the girls were anyhow. There was also a lot of Trixie Merch decorating- well... more like littering the town. It looked like she basically invaded and conquered the town in a war with all of these flags all over the place.

This chick dun marked her territory all over Ponyville. Seeing as Golden Oaks was closest to home, I decided to pay Twilight a visit to see how she's faring through the storm. Last time she had an issue with a large branch through her window, which is ironic because she lives in a giant tree. And guess who had to fix that up. Need a hint? He has two thumbs. This guy! I opened the door and to my surprise, I find five of the main six ponies that can't seem to go a week now without a human in their lives.

All attention was on me when I entered. Judging by what they were doing, they seemed to be trying to do heavy research. I did notice that the best pony for the job of research was missing.

"Hey monkey boy." Rainbow greeted.

"Sup? I notice someone's missing, so I have to ask. Where's Twi?" I asked. The look the girls gave me matched that of someone who ran over a person's cat and tried to hide it after the owner asked where it was. Looks of discomfort. "I'm not going to like the answer, am I?" And they're averting their eyes. "Okay. Enough. Someone start talkin." I said sternly. Not even Pinks would say anythi- "Where is Pinkie's mouth?"

"Trixie." Applejack said.

"Come again?"

"Ah said it was yer friend Trixie that did this. Pinkie's mouth, Twilight bein' banished from Ponyville, this was all her doing. That no good showboatin' mare done turned from bad to worse." AJ continued bluntly.

"We know she's your friend and all, darling, but something is definitely wrong here." followed Rarity.

"You're right." I said. The girls were taken aback by me not telling Rarity to shut up, let alone agreeing with her. "Trixie was acting pretty weird, and did her eyes always glow red at times?"

Rainbow then filled me in on everything that had happened, from Trixie's arrival, triumphant duel against Twilight and to her forcing them to do labor. That explains where they were.

"We gotta find a way to get Twilight back!" Rainbow said. "And make Trixie pay!"

Shaking my head, I shrugged. "I agree with everything except for the payback bit. Fluttershy and Pinks weren't there but all of this? Answer this. What would've happened had you three kept your goddamn mouths shut during her previous visit?"

"I- ....W-well.." Rainbow stuttered. Rarity was fidgetinig with her hooves a bit whereas Applejack looked like she wanted to say something, but got the message when I raisede a brow at her. Honesty sucks, don't it? Meanwhile, Fluttershy had her face in a book.

"Exactly. Tweedle dee and Tweedle Dum wouldn't have brought that cosmic bear the size of the White House to wreck the town to prove something that was clearly false to begin with to anyone who has a lick of common fucking sense!"

"Hey! Snips and Snails was Spike's doing!" Rarity argued.

Nodding my head, I agreed again. "True, but did the three of you put on hard hats and work to repair the damage caused? Did you even apologize to Trixie?"

I could hear Dave Chappel in my head. Gotcha bitch!

"I... I found something." Fluttershy said barely audible.

Basically Fluttershy found the source of the problem. It was that odd Nazi-looking jewelry that I saw on Trixie. Apparently, not only does it make the user more powerful with magic, but also corrupts the wearer as well and can somehow only be removed by the user because magic. Go figure. How to save the day? Grab the amulet. Find and bring Twi back. The first should be easy if I can get close enough. Magic seals mean nothing to me because I nullify it. I'd most likely be able to yank that thing off of her. No problamo.

Well, the girls had came up with a different plan to send a message to Twilight without Trixie knowing. Fluttershy had made herself fit into a log and had some of her beaver friends carry her towards the outskirts of Ponyville. While following them, I found that the entire town was covered in a giant glass plate serving cover. Keeping everyone under a glass ceiling I see. Approaching the edge, the beavers started hitting the glass with their tails. Before I could ask, I heard yelling. I found Trixie yelling at Dumb and Dumber who was forced to pull her around Ponyville on a wooden wheel-less chariot heading this way. It seems she wanted to make them pay for taking part in her humiliation years ago. As they neared, the showmare ceased her yelling as our eyes met as she glared.

Now's my chance.

"Oh heya Trix. What's up?"

"I should be asking you that question, Xavier." she said, her expression unchanging. "Trying to break through my barrier?"

"Nope. I could do that myself with a simple stone. I was asked to help these lil guys through so they can go do what they're gonna do with that log." I gestured to the beavers who were whacking the 'glass' with their tails. "Besides, why would I want to leave my favorite unicorn showmare?" I said, thinking of how to get close to her. She raised an eyebrow.

"So now you finally realize how great I am?" I nodded my head as I stepped closer. She held her hoof up as her eyes glowed red again, glaring. "Don't take another step forward. It's a bit too late for that. You had your chance earlier and you blew it."

Seeing that my plan of being a kiss-up to get close to her was no longer able to work, I sighed and chose to go on with the girls' plan. "Well, would you mind at least letting the little guys out at least, oh Great and Powerful Trixie?"

She leered at me for a moment before sighing and using her magic to lift the barrier for the beavers to pass through with the log which had Fluttershy in it. With that done, all I could do was bide my time and wait. Or I could try again later. Maybe now just wasn't the time. I don't wanna give her any reason to doubt me, or she'll make things a lot more difficult for me.

"Well, Trix, I'm gonna head on home. Feel free to stop by and visit again if you want." I said, waving as I turned to leave.

"It's 'The Great and Powerful Trixie' to you, human." You're not calling me by my name anymore eh? "And I have far better things to do with my time than to waste it on the likes of you."

While hearing that from her did sting a little, the logic side of me knew that it was purely the pony Hitler ornament she was wearing speaking. It only made me look forward to tearing that thing off her neck when I get the chance. At least now I know she won't let me close willingly. I'm gonna take it away whether she wants me to or not!


Okay... that didn't sound right..

Keeping myself distracted from the Trixie situation from the time being, I stayed at home. I had told Dash to let me know as soon as Twilight gets back. That way I could put my plan into action. However, waiting was starting to get boring as I was becoming more and more anxious to take action out of the concern for my friend's well being. Or it could've been because my short attention span.

I didn't wait up when I heard knocking on my door. In a split second, I had got up from the couch and opened the door to see Rainbow Dash flying. "Twilight's back! She said she's stronger than ever and challenged Trixie for a round 2 over by Town Hall!"

Now's my chance!

Not replying, I took off running while Dash flew ahead. Soon enough, I found myself right where I needed to be, with Twilight and Trixie in sight. With attention not on me, I hid myself as Twilight and Trixie had began their little magic-off.

It's now or never. Gotta get the move on.

Strategizing my approach and strike, I found a pattern. I can strike during Trixie's spell while she's in focus, or try to grab her right after she casts her spell, like the moment she stops. Knowing Trixie, she would admire her deeds even for a little moment.

After Twilight casted a spell turning her friends into fillies, so it seems, Trixie was about to cast another spell on Snips and Snails. As she shot out her magic, I had already began sprinting towards Trixie from behind. As soon as she looked to see the results of her casting, my hands were already on the amulet and I tore it off with ease, not even hearing Twilight's words to stop, nor hearing Trixie choke up and wheeze. Thinking quickly, I beamed the amulet into the nearest wall and shattered it.

"BOOM! NAILED IT! ACED IT! CAN'T BE STOPPED!!" I said, fist pumping. I looked around, holding my hand up for a high five, but I recieved horrified looks instead. "What's with these looks? I removed the evil ornament that was makin her go nuts."

Looking at Rainbow, she was giving the same look, pointing a hoof at Trixie who was lying at my feet, eyes rolled up and drooling, her eye color and her coat looking bleached and her cutie mark barely visible. For a moment, I was at a loss of words as I tried to piece together what is actually happening. Before I could ask what happeed, the doctors had broke through the crowd to take her to the nearest hospital.

Can anyone please tell me what's going on?

"Why?" I turned around and saw Twilight.

"Oh a few reasons. That thing was making her go crazy and needed to come off." I explained. "The book said that only she'd be able to remove it and she wasn't just gonna stupidly hand it over, and since you girls are affected by magic and can't removed it, I figured I could, and I did, which-"

"Which led to her magic being torn away from her with the amulet!" Twilight interrupted. "You nearly killed her, Xavier!"

Rainbow landed beside Twilight. "We had a plan that would've tricked Trixie into hoofing over the alicorn amulet herself. It would've worked."

I wanted to say something, but I didn't really know what to say after I had almost if not killed one of my friends. At most I could think to do was apolo-

"I don't want to hear it." Twilight said coldly, walking towards the hospital. "I'm going to try to fix your mistake if it's not too late."

The fuck? "Now hold the fuck on now!" I tried to go after her, but was stopped by Rainbow.

"Just go home, Xavier." Looking at the other ponies, it didn't seem like they wanted to say anything either. I had mixed emotions. Anger for being treated like the enemy for trying to help, guilt that I hospitalized one of my friends somehow, frustration for STILL not fully understanding what the hell just happened, and disappointed at the results I received instead of what I was expecting. Trixie being fine and free, the crowd cheering for their liberation, and a well earned cuddling from my chicks. Another heroic story to tell. Nope, instead this happens. I also felt disgruntled at the fact that I was expecting that to happen. RD's rubbing off on me...

With all of these mixed emotions, it started to get to me a lot, which led me to calmly address my feelings of the situation as cool and collected as I could.

"GET THE FUCK OUT MY FACE YOU SIMPLE BITCH! YA KNOW WHAT, FUCK ALL YALL! FUCK YOU, YOU, YOU," I shouted, pointing to various ponies as some covered the ears of the lil fillies and colts in the area. "FUCK ALL OF YA! YA'LL WANNA BE THAT WAY, FINE! FUCK YOU GUYS, I'M GOIN HOME! FUCK OFF!"

Giving every pony the double bird, I walked through the crowd, noticing the disapproving stares. "THE FUCK YALL LOOKIN AT?!"

Do you ever get the feeling that you're digging yourself into a hole, but ya don't think there's any way but down, so ya keep digging?

"Hey Xavier, wassup?" Jack said as he came around a corner.


A bed would help with this issue.

-Third Person-

Trixie woke up groggily from unconscienceness. She was out for several hours while Twilight and a few other unicorns transfered magic onto hers. She had regained some color back and was enough for her to began restoring her own magic on he own. That said, it left some of them exhausted. The only one left in her room was Twilight, who had dozed off at her bedside. It made her think about everything that happened and why she returned to Ponyville.

Banishing Twilight for something she didn't even intend to do in which if anything her friends had been responsible for (she didn't feel much remorse for how she treated them), and for how she had treated the first one to have her back when the town turned on her. The one who kept her name mostly in the light in that town, which she most likely stomped out herself shortly after her return. The one who still tried to save her from her own mistakes. It was more than enough to forgive him accidentally hospitalizing her. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was the town turning on him for almost killing a pony.

She knew she owed a lot of apologies, and had began formulating on how to apologize to the entire town, but she wanted to see him one last time. She nudged Twilight awake with a hoof.

-Xavier's POV-

"...And then I told Jeff to fuck off to a trailer park, he shrugged off, and went to my room to hit the bed." I finished, filling Luna and Starla in on my shit day. The two twin alicorns were in their pony forms this time. "In hindsight I probably should've been a man about it and went to the hospital to make up for my fuckups but I guess I'm only human."

"The alicorn amulet? We thought we had given it to somepony for safe keeping to keep out of the wrong hooves, but clearly we should've archived it in our forbidden chambers instead." Luna said, Starla nodding in agreement. "But you had no way of knowing how it would have effected Trixie as Twilight had no records of that happening with her."

"Makes sense... I mean, for someone that values friendship, why would Twilight think I'd want to hurt or almost kill someone I consider a friend?"

"Does she know you consider Trixie a friend?" Starla asked. It was something I never considered. Twilight knew that Trixie and I were on good terms from our last meeting, but I haven't really talked much about her since. Starla continued. "Perhaps she thought you were dealing with an ordanary villainess that threatened the town." Like you were?

"You do have a history of dealing with situations in unprecedented ways. Most of the time it works out in the end." Luna said. "Though if there is anything you should take from this experience, although you mean well, you should consider all possibilities and outcomes instead of just your goals and be more cautious."

"Got it."

"One more thing." Starla began.

However, before she could finish, I found myself lying in my own bed, opening my eyes as I heard ponies walking into my room. Basically, I woke up.

"Hey, Xavier. Are you awake?"

Twilight... "Yeah, look, if ya wanna yell at me more, save it. I know I fucked up."

"No. Well, yes, you did, but you still deserve an apology." She said, looking down. "You were only trying to help, and I should've considered that you had no way of knowing what would happen." So I've been told.

"I forgive ya. Don't worry about it. How is Trixie anyway?" Just as I asked, a smoke bomb went off on my bed and I was glomped by said mare. Speak of the devil.

"The Great and Apologetic Trixie is fine, and she forgives you too." She said, nuzzling me.

"We helped her refill her magic, and she apologized to me for all of the trouble she's caused. She also told me how you two are good friends."

"That we still are." I said, giving them both ear scratches.

Twilight gave me a playfully stern look. "Next time, let someone know what you're going to do before you do it."

"C'mon Twi, we both know that ain't me." I chuckled.