My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII

by DakariKingMykan

Intro: Sienna


Somewhere, far, far away in a Dimensional Galaxy, there was a planet that lived in peace and prosperity. It was a race of humanoid creatures, with different colored skins, pointed ears. All of which lived in bliss and riches thanks to the many valuable ores dug from their planet, which helped them to live comforting lives and the poor and homeless were practically non-existent.

This planet had not yet been discovered or visited by Starfleet, and as such it was nowhere near Starfleet’s jurisdiction.

Then, one day, trouble happened!!

Alien creatures came to the planet and began to rob the people of all their goods and riches, and anyone who dared to stand up to them paid a horrible price.

One of these creatures was a tall and rather muscular humanoid creature. He had green skin, short red hair, and was wearing black battle armor over a grey jump suit. He was threatening a family with a powerful sword. “Give me all your riches, now!” he demanded.

“Never!” the father shouted, and he threw a chair at the creature, but the man just slashed it to bits with his sword. “Big mistake!” and he poised his blade out and fired a huge blast of burning energy from its tip, striking the father hard, and killing him instantly!

“No!!” the mother screamed.

“Daddy!” her little son cried.

They burst into tears as they huddled around their dead loved one, while the evil man threatened them both, “If you don’t wish to suffer a worse fate, hand over your riches…NOW!!”

The mother and son had no choice, and surrendered every bit of gold, every jewel, or priceless artifact they had to the man.

The man snickered, and then whistled loudly at the door to the house. A swarm of black creatures wearing golden vests and wearing silvery masks over their seemingly faceless faces crept forth. “Raiders, take this stuff!”

The Raiders complied and took all the treasures away, and the man snickered pitifully at the mother and child and left their home.

Outside the man had a whole swarm of Raiders “What are you all standing here for! This planet is loaded with goodies. Let’s take it all!”

The army complied, but even still, the man wasn’t satisfied.

He reached down to his belt and grabbed what appeared to be oversized diamonds. He clutched two, one in each of his hands, and the diamonds enlarged. “I summon you!” he thundered and threw the diamonds out, and in bursts of light, evil and fierce looking monsters appeared.

“Jema-Nites!” the man called to the monsters, “Grab everything you can get your claws on. If anyone tries to defend… show no mercy!”

The monsters growled in compliance, and ran off.

The man snickered softly, “Sienna will be pleased!”

Before long, there was panic and massive hysteria all over the planet as banks were emptied, mines were raided, and every house on the planet was robbed of any and all riches leaving the people poor and practically starving, and those who tried to stand up to the evil ones were destroyed.

The evil creatures, they’re mission complete, teleported off the planet back to their headquarters.

Within the planet’s orbit there was a monstrous spaceship, coated in solid blue alloy, and armed with powerful lasers.

The Captain of the ship looked out through the viewport and down at the miserable planet. “We’ve taken all that this planet has to offer,” she hissed. “Extend to them my usual gratitude.”

With that, the ship fired powerful lasers at the planet, causing massive explosions and destruction below, perhaps even destroying many of the inhabitants.

With that done, the ship flew off into space. Its powerful alloy protected it from the dimensional warping energies that would teleport it.

The evil man had returned, and came onto the bridge passing a bunch of Raiders that were at the controls. “That was far too easy, Captain.” he said.

Sienna turned to face him. She was a tall woman with tan colored skin. Her long silvery hair was done up in a huge and curly ponytail. She wore a black suit, a silvery skirt, with blood red and black armor, complete with shoulder pads, chest plate arm guards and knee plates. She wore tall black boots, a golden colored cape that ran down to her kneecaps. And across her eyes she wore a shiny golden mask. On her belt she carried a sword in a sheath, and a ray-gun in a holster.

“Well done, Slash!” she said to the man “But you’re right; that was too easy. All this plundering is chunk change now. The ultimate treasure I want it still out there.”

The doors to the bridge opened. In came a little boy, with tan colored skin and dark blue hair dressed in in a dark purple suit with a black cape, and he was followed by a lady-- she was a red skinned humanoid alien with shoulder length brown hair. She was all dressed in a grey monk’s robe, holding a crystal ball in her hand.

“Hi Sis!” the little boy called to Sienna as he skipped over to her.

“Mako…!” chirped Sienna and she bent down and hugged her little brother. “I did it, Sienna.” said Mako, and he held out a strange looking pendant-- it looked to be a fragment of a severed alicorn horn.

Sienna looked up at the lady, “Omnisha, is this true.”

Omnisha nodded as she waved her hand over her crystal-ball, “Your brother gave me the item. I have analyzed it and my readings confirm your theory, Captain.”

Sienna grinned wickedly. She patted Mako on his head, and took the pendant from him and fit it round her neck. “Then that means the greatest treasure is within my grasp!” she snickered softly. “Prepare for deep space warp… We’re going to United Equestria!”

“You heard the captain!” Slash sneered at the Raiders, “Set course and get us there!”

The Raiders complied, and the ship blasted through space.