Seasons of the Heart

by RoyalBardofCanterlot


Luna and Celestia stood in the courtyard, touching hooves. The day was warm, a cool wind rustling through the maples whose branches snaked over the castle walls. The gardens of Canterlot Castle surrounded this place and the scents of flowers wafted through. Celestia motioned to the symbols scrawled onto the stone. "Are you sure you want to do this? You're completely ready?"

Luna shook her head. "No, but if I wait I'll never do it." She raised her chin. "Jormungandr's offenses must be revealed."

"Alright. Let's do this."

Luna paused. "Yes. Let's."

The spell was cast. The energy of the enchantment washed over them, transported them through the boundaries of time and space. For a time, they floated through the void. The twinkling, multicolored lights of worlds ceaselessly blooming into existence or fading away lit their path. Luna flew up to Celestia's side, her sister's stride far longer than her own. "Sister, it's date night. I was thinking about the Rook and the Raven. Akbear's quite fond of their fried carrots."

"That would be nice. I think it's the most popular restauraunt in Canterlot. How is your relationship with him?"

Luna fluttered her wings. "He's so gallant! Like the noble knights of old! He can play guitar and he wrote me a song! Me! No one's written me a song in one-thousand years!"

Celestia hummed. "I'd love to hear it."

Luna stuck out her tongue. "It is my song, you can go ask Twilight to make you one for yourself."

Celestia extended her wing and patted her back. "Alright, alright. I presume you two are taking it slow."

Luna huffed. "Why of course! He disapproves of certain behaviors before the bonds of matrimony."

"Have you two discussed matrimony?"

Luna blushed, though it wasn't visible with the interplay of light playing on her face. "Not yet."

"I suppose it is a bit early, isn't it?"

The conversation tapered away. There was no temperature in this place, not truly. It could not be called cold or hot, it just was. This was the space between worlds. Cosmic energies flowed through the void, energies of creation, of destruction, of rebirth and renewal. It was like the phases of her own moon.

She knew this place. It was not awe at the universe's dance she was feeling. It was...


Two little Ponies, a white Unicorn and a blue Pegasus, frolicking in verdant, rolling meadows, playing with mischievous elves, sheltered by their strong, Divine father and their beautiful, mortal mother.

Before the dark days came.

Beings such as themselves were too young for their powers so that part of themselves had been sealed away until Discord's coming had made their ascension necessary.

Before that, there had been the time of innocent, joyful play. Before that, they'd only know palace gardens and Heavenly realms. Memories of that time, before the dark days, before the sticky corruption of the Nightmare had settled into her soul, flooded her mind.

Moisture wet her cheeks. Running alongside Sister beneath a sun more glorious than the earthly one. Teasing Sister to come along as they secretly explored forbidden caverns by the light of the silver moon. What did they know of politics, of power?

The tears trickled down her face, glinted in the light of the abyss.

Joy. Love. Sister's embrace. Father and Mother's embrace. Flying, the sheer joy of it, laughing high above Sister while Sister attempted to tickle her with her magic.

Hundreds of moments of childhood play. She closed her eyes against the barrage of remembrances. One-thousand cuts ripped open, invisible scars overflowing with blood. The tears wouldn't stop coming no matter how deeply she tried to hang onto her royal dignity.

Dignity? There was a time she did not even suspect such a concept existed. They had splashed in mud puddles after gentle, soft rains had turned dirt to slush. Their had been other foals then, hadn't there? When they'd gone into the village? Yes, she remembered now.

She could smell the sweet tang of grass buried in her muzzle, the way it felt when she and Sister had rolled in it. A bewildering array of relatives, some of whom didn't quite look like the other's did. But what did they care? As long as they were loved, nothing else mattered.

It rushed to her all at once and her wings locked up. She could fly no further.

Celestia stopped. "Luna? Are you alright?"

Luna gasped for breath, forced her wings to move. "I am fine." She started to sail on the cosmic currents. A white wing blocked her path.

"It is very clear that you are not fine. Tell me what's wrong."

Luna shook her head. Celestia wavered in front of her, suddenly a pink Unicorn filly. Her heart sped up and she was wondering how they'd gotten here. Father would be displeased, they weren't supposed to-

No, no, they were supposed to. Discord! They had been sent to defeat the demon Discord!

She whirled around. Equus, they were going to Nana's house. Nana liked playing tricks. Nana was fun, but where was Mother and Father, they always came with them-

No, no, that wasn't right.

They were at war! Her eyes narrowed and she slashed at the air with her horn. "I know not why thou hast brought me here, but-"

She blinked. Memories swirled inside of her head. Celestia placed her hooves on her shoulder. "Luna. Come back to me."

Luna crumpled into Celestia's chest. " many..."

Celestia stroked her mane. "Let's keep going, alright?"

Luna backed away. "What was that? Hast I gone mad?"

"Nothing of the sort."

They were now in sight of Yggdrasil, the axis from whence all the multiverses sprung. The branches of the great tree shadowed them. Luna landed on one of the branches. "Asgard is near."

Celestia nested on the branch beside her. "I'm proud of you for getting this far."

Luna danced off the branch. "We have farther to go!"

Celestia smiled and followed her. The memories still played in her mind, like one of those modern movies, flashing beneath her eyelids.

"It happened to me once."

Luna glanced back. Celestia continued. "It was after I returned from my self-imposed exile. From speaking to other demigods, it seems to be something that occurs when the amount of data overwhelms the still mortal mind. It's strange that it takes as long as it does. I started calling my assistant by the name of her grandmother, Inkwell-yes, the ancestor of my current assistant."

"How long has that family served you?"

"Five generations."

Luna whistled. "All my servants had to go as insane as I did and start worshiping the Nightmare."

"Not all of them. Are you still sore that your cultus died out?"


"Ah, Luna, some Ponies still pray to you."

Luna only grumbled. Celestia sighed, then a grin spread over her face. "I bet Akbear would get on his knees in front of you if you asked him to."

The Night Princess gasped at the obscene implication. Celestia rocketed away, her wings spread to their fullest extent and beating up a wind that knocked Luna back.

"You get back here!" Luna roared, slamming against the wind and almost within biting distance of her sister's tail. Celestia swatted her face and accelerated. Luna could only stare at her retreating back and attempt to match her stride. They surged over the rainbow bridge, dashing through the air, sky marching upward. Snow slapped against her face and dusted her wings. High grey mountains lifted like spears to stab her and she zigzagged around them.

The wind was like shards of ice raking across her face. Still she flew onward. Celestia turned and stuck out her tongue before darting away once more. Sometimes she would slow down just long enough for Luna to almost reach out and grab her, but at that moment, Celestia would charge farther away from her.

Luna whooshed forward, the tips of her wings slicing through the freezing wind. Celestia had retreated about a foot away from her. Luna fiercely flapped her wings and closed the distance only for Celestia to spin into the air in a complicated arc which Luna copied.

Steam and smoke from the forge of the Dwarves hammering far below billowed into the air. Their wings fluttered through it, dispelled it into molecules of mist. Luna grinned as she closed in on her target, but Celestia adopted a sudden zigzag pattern Luna recalled from long ago battles. She adopted the opposite pattern and nearly caught her this time. Celestia arced her wings, angling them downward.

Luna followed like a heat seeking magimissile, diving through the aether. Wind roared in her ears, knocked her mane to and fro as she dropped towards her sibling who suddenly twisted and once more escaped the clutches of the younger Princess. The chase continued, Celestia still in the lead, occasionally allowing Luna the illusion of thinking she could gain victory.

The excitement made her tail swish madly through the air. She zoomed upwards and then zoomed back down. Luna narrowed her eyes, keeping her flight path steady and studying the path her rival was taking. As Celestia banked a hard right, Luna banked a hard left. They met in the middle, Luna thrusting out her wing in an attempt to swat at her. Celestia narrowly dodged the extended appendage and zipped away. Luna growled and her ears flattened back. Celestia flew wildly, changing direction at random intervals.

She seemed to be flying straight, but would then rush upwards, then downward again just as Luna thought she knew where she was headed. Suddenly she swung to the side and Luna pounced, striking only empty air. She jerked her head up as her sister's shadow crossed over her. Luna shot upward, Celestia downward, even sweeping her wings to throw Luna off balance.

Luna swerved to avoid the wing and pursued the elder princess over the peak of a mountain. The clang of the Dwarves' hammers was a drumbeat rocking the mountains. All Luna or Celestia could hear was the wind whistling through their wings, completely absorbed in the chase. Gentle flurries of snow dusted their coats, a sudden spray of the cold, wet substance splashing Luna's muzzle. She sneezed.

Celestia turned around. "You alright, Sis?"

"I am, but you're about to not be!"

"Oh, what ya going to do?"

"I'll think of it when I catch you!"

Celestia's magic gathered up some snow, shaped it into a ball and threw it. Luna just narrowly avoided it, moving a scant few inches away. Luna's magic scooped up snow, balling them up and shooting them at Celestia. Two of them smacked her straight in the face. She coughed and teleported away.

The younger Alicorn scanned the field of battle. Had her quarry vanished? Only mountains were visible, cresting like grey ocean waves over an eternally rippling surface which gave the illusion of movement from the swirling clouds and mists, the dark smoke rising upwards.

From here, she could make out the very tops of birch forests growing from a fruitful, green field, slender arms blowing in an eternally warm summer. Light danced against thick tree limbs. Had her sister made an escape into Alfheim? That had to be it. A scan with her magic senses revealed no invisibility charm.

The snow melted from her fur the second she entered the brightness of the fields where the Elves made their dwelling. This was a soft land, the contrast shocking. Looking back were the mountains. Here, there was an overwhelming green. Grass came up to her pasterns, caressed her nostrils with the sweet scent.

Celestia landed from the branch of a birch. "Shall we keep going?"

Luna shook her head. "No. Honestly, Celestia, what did you mean by such a vulgar comment? Such bawdy talk is fit for a barmaid not one such as us!"

Celestia hung her head, mostly to hide her grin. "It stopped you from crying, didn't it?"

Luna's mouth hung open. Celestia strode through the grass. "I don't like seeing you cry, but I probably went too far-I've been told quite vocally that I have boundary issues. "

Luna's shoulders slumped. "You're a silly Pony, but I can't stay mad at you."

They shared a nuzzle.

Celestia pulled away. "Forgiven?"

"Forgiven." Luna scraped the ground, pleasant sensations running through her hoof. "This place is familiar. We spent time here as foals."

"It was our playground. Y'know, Luna, you still have Ponies who admire you. The foals of Ponyville. Bat Ponies."

"Do you know what they call me in their mythology? The Vengeful One. On the other hoof, at least they remember me as me, not as Nightmare Moon."

"They haven't seen you in one-thousand years. The longer they know you, the more those legends will change. One day, you will be known as the Kind One once more."

Luna followed her through the tall grass which swished around her legs and revived in her the scents of a long ago foalhood. They kept a slow pace through the meadow. Luna trailed somewhat behind, stepping softly on the grass below her hooves. She stopped, dug her hooves deep into the dirt.

Celestia paused when she saw she that Luna was no longer following her. "Coming Luna?"

Luna pranced over. "Coming."

The emerald branches of the birches spread over their heads and cast cool shadows over this normally warm part of the Otherworld. Celestia suddenly lept ahead. "Race you to Asgard!"

Luna stared for a few seconds while Celestia darted ahead. Before she knew it, she too was galloping over the field, laughter breaking from her lips. Soon, she was at Celestia's side. The wind beat up by their galloping blew through their manes and tails. Luna charged ahead only for Celestia's longer stride to overcome hers.

With a burst of speed, Luna jumped, her four hooves leaving the ground and she triumphantly claimed the lead over her sister. There were miles of meadow over which to go, but Asgard's golden towers were already coming into view. Celestia's wings sliced through the air as she ascended, zooming over Luna's head. Luna snapped open her wings and floated up in the air.

Down below, the greenery of Alfland flowed forever. If one looked very closely, one could see the elves frolicking. They would scamper away the moment a stranger saw them. Luna coasted on a thermal which buoyed up her feathers. She kept her wings straight, not even flapping them once. Celestia followed her lead, floating next to her.

They floated all the way to Asgard's dazzling towers and landed at the road that led to the massive gates. The massive gates creaked open and Odin stepped out, nodding at them. Celestia nuzzled him in greeting. Luna kept back until Odin gestured to her. She hesitated and took the smallest steps possible without staying completely still.

Odin's stone face cracked a grin. "Come, Luna. It has been too long."

Luna heaved a sigh. "Too long. Where is Father?"

"Looking for Jormungandr."

Both Alicorn's eyes widened at that statement.

"Yes, we know what he has done. Hugin and Mugin told me days ago."

The ravens in questions perched on the Allfather's shoulder from where they had been resting on the gates. Luna brought down her hoof on the ground. It shook in response. "Excuse me? Why didn't you tell us?"

Odin shook his head. "You know I can see the destinies of all worlds. Had I told you, Celestia, you would not have held back your wrath."

"She almost didn't."

"Indeed, dear Luna. Had you not been there, her wrath would have consumed her completely. That would have affected the destinies of entire worlds. Futures would have been changed and Ragnarok itself would have come closer."

Celestia glanced over at Luna. "Be honest, Lulu. Am I that annoying when I start making plans based entirely on prescience?"

Luna didn't even hesitate. "Yes."

"Something I'll keep in mind."

Odin threw back his head and roared in laughter. Then he reached out and grabbed Luna by her withers, yanking her with him as he crossed into Asgard. Luna squirmed in protest, but Odin effortlessly kept one arm around him, dragging her through the halls of the Aesir's city.

They passed by alabaster pillars holding up the golden roof. In countless rooms, the clang of swords striking shields echoed and the halls quivered at the sound. Luna's nose caught the iron tang of blood. This too revived memories. They were not the good kind.

Odin absently stroked her fur before letting her go and they entered into the great hall. Familiar faces were missing from the assembly of the Gods. The Vanir sat around the table, exchanging whispered conversations. The great warriors of the Aesir were all absent. Thor, Tyr, even Bragi were gone. Frigga had her usual place. Even Freyr was gone. Freyja stared into her goblet.

Luna and Celestia took their places at the table and Odin sat beside his wife. Celestia levitated up a carrot and gave it a fierce chomp. "How long have you known?"

Odin fell into silence. "I am not sure how to explain it. I always knew he would do something like this and in time the shape of it became clearer yet I could not interfere."

Celestia swigged down some wine. "You knew we were coming."

"Yes, I did." He lapsed into silence. The hall, normally reverberating with shouts, was empty of every sound except the crunch of carrots, the whispers of the Vanir and the murmuring speculations of the Aesir, the ripping of pig flesh from bone which Celestia's relatives still gleefully gorged themselves on.

Luna looked around. "Where is Nana Loki?"

Odin glanced towards the door. "Quarreling with Hel last I saw him."

As if he had heard his name (and he no doubt had) Loki appeared. To Luna and Celestia, their grandmother had the form of a white Alicorn mare with a golden mane though everygod here would see him as a dark-haired male homo sapien-the race which they had shaped.

He scoffed and then his face broke into an expression of pure delight at the sight of the visitors. He rushed to them and covered them in his wings. "My fillies! It's been too long!"

They first reeled back from the smell of alcohol on her breath and then relaxed. Loki lightly kissed Luna's cheek. "And where have you been, my dear?"

"It's been hard for me."

"I know, I know." He drew back and glided over to Freya.

He lifted her chin. "Be not troubled, Cousin. Freyr sends word. He is well."

She chanced a smile. "Tell him he'd better be."

Loki turned his attention back to his nieces. "Why is everyone so somber? A song! As for my son, send him to me Odin my brother! I'll bind him myself!" He slammed his fist on the table. "Do not kill him." His voice was suddenly small. He bit his lip and shook his head. "Don't know where I went wrong."

Odin pulled out a chair for him. He sat down and swung out his arm. "Enough sorrow and may sadness be forever banished!"

With a snap of his fingers, the pigs came back to life and started doing a jig on the table. The revived boars stamped upon the wood, dancing all along. The Vanir burst into laughter that spread to the Aesir. Celestia's face crimsoned. Music had flowed from where no one knew.

It was an ancient wedding song. Celestia rolled her eyes. Was there no way she could surprise her kin? Odin had started humming along. At the start of the music, the Gods started leaving their seats, interlocking their arms and swaying along. Odin kept time, beating his spear. "Is there any other news you wish to share, nieces?"

"I am marrying as you already know."

"I'm glad." He reached out and laid a hand on her withers. "May joy follow you and Twilight all your days." He then took hold of Frigg's hand, rose and his blue robes fluttered as he twirled around the hall with Frigg whose hands clasped his hips.

Celestia lifted from the chair and danced along herself, Luna doing the same. Odin passed her and Frigg leaned down to her ear. "Before you take her as your bride, shall you share a gift with her?"

"Perhaps. It will be her choice."

"Tarry not too long. Time is precious for mortals."

Celestia knelt her head. "I bow to your wisdom, All Mother."
A row of oaks towered over the earls as they followed the leaf strewn trail that led up to the assassin's home. It had taken a while to get an appointment with him. His hut was deep in the forest. It was a simple building at the end of the dirt road. Earl Grey pushed open the curtain. A brown stallion was sitting on a chair, reading a book. A low bookshelf was in the corner of the room. A wall of swords, shields, axes and spears was behind him.

His head snapped up. "Earl Grey. There is something called politeness. It dictates that one should knock before entering another's home."

Earl Shimmer lightly roared as her ears flailed. "Is this a joke? He's an Earth Pony!"

The assassin casually tapped the ground. Vines shot up and trapped Shimmer's legs.

"Let me go!"

The assassin put aside his book. "What do you think of it?"

She struggled with the network of vines which writhed over her body.

"I cultivated it myself." His lips turned upward. "Fascinating process. Earth Pony magic is poorly understood. I do all I can to further my tribe's knowledge." He made a gesture with his hoof. The vines tightened. "Do not underestimate me, Hornhead."

Earl Grey grit her teeth. "Stop it!"

He ignored them. "It drains magic."

Even as he spoke, she felt a wave of tiredness, a pounding ache on her horn. He stamped his hoof again and the vines vanished. "I suggest a bridle for your companion, Grey. A stallion's home is sacred. Do not storm in here and insult me. What do you want?"

Shimmer panted. "You could have killed me."

"Yes, I could have. State your business or leave."

Earl Grey straightened herself up as if trying to be as tall as the stallion. "Look here, Silverhoof. I have an assignment for you. Lady Sparkle has attempted to supplant my daughter's rightful place at the side of the throne. She must be removed."

The stallion nodded. "Lady Sparkle, you say? Get out."

Earl Grey's ears wilted. "What?"

"I presume you mean one Twilight Aurora Sparkle, Element of Magic, consort of Princess Celestia, highly regarded scholar. Defeated Nightmare Moon. Chrysalis. Sombra. Discord. Took on a dragon and won. I read an interesting paper written by her. She has an excellent grasp on combat magic-which she studies in her spare time. It's not even her main field of study."

"So what? Are you afraid?"

"No, I'm not afraid. I simply know when I'm outmatched. Also, she is surrounded by guards. I couldn't access her."


He snorted. "I am a living coward. If you have any petty little soft bodied nobles for me, send me a letter."

Earl Shimmer thought she heard her peer's tooth snap. A grimace of pain flashed across Earl Grey's face. "I'll pay you triple."

"Will it cover my funeral expenses?" There was no humor in his tone.

"Her guards should be easy for you to take down-"

He shook his head. "There's been a basic misunderstanding about the Equestrian military since the One Day War with the Changelings. Consider that Queen Chrysalis had to spend months infiltrating the Guard and compromising a high ranking member as well as replacing a government official. She was still defeated. Consider that we have never lost a war. Likely, we never will."


"Nothing in nature is fiercer than a stallion defending its territory or a mare he feels is under his protection. The Invasion of Canterlot was unfortunate. Given time, the Guard would have rallied and driven out the invader."

Earl Shimmer finally caught her breath. "Then use your vines."

"A combat trained Unicorn would slice through them. A Pegasus guard would fly out of range. I would love to test myself against an Earth Pony guard, but I have a feeling I would be defeated. They know magic which is inaccessible to ordinary civilians."

He plopped down in his chair. "Leave. I won't ask again."

Earl Grey lashed the air with her tail in quick, sharp snaps. "This is unacceptable."

The assassin picked up his book, said nothing in reply. Earl Shimmer touched her shoulder. Earl Grey pushed her hoof away. "I will never hire you again."

He shrugged. "There isn't a member of my profession who will tell you different."

Earl Shimmer tugged at Earl Grey. "Let's just go."

This time, Earl Grey jerked away so quickly that the other noble was nearly thrown to the ground. "Very well. Very well. Goodbye."

They marched out of the hut. Earl Shimmer studied the sunlight dappling the leaves. Sunlight was warm, gentle. A mother's embrace.

Sunlight could become fire. Fire burned. Fire destroyed forests, raged out of control on the wild plains. The shivering she'd been suppressing broke out all over her body. She couldn't figure out if it was the poison flowing through her veins or...something else.

Her legs trembled so much she could barely take another step though she forced herself to follow Earl Grey.

Could the sun hear her thoughts? What madness was it to go against the sun?

"That's it. That's it then. There's truly no hope left."

The sun still warmed her back. Was that phantom wings she felt on her withers? "Ave vestra misericordiae." The words of pleading, 'hail your mercy', came unbidden to her lips from some storehouse of fillyhood memories.

It wasn't true that there was no hope. "No hope but your grace, no hope but your grace, no hope but your grace..." Shimmer muttered, the shivering intensifying. She would have to run and make it quick. A monastery wasn't far from here. Earl Grey was staring at her.

"Blind is the sinner..."

"Shut up! What is this? What's wrong with you?"

She would shave her locks like the penitent she was, bear ash upon her forehead, escape the wrath of the sun.

The sun wasn't warm anymore. Her skin was burning. Heat bloomed inside of her, the solar light penetrating her, penetrating her muscles and her bone.

Earl Grey grabbed her, shook her firmly. "Stop that immediately!"

Her peer could feel the way her forelegs were shaking. Earl Shimmer slashed her horn through the air, stopped it at Earl Grey's throat. "You stop it! You led me to this place! I hate you!"

Earl Grey's face twisted in a snarl. "This is not a popularity contest! We are in this together." Her voice lowered. "Once we kill Sparkle and get the cure-"

"Are you stupid?" Earl Shimmer reared up and Earl Grey lost her grip on her. She stumbled then regained her posture. "Listen, Grey, the Princess will not spare us. She will find us. She will cast us into the deepest dungeon she has. We will never be free again-in this life nor in the next."

Earl Shimmer didn't wait to hear a retort. With a focus of her magic, she teleported and stumbled when she found herself at the golden gates of the Order of the Crimson Heart. Teleportation had always come naturally to her, but she'd never teleported one-hundred miles. The building beyond the gates was small, surrounded by two rings of birch trees as was common with such structures. The trees waved light green, leaf covered arms as if welcoming her.

The building was made of solid gold, pillars holding up the prism shaped roof, in the Pegasan style which had been adopted by the other Pony tribes. Each gargantuan pillar was inscribed with symbols. The roof itself was inscribed with a stylized sun. She stepped through the gates. The shivering stopped. The day was late and the metal shone like orange flames.

Warm, though, not hot. A warm, inviting hearth. She took a few steps and collapsed.
Celestia re-positioned herself at her oak wood desk. A stack of papers was piled neatly on the left side of her desk. A plate to her right held the remains of a piece of strawberry cake. Starlight and moonlight's rays played with the orange glow of candlelight, playing on the plain, wooden walls. Her office had once been completely barren. Then she'd added a photograph of Cadence and herself sharing an ice cream cone. The picture was nestled in a silver frame.

There was a picture of Luna, soon after her return. She was sheltered in Celestia's wing, shy and unfamiliar with the strange, picture taking device. That picture found a home in a silver picture frame.

The third and final photograph that ornamented her office was a picture of herself and Twilight sharing a kiss. She paused in her work, glanced at the photograph of her family before returning to forms in front of her. She was almost done and two hours were left before it was time for her date.

She threw Lady Blueblood's petition to have her son crowned "king of the Unicorns" into the trash and made a note to remind her that such a position had not existed in nine-hundred years. Fancypant's petition to raise more money for cancer research (what was that about?) went into the approved pile. She remembered that Fleur de Lis had had quite the health scare a year ago.

Her door creaked open. Probably a servant come to check up on her. Her newer servants were particularly dedicated. She didn't look up from a petition about more autonomy for the Outer Provinces. It wasn't such a bad idea. Perhaps, Parliament could debate the suggestion. She separated it into the maybe pile, moaned as a kiss was laid on her nape. The kisser was skilled, practiced. The lips brushed lightly over her neck. Two forelegs wrapped around her, a purple muzzle nuzzled the space below her ear.

"Y'know what's wonderful?"

Celestia turned, greeted Twilight with a kiss. "Being cuddled by the prettiest, smartest, sweetest Pony in Equestria?"

"Yes." Twilight whispered into her ear. "And I'd like it if you cuddled me very much. What I was talking about was the wonderful feeling of somepony not trying to kill me every five minutes. Simply great."

Celestia almost retorted that it was too soon to reach that conclusion, but she didn't want to chase away that eager smile so instead she stroked her cheek with a trickle of magic. Twilight contentedly sighed at the Unicornish way of expressing affection.

"My dear, as much as I'd like to drag you to bed and make furious love to you, I really need to get this paperwork done."

Twilight inched away and stood at the desk, grinning. "Paperwork? Have you met me?"

Celestia's head shot up and she yanked Twilight into her lap, tracing her lips with her own, like she was trying to drink her in. Twilight responded in kind, only pausing to reposition herself so she could wrap her forelegs around Celestia's neck. Celestia pulled away after a few seconds, panting and breathless. "Marry me."

Twilight caught her own breath before melding her lips against Celestia's. The solar princess shivered at the tingling sensations of Twilight's tongue trailing the roof of her mouth. She only pulled away with great reluctance. "I'm going to."

"No, right now. Luna's holding court. Let's just go and get married."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "So, I didn't really need to go fight a dragon. I just needed to offer to help you with your paperwork."


"Would've been nice to know."

Celestia snorted into her hoof. Twilight hopped from her lap and sat down on the wide cushion which Celestia was also sitting in. "So, do you have a copy of the royal seal?"

Celestia levitated it over. "Look over them carefully." Twilight nuzzled her ear. Celestia nuzzled back. "Somepony hasn't been getting enough attention lately."

"Let's play a game." Twilight's breath washed over her ears. "Whoever finishes first gets a kiss."

"Sounds like we both win."

"The best kind of game."

Celestia separated the paperwork into two piles with a flash of her magic. They both hunched over their own parchment. Twilight examined the scroll carefully, pursing her lips. Celestia scribbled a few notes, then brought down her stamp which slapped down on the paper like a drum. Twilight jumped.

"I win." Celestia grinned. Twilight pressed her lips to Celestia's.

"Next time, I will. I have no idea what any of this says." She magiced it over to Celestia who stared at it blankly before shrugging, crumpling it and tossing it into a wastebasket. "I understood it. Wouldn't want to damage your innocent mind by telling you what it meant."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Innocent? Really?"

"You are yet uninitiated in the ways of true political conniving."

"It gets worse than assassinations?" Her eyes narrowed. "What was that saying?"

"In brief? It would have removed all worker safety regulations-though the drafter spent a long time getting to his point."

Twilight's jaw dropped. "Why would anyone want to do that?"

Celestia shrugged. "Greed, mostly. You didn't understand it as it was written using references to law codes I doubt even you have read."

Twilight picked up another one, Celestia took one of her own. They fell into a rhythm with each other, the pounding of the stamps against the wood of the table a cadence. Every time one of them finished, they'd claim their prize-a kiss. Celestia smiled as she looked over one very boring draft then signed it. Twilight signed it a few seconds too late. Celestia captured her lips. Twilight pressed against her.

Celestia glanced over at the stack, which was growing smaller by the second. While still keeping her lips locked with Twilight, she picked up one such piece of paper, read over it, signed it before laying it down. "I win again."

She drank in the taste of Twilight, that peculiar blend of daisies and dandelions, tea and her own natural scent. Twilight pulled away. "Cheater."

She grabbed one parchment just as Celestia did. They both spent some time examining the parchments. Twilight signed it first just before Celestia tossed hers away. Twilight pounced on her with the kiss. Only three more parchments remained. Celestia swooped one up, examined it, signed it. This time, Twilight kissed her then blinked. "You know what? I think I forgot how this game was supposed to go."

"Game? What game?" Celestia pecked her horn, eliciting a shiver down the Unicorn's spine. Twilight touched her lips to Celestia's throat, suckled.


Both jumped up when Luna pranced into the room. "Sister, I thought you were doing paperwork! Mine court came to a close ten minutes ago! What are you two doing?"

A blush crept up both their faces.

"Paperwork?" Celestia offered.

Luna swept up the two remaining parchments, brought them over to herself. Grumbling, she signed them with the seal before placing all three items down. "Now, let's get going!"

Luna nearly dragged them along with her magic and they followed after her.