Begining of the end

by Raot

Loyalty and Greed

The castle gates, after the celebrations.

Oath Keeper kept guard tonight. He was a large stallion, with heavy armor and a massive array of magical spells for combat. He felt that even alone he could fend off any threat, no matter what kind of attacker came…
But in the distance, he saw a light coming towards the walls. He squinted and made out an orange Pegasus. Earthheart.
“Hey!” he waved to the pony.
“Get out of my way!” he heard her scream as she charged towards the wall. He noticed now, in horror, that the light he saw was coming from her hooves… they were red hot from the friction. He stood his ground.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but you can’t enter…” he created a ethereal magical shield in front of himself. It was so powerful, it was even capable of keeping a dragons fire at bay.
As Earthheart charged, she slammed into the shield with such force that it sent Oath Keeper flying back, smashing him up against the wall behind him.
“What?!” he gasped as the small Pegasus pony continued forward, slamming her hot, flaming hoof into Oathkeepers flank and smashing him to the ground. He yelled in pain, the hoof burned and buried into him, but he looked up at the Pegasus, regaining his hooves, and planned to strike down the diminutive mare…
But then he saw her eyes, wet with tears and hot with fury. She slammed her hooves into the stone with no effect on the Ivory gates. Sadness eventually overwhelmed the small ones anger and her legs gave way, leaving her to cry into the dirt below her. Oath Keeper lost all of his fighting spirit as he saw the great force of nature simmer down to ashes before him.
“…Whats wrong?” he asked, forgetting all of his stately duties. As high up as he was on the military ladder, he still had a soft spot in his heart for mares in distress.
It was hard to understand her. But eventually, after laying by her side she calmed down enough to say, “She burned it… she burned it all…”
“Your garden?” he asked. “Who?”
Her rage appeared for another millisecond as she spat, “You know who!” she developed back into sobs. “She burned it… Celestia burned it…”
“The Princess?” the treasonous thought struck a nerve, but he kept his seat. “Why would the princess do such a thing…”
Earthheart looked up in a swelling rage. “Greed. Pride. Power, Corruption, Cruelty!” she stood up once more. “I have heard things Oath Keeper… things you would not believe. Celestia isn’t who you think she is.”
“…Who told you these things?” Oath Keeper asked, humoring the Pegasus.
“Me.” He turned to see the new voice. Cyan star was standing before them. “I know her better then most. And let me tell you…” she looked into Oath Keepers eyes. “You don’t know who you serve.”
Oath keeper had served with the royal family all his life… but what reasons would Celestia have for burning Earthhearts garden?...
With sorrow in his heart, and a feeling of rebellion festering in his mind, he pleaded, “Tell me more Cyan Star.”
Cyan smiled and responded. “Please… this is a time of change… I think you should call me by my new name.” She looked down at her flank, and then back to Oath Keeper. “Cyanide.” A silence filled the air.
He could have called for help. He could have said no, he could have denied it all… but instead, he asked, “What is the plan.”
“We wait… for now.” Cyanide commanded. “Hold your rage for later… the time will come…” She led Earthheart away, and Oath Keeper stood back at his post. The wall was spotless from the attack. The only evidence that anything had ever gone amiss that night, was a burnt wound on Oath Keepers flank that broke the solemn golden ring on his cutie mark.

“Lord KillSwitch McDeathengine?” Celestia asked before entering the cave.
“Yes.” The voice responded. A Red dragon head lowered to meet her eyes in the dark cave.
“Did I pronounce that correctly?” Celestia asked cordially. “I’m still trying to learn dragon names…”
“Yes, very good Princess.” The Dragon responded. “But Switch works fine as well.”
“Then you can simply call me Celestia, if we are ignoring titles.”
“It would make things quicker.” He responded. “Now to business…”
“Yes, quite…” Celestia nodded. “I’ve come to ask for my winnings”
“Wha… oh, right.” The Dragons eyes rolled as he continued, “How much was that?”
“The bet was 20 bits.” She said, counting. “20 bits against my sister raising the moon on her own…” he threw 20 bits in her direction. “Dragons don’t like losing bets do they?”
“No, No we don’t.” he grumbled.
“For a race who hates losing, you sure like to gamble though…” she added, carrying her winnings into her carriage.
Switch laughed softly, “Yes, we have our share of faults… we do tend to bite off more then we can chew.” His eyes then lost some humor. “But you ponies have your own faults.”
“Really?” Celestia asked. “Like what?”
Switch had his claws around a small Pegasus that he dropped to the ground next to the princess. “The largest being curiosity. I found this street urchin buzzing around my cave this morning, trying to make off with as much gold as she could carry. She says her name is ‘Sparks’… you ponies and your strange names…”
Celestia looked down at the poor thing. She was a thin, dirty yellow Pegasus with an electric blue mane. She was quite small, and must have just been a filly.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Sparks seamed much more afraid of Celestia then the dragon.
“It’s all right young one… did he hurt you?” she asked. The Pegasus looked up and shook her head. “Well you must be hungry, if he kept you in here all day…”
“No, actually, he fed me.” She said, nodding.
“Really?” she asked.
“Well… I couldn’t let her… it… starve.” Switch shrugged.
“Well, it’s alright, you can leave now.” The Princess said, trying to comfort the filly.
“Actually, he said I could come back and play tomorrow if I wanted!” she said with a smile. “That is, if you aren’t mad…”
“Did he?” she asked, wryly smiling at the dragon.
“Oh, no, I, she…” Switch blushed. “…Please don’t tell anyone.” He asked.
“Not a soul.” She winked. “You can go.” She said to the Pegasus. Sparks giggled and flew off the mountain.
“The other dragons wouldn’t let me live it down if they found out…you know.” Switch said.
“Found out that The Dragon Lord Killswitch McDeathEngine offers playtime and lollipops little fillies?” she said. He looked away in embarrassment.
“…You know what?” Celestia started. “Dragons have a greater flaw then greed.”
“Really?” Switch responded. “Please, do tell.”
“Kindness.” She whispered.
The Dragon groaned, “You can’t imagine how much those words hurt me, as a Dragon, Celestia.” He scoffed. “I should be kidnapping princess like you, not losing bets.”
Celestia laughed, “Speaking with you is always a pleasure.” She bowed. “Until we meet again.”
The dragon bowed his head, and said, with sarcasm, “Buy yourself something nice.” Celestia giggled, walking back into her carriage.
“I will.”

Falling from the crumbling castle walls

Celestia hit the ground hard, but softened the blow for High Noon by catching him on her back. Debris was falling down like stone rain. She tried to dodge all she could, following High Noon towards the gates…
But right there before them was a figure, blocking their path…
“…Oath Keeper!” Celestia exclaimed. But after a moment, she noticed that he just, stood there…
“He does not go by that name anymore sister.” Celestia turned to see her younger sibling, engulfed in darkness. “His new name is Oath Breaker. It has been since his Cutie mark changed.” Celestia looked back in shock realizing that it was true, the golden ring had a mark slashed through it, breaking the circle.
“You are not fit to lead anymore Celestia.” Oath Breaker said solemnly.
Celestia could feel coldness creeping up on her again.
“You are inept, and blind. This empire of sun has gone on for long enough… it is time for you to give rise to the moon.”
“Don’t listen to him!” High Noon started. He tried to find away through Oath Breaker, but the stallion was too big and too strong.
“You think your citizens love you?” he asked. “Their crops burn, the homeless fill the streets, beggars starve for scraps, and here you are crying about the sun going down.”
Celestia wiped away the tears on her check, suddenly being reminded of them.
“Should it really surprise you?” Luna asked, “That even your most loyal subjects turns against you? You are incompetent! Delusional! No one wants you here!” Celestia fell to the ground again.
“Just close your eyes.” She heard. “Harmony is gone.” She heard. She could not keep from sobbing, and High Noon seamed to be a whole world away… “This is how friendship dies. This is how the spark goes black…”

“Not this spark!” Celestias eyes opened suddenly as a yellow and blue dot buzzed down from the sky, tackling the huge Stallion and making him stumble like he was hit with a bolt of lighting.
“Now’s your chance!” It was Sparks. The little filly was out of breath, but still kicking.
“Get back here!” Luna sent a bolt of magic through her horn at the small filly, but Sparks dodged it easily.
“Na na na na na boo boo!” She stuck out her tongue “Bleh!”.
“Why you little…!” Oath Breaker charged at the impudent whelp, missing, and not even remotely keeping up with her movements…
But the way was open.
“No you fool!” Luna yelled as Celestia charged through with newfound purpose. High Noon and Sparks followed quickly behind her.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.” Sparks said, quickly leading the way with her speed.