Sirens' origin

by EnergeticRider

Rise of the Sirens

Three months have passed since Yew Draft and Wild Card had accepted Fountain’s offer. He hasn’t lied to them, saying he can lift the whalebone ban. In fact, it was done in less than two weeks after Fountain departed to Canterlot. And when the red colt returned he brought not only the proper papers, but a whole team of specialist ponies to start collecting whalebone almost immediately.

“That is amazing!” Wild Card almost cried, when she saw all the equipment. “It’s like dream came true!”

Draft, however, was less excited. In fact, he had a lot of things on his mind, not the least of them “how?”. For that Fountain should have someone on Equestria Ruling Council, who was interested in whalebone. But that was easy to understand – Wild Card literally wrote a dozen of articles on whalebone magical properties and potential to make magic enhancing amulets. Even earth ponies could use those to do basic spells. That is until Card’s initiative was not banned due to those sanctimonious “protect leviathans” zealots.

Seriously, half of them just threw baseless accusations about Delight citizens hunting beasts without any proof. And the other half was saying that ponies don’t have a right to desecrate “final resting place”. Right, they wouldn’t even call graveyard a graveyard. And who even cares about leviathan remains?! It’s not like those creatures visit their deceased relatives or something. Seaponies, who live underwater and watch great beasts activities daily would know better than anyone, wouldn’t they? Not according to those hot shots, hiding behind Royal Sisters' backs!

Fountain’s associates obviously were ponies of a more reasonable kind. They understood the perspectives of Wild Card’s work. But preparing the whole team in less than half a moon? With all the bureaucratic drivel on Equestria Ruling Council that was impossible! Unless of course, they started preparations in advance. That would mean that whoever those ponies were, they knew or at least counted on Fountain to persuade leading siblings of Delight city. If they were so well prepared, why all those delays? Delight city needs to grow and many demands of its citizens can’t be fulfilled without supplies Fountain promised.

“Brother?” Wild Card’s voice pulled Draft from his thoughts.

As usual, he was sitting in the club that was on the low floor of City Hall. Very convenient for seaponies to relax after the workday and meet Delight’s management in nonformal surroundings. And of course, many ponies came here to listen to Sirens sing. Their charming voices somehow soothed any anguish and lifted any visitor’s spirit.

Everypony thought that to be just natural talent, but Draft suspected that it was his sister’s magical charms. Though he didn’t much care – the result was more important. In fact Draft, himself came down to the club from time to time.

“Remember, you asked me about whalebone sales?” Card looked around in case someone was listening, but everyone’s attention was on the Sirens. They were singing “Welcome to Delight” again – their most popular song.

“Yes. Fountain says that they aren’t as high as he hoped. And that’s the reason he couldn’t buy all the supplies he promised. But I don’t believe him.”

“Well, sales are indeed rather low. But the reason is not low demand.”

“What do you mean?”

“There is simply not enough whalebone. Shops keep running out of stock.”

“Wait, wait, wait. How can they be low on whalebone if we get… Ah, I see.” Draft grimly stomped hoof.

“Yes, Fountain is cheating. He keeps most part of the bone to himself, for whatever reason.”

“I know the reason. He wants its price to get higher. But at our expense.”

“So you better talk to him. Before our supplies run low. We are not running low on supplies already, are we?”

“Good for you to care at last. We are OK for now, just so you know.”

The bickering between Draft and Card continued as they were floating through the city. As high as Card’s skill in magic was and as valuable were her studies of charms creation, Draft didn’t like that she dedicated to them ALL the time.

“I know that you would like to live in some sort of Ivory Tower not worrying about anything else, but I’m just one pony. You can’t put all the stuff on me!”

“And can’t you find someone else to help? Seriously, if you are now officially called the mayor of Delight, you should have ponies for the economy, farm, and other management. Especially now, as the city is filled with work again.”

Delight has indeed become more lively since that first Fountain’s visit months ago. More floating carriages and construction all over the place. The City Hall itself was built on the occasion to receive the Equestrian delegation, but after that, it unexpectedly became the center of city’s life.

Draft ad his sister found Fountain in his “office”. Actually, it was a cave in one of the undersea cliffs, but it was high above the Delight plateau. A few windows were gouged in the rock and with a multitude of lights below one could imagine being on the top floor of one of Manehattan tall buildings.

“Is it something urgent?” asked Fountain after Wild Card practically pushed some ponies out.

“Yes. It’s about whalebone,” started Draft right away.

“Listen,” said Fountain annoyingly “I’ve already told you that we hadn’t sold enough...”

“But how were you going to if the most part of the shipment hadn’t reached the store?”

“What are you talking about?” red seacolt seemed surprised, though Draft knew that it was not about the whalebone, but about the news reaching the Delight.

“Don’t play games with us! We know that you still holding most of the whalebone in your warehouses.”

For some reason, it looked like Fountain looked relieved.

“Listen. It’s all about commerce. If we sell all whalebone at once, the price will drop. And you won’t get enough bits anyway.”

“And for some reason, you’ve forgotten to mention your sales strategy, when we made an agreement!” Draft pushed at Fountain. “Now you listen. Delight WILL grow as we planned. And if you won’t hold your end of the bargain, we will distribute whalebone amulets ourselves.”

“Oh really?” Fountain smirked. “How will you find your buyers sitting under the ocean? Not to mention the carving and enchanting the amulets. I doubt that your airhead sister will agree to spend night and day to do the job.”

“I am an accomplished mage! One of the best… The best student of Star Swirl the Bearded!” Wild Card angrily lounged at Fountain.

“Yeah, right,” red colt’s grinned again. “You were so good, that after a year he kicked you out. So now you sitting here in the ocean, writing about bones of dead leviathans!”

“You! You know nothing. Magical properties of the whalebone are just one of my many discoveries. All my research was so far ahead that no one could understand it’s implications. Only Star Swirl knew that and granted me an assignment in the field. And when this project is complete, everyone including that upstart Clover will recognize the true value of my ideas.”

“Tell yourself all you want. I know for a fact that right now you and your brother both totally dependent on me. Without my connections, you would and you WILL be sitting on the bottom of the sea for the rest of your days. And no one will remember you.” Fountain took some documents from the pile on his desk. “Now go to your jobs. I will notify you if there when the new shipment of supplies arrives.”

“You insolent...” before Wild Card continued, Yew Draft grabbed her and they left the cave.

“How could he dismissed us just like that?”

“Because he can.” Draft’s voice was unusually calm. “Obviously now he thinks that he owns everything – there is no point in arguing.”

“And you are OK with us being at his mercy?”

“We are not at his mercy, sister. And I’m going to prove that to this clown. Come. We should talk, but not with Fountain. Let’s rally our citizens. And see, what he will do when they just refuse to dig whalebone for him.”

The mayor of the Delight and his sister went to their faithful supporters. Or so they thought.

“So, you ask me to cancel all our scheduled digging?” asked a grumpy dark green sea-colt. “Su-ure. I just tell my guys that we stop working.”

That seapony was a manager of the primary whalebone collecting team. The first link in a chain of production. It was Draft who personally put him in such high position. And yet the gratitude was shortlived.

“Are you out of your minds?!” at last grumpy finished with sarcasm. “It’s Fountain, who pays us, not you!”

It was much worse than Draft feared. Apparently Fountain used quite a large part of the whalebone sales revenue to bribe Draft’s own workers. Not only that, red swindler also used the very amulets that were supposed to bestow magical abilities to earth ponies as barraging chips – after all, what seapony would turn down an opportunity to gain superpony speed or strength. How could Draft not see that coming?!

Sure, Fountain didn’t buy every single citizen of Delight, after all, he had to ship at least some whalebone on land to get supplies HE needed. But so far about half of the management ponies were on his side. Even if everypony who stuck with Draft and Card agree to stop working, it wouldn’t be a blow to Fountain strong enough to force him to cooperate.
They returned to the City Hall club in the most frustrated state.

“What are we gonna do?! That swindler you brought to our sweet Delight made us!”

“Oh, now you put everything on me again.” Draft was really annoyed with his sister’s attitude. “And who was so excited about the lift of whalebone ban, so she jumped to her research shifting all responsibilities to Fountain’s ponies?” And now they are out of our control.”

“Gh-hh.” Wild Card was gritting her teeth.

“OK, sis. Let’s not lose ourselves just yet. Some ponies are still on our side and they promised to come here towards evening. And when they gather here, we should have a plan.”

“Hey! What’s happening?” that was Aria.

She approached to arguing siblings with other two Sirens at her side.

“I mean with Fountain’s whalebone production. I’ve heard that you want to shut him down?”

“Fountain’s production?!” raged Card. “It’s MINE. My life’s work on whalebone charms!”

“Whatever. So you shut him down or not?” Aria had little regard for tact.

Draft quickly pushed his sister aside.

“Why are you asking? Wait. Aren’t you on Fountain’s payroll?”

“Ha! He is such a skinflint, refuses to pay us with whalebone, only usual gems.” Adagio shoved her slightly and Aria corrected herself. “I mean we won’t be bought like that. And since you are in charge of the city why would we ever side with him?”

“Ah, I see,” Draft squinted at his club’s stars. “And why do you think that we are trying to shut whalebone gathering?”

“Face it, brother,” Card answered instead. “It’s those ponies, whom we asked to stop. I can bet at least a few of them had run to Fountain immediately.”

“Yeah, too bad that we haven’t our own among his ponies.” Draft looked Sirens straight in the eye. “Or have we?”

Sirens left the club to spy on Fountain. Card promised them some exclusive magical charms and simply insane amount of raw whalebone. At first Draft was going to scold her, but than changed his mind. Those sisters were their best shot to learn at least some weakness in Fountain’s plan.

Then Draft and Card went upstairs where was Draft’s office. Unlike Fountain’s it was real room, since the City Hall was real building, not just some cave in the cliff side. There was even separate room for Wild Card and her magical artifacts.

However they still couldn’t come up with anything. It appeared that Fountain had all his bases covered. But the worst was yet to come. Just when evening came and all ponies loyal to their mayor came at last, Adagio, Aria and Sonata stormed into City Hall looking like they had to fight of a pack of sharks.

“They are coming!” Adagio breathed out.


“Fountain and his henchponies!”


“And that’s not the worst of it.” said Aria. “Fountain goons crushed several rocks to block access to whalebone deposits. And framed you for it.”

Everyseapony had jaw dropped.

“How do you know all of this?”

“Sonata saw it with her own eyes,” answered Adagio.

“And as usual she screwed up – they caught her.” added Aria.

“Almost caught.”

“Yeah, right. Such a big difference. They chased us right to City Hall, crying “Pitchfork those spies!”. Now, I hope that you have some plan. Otherwise...”

“Otherwise what?” asked some seamare with her voice trembling.

“Otherwise our story won’t end well,” answered Aria.

“And won’t have E rating for sure,” added Sonata.

And then they heard Fountain and the angry mob, he was leading.

“Listen to me, everypony of Delight! As you know whalebone mining became our crucial source of income and magical amulets for the past months. But it appears that you so-called benefactors – mayor and his sister didn’t give a thing about you. When I couldn’t satisfy their insane demands they just blew the site and buried your future!”

“How ponies could believe this fraud?!” stomped Yew Draft.

“It would be great if someone has a plan.” interrupted Adagio.

“Actually, I think I have one.” suddenly exclaimed Wild Card. “You and your sisters can use their charms to stop the mob.”

“How?!” exclaimed Adagio. “This crowd is half of the Delight! We barely stand after singing to a dozen of ponies.”

“And not that we could affect them much anyway.”

“What do you mean by “affect”?” asked one of the seaponies, but his inquiry was ignored.

“Of course I know all that!” snapped Wild Card. “But there is a way to fix this. I just modify you pendants, so they would use emotions of the crowd.”

“Huh. And don’t they need like to be into that flow or something? I remember you told my sisters that if they resist, pendants won’t work at all.”

“Yeah, if even Sonata sees that it’s really stupid idea.” noted Aria.

“Have you heard of Windigo?”

“That’s just a tale for fillies.”

“No. Windigo were real. In fact among my magical ingredients there is their essence.”

“Essence? What is that? Don’t tell me that you’ve squeezed those into the jar or something.”

“Listen, Adagio. I have no time to explain every little detail. Windigo created cold, literally froze the whole land. And they used ponies negative energy to gain strength. And if I could make you pendants work the same way, you can use all that aggression from Fountain’s goons. And the angrier they become, the stronger your call will be. Of course, there can be side effects.”

“For us or for them?” asked Aria.

“I think that at this point we don’t have a choice,” Draft looked through the window.

The angry mob of seaponies with luminescent lights on sticks and pitchforks filled the plaza in front of City Hall.

“Now let those charlatans pay for what they did to you!” shouted Fountain. “They promised you delightful and exotic life and what you get in return? Just more work! Mining precious whalebone for mere bits while they use it to make all sorts of magical stuff. And when you finally would get your entitled reward they just blew the same mine to pieces! Now it’s time for them to pay!”

And just when the crowd was ready to storm it they heard a music from inside. Then it became stronger and to their surprise Fountain’s ponies realized that sound comes from above – through magical loudspeakers usually used to make announcements. Than a song started.

You have come here on the say
Of that two-faced fraud, Fountain.
How can hope you for salvation
Just stop and think of implication:

Who wants take all what is yours?

Just look what you are really doing
Gathered like vultures at the door
Of ones who sworn to protect you
Within these walls and helped
To become free and so much more!

Now you gathered here to blame
Them of destroying one thing they
Wanted for future generations
To be their recognition.

Who would ever do such thing?

Trust us, this is Fountain’s doing.
He is the one who just pretends to be your friend
All of this beauty that surrounds us
For him is just a means to an end.

Don’t let him win, just try to think!
As our city is on the brink
Of the worst mistake for ages
Written into the history pages

Will you stand with us or him?

“What is travesty?! You think that if you make your accusations in the song it will become more believable?” Fountain chuckled. “Take them!”

“Now,” said Wild Card to Sirens. “Try to stop the crowd!”

“Stop!” commanded the sisters and at once all the seaponies, who surrounded Fountain froze.

“What?!” the head of the insurrection was frustrated finding himself among the crowd that was completely out of his control.

“What is happening?!”

“No one will listen to you anymore!” cried Wild Card. “You lost.”

“I never lose. Listen to me, everyone! I promise you twice as payment. And remember who had given you the amulets and other valuable stuff.” the further Fountain talked the more unsure he became as no one around him paid any attention to what he was saying.

“Listen to me! You idiots. Snap out of it!” his frustration now turned into anger. “I won’t allow some magic trick to ruin months, years of preparation. No one outplays Fountain!”

“Now, Adagio!” shouted Wild Card. “While he is angry.”

“Speak the truth!” commanded the Siren. “Fountain, tell everyone who is responsible for the whalebone dig collapse.”

“What if I am?! I made all the preparations. I bought those greedy counselors. I assembled the teams and organized the whole ordeal! It’s my right to get most of the profit and leave you with just my leftovers. You have no idea, how much I will ultimately gain!”

“I think that’s all that we needed to hear,” said Adagio. “Now fellow ponies, what shall you do with someone, who tricked you like that.”

The mob around Fountain as by command turned towards him. Seastallion froze in horror.

“Wait! Stop.” that was the voice of Yew Draft. “Let’s not descend to his level. We should show that in our Delight everyone has a chance for redemption. Mr. Fountain, you will grant me, I mean us all information about stocks of whalebone and your associates.”

“Yes, yes. Of course.” it wasn’t clear if Fountain was compelled by the Siren’s spell or fear of his former followers turning on him, but ultimately there was no difference.

“Good. Thank you brother for reminding us about our values,” said Wild Card. “I promise everypony that from now on each of Delight citizens will get a fair share of our income and support. I know, that what happened today could jeopardize everything we had built here. But the city is in our hooves again. And nothing will threaten our bright future anymore!”

To be continued.