Seasons of the Heart

by RoyalBardofCanterlot


There were times when Celestia hated politics. Then, there were times when she loved them. She stood on the podium in the center of the large, marble room. It was elevated over the hundreds of concentric rings. Everypony could see her above them. They all knew who was in charge. She kept her wings from instinctively flaring out. The walls of the room were covered in windows which allowed in streams of golden, noontime light and caused the marble to glow white like her coat.

The ceiling was wide, held up by a circle of pillars. Written in every language of the subject races of the empire was the Articles of Union, which bound the tribes together beneath her reign. Her gaze wandered to those pillars. The first article, written in Old Equish, Donkeyan, Minotauran and Griffhalan clearly laid out the requirements of her rule in the intricate scrawl with which the ancients infused their calligraphy.

Article One made her reign dependent on the will of the tribes, a concession to the democratic traditions of the Earth Ponies. Her crown, her throne, the seat on which she sat, all of it, depended on the good pleasure of the senators who surrounded her.

For two solid days, they had debated. Voices had been raised, alliances made, insults tossed, even a few incidences of physical violence. Many of the senators were slouched in their seats. Others were struggling to keep their eyes open. A few yawned.

Lord Greywing, an ancient silver Pegasus, rose from his seat. "This body has reached a decision on the fitness of Her Majesty Princess Celestia, by the will of the tribes queen of the Unicorns, Supreme Commander of the Pegasi, Grand Matriarch of the Earth Ponies, Unifier of the Minotaurs, Protectress of the Griffons."

Celestia listened. Lord Greywing took a breath. "This is the decision. It has been determined by this body that Princess Celestia is fit for the duties of her office."

Celestia did not react, mainly because it was not surprising to her. It was like she told Twilight. Ponies preferred stability. Her forced abdication would throw everything into chaos. The Ponies, Griffons, Donkeys and Minotaurs loyal to her would not accept it. It would mean civil war. The nationalist Minotaurs and Griffons would want to reunify with the Minotaur Union and Griffon Kingdoms. Those nations would intervene. Her niece, Goddess bless her, was not the meek pacifist everyone thought she was and she would not put up with her beloved aunt's unwilling retirement so the Crystal Empire's army would participate. Cadence marching on Canterlot was not out of the question if she thought it was under siege by hostile powers. And she would consider Earl Grey's actions both treasonous and hostile.

The loyalists, nationalists and every other conceivable faction would join in the fray. Nopony wanted that.

Earl Shimmer roused herself. "Point of order, Ladies and Gentlestallion."

Lord Greywing suppressed a sigh. Celestia wondered if he would choose to run for re-election. She doubted it. "Yes, Earl Shimmer?"

"There is another question, that of Lady Twilight's status as a warlock."

Lord Greywing brought a hoof to his head. Commander Bucephalus, of the House of Soldiers, brought his brown hoof to his forehead and shook his golden mane. His feathers were standing on end, probably in need of a good preening. "The House of Nobles-all Unicorns, experts in the subject, I presume-have debated the subject and not found an answer. The House of Soldiers have determined she is not a threat due to her commendable service to Equestria. What more do you want, Your Grace?"

Earl Shimmer pounded her podium with a hoof. "Maleficent of the Black Tongue did commendable service to Equestria."

"It is sheer insanity to compare Maleficent to Lady Twilight!"

"Is it, Commander? Chieftain Green Branch, could you answer a question for me?"

The emerald green Earth Pony looked up. Her mane and a tail were a deep shade of yellow that sparkled in the light filling the chamber. "Yes, Earl Shimmer?"

"Do not the Earth Ponies have a way of determining warlocks? It was used during the last Warlock Wars."

Green Branch blinked, did a cursory review of the long and storied customs of her ancestors, answered. "The Warlock Wars were eight centuries ago. There are about three mages who can make that potion and it will kill a warlock instantly. Or, I suppose it will. The last known warlock died eight hundred years ago and the ones today keep quiet, if they're still around."

"They may still be around. Ah, so your tribe still has this knowledge."


Earl Shimmer's lips curled. "But you still have it?"


"Then, we will contact one of these three venerable mages."

"Another point of order, Earl Shimmer." This time the princess did unfurl her wings as if they were a battlefield banner. She lifted her chin. "We do not try those that have not been accused of an actual crime."

"Lady Twilight has been accused of a crime! Stop protecting her!"

Celestia growled and her wings twitched as she restrained the urge to scream. "Enough of this! You have no reason to question my authority so now you go after Twilight! My job is to protect the innocent! Put an end to this ridiculous vendetta!"

Earl Shimmer threw back her head. "You deny that Twilight cast a dark spell, for which you pardoned her?"

"Twilight..." Celestia very carefully weighed her words. "Twilight has a few issues with anxiety for which she sought treatment. That was the cause of her casting that spell."

"Mental instability has caused many to seek after the dark arts, has it not?"

Celestia wanted to deny that, but she could not.

"What do you fear, Princess? Do you fear that I'm right?"

A trembling broke out over Celestia's body. Her legs shook. Her wings shook. Earl Shimmer continued. "Do you fear the loss of her? That she will fail the trial?"

Celestia tasted blood in her mouth from how hard she bit down on her lip.

"Are you afraid that the trial will kill her? That her soul truly has been corrupted by evil powers?"

Obscenities unspoken in thousands of years, obscenities which no one in this room would even recognize as an obscenity and only the most educated might even know the meaning of, flashed in her mind. It took serious effort not to say them, not to let a stream of profanity spew out of her lips.

She put on her smile and calmed her racing heart. "Twilight will take the test. And I assure you, Earl Shimmer, she will pass."

If she passed, Earl Shimmer's political career was dead. She had falsely accused a Hero of Equestria. She would maintain her title, but the heads of her clan would see to it that she was replaced on the Council.

"Is all business adjourned?" Celestia asked in a voice so peaceful, so devoid of the turmoil clawing at her soul, it struck even her as fake.

Chieftain Orange Bud cleared his throat. "The House of Commons petitions the throne on the matter of the value added tax."

"The throne declares the debate open."

She tuned out, she always did on debates she had heard hundreds of times before. It was not a particularly spirited debate even the proponents of the idea did not seem particularly enthused by it. Tax debates were boring, twas a fact of life.

At last, it came to an end. The motion failed to pass (due to many-most-of the members not quite knowing just what a value added tax actually was. Celestia vowed to look it up. Eventually).

Celestia raised her gavel. The marble burned orange as it was touched by the fire of the sun and the whole hall was washed in shades of peach and rose. It was nearly time for her to set the sun. Had the debate lasted that long? She needed to be careful about zoning out like that. "Does the Parliament have any further business?"

The three leaders of the House of Nobles, House of Soldiers and House of Commons all answered "neigh."

"Very well. I hereby declare this session of the Parliament closed. All in favor of going home, taking a long bath and reading a good book?"



"Very well." She banged the gavel. "Goodnight, everypony."

She stretched her back as the members of the legislative assembly all started to trot out the doors. She dismounted the podium, stepped onto the cool floor. The sun hung suspended in the sky, preparing for its rest on the western horizon.

Celestia joined the crowd of officials as they all exited the room. She was greeted with a hug by her sister and a surprise hug from Twilight. She wrapped her wings around both of them. "Hello, Twilight."

Twilight planted a kiss on her lips. "How'd it go?"

"Yes, Sister. Am I now the sole princess in Equestria?"

Celestia chuckled. "Now don't be disappointed, but we're still a diarchy."

They started to walk down the hall, Twilight cuddled into her side, Celestia keeping a wing wrapped around her in addition to a wing around Luna. Among her favorite mares. Cadence being here would have made things perfect. She nudged Luna's side. "You could have come too, Luna."

"Someone had to respond to petitions. Besides, I would have had difficulty controlling my anger."

Twilight grit her teeth. "I would have too."

Celestia released the both of them, strode onto the balcony, looked over at Canterlot. Luna joined her. Twilight chose to remain at a respectful distance behind them. Celestia lit her horn, reached out with her magic. Invisible tendrils flared out from the golden magic enveloping her horn, reached out, touched the sun. The sun's presence was like an old, familiar friend, responding, yielding to her touch.

She guided the sun towards the west and it wheeled its way across the sky, finally disappearing, leaving the ivory towers of Canterlot shrouded in shadows until Luna lit her own horn. The moon was different from the sun. The moon was cool where the sun was hot, yet it embraced Luna like a lover. Luna's magic curled around the silver orb, pulled it up. It floated into the sky, poured its silvery light over the narrow lanes and alleys of the capital. Luna closed her eyes, breathed out, cut the connection. "The moon is stronger than the sun, I will always believe that."

"Why is that?"

"I struggle to maintain the connection and then I struggle to close it. She does not want to let me go."

"Perhaps, she's lonely."

Luna shrugged. "I am not lonely, certainly."

Celestia patted her shoulder. "I am glad to hear that."

Luna shuffled a hoof. "Though, I could still use some advice with Akbear."

Twilight trotted forward. "What kind of advice?"

Luna looked up to the sky. "W-we can talk about it later."

Celestia's foreleg held her in place. "Luna, remember that nice conversation we had about sharing our problems?"

"Of course I do, Sister. Akbear is a gallant stallion and I-I think I might be ready to say the L-word."

"Truly, Sister? A big step."

"I haven't said it to a stallion since I can't remember when."

Twilight cleared her throat. The royal sisters turned to look at her. "May I say something?"

Celestia ushered her closer. "Of course, Twilight. You're practically part of our family now."

"When I started to court Celestia, I just went right up and told her I loved her." She paused. "Alcohol helped. Actually, I wouldn't advise that with you."

"If it works, I suppose..." Luna gulped. "Would you two mind coming on a double date with us this Friday? I might need some support."

Both of them laid their hooves on Luna's withers. "Of course we will, Princess...I mean, Luna."

"Thank you." She pulled away. "It is time for night court to begin."

"Good luck!" Celestia called after her. She left, leaving only Twilight and Celestia on the balcony. Celestia nuzzled her, a gesture of affection Twilight gleefully returned, rubbing her cheek against the cheek of her lover.

They stared out over the streets of Canterlot. Celestia drew Twilight tightly to herself, Twilight laying her head against Celestia's ribcage, feeling the frenzied beating of her heart. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, my love. Everything will be fine."

"Liar. I know you too well for that."

Celestia gently nibbled her ear. "Perhaps I can distract you?"

Twilight shuffled away from the warmth of her wing, faced her. "C'mon, Tia. What was that mini-lecture you just gave Princess Luna on sharing your feelings?"

Celestia studied the grey stone beneath her feet. "Some on the Council-well, Earl Shimmer specifically-still believe you may be a warlock and thus a threat. In a moment of pride, I might have suggested you could pass a warlock test. In retrospect, she was deliberately goading me."

Twilight took in a deep breath, stretched out her foreleg in the calming exercise she had been taught long ago. "I understand. If I don't take the test, I would look bad."

"If you do take the test, they could poison you."

"How worried should I be about that?"


"The test entails drinking the truth potion?"

"Exactly. If your soul has been used as a conduit for demonic energies then..." She trailed off.

Twilight set her mouth in a thin line. "Celestia, you know I don't use dark magic."

"Not anymore."

Twilight drew back as if she'd been slapped. Celestia pressed her horn to Twilight's. "I'm sorry, this has just stressed me out."

Twilight responded by wrapping her forelegs around Celestia's neck, leaning into her. "Alright, I get it, and that was fair. But it's been years and there's a huge difference between a warlock and a dark mage."

"I know, Twilight. I was at the battle against the last warlock." Images flashed into her mind. Cities ravaged by balefire. Horrific abominations stalking the land. A trail of blood and death all centered around a Unicorn who had descended into complete madness. The Bloody Baron. Raven Ebonyhorn.

His experiments had rampaged across Equus, until she stalked him, tracked him down to his tower in a land which had been so corrupted it was literally rotting and there, on the top of his obsidian tower, she had dueled him, plunged her horn into his throat, she hadn't even realized ponies could bleed that much...

A stroke on her face transported her eight centuries back into the present where Twilight was staring up at her, her hoof against Celestia's cheek. She pressed her own hoof to Twilight's. "All is well. I was simply remembering things that happened long ago."

For a moment, she had felt the slickness of crimson liquid trailing down her horn's tip, but she was here, not there. Why had Earl Grey and Earl Shimmer brought all this up? It was strange. Warlocks were no longer a threat and hadn't been in some time.

So, why...?

Twilight was apparently going along the same trail of thought. "Why didn't she simply accuse me of being a dark mage?"

It all clicked. Like thousands of times before, Celestia placed all the pieces together and found herself ten steps ahead of her enemy. A grin spread across her face.

She was in control again, drew herself up. "For the same reason she brought up the test. It's very simple, my dear. She intends to poison you."

Twilight gulped. "And why are you grinning about that?"

Celestia caressed Twilight's mane, long, calming strokes. Twilight's tail lashed behind her. "You're going to do the test. You're going to survive. I have a plan, trust me."

Twilight's hoofsteps pounded on the stone of the balcony. She walked back and forth, circling around Celestia, her ears flicking, her tail madly swishing through the air.

Celestia listened to Twilight take in several deep breaths of air, breaths that soon turned into pants. She whirled around. "I'm going to risk my life if I go through with this!"

Back to pacing. Each hoofstep came down with increasing force, making Celestia worry that the stone itself was going to break.

Her ear flicked. Her tail was like a whip as it cut and struck at the air. "How can you be so calm? If I take the test I might die! If I don't take the test, they'll use it as proof I really am a warlock! What if some crazy witch hunter comes after me? What do I do then?"

More ear flicks. More pacing.

"Please calm down, Twilight."

Twilight spun in a perfect circle, her teeth clenched together, her ears laid flat on her head. "I will not calm down!"

Celestia reached out for her with her foreleg only for Twilight to jump back. "If you would just listen-"

"How can you always do that? Always be so calm about everything?!"

"I am not. I am simply controlling myself."

"How?!" She smashed the stone, winced when the force of the blow went up her leg.

Celestia touched the leg. "Are you alright?"

"No! No I am not! I might be marching to my death and my marefriend, former mentor and love of my life is acting like she doesn't care!"

"I do care." Celestia covered Twilight in a blanket made of her feathers. She was stiff, but her muscles slowly relaxed as Celestia drew the tips of her wings across her sides. Twilight reluctantly gave in, inching close to her. "Alright. How do I prepare for this?"

"Leave that to me."

"Uh-uh. I'm not sixteen anymore. No more wise and mysterious mentor."

"But it's so fun."

Twilight gave her a flat look.

"There is an antidote to any poison. It is guarded by cave trolls."

"If the poison doesn't kill me instantly?"

"You take it before you do the test."

Twilight nodded. "Alright, alright. I understand your plan. Where is it?"

"On the north side of the world, where mortals can not go. I'll take Luna. You'll have to sit this one out."

Twilight had heard of the north side of the world, where there was nought but ice and snow, mountains so high they towered over the clouds. The only beings that lived there were trolls.

"I will take my battle axe, Luna and I shall head out on the morrow."

"And when you come back with the antidote I can take the test."

"Precisely. I'll set it up, don't worry about a thing."

Twilight nuzzled Celestia's chest. "I might need a drink."

Celestia released her, beckoned her to follow. "I have just the thing."

Twilight trailed at her side through the halls, beyond them, turned a few corners, deeper into the maze of the castle, past guards and servants going to and through on their duties, down several flights of stairs, deeper into the very bowels of the palace, Twilight coughing at the dust, Celestia frowning at the signs of neglect, giving an order to a maid that seemed to be hiding while smoking a cigarette.

The maid scurried off, they took another flight of stairs, Twilight's legs starting to burn, but she followed Celestia who seemed to know where they were going. Celestia nudged open a large, brown door inscribed with her cutie mark, revealing another flight of stairs.

Twilight kept going after her. A row of torches lit the way through stone corridors. At the bottom of the stairs was yet one more door. Celestia pressed her horn into the lock, turned and the door opened with a scrape of wood against granite. Twilight entered the room, her jaw dropping at what she saw. It was covered top to bottom with wine bottles on shelves. A single desk was in the center of the room. "Welcome to my personal office, Twilight. Nopony ,not even my sister, comes down here or even knows it exists. I was last here during the Minotaur War."

That had been one-hundred years ago.

Celestia's golden magic wrapped around a bottle and pulled it off the shelf, setting it on the desk. Celestia laid down on a cushion and Twilight sat down beside her. The princess pulled two glasses off a shelf and laid them on a table. Her golden magic lifted up the bottle and crimson liquid filled both glasses.

Twilight noticed glowing gems embedded in the ceiling that cast shimmering, rainbow light over the room. "So, this is your personal stash?"

"Yep. I rarely drink, but it does take the edge off on occasion. Now, Cousin Thor..." She chuckled and raised the glass to her lips, taking a demure sip.

The rim of the glass was cool against Twilight's lips. The wine had a strong, sweet odor. She took one small sip, the taste that of spices, sweetness, filling her with warmth that trickled down her throat. A few more sips, her worries seemed distant, far away.

"So, you've never shared this place with anypony?"

Celestia placed down the glass. "No, I never have."

"Thank you." She lifted her glass. "To you."

She clinked the glass. "To us."

Both sipped the wine. One glass turned into a second. Then, a third.
Drunk Twilight was fun. Drunk Twilight had jumped on her back and demanded a fly. Drunk Celestia thought that a fine idea. Upraised, drunken laughter broke the stillness of the evening air. Celestia flew wildly, weaving through clouds. Twilight giggled as they plowed through a cumulus and clung tightly to her neck.

The silver moon cascaded silvery light over the clouds, a sea of mists which Celestia sailed through. The wet clouds drenched her passenger, but she did not hear a bit of a complaint. Celestia flew about several miles slower than she could have and kept adjusting herself.

She didn't try any loop-de-loops or fancy tricks which her inebriated mind was itching to do. Instead, she floated on a thermal over the ocean of stratus and cumuluses, her silhouette crossing the moon, wings spread to their fullest extent.

She felt Twilight lower her head, bury her face in her mane. Her eternally floating, rainbow mane was soft, warm, comfortable. Celestia's floating in the sky was lulling her into a relaxed state, the mane rubbing onto her face so comfortable.

Celestia heard the light snoring, changed her course back to the castle. Tomorrow would be a long day, it would be best to get some rest.