7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S3 Chapter 3: Sombra's Curse pt.1 / How to Plant a Seed

-Xavier's Recap-

When Jack finally came to the next morning, he had wondered why Pinkie was clinging to his waist. I filled him in on the drunk night he had with her, and how he got her pregnant with his child. After being slapped in the back of the head, I told him the truth. His reaction was about the same as mine when Fluttershy joined mine. The only thing I left out was why she was with him instead of me.

Not that he'd care later. The more mares Jack has, the happier. I wish I shared his emotions on that matter. Maybe it's because he's used to multiple girls liking him back on Earth? Oddly enough he never went out with any of them. He figured that they only wanted to use him to up their status. I always figured that it was because he didn't have the heart to pick one over the other. Here, he could have both, and the mares in Ponyville seem more genuine, to her credit, even Rarity.

There are times where being popular seems more of a curse and back at home, I was thankful that I didn't have it. Although, looking at Jack, it would have been a good practice for dealing with my situation. See, remember mentioning about my claustrophobia? The bed was already getting a bit too crowded for my liking. I get bed sharing is a custom here, but sometimes a guy needs his space. Thankfully Flutters understood. Didn't have the heart to tell Twilight or Dash off, seeing the former having issues with sleeping well without me for some odd reason that Luna won't talk to me about, and the later because well, had a spot on the bed first.

Enough about girl issues though. I started noticing our little siblings were often going with Jack over to Sweet Apple Acres often with the exception of Hiroto who apparently would rather work on his own projects rather than socialize. Although I was curious as to why, I kept forgetting to ask. Probably because my hands were full with other things.

-End of recap-

It had to have been around 4 o clock in the morning when my game of Uno with Celly, Starla and Dashie was interrupted by struggling and the feeling of wetness on my bed. Feeling myself shift to whatever movement as I slowly open my eyes, I waited for my brain to be atleast 35% awake before I could recognize whatever this was from being weird, to something not being right. I slowly glanced down. On one side of me was Rainbow Dash sleeping soundly. On the other side, Twilight was twisting and turning, mumbling 'no's quietly in her sleep.

Yeah, something was definitely wrong, if her horn 'lighting up' in her sleep was an indicator. And I say 'lighting up' but really, her horn didn't 'light up'. Instead of her usual violet aura, it was a bubbly dark purple with green sparks of energy emitting from them. It looked familiar, but I couldn't really place my finger on what it was. Through the feint light that it gave off, I could see Twilight's face, her eyes closed tight with tears streaming from them.

I didn't know if I should wake her up or not. The aura around her horn was most concerning. The last thing I wanted was to have her cast a spell or curse or whatever when I woke her up. I needed a second head in this. I woke up Dash with a few taps on the head.

"Wha? Whasgoinon~" She said groggily. I snapped my fingers infront of her face to wake her up faster before pointing to Twilight.

"I dunno, but Twilight's being kinda hectic... Think I should wake her up?" I asked.

"Well duh.. you should wake her up, not me.." She grumbled, turning over.

My brows furrowed at her. "Well excuse me if I think I could use a second opinion on what to do here."

Rolling my eyes, I flicked Twilight's horn hard, hoping my magic immunity would dissipate the magic even a bit. It came back to me when Twilight shot up instantly, screaming as her eyes were glowing green and red. That was all I needed to see to know that this was very serious.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" She shrieked. If Dash and I weren't fully awake, we sure were by then. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she woke anyone else up.

Twilight looked around frantically as she took in her surroundings. When her eyes landed on me and Dash, her eyes went back to normal before she had started sobbing face first onto the comforter. Well, these sheets will probably need to be dried before reuse, and not for that reason. Dash and I looked at each other, sharing very uncomfortable expressions. Dash had never seen her like this, ever. The last time I've seen Twilight this deep in despair, Discord was the cause of it. If it were April 20th, I'd say he got stone'd.

Mentally face-palming at my own stupid thoughts, I gave Twilight a few gentle pats on the head. When she lifted her head, she had latched onto both of us. I was taken aback a bit, but thinking back, I started remembering her eyes being the same color a while ago. I had pieced it together that this had all started when she was standing in front of that damned door at the Crystal Empire. She had some sort of vision that probably still haunts her. I'm going to have to have a talk with Luna soon.

I received a light nudge to the side from Dash, snapping me out of my thoughts. She was holding on to her friend and herd mate and I wasn't. She made sure I knew it. I suppose the only thing I can do now is to calm her down. I had managed to calm her down using the same trick I usually use, which are ear scratches. Ponies love 'em.

"I'm sorry.." Twilight whispered.

I shook my head. "It's cool. It was just a bad dream." I lied. Whatever this was, it was most likely more than just a dream, but it didn't seem like she needed to hear the truth at the moment. We'd talk when she was more composed and settled.

Neither of us went back to sleep.

The rest of the morning went normal for the most part. After everyone was awake, I had walked Twilight back to her library. Since Dash had the day off, she had decided to be my personal assistant for the many many many many many many.... many jobs I had. Thankfully most of them are trivial, such as fixing leaks, gutters, replacing wooden planks, and a bit of landscaping. Some of these tasks could be done by the ponies themselves, but I won't say no to easy bits. Dash was a good help, handing me tools that I ask for. I figured I would reward her by going out somewhere with her later.

It was around lunch time when I went home to chill for a bit, but noticed the house was deserted. I know where Bro, Jeff and Jack are, but seeing that school was closed today doesn't explain the silence.

Shrugging it off, I went to the kitchen to fix me a fish sandwich when I saw Hiroto out back through the window sitting on the grass while working on some device attached to the generator. It looked like a dish attached to a box under it. Over it was a plate-sized floating saucer of sorts. Opening the window, I had to ask.

"Hey Hiroto. Where's my sis and Jonathan?"

"They went to help their friends with something." He replied.

-3rd Person-

"...and then she said 'Now scram crybabies!' and took our treehouse!" Sweetie cried out loud. The five were headed to the Crusader's stolen treehouse. There was a new filly in town that had joined with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"What?!?" Jonathan shouted. "I'll show them! First I'm gonna be all cool and stroll up and say 'Hey. You better give us back our clubhouse.' And if they don't, I'm gonna show 'em what's what!"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo yelled.

"And then they'll be really really super sorry they ever messed with my friends!" Jonathan continued.

Scoots jumped in the air, excitedly. "That's right! They don't wanna mess with you Jonny!"

Brianna stayed silent, smiling as she hummed Green Green's Theme to herself all while Jonathan continued going on about how he was going to take back the treehouse and Scootaloo cheering him on.

Soon they had reached their destination. Brianna had casually walked behind the treehouse while no one was looking. Scootaloo had came forward and demanded the bullies' attention.


Jonathan got a good look at the new filly as she came out. Brown coat, two toned orange mane.

"Yeah! It wasn't very nice." Applebloom added. Sweetie Bell just sat, looking downtrodden behind everyone.

"Or what? You gonna tattle on me? You gonna snitch?" She said, her voice sounding a bit deep for her size. She then noticed their extra member and laughed. "Or are you gonna sick your pink monkey at me?"

Jonathan bravely stepped in front of Scootaloo. "Hey. I'm gunna say this and I'm gunna say it once. You better give us back our clubhouse if you know what's good for you!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked out.

"Didn't she tell you to get lost?" DT asked.

"Yeah I did. What're you gonna do, chimp?"

"You asked for this!!" Jonathan took off his shirt and tossed it to the side as he got into a stance. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...." Jonathan started to charge, his energy levels rising. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" The ground benieth his feet started to crack as rocks started floating. His hair started growing, changing from brown to golden. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!"

The new filly stared down at him with a bored as none of what was described above happened. Diamond Tiara was giggling at the little screaming idiot as his face turned pink and red from all of his screaming.

Suddenly, from behind her, DT felt a chill. She turned around and looked inside through the front window and saw Brianna, staring dead at her from the back of the room with a pretty disturbing look holding up a sign.

Do I need to teach you another lesson?

The filly's mane stood on the back of her neck as she suddenly shrieked and fell off the deck of the treehouse. Her shrieking also caused the new filly, Babs Seed, and Silver Spoon to do the same. With all three going overboard, Jonathan approached the bullies, stopping in front of them with his arms crossed.

"You did it Jonny!" Scoots cheered.

"That worked?!?" "Sweetie and Applebloom said unanimously.

Jonathan looked at her, nodding his head with a smug look before returning his attention to the bullies.

"Now apologize." He demanded.

Babs squealed. "Alright alright! I'm sorry!"

Jonathan wanted to savor his victory. "For?"

"You alread know.." Babs mumbled, still trying to sound tough.

Jonathan laughed. "You know, this isn't even my final form." There was a faint groan coming from the treehouse that nobody heard.

Babs finally submitted. "Okay okay! I'm sorry! Just make your face not red anymore!"

Brianna came from behind the tree and walked up to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "Maybe I should whoop you both this time."

Only one word could describe the damsel duo: Gone. They wasted no time in getting up and running back to town, screaming, leaving poor Babs surrouned. Seeing tere was no where left to run, her eyes watered up and she broke down crying like Sweetie Bell earlier. Unfortunately Applejack was nearby. So was Jack.

"What in tarnation is goin' on?!"

The kids had some explaining to do.

-Jack's Half-Assed Summary-

Apparently the new lil girl was Applebloom's cousin from Manehattan named Babs Seed who had a history of being bullied and wanted to be on the other end of stick this time.

Applejack came in head strong, as always, and ready to defend Babs going scold mode instantly. I did some investigatioin and it turned out to be a quick one. DT and SS had left quite a bit of their things in the treehouse, including DT's tiara. After a few 'OBJECTIONS,' desk slams and finger pointng, Babs confessed then and there, forcing my girl AJ to swallow her tongue for a moment. After said moment, she turned on Babs and surprisingly swallowed her tongue again when the girls and lil man forgave her, Jonathan being the first, so long as she never bullied again. Everyone is happy, everyone is cheering, yeah yay hoorah, blah, happy ending. Whatever.

Later hoes.