The Life of Zanti

by ZeroZi

Chapter 5

I awoke the next morning yawning loudly, looking out the window the sun was shining bright. “Mmm that was a great night and some amazing sleep… welp I should get up and start my day.”

I get out of bed and stretch yawning loudly in the process, I make my bed them walk to the bathroom brushing my teeth. Afterword I head to the front door and when I answer it, I find a mare with cans of paint and primer wearing reddish orange overalls with paint brushes in her pocket and rollers in a bag “oh hello, I’m Fresh Coat, I was sent to paint your rooms and walls.”

I smile and hug her”hello and thank you, upstairs is awful.” Fresh Coat laughs. “Come on, no way it’s that bad.” She smiled. I smiled and showed her upstairs then I pointed at the wall. Her smile disappeared and she looked at me with a determined and serious look “leave and come back later, in a few hours this abomination shall be cleansed.” I nod looking a bit terrified “alright I will be back later, also when I come back I will treat you to lunch.” Fresh Coat looked back at me with a smile “awesome can’t wait~ now if you will excuse me” Smiling pulling out some paper “I have painting to do~” as she starts lying down the paper I walked the front door to my house smiling “ok need to kill time what should I do?”

I decided on going to town, as i walked i started to get lost in thought "i wonder if I could find Pinkamena she is so cute and her flank is so..." blushing, I then shook my head “ok stop having naughty thoughts about that beautiful sexy pink mare…” I look down blushing, as I walked to town I bump into somepony.

I look up and see Applejack scowling at me “hey watch where you’re going partner.” She was blushing a bit, I looked at her looking apologetic “I’m sorry Applejack I was distracted…” blushing a bit Applejack looked at me a little confused “by what?” she asked looking a bit concerned

I look at her speaking in a low voice “Pinkamena’s sexy body…” Applejack blushed so hard she was as red as her big brother “oh my wait…” she grin standing next to me putting her hoof around my neck “you got a crush on Pinkie partner~?” I looked down red as an apple nodding silently.

Applejack chuckled “well partner I’m rooting for you just don’t break her heart or I’m going to have to buck you into next week~.” She said with a smile it sent a shiver down my spine I smiled nodding chuckling nervously “Got it I won’t let her feel that pain….” Looks down feeling down


Applejack looked worried wanting to ask what’s wrong but decided she shouldn’t “you ok there?” I fix myself trying to give her a genuine smile “yea I’m fine.” Applejack nods smiling “ok if you’re sure then I have to go oh yea Pinkie should be a Sugarcube Corner.” She pat him on the back “well later have a good day~” she walks off towards the market place I smile and head for Sugarcube Corner as I saw the giant gingerbread house coming into view I saw a griffon flying off looking sad and upset so I go inside and see Pinkamena and Rainbow Dash together drinking fruit punch as I approached them they smiled and waved.

“Hi Zanti what brings you here?” Rainbow smiled offering a hoofbump I smiled returning the gesture “Hi Rainbow…” Rainbow chuckled “just call me Dash that’s what all my friends call me.” I nodded “Ok Dash I’m actually here for Pinkamena.” Dash grinned as she hovered around him as if sizing him up “hmm yea you seem good enough I will give you two some alone time.” She whispered in his ear before leaving “she a hooful but she is worth it trust me don’t chicken out.” She walked off smiling.

I on the other hoof was blushing hard as Pinkamena grabbed me “oooh oooh I know where we can go~” she smiles carrying me all the way to her room at blinding speed it was almost like teleporting, before I knew it I was in front of her blushing while she was lying down on her bed on her side facing me, I could see her clit it was pretty big and stiff looking in my mind I was thinking “wait, why can I see it? Normally can’t see mare keep it hidden with all their other parts only showing when they need to use the restroom or are in heat... wait does she”

“Hello Zanti…~” Pinkie called out as I was staring off into space lost in my thoughts, shaking my head I answered back “oh yea sorry got lost in thought.” I chuckled nervously while Pinkamena laughed and snorted with me. “Yea that happens to me sometimes but what did you want to talk about?” I looked at her nervously not sure how to say it “Pinkamena…. I…I like you a lot and uh… Will you be my Marefriend?!?” I closed my eyes lowering my head blushing red as a beet waiting for her possible rejection, after a few minutes I look up at her and she is fast asleep I hanged my head in defeat as I tucked her in and left the room as I head down the stairs back in the front of the shop Dash was waiting for me smiling “so how did it go?” she asked eager to hear the details. I told her what happened and she fell on the ground laughing harder and harder till she was tearing up from the pain.

I felt even worst when Dash stood up wrapping her hooves around me “well cheer up there is always next time~” I looked up at her smiling weakly “yea your right I’m going to head home.” Dash nodded and flew off as I walked how when I got back inside I went straight up stair and the horrible wall that once was green was now a beautiful shade of white. I was in a state of awe when Fresh Coat walked up to me covered in dry paint “you like?” she asked with a cocky grin

Still looking stunned I responded “Like it I don’t like it I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!” I hug her with all my might saying thank you over and over again. She tapped my back begging for me to let her go after putting her down I blushed for a moment “sorry about that hey you still want that lunch my treat.” Fresh Coat smiled and nodded as they headed out to eat. As we walked into town I began to think how bad I felt about not being able to tell Pinkamena how I feel oh well always next time~

Meanwhile back in Pinkie’s room

Pinkie is rubbing her hard clit and wet pussy as she sleeps neighing lustfully as she talked in her sleep “Zanti…ahhh pls more I want you pls…” while she was dreaming Miss Cake was listening blushing with her pussy dripping a bit “oh my Pinkie…”